So many of my plans for my 4th grader went out the window because I didn’t have it written out for HIM to follow, but for ME to implement WITH him… and I was so sick all fall I couldn’t even remember what I had planned, or where I put it. Having the house run smoothly helps school run smoothly. I was so tired….I feel like I’m failing.’” – This. Imagine your nine-year old is kicking the furniture—hard. With older kids that have places they need to go and people we need to see, as well as little ones as well, I think my super-low-energy self right now is dealing with the compounding of years of being an introvert with no people-break (there is always someone talking to me!!!!) I know. Focus on making healthy choices to help fuel your milk production. Yes, sleep deprivation will kill your energy, even if you are usually healthy. Could you make a giant pot of soup (or chili, stew, whatever you like) and have it available so you could just heat it up and get some nourishment quickly? The thyroid -- a little butterfly-shaped gland in your neck -- produces the hormones that regulate how your body burns fuel for energy. Hilarious now, not so funny then, however I discovered I have the MTHFR gene mutation which means I don’t absorb B vitamins well and it has been helpful to my energy level to supplement with some fancy ones and helped the anxiety immensely. I’ve been coping for years by having mandatory nap/quiet time in the afternoon, but my 18 mo old just gave them up, he climbs out of the pack n play, no interest in the tv except to rewire it, attacks his older siblibgs if I ask them to play with him in his room or the backyard… I just wanted to say that I, too, think you should give it a go if you haven’t already! The upside to this is if someone does unexpectedly pop over you’re not left completely embarrassed trying to explain that ‘yes we do do schoolwork and no they don’t usually watch TV at this hour’. At first, it was such a pain to build the habit, but it turns out it’s one of the better habits I’ve built into my day. And yes: realizing and accepting your limits is an important part of the process, I think. I was actually think about teen girls at the time — I don’t know why it didn’t cross my mind to apply it to US. Oh my goodness! So putting the energy you do have into insisting on this will help all round. I practically don’t eat all day because I can’t find the energy and time to make a salad. In fact, all she wants is Mummy right now. And I just want to sleep all the time. Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation of red blood cells, optimal functioning of … AND will my daughter truly benefit under my seemingly (to me) compromised limitations? My mom teases me about how sickly I am. I am considering homeschooling my daughter (age 3) and am not sure I can really do it with my constraints. Yes! My hardest thing these days is having the energy to read with and deal with attitude. Are you the laziest person you know? . , What are the odds that two Catie’s read Brandy’s blog and are perpetually tired? Meg, I would love to talk to your about your experience! Self Care is KEY. Its great for kiddos who lack the fine motor skills to peel it themselves. Taking … God often guides us through our limitations and not just our opportunities. I know changing my diet would solve a good deal of my energy problems, I just can’t find the energy to cook! ReplyBrandy VencelJuly 5, … Overly dramatic, making mountains … Copyright 2019 Brandy Vencel, All Rights Reserved, New episode out now! Please try again. When we have Bible Study at church in Tuesday mornings, that’s about all I can do on Tuesdays. She loves to share real food recipes, money-saving tips, parenting encouragement, kids activities, DIY tutorials, home hacks, fitness, and so much more! I can go in an manually unsubscribe you from the thread. Mother Culture things to nourish my mind and soul help. Dec 3, 2020 - Explore Chris Kenmotsu's board "Hot Moms", followed by 175 people on Pinterest. You can tell me what you think we ought to be talking about concerning this subject. My hubby thinks I am lazy. Thank you for opening up about this topic! You know, I hadn’t really considered the differences between being low-energy and being burnt out. Buy Electronicheart Smart Security Camera Waterproof Home Wall Mount Night Vision Motion Detection Low Energy Consumption Wifi Camera from Walmart Canada. No. Yes! We would like to be able to do schedule A all the time, but it’s unrealistic so I intentionally choose to either A,B or C. By making a choice,we retain control of the situation. Sign in. This will speak to me tremendously! My energy levels ebb and flow depending on how much of my energy I spend on stressing about stuff. I don’t like the “desperate for food, need something NOW, but nothing is readily available” feeling! Aug 21, 2019 - Being low-energy and thriving at homeschooling means training your children to be independent. You have given me much to think about! This is probably the leading cause of low energy levels. Some elements, such as water, are absorbed through the stomach. This is much needed and very timely for me personally. I will pray for you. I can’t wait to read your thoughts on the role of nutrition. I am only 34 but some days I feel like I have lower engery thannmoat everyone I know. They don’t understand what exactly? She’s three and is obviously going through another separation anxiety period right now. I look forward to this series. Stacey is the creator of The Soccer Mom Blog, a Houston Texas mom blog that focuses on positive living for women and families. The next step to thriving as a low-energy homeschool mom, then, is to accept our limitations. I’m doing so much better recently with managing those, but still have to protect my down time. , I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this subject. Can we talk too about how to deal with resistance from your kids on your GOOD days? If you notice low energy levels, weight gain, or even a lower body temperature, talk to your doctor about iron testing. Pep Booster For eye relief and an energy boost, practice the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a break for at least 20 seconds and look at something 20 feet away. It is so helpful with getting little ones sleeping through the night….and not just only letting them cry it out. She loves the Lord and desperately needs his grace everyday. We have the 10 best ideas on how to have more energy today! They can be eaten warm (like thrown in the toaster oven to warm up) or cold. I’m very thankful for a recent hypothyroidism diagnosis because I felt like there was hope for some relief! Today, we present five principles of independence! There are ways in which it might be harder at times, but then again, we’re you’re low-energy, getting kids ready, packed, and out the door to school might be difficult, too. While most of the attention is on iron deficiency, there is a concern as well for iron overload. . I’m really looking forward to this series! There are a lot of us interested in this topic. Tracking your life to know where your time goes -- down to every last minute -- will help you to implement other strategies for organizing your life and planning accordingly. Trace your (or your child’s) hand and let them doctor it with band-aids. Truly looking forward to this series. Every new mom is tired, and the only way anything gets done in most houses with a new baby is because there are other people around to help. Food, which gives us energy, is broken down by the digestive system. And I realized that I had NOT been lazy when those things weren’t getting done; I simply didn’t have the energy, mental clarity, etc, to do them. I found that there were too many expectations and allergies to accommodate for that I just wasn’t physically able to keep up with it. Thanks, Brandy! Go on a vacation; Sometimes, feeling lethargic and tired is a result of having been in the same place for too long. High Energy Kids Meet Low Energy Moms. Don’t care? Continued. But I do believe it’s likely we beat ourselves up and live with alot of guilt/shame based on our expectations for our own performance, rather than living in a more grace-filled place. . Energy is critical to our everyday performance at work and at home. I cannot even shut the door to the bathroom to have a shower without her crying like I am abandoning her. If I have two busy days in a row, on the third day I need to do almost nothing. 18 low energy (no prep activities) you can do from the couch. How to Get Energy Back While Breast-feeding. Looking forward to this series. Two Catie’s with a “C”! 9 Quick And Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy As A New Mom Add Supplements into Your Daily Routine. I have three schedules, A,B and C. A is my ideal schedule, when we are all relatively OK and we don’t have too many distractions. Ugh! It is not what I would have chosen, but He is omniscient and always knows better what we need than I do. His psoriasis (among other things) GOES AWAY when he takes out dairy and gluten (he still needs to figure out which one it is that causes the most trouble–hence the Whole 30). I am looking forward to this! You also want to avoid synthetic energy boosters or harmful stimulants. I’m looking forward to this. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Needless to say, I was tired. It is encouraging to know that I am not alone and that there are others facing similar struggles. There are also special customer service rules available for low-income households. Honestly, I love his energy. My kids all have allergies so food prep is a huge time consuming task here. I am so excited that you are discussing this. Such a great idea! , Catie, your issues really could be destabilized blood sugar! Ha! We all need a lot of sleep. Sorry Brandy, I’m not trying to commandeer your blog post? I feel crazy half the time. And since I know there are other moms out there who are feeling even MORE tired than I am (how do moms with multiple kids do it, anyway??! … Very timely for me! 1. I look forward with anticipation to reading more of your entries! An additional 450 to 500 kilocalories (kcal) of healthy. I still have days where I’m exhausted enough to cut school off, but I agree…you are in an even harder place when they are more dependent. Many working moms are planted in front of a monitor for the better part of the day. , Haha, I guess a real sentence will have to suffice. Two of the best things I ever did were put them on a week long chore schedule with a major chore and a zone chore. ♥. We recently added another evening of driving our teen places and I. hear. Again there is an intentional tone here….mum still has the reigns…..she’s just changed pace. food calories per day is recommended for well-nourished breastfeeding mothers, compared with the amount they were consuming before pregnancy (approximately 2,300 to 2,500 kcal per day for breastfeeding women … Great topic. . I’m totally relying on His strength! Travel Ideas. I would love for you to address how to deal with friends/family who don’t understand. What I don’t promise is that the whole series will be in the best, most logical order. Low energy, headaches, and other physical health issues are also taken into account. What is the difference between a good expectation, striving, but also not worshipping our own efforts? They clean and mother and care for their husbands. Show your toddler some new finger plays. An understanding spouse or good friend needs to be your voice for you….it’s important to have someone that can be our inner voice for us when we feel ours has been buried by the sickness and tiredness and….maybe even depression? I am not actually hungry, but we don’t eat lunch until after 1pm, and I know that by then I will be hangry. I’ve felt too lazy/worn out to prepare any food, let alone healthy food that would actually nourish me. I was diagnosed with extremely low Vit D levels & felt like a new person after I started the supplements. As a homeschooling mom recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, I’m very interested in this topic. When I am weak He is strong. I find it harder make something for myself if I have to actually, um, *make* it at lunch time. As I add new posts in the series, I’ll be adding new links to this page. Doing your own thing? And now with many littles underfoot, there seems to be no time for exercise and a healthy diet…and the cycle goes ’round and ’round viciously…. My husband works a 21/21day schedule off shore in the gulf of Mexico, so life is trying, to say the least. I ended up changing my vitamins and gave up meat and dairy. It’ll be interesting to read and discuss. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I recently had an increase in energy (followed by a decrease in energy…you know how it goes), and during the time of improvement, I was suddenly doing lots of things I’ve wanted to do all along — decluttering some things around the house, giving stuff to Goodwill, cleaning. ..remember how you are on the good days…..laying around? Whole-wheat bread and pasta, brown rice and fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber. If we haven’t found that friend yet then writing it down and then looking back on it when your feeling low can also be helpful. Ended up with panic attacks last spring after a collision with a wall roller skating at my 40th birthday party. Yes! So while caffeine and sugar may be your normal go-tos for a quick energy boost, they’ll likely result in a “energy high” (due to blood sugar spiking) followed by a crash, leaving you feeling just as tired as you felt before. In these cases, low energy is more likely to be the result of lifestyle choices than disease. I remember when I realized that I felt better and a lot of it was because my children could finally pack their own stuff, get in the car, buckle up, use the bathroom, and take a shower — all without needing constant assistance! I definitely understand the whole “low energy” description! Maybe you’re a quiet, calm and reserved person. There are so many comments! I no longer have the afternoon slumps and the mood swings are better, but I still have low energy. I need this. It’s easy to give in to feelings of wanting to be like happily-busy people and think that somehow you’ll adjust and be okay. The rest are absorbed through the small intestine. ♥. He understands that I do the best i can. It also needs to be something I can eat one-handed so I can eat while nursing, since that is my “downtime.” I try to keep bean and cheese burritos (I make these on the weekends; they freeze well and keep in the fridge for 4-5 days easily), fruit salad, various sandwich material, and sliced veggies and fruit available in the fridge to quick and easy food choices. I’ve never read anything on this topic but THIS IS ME. 1. This series about the low-energy mom is great and I look forward to many more blog post about this subject. Especially if my husband is busy with work and church commitments and I am holding the fort down a lot by myself. This tip might not seem quick but it’s an important factor in keeping your energy … This is a good exercise for all moms. …it’s just our house) No one, even on bad days, is allowed to watch TV or DVDS until after 4pm. Let me explain. If you notice low energy levels, weight gain, or even a lower body temperature, talk to your doctor about iron testing. Hang in there and in a few years it’ll be MUCH easier. I need two spaces of rest in the afternoon in order to get through dinner hour, bed times, and house tidy up. My girl knows when I will let things slide, and got away with less work this week when I was in a flare, even though she knows what to do, she is young enough to need me beside her or giving a slight push. Give them some choices of acceptable activities…reading, drawing, handcrafts, baking for older ones A simple roll of low-tack Painter’s tape (like this one for delicate surfaces) will be your new best friend once you try these genius ideas that get kids exerting their energy in all sorts of creative ways. By . Conventional breakfast foods such as toast, potatoes and pancakes don’t work for healthful, low-carb diets. And then there are days I can get the whole house cleaned and read multiple books to Little Man and still feel good in the afternoon. I had 10 pregnancies in 11 years, 7 surviving children with the youngest born with Down syndrome two years ago. Encouragement for Low Energy Moms. . So, I am aiming to do my pregnancy yoga workout each early afternoon, then have my cup of 1/2 caff coffee; otherwise, I’m a zombie all afternoon. True confession: I called my husband more than once in our early years of homeschooling and told him I was going to quit and the kids had to go to school. And then my “salad” with the meat/veg might be just greens with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. So if you are worried about it, be reassured, it is physical not a personality or moral defect. Cry out to the Source of your power! (I actually thought I had Hashimotos last year because of how low energy I felt (among other symptoms)- I don’t, though. Is this always the case in every situation for everyone (or even for myself)? Here are 8 energy-zapping habits that you can change today. It could be my stage in life with a toddler, 5 and 7 year old, yet I see homeschool moms with more kids this age and older and they just do everything and I can hardly get through 2 days of school and I can’t keep my house clean even if I only do once a week… DRIVES ME NUTS. So how can you have more energy? external icon. I get myself ready, my daughter does her stuff. For the next two or three years, I truly became a low-energy homeschool mom. Your Kids’ Fave YouTuber Broadcasts a Dead Body: Top News For Moms – January 2, 2018, The Proverbs 32 Man: It’s Time Define The Ideal Man, Mom’s ‘SANTA Switch’ Initiative is Everything Your Family Needs This Christmas Season, “I Asked People Not to Touch Him”—Mom Shares Viral Facebook Rant From Baby’s Hospital Room. Oh boy…I brought this up to you before and I’m so glad you’re tackling it, because I think this is an often unspoken downside of homeschooling for so many women. Choose a variety of whole grains as well as fruits and vegetables. Again, I haven’t heard these presentations yet, am not affiliated, etc. If I’m tired and have fruit in the afternoon, I have more sustained energy for the rest of the day! But I think aging and just weariness are also factors. We need to pace ourselves properly and make sure there are reserves left. That was one of the reasons I’ve been wanting to talk about it — so that we don’t feel so lonely. Low-Energy Dog Breeds. It’s a fact: Even a mom who has tons of energy can appear tortoise-like when compared to her child. Imagine your nine-year old is kicking the furniture—hard. Mine can get so used to always being in b or C mode that A mode feels like an imposition…”whaddya mean we don’t get to watch a video thisafternoon, I don’t want to do art!”. No. In fact, working out for 20 minutes three days a week lowers feelings of fatigue by a whopping 65 percent, according to a University of Georgia study. Might help? As a new week begins, I have to be so careful to keep at least two- to- three days with no other intensive social contact. But if a person wants to purchase and listen on one’s own time, that’s also an option; and the email I received says that TODAY only with coupon code HEAL the summit can be purchased for $29 instead of the regular $69. Getting stuck into things, getting organised, doing all those jobs? Can I let Christ’s power rest on me? It is a wonderful helpful read. I didn’t have to talk myself into getting motivated to get things done; it just happened really naturally now that the energy was there. Experiencing a lack of energy during the third trimester should be anticipated. I definitely feel that I must just be lazy and unmotivated. Bek, may I quote from your comment in the CM/homeschooling newsletter I’m putting together? Great advice Tara! Most days I feel they do not get enough learning time, but you know, we are hardest on ourselves. It was really fascinating. Doesn’t help that my son is super high energy, and super interactive, though he is getting better at playing by himself. Sometimes the hardest part is finding the mental energy to work out what needs to be done, but don’t feel like it has to be worked out all at once…jot it down as it comes to you then gradually implement. If I already have prepared stuff, that seems to work better — either leftovers that just have to be reheated, or the salad ingredients already pre-chopped to just toss together on a plate. With three kids under 6, two who rarely sleep through the night, I add in loss of sleep and need extra down time. I’m glad you’re here, Erika! Sounds like we school very similarly yet I find keeping on top of the state of the house eats into our schooling time especially when I am having a bad day physically/emotionally as the kids seem to know they can get away with things more easily. Never forget to take care of yourself, even though energy levels are low. I can’t believe someone is actually talking about this. And this means cooking once and reaping the benefit for a number of days, rather than having to do major cooking every day. I *do* agree that introversion and homeschooling can sometimes collide {as can extroversion and homeschooling, I think} — I just meant that I don’t think introversion itself is a problem that needs to be solved. See more ideas about sexy women, women, hot mom. Thank you! My anxiety starts buzzing in the background, I’m easily overwhelmed, I am easily irritated, and not even doing normal, Mother Culture things to nourish my mind and soul help. I recommend having your doctor test your iron levels before using iron supplements. Like, I spell it out. I struggle with being very low energy. Take a nap, Hollie! […] LDN Book is one I’m reading as research for The Low-Energy Mom’s Guide to Homeschooling. Low blood pressure from faulty brain signals (neurally mediated hypotension). Holidays from our calendar he was at 21 when we have a second one for older... Be eaten warm ( like thrown in the United States and women are among at. 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2020 low energy mom