Life Insurance Health Classifications Insurance rating classifications are based on one’s medical history and the results of the medical exam (if one is taken). Filed Under: Pre-Existing Conditions and Other Risks. Although at the bottom of the four general life insurance health risk classifications, Standard / Regular is a very common health classification. Bestow is one of our top recommended no-exam companies offering 10 and 20 year plans up to age 55. But, if you had pneumonia twelve years ago and was briefly hospitalized for it and have had no problems since, you can probably be certain that there will be no effect on your rating for that with most companies. Generally speaking, most companies charge about 25% premium for each lower health classification, so if you pay $100 a year for the best class, the same individual at the same age and gender who gets a preferred rating, one class down from preferred class, might pay about $125. Reviewed by Standard Smoker. Some people are healthy and some have a few minor health conditions. Most companies have 8 to 10 table rates and are typically referred to by letters or numbers. IMPORTANT NOTE: So if you are a male applicant and mom passed away due to breast or ovarian cancer you can still qualify for the best health class. Depending on the life insurance company, most will allow up to 1 cigar per month and must test negative for cotinine on the life insurance medical exam. Quotes and offers are not binding, nor a guarantee of coverage. Applicants must also fall within the family health history guidelines of no death from cancer or heart disease, prior to age 60-65, depending on the life insurance company. Thank you. Written by We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by life insurance experts. This health classification is given to applicants who use tobacco products. The same holds true when you get into the substandard table rating. Labs may be elevated and height and weight do not meet the guidelines of Preferred Smoker. Leslie Kasperowicz holds a BA in Social Sciences from the University of Winnipeg. Qualifying for the health classification of Preferred Plus will result in lower premiums, than that of an applicant qualifying for a substandard rating, due to a high-risk medical condition. If you have ever had a DUI or DWI or a major moving violation, most life insurance companies will consider you for the best health classification if it has been over 5-10 years. You could be penalized for a very hazardous occupation. The life insurance health classification is a determining factor in how much you will pay for the life insurance coverage. Life insurance shouldn’t be a project. Standard Non-smoker. The first four classes are considered health ratings while the classes below those are table ratings. This health classification is given to applicants who use tobacco products and do not meet the guidelines for Preferred Smoker. As always, if you have any questions, call us at the office at 888-603-2876 or to get a quote, please use our instant life insurance quote form on the right. Prices keep rising with “Standard Plus” and “Standard “. You may currently be in the best shape of your life, but if your parents have passed away before the age of 60 due to cancer or heart issues, it will disqualify you from receiving the best health classification. By proceeding, you give your consent and expectation to be contacted by a life insurance producer or company. Not all extreme hobbies or sports activities will require you to pay an extra premium. Other non-health related things you could be penalized for would be hazardous activities, such as skydiving, being a pilot, scuba diving below 100 feet, cliff diving and so on. Get free quotes now! It could help in the situation that I mentioned above, where you just need to lose a few pounds and then you fall under a better health classification, but there’s a chance that you need to lose more than 10-15 pounds to get the better health classification, so even if you take the time to lose ten pounds, you still might not get that better rating. All insurance rates, products, and services are presented without warranty and guarantee. RELATED: Check Sample Life Insurance Rates by Age (No Personal Info Required). Substandard or Table Rated. Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. We strive to help you make confident life insurance decisions. There are two life insurance companies, as of now, that will consider non-tobacco rates if you admit use on both the exam and application. See if you qualify for “no exam” today. If you are five feet, ten and need to weigh under 190 pounds to get a preferred plus rating with a company, and you only weigh 194 pounds, you might make the effort to diet and exercise for a couple of weeks before taking your exam to try to get the best health class. Leslie Kasperowicz Life insurance health classifications are used by life insurance companies to determine your risk of insurability. Life Insurance Health Classifications Every life insurance company has two sets of ratings: one for non-smokers and another for smokers or tobacco users. The number or letter is given based on the severity of the medical condition and will increase the premium by 25%. To compare quotes from many different life insurance companies please enter your ZIP code on this page to use the free quote tool. Life insurance classifications are used to determine how risky you are to insure. Life Insurance Health Classifications. Standard Plus – Better than average health. Table Rated 1 … The less of a risk you are to the life insurance company, the better health classification you qualify for. Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard Plus, and Standard are all terms used when describing life insurance health classifications. Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard Plus, and Standard are all terms used when describing life insurance health classifications. Anything under 5 year’s time will result in a lower health class than the best. This information may be different than what you see when you visit an insurance provider, insurance agency, or insurance company website. So, if you travel three months out of the year to a remote region in China that is not modernized, this could be cause for alarm, possibly a penalty and possibly even a decline. Learn more about how we make money. For example, if you scuba dive less than 100 feet depth you can qualify for a Preferred health classification without any flat extra premium. You need to put yourself in the insurance company’s shoes and think that anything that could increase your likelihood of premature death is something that they will potentially ask about on their applications and penalize you for. Policies administered by Ethos fall within these classifications with the exception of Standard Plus. Smokeless Tobacco – If you use smokeless tobacco such as chew, snuff, or dip, most life insurance companies will consider you at smoker rates. Participation in extreme hobbies or sports such as scuba diving, aeronautics, powered racing/competitive racing, mountain/rock climbing, rodeos, competitive skiing or snowboarding, and any other extreme sports activity can jeopardize your health classification, as well as cost you an extra premium. The health classification of Preferred should be used for applicants that are in very good health but may have one or two minor health issues that are being treated with medication such as controlled cholesterol or blood pressure. Farmers CSR for 4 Years. The health classification of Preferred Plus should be used for applicants that have absolutely no negative health history, are not taking any medications for health-related factors, are within guidelines for height and weight, and also have no family history resulting in death from cancer or heart disease, before age 60-65, depending on the life insurance company. If you submit your personal information, you are making a consumer inquiry for life insurance through us as a licensed insurance producer as more fully described below. Some life insurance companies use a unisex height and weight chart while others have specific height and weight guidelines for males and females. The underwriter will also consider the following when determining your final health classification for approval: Every life insurance company will have its own set of height and weight regulations for each health classification. Any health or personal information shared is protected by applicable privacy laws and regulations, including HIPAA. The better your risk classification, the lower your cost. All license numbers are available here. The primary factors affecting your rating will be your: In most cases, your health classification will not be affected by health incidents that happened over ten years ago, unless it was a major medical condition, such as cancer, heart attack or stroke. The better your rating, the lower your premium. It’s simple with Ladder Life. Remember, it could save you about 25% by getting one class better, so it’s worth the effort. A flat extra fee is an additional premium that generally ranges from $2-$10 per $1000 of the death benefit and will be determined based on your level of participation in the activity. Knowing which health classification you may qualify for will give you the most accurate life insurance quotes possible. If you just were hospitalized with pneumonia six months ago, you could see that with that being more recent, that could give more cause for alarm to the insurance companies and they could possibly rate you down a bit for that. Chris Huntley is a nationally recognized expert on insurance. Most life insurance carriers have between 12 to 15 health classifications which may look something like this. DUI, DWI or a history of reckless driving can all have a major impact on your health classification. We are not affiliated with any one life insurance provider and cannot guarantee quotes from any single provider. The better your rating, the lower your premium. Most life insurance carriers have between 12 to 15 health classifications which may look something like this. The following risk classifications are the most commonly used by life insurance companies. AIG Direct specializes in insuring people just like you. Your level of participation is determined by your responses to the extreme hobbies and sports questionnaire that is completed with the life insurance application. Want to take the “pain” out of life insurance? She spent several years as a Farmers Insurance CSR, gaining a solid understanding of insurance products including home, life, auto, and commercial and working directly with insurance customers to understand their needs. In this case, you can quit smoking, wait one year and then reapply as a nonsmoker. Life insurance health ratings are levels used by life insurance companies to determine what rate will be used to calculate your premium. Most life insurance companies like to see 7-10 years with no abuse or treatment in order to qualify for a health classification other than substandard. Published September 24, 2020. Our insurance industry partnerships don’t influence our content. This risk class is the best health class obtainable for life insurance coverage. Foreign travel will not necessarily effect your health classification, but it is important to note that any planned travel outside U.S. to an unsafe area can be a decline for coverage or flat rate extra fee. If you believe you might be overweight, send us a message, and will check the life insurance company’s height and weight chart to make sure you are quoting the correct health classification. Looking for a personalized insurance quote? Your overall health history plays a big role in determining your health class but it’s not the only factor. Your one-stop online guide for life insurance quotes. Also referred to as your health class, underwriting classifications are the categories life insurance companies use to determine your health and level of risk. As life insurance rates are a reflection of one’s health, less-than-perfect health usually means a lower life insurance health classification, resulting in higher premiums. The same goes for female applicants if dad passed away from prostate cancer you can still qualify for the best health classification. Looking to compare life insurance policies? Great rates with no exam! A loose definition is: A life insurance health class is a combination of medical tests and characteristics, personal and family health history, combined with your career and lifestyle choices to form a single level of life insurance qualification. When evaluating rates, please verify directly with your insurance company or agent. Each insurance company is somewhat different. Cigars – Cigar smokers are generally classified with smoker rates but many life insurance companies will allow for non-smoker rates for occasional cigar use. The health classification of Preferred Tobacco is the best health class obtainable for tobacco users. Height and weight guidelines do not meet that of the preferred health classes and death from cancer or heart disease, prior to age 60-65, of an immediate family member may have occurred. His mission when he created Top Quote Life Insurance was to provide online consumers searching for life insurance with the absolute best quotes for term life insurance, permanent life insurance, no medical exam life insurance, and burial insurance. This health classification is generally given to applicants that may have slightly elevated lab results or a little over the height and weight guidelines for Preferred. Founder & Licensed Agent. Substandard health classifications generally come in 8-10 tables that are associated with either a number or letter grade. A special note on losing weight: A lot of people tell me that they would like to postpone applying for life insurance because they want to lose 10-15 pounds. In summary, here are the life insurance health classes and what they are based on: Preferred Plus – perfectly healthy, no family history, or dangerous occupations. Preferred Plus – The best category (only about 5% of people qualify for Pref. The Best Insurance Companies: Everything You Need To Know. Most life insurance companies have anywhere from 12 to 15 health class ratings. Stick with me for a few minutes and we’ll answer these questions and more. See our article on SMOKER RATES FOR SMOKELESS CHEWING TOBACCO LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE. Top Quote Life Insurance provides instant life insurance quotes from the nation’s top life insurance companies. Out of the 7 health classifications, 4 are given to non-tobacco users, 2 for tobacco users, and 1 for applicants who would be considered Substandard or high-risk applicants. The life insurance health classification is a determining … Preferred Plus: You’re in … Jeffrey Manola is an experienced life insurance agent and the founder of Top Quote Life Insurance. The reason life insurance classifications are important is because your health classification affects your premium. If you drink a few alcoholic beverages per week, this will not disqualify you for life insurance coverage or prevent you from getting the best health classification. Applicants that qualify for Preferred Tobacco must meet the guidelines for height and weight, blood pressure and cholesterol and have no death of an immediate family member from cancer or heart disease, prior to age 60-65, depending on the life insurance company. While life insurers may refer to these life insurance rate classifications differently, there are some basic categories that are generally used industry wide. Advertiser Disclosure: We strive to help you make confident life insurance decisions. Perhaps you’ve heard of terms like “Preferred” or “Standard” as it applies to life insurance ratings and have scratched your head. In most cases, multiple DUI’s, DWI’s or moving violations can prevent you from even getting life insurance coverage. Sometimes there are small thresholds to getting you into a better rating, such as with height and weight. Plus) Preferred – Second best, an excellent rating. There are many variables in different insurance coverages and companies, including various insurance company standards and offerings, underwriting requirements and may not be available in all states. 5 Critical Tips You Must Know Before Buying Life Insurance, that some people try to lose weight quickly, Family History of Heart Disease or Cancer, Hazardous Activities (High risk sports, occupation or travel outside the U.S.). It should be noted that generally, only 5-10% of people qualify for Preferred Plus. From high blood pressure to diabetes, AIG Direct has seen it all and since they have access to multiple companies, they can find you the absolute lowest rates! For traditional life insurance coverage, carriers will review your medical exam and application to determine which class you fall into. Use of hard drugs, addiction to painkillers, or excessive use of alcohol would be a concern to the underwriters especially if it has lead to time in rehab. A lot of agents won’t know what those thresholds are, but there are thresholds for how high your cholesterol can be, how much you can weigh, thresholds for how often you can smoke a cigar and various factors like this determining your health classification, so be sure you use an independent agent like me, who can explain the difference to you between the different companies and help you apply to the company who will give you the best rating, or help you come up with a plan to get you into a better rating. IMPORTANT: RELATED: 5 Critical Tips You Must Know Before Buying Life Insurance. Preferred – overall perfectly healthy, perhaps family history, a little overweight or having a few recent speeding tickets. Life insurance companies view extreme hobbies and sports as high risk and in most cases charge a “flat rate extra fee”. The more quotes you compare, the more chances to save. This health classification should be considered for applicants that may have elevated labs or some additional health factors. SMOKER RATES FOR SMOKELESS CHEWING TOBACCO LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE. This website provides information for the reader to choose to request more information about life insurance, including how to apply for a quote. Our opinions are our own. Again, this may seem unfair, but the odds say that many individuals who lose large amounts of weight in a short period of time will gain that weight back. Click below to see if you qualify. This is a big reason not to wait to purchase life insurance coverage. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything life insurance-related. Life insurance rate classifications are used by companies to classify people in different categories that essentially determine their risk of dying. Enter your ZIP code to get free quotes from multiple insurers. In many cases, this could help my client, but in many cases, it may not. So, yes it is hereditary and yes the insurance companies will penalize you for that. Comparison shopping should be easy. We don’t blame you! Over the past 10 years, Chris has helped thousands of individuals find the right insurance solutions through his private practice and his publications. We can help. They differ on the names of their classifications and in the requirements to qualify for a rating class. It may seem unfair, seeing as how he is in great health, but genesis has proven that there is a higher likelihood of getting cancer in individuals who have had parents with cancer. “Insurance Blog By Chris" is a trademark of Ad Practitioners LLC. If you do not qualify for one of the four general classifications, you may qualify for table ratings. Most life insurance companies use up to 7 life insurance health classifications. For example, a 30-year-old in perfect health, whose never been hospitalized, never taken medication, can still be downgraded as much as two health classes, all the way down to standard plus, if both of his parents died of cancer prior to age 60. The ratings generally fall into four classes: preferred plus, preferred, standard plus, and standard. The life insurance companies use health classifications to properly assess the risk they are undertaking. No portion of may be copied, published, faxed, mailed or distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization from the owner. By requesting a quote, or application for a quote, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions. Preferred select (or preferred plus, super select, super preferred, super elite, select preferred) Depending on the insurer, this classification can have a … Generally speaking, though, you get downgraded for things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, being overweight. Generally, any current treatment can lead to a substandard health classification or possible decline. Call us at 888-603-2876 for a free quote! KEY TAKEAWAYS. What do these ratings mean, and more importantly, how do they affect you? Compare life insurance rates from over two dozen of the best life insurance companies. Then below Standard, you have what’s called Table Ratings. Substandard health classifications are not quotable on our instant quote form, as they often require working with an agent to get the best rate depending on the health condition. The hows and whys behind life insurance classifications are helpful, but the real question is: How does this actually affect your life insurance rates? In addition to having very good health, applicants should also be within the guidelines for height and weight and have no family history resulting in death from cancer or heart disease before age 60-65, depending on the life insurance company. Invitations for application for insurance are made only where licensed by and through Consumers Advocate Group, LLC (in Florida, Consumers Advocate, LLC; in New York, Consumers Advocate Group of Washington, LLC; and in California, Fran Powel Insurance Services, LLC), and its designated insurance producer, Francine Powel, as an independent agent. Jeffrey Manola is an experienced life insurance agent and the founder of Top Quote Life Insurance. While every life insurance company is free to make their own rate categories, most will break down their pricing as follows: Preferred Plus or Preferred Best Non-smoker. Knowing which health classification you may qualify for can be tricky at times. Our content is free because we earn a commission when you click or make a purchase from links on our site. Some even have some serious life threatening medical issues which complicates the underwriting process. Disclaimer: strives to present the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on saving money on car insurance possible. Life insurance health classifications are used by life insurance companies to determine your risk of insurability. At a standard rating, if you pay $200 for that, you might pay $150 for table 2 or table B because that’s two tables at 25% each. For an instant life insurance quote simply use the quote form located to the right of your computer screen and be sure to select your health classification of Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard Plus or Standard. We are not affiliated with any one life insurance provider and cannot guarantee quotes from any single provider. Insurance policies described, quoted, shown, and illustrated throughout this website are not an offer for the sale of any particular insurance policy or product, only an invitation for application for insurance coverage and may not be relied upon. This health classification is generally given to applicants who do not qualify for one of the four common health classifications. These top four health classifications are generally given to those individuals in average or better than average health with no other risk factors such as tobacco use or hazardous hobbies, or travel. In most cases, there’s not much you can do to improve on your health classification, unless, of course, you’ve been rated as a smoker. Preferred Plus/Super Preferred risk life insurance rate The preferred plus risk classification used by underwriters means that you fit into the best class and have excellent overall health You are free of any type of tobacco for 3-5 years You do not engage in a risky occupation or hobby’s like scuba diving or … What is a Health Class for Life Insurance? A Substandard health classification may be given to an applicant who is considered high risk due to certain health conditions. All applicants are different in one way or another. Jeffrey Manola He is a proud husband and father to three adorable girls. Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about life insurance. In other words, if you’ve lost 30 pounds in the last year, they’re only going to give you credit for fifteen pounds of that and if you weigh 200 pounds now, they’re going to treat you like a 215 pound individual. Most life insurance companies will not disqualify you from receiving the best health classification for gender-specific cancers. Your hobbies, health and even family history are used to determine your life insurance classification. Preferred Smoker. You can also be downgraded for things somewhat out of your control, like a family history of heart disease or cancer. The less of a risk you are to the life insurance company, the better health classification you qualify for. Take Bill (Bill is fictional - you can call him whatever you want), a 35-year-old male with a $500,000/ 20-year term life insurance policy. This risk classification is the second-best health classification for life insurance coverage. Family health history generally does not come into play if you are over the age of 66-70 depending on the life insurance company. Comparison shopping should be easy. These are all substandard ratings, so a company may still approve you at a substandard rating which is still an approval, so that’s good, but your premium increases. How you're classified dictates the cost of your premiums. The same goes for using marijuana both medicinal or even recreational use. For example, if a client was approved one level below Standard, this would be called Table A or Table 1. Copyright © 2014-2020  |  |  113 Cherry Street, #37960 Seattle, Washington ‍98104-2205  |  Privacy Policy  |  Terms & Conditions  |  CCPA. A cost breakdown of life insurance classifications. Preferred Non-smoker. Our last thing that the insurance company looks at is your occupation. Also, what none of my clients know is that insurance companies understand that some people try to lose weight quickly before they apply, so they only give you credit for half of your weight loss within the last year. The best category and lowest price is “Preferred Plus “, followed by “Preferred”. Best Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Companies, Best Return of Premium Life Insurance Companies, The Common Life Insurance Health Classifications, Other Factors that Effect a Life Insurance Health Classification, Getting the Most Accurate Life Insurance Quotes. Dictates the cost of your control, like a family history are used to determine what rate will be to! Privacy Policy and our terms & conditions your responses to the life insurance health classifications generally come in tables! Is your occupation Everything you Need to Know Plus” and “Standard “ high blood pressure, high cholesterol diabetes. More importantly, how do they affect you will give you the most up-to-date comprehensive! Determine their risk of insurability their classifications and in the requirements to qualify for one of our top no-exam. 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2020 life insurance health classifications