N Deficiency of gustatory sen-sitivity to some deterrent compounds in polyphagous mutant strains of the silkworm, Potato leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) varietal prefer-ences in edible beans in relation to visual and olfactory cue, Contact chemoreception in feeding by phytophagous insects. Mature leaves were tough, fully expanded, deep green in color, and weighed 0.03 g to 0.17 g for P. bombycina, 0.06–0.60 g for L. polyantha, 0.18–0.51 g for L. salicifolia and 0.09–0.19 for L. citrata. 2005). Caryophyllene, decyl aldehyde, dodecyl aldehyde, that showed positive response on the attraction test, also produced biting behavior by the larvae. Itagaki Significant variation of soluble protein, total phenol, and PAL activity was observed in the leaves of four host plants at three different maturity levels. Neither BioOne nor the owners and publishers of the content make, and they explicitly disclaim, any express or implied representations or warranties of any kind, including, without limitation, representations and warranties as to the functionality of the translation feature or the accuracy or completeness of the translations. Diet numbers 20 and 14 could support almost equally the growth of the larvae up to 2nd instar (35.2% and 34.6% survival percent). JJA Schoonhoven 2004; Heisswolf et al. Silkworm (Antheraea assamensis Helfer) larvae. Ahmed JA Like other insects (Saxena and Schoonhoven 1978, 1982; Asaoka and Akai 1991; Mondy et al. Gillard The variations in the mean percent consumption per minute with respect to host plant and water were not significant in the case of MAX, ANT, and NONE larvae. In order to assay larval food preferences, four leaf discs (14 mm in diameter) of each plant species (A or B) arranged alternately were placed on the floor around the circumference of a transparent plastic container (10 cm di-ameter) (Figure 1B). The one plant food choice test (single choice test) was carried out between a host or non-host plant and water in order to evaluate the degree of preference for different food plants by comparing the plants with a neutral medium. The relative quantities of these compounds in the leaves of three different maturity levels are presented in Table 3. Riffel As per our studies using SEM, the maxillary palp of A. assamen-sis contains eight sensilla basiconica in a groove and, similar to other Lepidopterans (Dethier and Crnjar 1982), three out of them located centrally,with a unique grooved struc-ture are olfactory, and five located peripherally, each with a small terminal pore, are gustatory (unpublished data). Nees and L. citrata Blume, and the chemical basis of feeding preference were investigated. In the present experiment, a mixture of myrcetin and 7, 2′, 4′ trimethoxy dihydroxy flavone with βsitosterol exhibited the highest biting behavior, β-sitosterol is the active compound of the mulberry plant that induces biting behavior from B. mori. Nees and L. citrata Blume, and the chemical basis of feeding preference were investigated. The Foods Used Were Two Hosts, Two Non-Hosts, And A Neutral Medium (Water). Is the Water Supply a Key Factor in Stingless Bees’ Intoxication? 2003). . Azaindole was found to deter them from the host plants. Nees and L. citrata Blume. While it is well documented that the gustatory system plays a leading role in food discrimi-nation (Hanson and Dethier 1973), insects need to rely on olfactory senses in natural habitats in order to reduce the cost of host plant searching. 30 eggs per host larva. This result might be due to the prior feeding history of the larvae. For example, the best host plant for the larva may not be the best site for the egg or for adult feeding. producing an exquisite and lustrous golden yellow silk of high economic value. The other parameters also showed large variations under different treatments. APS-3612: Development of Seed Preservation Technology for Muga Silkworm (Antheraea assamensis Helfer) (with SSTL, CSB, Kodathi) Funding agency: CSB, Bangalore Loughrin They are polyphagous, but thrive primarily on two host plants, Persea bombycina Kostermans (Laurales: Lauraceae) and Litseapolyantha Juss. The health of the larvae was very poor and only 3% of them (1 out of 30 larvae) survived up to the 2nd instar. Mean percent consumption per minute and percentage of choosing larvae in the dual food choice test. It is found in Assam in northeast India where 99% of its production occurs.. . Heisswolf From time immemorial, many ethnic and tribal groups have produced muga silk. Differentiation of roles of chemosensory organs in food dis-crimination among host and non-host plants by larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Foodplant se-lection and induction of feeding preference among host and non-host plants in larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Food plant se-lection and induction of feeding preference among host and nonhost plants in larvae of tobacco hornworm, Feeding stimulatory and inhibitory chemicals from an acceptable nonhost plant for. The discs were then treated with the extracted chemicals or with standard reference chemicals; two discs were treated with solvent control. This preference may vary widely among different host plants of the same family or even among different varieties of the same species (Lederhouse et al. However, the percentage of ANT and MAX larvae opting for L. polyantha was significant-ly reduced compared to that of the control. Mitscher A chi-square test was per-formed between the percent of choosing larvae to show orientation preference. 2. Two others, Litsea salicifolia Roxburgh ex. The varia-tion in mean percent consumption between the two choices was significant (p < 0.05). Therefore, after the initial approach to the host plant based on olfactory perception, the taste receptors probably played a somewhat dominant role in the feeding-acceptance decision-making process, and hence the MAX larvae exhibited equal prefer-ence towards both the host plants. The antenna is the primary olfactory organ of insects, while the maxillary palp is a close range olfactory sensor in food selection, as has both olfactory and gustatory sensilla. Only freshly prepared filtrate was used in each bioassay. If a larva made no choice within 5 minutes (3 minutes was suffi-cient to reach the end of the arms), the response was scored as a no-response. Muga (Antheraea assamensis) silkworm is endemic to Assam and adjoining-area in North-Eastern India such as Meghalaya because of its unique climatic conditions which fulfil its ecological requirements in its natural adobe. The ends of the two arms of the Y-tube were connected to two adaptors made of Z-glass, and in each adaptor was placed a piece of Whatman filter paper (1 cm2). Create a new folder below. There are very few studies on the feeding behavior of A. assamensis with respect to chemical stimuli of its host plants. Hook and Litsea monopetela Persoon, are regarded as its primary host plants. In NONE larvae, the mean percent consump-tion per minute was higher in the case of non-hosts (p < 0.05). Muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), the producer of golden silk, is a lepidopteran insect endemic to northeastern India. EA The humidified air was first passed through charcoal filters and then through the rotameter into the adaptors at-tached to the arms of the Y-tube. Rearing of Antheraea assamensis Heifer (Muga) on Persea bombycina King (Som) and Litsea polyantha Blume (Soalu), the two primary host plants, is prerogative of Assam for commercial production of golden yellow Muga silk. 1979, McFarlane and Distler 1982, Simmonds 2001, Green et al. Twenty newly hatched larvae were allowed to feed on different leaf types that were reared up to spinning. AK Rose While linalyl acetate induces attraction towards leaves of muga host plants, a mixture of caryophyllene, decyl aldehyde and dodecyl aldehyde is the best at inducing attraction of larvae to leaves and induce biting behavior. Unni The other chemicals exhibited either deterrent responses (azaindole) or did not have any effect on the muga silkworms. . The feeding habits of Antheraea assamensis, Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) larvae towards the leaves of its four different host plants, Persea bombycina King ex. Survivability of larvae till spinning and other cocoon parameters was then recorded. specialist insects were much higher than those of related generalist swallowtails. The sensory codes underlying feeding behaviour, Multimodal Chemosensory Integration through the Maxillary Palp in, Olfactory capabili-ties of the gustatory chemoreceptors of the tobacco hornworm larvae, Pore structures in in-sect olfactory sensilla: a review of data and concepts, International Journal of Insect Morphology And Embryology. Two layers of paper towels and one layer of filter paper (Whatman No. KEY WORDS: Muga, som, soalu , rearing, grainage. This is an open access paper. Larvae were immobilized on ice for 15-30 minutes and the peripheral sense organs, namely the antenna, maxillary palp, maxillary galea, labrum epipharynx, and labial palp, were removed selectively by microsurgery, keeping only the organ considered for study. When given a choice between L. polyantha and Z. jujuba, ALL, UNI, ANT, and MAX larvae opted for L. polyantha, and the percent of larvae opting for L. polyantha was 100 in each case (p < 0.001). External factors may include host plant volatiles, surface chemistry, color, texture, and shape (Rausher 1978, Brown et al. In each assay testing orien-tation based on odor perception, a fifth instar larva belonging to any of the ALL, UNI, MAX, ANT, and NONE larval groups was released through a 2 cm opening located at the base of the stem of the Y-tube . P. bombycina or L. polyantha vs. water. can influence in the interaction. In conformity with the ingestive test, when the odor test was per-formed for host versus water, the percentage of MAX and ANT larvae opting for P. bom-bycina was equal to that of the control. Gabler The Results Indicate The Ne-Cessity Of Functional Integration Of A Combination Of Olfactory And Gustatory Sensilla Present In Different Peripheral Organs In Food Acceptance By A. Assamensis Larvae. 2004) (Figure 1A). This functionality is provided solely for your convenience and is in no way intended to replace human translation. Muga Silkworm dfls were hatched by „Black Boxing‟ method. Hook (Laurales: Lauraceae), Litsea polhantha Jussieu, L. salicifolia Roxburgh ex. Hanson Your comment will be reviewed and published at the journal's discretion. 1991, Lederhouse et al. When larvae were given a choice between P. bombycina and water, 80% of the UNI larvae and 70% of the MAX and ANT larvae opted for P. bombycina. NONE larvae could not differentiate the non-host from water, and opted for both the choices. Although the emerging larvae have no choice but to feed on the plant/tree on which its mother had laid eggs, as otherwise the chances of its sur-vival are very limited, olfactory organs might also play a strong role in the insect’s food-source-directed movement. Percentage of larvae opting for odor choice in Y-tube olfactometer. During foraging, herbivorous insects perceive different information available in the natural environment, and a specialist might use spe-cific biophysical and chemical cues provided by a host plant. Mean percent consumption per minute and percentage of choosing larvae in the single plant food choice test. Comparative abundance of the phenolic compounds in the leaves of different age group of Persea bombycina. ML The amount of time it took, called T50, varied from 2 minutes to 1 hour from the start of the test. Similar to L. grandifolia, in the food choice test for the non-host, Z. jujuba, the antennae and maxillary palp were individually compe-tent in the rejection of the non-host, and in their absence the NONE larvae could not dif-ferentiate the non-host from the host and wa-ter. The feeding habits of Antheraea assamensis, Helfer (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) larvae towards the leaves of its four different host plants, Persea bombycina King ex. Both Were Competent In Rejecting The Non-Hosts , L. Grandifolia And Z. Jujuba. Odor choice test. Disease-free eggs were determined by examining fe-males during oviposition for the presence of pebrine spores, and eggs produced by females that were free of pebrine spores were consid-ered to be disease-free. Blackmer 1962). (1994) categorized preference to Machilus (= Persea) on the basis of dodecanal and carryo-phyllene, Neog et al. 2000, Janz 2002). 2008, Mercader and Scriber 2008), suggesting that even after millions of years of specialization, behavioral and detoxification abilities still exist for plants that have never been encountered. Biol. When ablated larvae were given a choice be-tween the odor of a host versus non-hosts, ALL, UNI, ANT, and MAX larvae opted for only the host plant odor (p < 0.001) and only NONE larvae opted for both the choices (p = 1.0). Schmitt Similarly, each of them were also com-petent in rejecting the non-host, as the NONE larvae failed to differentiate between host and non-host. . High quality figures are available online. G The mean percent consumption per minute was significantly lower in ANT and MAX in comparison to that of UNI larvae (Figure 2C, D). Mus-tapatra The larva feed on Cinnamomum, Laurus, Litsea, Carpinus, Persea, Magnolia, Michelia, Quercus, Sarcostemma and Symplocos. Ten larvae were placed in the dishes and the number of larvae attracted to or showing biting behavior towards a particular treatment was recorded and expressed as a percent. Bernays Based on morphological and physiological characteristics, the leaves of the host plants were identified as tender, medium, and mature. The disease occurs throughout the year and makes maximum foliar damages during rainy seasons. Diseases to Muga silkworm causing huge economic losses and we are developing new technology to control diseases for better future of sericulture in North-East India. High quality figures are available online. The behavioral responses to plant extracts prepared from the host and non-host plants were assessed by using one all-glass Y-tube olfactometer (3 cm diameter and 15 cm long) (modified from Blackmer et al. Significant variation was observed in the survivability of larvae of different instars when they were fed only with tender, medium or mature leaves of different host plants. In Manduca sexta, while antennae were recorded to mediate acceptance and re-jection behavior for plants tested, maxillary palp mediated preference for normally reject-ed plant species (De Boer 2006). The experiments consisted of a minimum of 10 choices, and the insects showing no response were discarded. Every day from the date of brushing onwards plants were prayed two times in a day with respective spray solutions. P. bombycina, L. polyantha, L. salicifolia and L. citrata twigs with five to six tender, medium and mature leaves, taken immediately after detachment from their branches, were placed one foot away from the centre. K Similar to ANT larvae, only 20% of NONE larvae opted for L. polyantha (Figure 3). . NONE larvae did not dif-ferentiate between the host and non-host (Figure 2E). . The highest male pupal weight was measured in caryophyllene-treated plants and the highest female pupal weight was measured in dodecyl aldehyde-treated plants (Table 5). Hook (Laurales: Lauraceae), Litsea polhantha Jussieu, L. salicifolia Roxburgh ex. BK . The flavonoids, myrcetin and 7, 2′, 4′ trimethoxy dihydroxy flavone showed higher concentration in tender and medium leaves while others showed higher levels in mature leaves. In the present investigation, it was observed that young larvae fed with mature leaves and vice versa had the lowest survivale rates, suggesting that feeding larvae with leaves of suitable maturity is important for higher survival. Only 20% of the NONE larvae opted for P. bombycina, and the re-maining 80% opted for water (p < 0.001). Rearing was conducted till spinning. Hazarika (1994) categorized Machilus (=Persea) bombycina idiotypes into most preferred, moderately preferred and least preferred types and suggested that dodecanal and caryophyllene, present dominantly in the most preferred idiotypes, may play the role of olfactory attractants, enhancing the feeding rate of muga silkworms on these plants. The percent of larvae opting for P. bombycina was 100 in all larvae except NONE larvae, which failed to differentiate between P. bombycina and L. grandifolia (p < 0.05). To access this item, please sign in to your personal account. The bite marks were recorded after 24 hours, which was repeated five times. Preferred as revealed by the larvae of the tender, medium and mature leaves as! Creamy white in color pal activity in crude enzyme was determined according to the described. On their preferred hosts, lifetime growth rates of antheraea assamensis host plant specialist insects much. 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2020 antheraea assamensis host plant