WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Armed with three torpedo tubes per broadside with decent range, speed and reload speed. Alternatively, Henri IV has the second longest base main gun range of 19.1km, and Gun Fire Control System Modification 2 raises this to a staggering 22.1km. Build seems perfectly valid as it is now. Juliet Whiskey Unaone+15% chance of causing flooding.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. Her main battery shells have the highest armor piercing damage available to Tier X cruisers, and tie with Zao for the most high explosive damage. given the current build what would you recommend i spend my remaining 4 captain skill points on? Henri IV, which I shall henceforth refer to as Henrietta, pretty much unanimously sucks in everyone's opinion. Combined with the excellent penetration statistics, good accuracy and great range, these guns combined with her amazing speed, make Henri IV a very potent ship. Main Battery Modification 3 reduces the reload speed of the main guns from 12.3 seconds to 10.8 seconds at the cost of turret traverse speed. El barco tenía una potente planta propulsora y una alta velocidad. Fire chance of 22% on primary he shells is unsurpassed among cruisers. -60% to the maximum dispersion of shells for the secondary armament of Tier VII-X ships. Esta página fue modificada por última vez el 25 ago 2017, a las 15:37. End User License Agreement; Privacy Policy; Terms of Service; Do not sell my Personal Information © 2012–2021 All rights reserved. Actualizaciones de World of Warships: información sobre las nuevas versiones de WoWS, juego militar gratis. Sierra Mike+5% to the ship's maximum speed. W tej serii z World of Warships będziecie mogli oglądać Wasze świetne bitwy z moim komentarzem. 1.2k. Vigilance +25% to detection range of enemy torpedoes. Yeah, I dont know where it is. Juliet Charlie-100% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. And American destroyer captains will find themselves in one of the best capture point destroyers available. Adrenaline Rush -0.2% to reload times of all types of armament for each 1% of total health lost. Discussion. November Echo Setteseven+10% average damage per second of all anti-aircraft mounts.+10% average damage per second of self-defense armament for aircraft with rear gunners. Para iniciar sesión, selecciona la región donde tu cuenta está registrada, O usa el inicio de sesión de Microsoft para entrar en el ecosistema de WoT XBOX, Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell, Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shel,, [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM030_MainWeapon_Mod_I_bb1e79efbcc73dfa03a6dd5ae173566ee691b77e3a6587389d6f7ea07eb03588.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del armamento principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0armamento_principal]], [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM031_SecondaryWeapon_Mod_I_5369d8b071df59a515906433ea1fff10a55841495258bcd04d3365467e61e4af.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del armamento auxiliar|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0armamento_auxiliar]], [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM032_PowderMagazine_Mod_I_9607d8ec91ddcca4a95443845b888fbd9de4cd81df5a30a199d400657a552017.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de 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icon_modernization_PCM033_Guidance_Mod_I_10c7521afe2d577c42618dd04cf6834f2be78cf6b64503844cf87793a5816484.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los sistemas de tiro|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los.C2.A0sistemas_de_tiro]], [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM070_Torpedo_Mod_IV_9e34ebc4f1a15656201b4148e32870eb1c67ddb2fb1a0bc410406236b472d1dd.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los tubos de torpedo|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los.C2.A0tubos_de_torpedo]], [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM013_MainGun_Mod_III_c6e20a5a027888820aca2cd031ba5959d38bc828202d8066ece4030712df8bd8.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 3 de la batería principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A03_de_la.C2.A0bater.C3.ADa_principal]], [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM014_Torpedo_Mod_III_460876b51f5b3133f939c6ca7b0ec3be146a5ea6776695388f5cc3365de8a56f.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 de 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icon_modernization_PCM072_AbilityWorktimeBoost_Mod_I_e6323cc6cf2a0c16e8a3a3ca4db0ceaebbdb868447435dbafea6f580b66ff101.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los consumibles del barco|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los_consumibles_del_barco]]. … Plus spotting torpedoes at longer range is helpful especially given the huge variances in Henri's speed with speed boost active or not and whether you are in a turn or not. Papa Papa+300% Free XP earned for the battle. Basics of Survivability -15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing, and recovery from flooding. Concealment Expert -10% to the detection radius of destroyers.-12% to the detection radius of cruisers.-14% to the detection radius of battleships.-16% to the detection radius of aircraft carriers. +20% to average damage per second of AA defense. November Foxtrot-5% reload time on all consumables. Wyvern+50% credits earned for the battle. And if it helps, the ship modules i'm running are: Main Armarments Mod 1, Aiming Systems Mod 1, Main Batter Mod 3, Steering Gears Mod 1, Steering Gears Mod 2, and Concealment System Mod 1. i suppose i really have two questions - 1.) -20% to servicing time of torpedo bombers. While Henri IV lacks a catapult to launch reconnaissance seaplane or catapult fighter, she comes with a choice between Defensive Fire or Hydroacoustic Search as well as default access to the improved French cruiser version of Engine Boost consumable that increases her speed by a massive 20%. Church and state collide and the course of history is changed forever. Shop Updates: Appearance Change Service and Battle for Azeroth. Fire Prevention -7% to the risk of fire.The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. Second highest health amongst Tier X cruisers. Sink some Ship! World of Warships World of Warships is a naval action MMO, dipping into the world of large-scale sea battles of the first half of the twentieth century. what do you think of the build overall, and 2.) She is very fast, but she handles like crap and can't maneuver anywhere near enough to dodge incoming fire. Todos los derechos reservados. Meaning ifhe allows you to damage up to 51mm of armor. Direction Center for Catapult Aircraft+1 catapult aircraft.-20% to the speed of catapult aircraft. Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! Last Stand The ship remains able to move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. Limited torpedo capabilities compared to other Tier X cruisers armed with torpedoes. Diablo ® IV. Torpedo Acceleration +5 knots to torpedo speed.-20% to torpedo range. I'm close to the HIV but don't have it yet so this is just speculation (based on mechanics) but IFHE should be incredibly powerful. For Upgrade Slot 1, take Main Armaments Mod 1. 109 comments. Dirigida por Jo Baier en 2010. con Andreas Schmidt, Armelle Deutsch, Chloe Stefani, Joachim Król, Julien Boisselier, Roger Casamajor. India Bravo Terrathree-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle repair. Henri IV is armed with torpedoes — a single triple-tube 550mm torpedo launcher on each side of the ship — which boast decent range, reload, and speed, but deal low damage. Proudly standing at the peak of the French cruisers tree, Henri IV takes her place alongside the Russian Moskva as the second “Big Gun” cruiser of Tier X. Henri IV’s key upgrades from her predecessor Saint-Louis are her speed — now capable of 35 knots in a straight line — and her new 3x3 240mm guns: 20mm bigger than those of Moskva. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, United States Navy Bull_Halsey96 @ NA "The World Wonders". For Upgrade Slot 4, the preferable choice is the rare module Engine Boost Modification 1 to give her a staggering 270 seconds or 4.5 minutes of active Engine Boost Time. As with all high-tier cruisers, she also has access to Repair Party. share. Air Supremacy +1 fighter per squadron. Not to mention negate khabas armour entirely. With the buff coming to it's AA being able to reach the panic range out to 7.5 KM with insane levels of DPS is something you can't pass up. Her AA is good enough for self-defense, but won’t truly be capable of defending friendly ships like most high-tier cruisers can. Maybe consider switching DE to Vigilance as a 22% fire chance buffed to 24% with flags is enough to compensate for the lack of DE. Maybe you can help me so put Henri and Saint Louis side by side with the same build and run some acceleration tests … For Upgrade Slot 3, there are multiple options to choose from, depending on her captain’s personal preferences. Right now I have a 15 point captain in my H4, and i'm wondering how to invest the remaining 4 points. Finally, AA Guns Modification 3 is viable to raise Henri IV’s AA effectiveness. ... WoWS players when they don't get 100,000 doubloons or a Missouri from a super-container. Smoke Screen Expert +20% to the radius of the smoke screen. Preventative Maintenance -30% to the risk of incapacitation of modules. Únete a miles de héroes poderosos en Azeroth, un mundo de magia y aventuras sin fin. Todas las últimas noticias y actualizaciones que llegarán a World of Warcraft, como comentarios de los desarrolladores, lanzamientos de parches y mucho más. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Final 4 points into AFT. Henri IV is armed with torpedoes — a single triple-tube 550mm torpedo launcher on each side of the ship — which boast decent range, reload, and speed, but deal low damage. Jack of All Trades -5% to reload time of all consumables. Hotel Yankee-20% to damage received when ramming the enemy.+50% to damage dealt when ramming the enemy. Henri IV’s base AA performance is lackluster, and while it's suitable for self-defense it … Henri IV captains have far fewer torpedoes available than captains of Hindenburg, Minotaur, or Zao and as such, they must be treated as a supplementary or last-ditch weapon. Directed by Barry Avrich, Martha Henry. Henri IV captains have far fewer torpedoes available than captains of Hindenburg, Minotaur, or Zao and as such, they must be treated as a supplementary or last-ditch weapon. Henri IV’s base AA performance is lackluster, but her 57mm and 127mm guns have excellent range and decent damage when upgraded via modules and commander skills, with the latter fully benefitting from the Manual Control for AA Armament skill. The enemy player is alerted that a bearing has been taken on their ship. Fans of Japanese destroyers will enjoy their fast-reloading torpedoes. Lacks aviation facilities for a reconnaissance seaplane or a catapult fighter. Ouroboros+777% Free XP earned for the battle. Victor Lima+1% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm.+0.5% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber below 160mm.+4% chance of flooding (against your ship). All Free. World of Warships replay. Related Videos. I'm thinking the same build but with no DE and instead use the extra points on last stand and preventative maintenance to stop the bullshit amount of rudder incapacitations. FYI, you can already pen the deck of USN BBs so you gain nothing vs them with IFHE. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Combined with the Sierra Mike signal flag, she is capable of reaching 43.9 knots... which is patently absurd for a cruiser. Basic Firing Training -10% to reload time of main battery guns with a caliber up to and including 139mm and all secondary battery guns. I just put IFHE on my Henri IV and got 168k the first game without trying that hard. Gunboats. Henry IV (French: Henri IV; 13 December 1553 – 14 May 1610), also known by the epithet Good King Henry or Henry the Great, was King of Navarre (as Henry III) from 1572 and King of France from 1589 to 1610. Superintendent +1 additional charge to all consumables mounted on a ship. Demolition Expert+2% to chance of fire on a target caused by a main caliber shell, secondary shell, or bomb. With the Henri being a straight up damage dealer anyway, I'm … 39 minutes ago, __Helmut_Kohl__ said: Maybe you dont know where the speedboost button is on your Henri? India X-Ray+1% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm.+0.5% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber below 160mm.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. Mike Yankee Soxisix+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.-5% to secondary battery loading time. Expert Marksman +2.5 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber up to 139mm. Evasive Maneuver-20% to detectability of strike aircraft when returning to the carrier.+75% to HP of strike aircraft when returning to the carrier.-30% to airspeed of strike aircraft when returning to the carrier. Incoming Fire Alert Indicator of long-range enemy artillery fire. For Upgrade Slot 6, Concealment Modification 1 is vital to allowing Henri IV to properly position herself without being spotted by enemy ships and to escape enemy ships should the battle turn against her favor. save. Henri IV’s guns are her lifeline and this reduces the chances of them being knocked out. Expert Loader-50% to reload time when shell type is switched. 4 months ago. Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the … For Upgrade Slot 2, the main two choices are Aiming Systems Mod 1 to improve the performance of her main guns, or AA Guns Modification 2 to increase the range of her AA guns, as while not as good as her peers, Henri IV’s AA has consistent long range. World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming. ... Plus spotting torpedoes at longer range is helpful especially given the huge variances in Henri's speed with speed boost active or not and whether you are in a turn or not. Manual Fire Control for AA Armament +100% to average damage per second of AA guns with a caliber exceeding 85mm against a designated target. Emergency TakeoffMakes it possible to launch and recover aircraft while the ship is on fire.+100% to aircraft servicing time while aircraft carrier is on fire. My thoughts right now are to take either AFT, or EL+BFT. She is big, but doesn't have the armor to compensate for it. 240/6*1.3 = 52. Particularly given the long range HE spam nature and high base fire chance that should be a large buff to overall HE damage, particularly with all the fire prevention BBs running around. India Delta+20% to the amount of HP recovered when the Repair Party consumable is used. G. with 80mm deck, etc. A captain who enjoys Russian destroyers will enjoy the primary gun handling. H-IV w/ IFHE can bully Khabarovsk anywhere, all usn bb decks, and many parts of KM BB decks and Yamato deck as well. Fewer number of guns plus a longer reload time reduces. +1 bomber per squadron. Henri IV was a pre-dreadnought battleship of the French Navy built to test some of the ideas of the prominent naval architect Louis-Émile Bertin.She began World War I as guardship at Bizerte.She was sent to reinforce the Allied naval force in the Dardanelles campaign of 1915, although some of her secondary armament had been removed for transfer to Serbia in 1914. Seriously consider IFHE. Skip to main As for the last four points, AFT is my recommendation. Radio Position Finding Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship (that isn't an aircraft carrier). Never submarines, they said. A game about huge boats. For Upgrade Slot 5, Propulsion Modification 2 is the prime choice, as Henri IV significantly slows down when making any sort of turn, and takes a while to get back up to full speed. Priority TargetSituational Awareness indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at you with main battery guns. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked … Several trade-offs must be made in order to squeeze guns of this caliber on to a cruiser hull: they have the second longest reload time, below-average shell velocity, and there are only carries nine of them. Diablo ... 2020. Aircraft Servicing Expert +5% to HP of carrier-based aircraft.-10% to servicing time of carrier-based aircraft. will still just laugh at you. +0.7 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber above 139mm. Henry IV Captain Skills Advice. Survivability Expert +350 HP for each ship tier. German destroyers offer a mix in playstyles. Dogfighting Expert +10% to average damage per second of fighter for each tier of difference between them.+10% to fighters ammunition. Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament -15% to the maximum dispersion of shells for the secondary armament of Tier I-VI ships. Experience epic naval action in World of Warships: Legends, a global multiplayer free-to-play online game where you can master the seas in history's greatest warships! Aiming at you with main battery guns Change Service and battle for Azeroth sucks in everyone 's opinion of... Of reaching 43.9 knots... which is patently absurd for a cruiser Roger Casamajor choose from depending. On NA, we seriously need more CAs to bully BBbabies propulsora y alta! Viable to raise Henri IV ’ s AA effectiveness the ship 's post-battle.... Captain skill points on a target caused by a main caliber shell secondary! Con Andreas Schmidt, Armelle Deutsch, Chloe Stefani, Joachim Król, Julien Boisselier, Roger Casamajor magazine.! Most high-tier cruisers, she also has access to Repair Party WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and.... 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