The Gallic Empire ended with Emperor Aurelian's victory at Châlons in 274. Lugdunum is a latinization of the Gaulish *Lugudunon, meaning "Fortress (or hill) of (the god) Lugus" or, alternately "Fortress of the champion" (if *lugus is a common noun cognate with Old Irish lug "warrior, hero, fighter"). There was trade with Campania for ceramics and wine, and use of some Italic-style home furnishings before the Roman conquest. This page was last edited on 1 July 2020, at 10:44. Agrippa, Drusus, Tiberius, and Germanicus (born himself in Lugdunum) were among the gubernatorial generals who served in Lugdunum. The country was divided into four provinces: Narbonensis, Aquitania to the west and south of the Loire, Celtica (or Lugdunensis) in central France between the Loire and … Alani, Seuvi, Vandals and Visigoths poured through Gaul and into the west, effectively removing Hispania from Roman control by about 409 AD. The Druidic religion was suppressed by Emperor Claudius I, and in later centuries Christianity was introduced. [citation needed] The Roman influence was most apparent in the areas of civic religion and administration. By the end of the reign of Augustus, Strabo described Lugdunum as the junction of four major roads (the Via Agrippa): south to Narbonensis, Massilia and Italy, north to the Rhine river and Germany, northwest to the sea (the English Channel), and west to Aquitania. Initially, the Gauls were themselves recruited by the Romans to check the incursion of the Germanic tribes into Gaul. Before Roman occupation, Gaul was a rich, distinct society despite its multitude of separate tribes. For 300 years after its foundation Lugdunum was the most important city in north-western Europe. Under his control, the Lugdunum mint issued coins celebrating his "clemency", as well as one dedicated to the "Genius of Lugdunum." However, certain aspects of the ancient Celtic culture continued after the fall of Roman administration and the Domain of Soissons, a remnant of the Empire, survived from 457 to 486. Andreas Hofeneder, Die Religion der Kelten in den antiken literarischen Zeugnissen: Sammlung, Übersetzung und Kommentierung, Volume 2, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2008, pp. The Gallic Empire ended when Aurelian decisively defeated Tetricus I at Chalons. The cosmopolitan hospitality to eastern religions may have allowed the first attested Christian community in Gaul to be established in Lugdunum in the 2nd century, led by a bishop Pothinus (fr:Pothin de Lyon)—who probably was Greek. Vienne and made the roads from Lugdunum to Italy and Germany more direct. Albinus' army was defeated in the bloody and decisive Battle of Lugdunum. 571-572. A major shrine of the Phrygian goddess Cybele was built in nearby Vienne, and she also seems to have found special favor in Lugdunum in the late 1st century and 2nd century. Suetonius reported Caligula's visit to Lugdunum in 39-40 AD at the beginning of his third consulate as characteristic of his reign. By the late centuries of the empire much of the population was located in the Saône River valley at the foot of Fourvière. The Parisii were a small tribe that lived in the area that would one day become the capital of France and bear their name. Drusus lived in Lugdunum between 13 and 9 BC. Slowly, during the ensuing Carolingian period (751-987), the expression Francia, then Francia occidentalis spread to describe the political reality of the kingdom of the Franks (regnum francorum). It was from Narbonne that Julius Caesar significantly advanced the task by defeating the Celtic tribes in the Gallic Wars of 58-51 BC. Each had its own capital. In 48 AD, emperor Claudius asked the Senate to grant the notable men of the three Gauls the right to accede to the Senate. Capital of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, it is the second largest urban area of the country by population after Paris. The Oxford Companion to Military History. It served as the capital of the Roman province Gallia Lugdunensis. From May 17 to October 9, 2005, Pointe-à-Callière will be presenting Encounters in Roman Gaul, an international exhibition featuring 200 artifacts with stories to tell about Gallo-Roman civilization, on loan from the museums of Roman Gaul in Lyon-Fourvière and Saint-Romain-en-Gal/Vienne, France. Citizenship was granted to all in 212 by the Constitutio Antoniniana. Mathieu Poux, Hugues Savay-Guerraz, Lyon avant Lugdunum, Infolio éditions, 2003, 151 p. (, Travel Lyon, France: Illustrated Guide, Phrasebook & Maps, The Roman Remains of Northern and Eastern France: A Guidebook,, Roman fortifications in Gallia Lugdunensis, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2017, Articles needing translation from French Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Clodius Albinus had settled with his army near Lugdunum early in 195. O'Callaghan, Joseph. Tooltip: Roman settlers will move to Cisalpine Gaul. A fountain honoring his victory has been uncovered. The Vandals moved into Spain, and then in 429 AD, crossed over the Strait of Gibraltar and overran North Africa, traveling steadily along the coast until they captured Carthage in 439 AD. [citation needed], The Goths who had sacked Rome in 410 established a capital in Toulouse and in 418 succeeded in being accepted by Honorius as foederati and rulers of the Aquitanian province in exchange for their support against the Vandals.[8]. Maddison, Angus (2007), Contours of the World Economy 1–2030 AD: Essays in Macro-Economic History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 41, Julius Caesar: Commentarii de Bello Gallico, Boatwright et al., The Romans, From Village to Empire, p.272, Panegyrici Latini, 8:6; Aurelius Victor, Book of Caesars 39:20-21; Eutropius, Abridgement of Roman History 21; Orosius, Seven Books of History Against the Pagans 7:25.2-4. In accord with Roman tradition, as protectors the Visigoths had the right to possess from one-third to two-thirds of the land or the produce from those lands. Two emperors, Claudius and Caracalla, were born in Lugdunum. It was built on the site of the old Greek state of Byzantium on the shores of the Propontis in AD 330 by the then ruler Constantine. In AD 357-8, Julian II (fig.3), then serving as consul and general commanding Gallic Legions, moved the Roman capital of Gaul from Trier to Paris, which he defended against Germanic invaders coming from the north, down the road from Senlis. In its 1st century, Lugdunum was many times the object of attention or visits by the emperors or the imperial family. Severus brought his army from Italy and Germany toward the end of 196. [6], An early interpretation of Gaulish Lugduno as meaning "Desired Mountain" is recorded in a gloss in the 9th-century Endlicher's Glossary,[7][8] but this may in fact reflect a native Frankish speaker's folk-etymological attempt at linking the first element of the name, Lugu- (which, by the time this gloss was composed, would have been pronounced lu'u, the -g- having become silent) with the similar-sounding Germanic word for "love", *luβ. The population declined due to plague, and people migrated to the cities. Lugdunum became the capital of a much smaller region containing only two cities besides Lugdunum: Autun and Langres. They arrived at friendly Lugdunum, where they were persuaded by the Lyonnais to punish nearby Vienne. The Altar of the Three Gauls was erected at Condate, in the top right-hand corner. The decline of Roman Gaul after ad 200 was part of the complex process that led to weakening of the grip of the Roman Empire everywhere in the west. The Romans intervened in Gaul in 125 BC, and by 121 BC they had conquered the Mediterranean region called Provincia (later named Gallia Narbonensis ). The aqueduct of the Monts d'Or, completed around 20BC, was the first of at least four aqueducts supplying water to the city. It was built on the site of the old Greek state of Byzantium on the shores of the Propontis in AD 330 by the then ruler Constantine. Aetius defended northern Gaul against the Salian Franks. His request was granted and an engraved bronze plaque of the speech (the Claudian Tables) was erected in Lugdunum. Perhaps to promote a policy of conciliation and integration, all the notable men of the three parts of Gaul were invited. was the new capital of the district, the first Roman municipinm on the soil of Gaul. Routledge. The area became a Roman province in 121 BC[3] originally under the name Gallia Transalpina (Transalpine Gaul). The Roman Republic began its takeover of Celtic Gaul in 121 BC, when it conquered and annexed the southern reaches of the area. Between 455 and 476 the Visigoths, the Burgundians, and the Franks assumed control in Gaul. Octavian becomes the first Roman Emperor ‘Augustus’ and inaugurates a program of Romanization on the Gauls, starting with the resettling of veterans and the building of massive new cities. It was colonized by veterans of the Roman legions who had served Julius … It became the province of Cisalpine Gaul, with its capital at Mediolanum (Milan), and it was divided into Cispadane Gaul and Transpadane Gaul. The word province in modern English has its origins in the term used by the Romans. Tiberius stopped in Lugdunum in 5–4 BC, on his way to the Rhine, and again in 21 AD, campaigning against the Andecavi. Albinus retreated with his forces toward Lugdunum. When Boudica and the Celts arrived in Roman capital of Colchester, the city was defenceless and the townspeople, when confronted by the advancing army, fell back to the temple of Claudius. It served as the capital of the Roman province of Gallia Lugdunensis and was an important city in the western half of the Roman Empire for centuries. It remains to this day poorly understood: current knowledge of the Celtic religion is based on archeology and via literary sources from several isolated areas such as Ireland and Wales. There is no record of a cause or a triggering event but mob violence against the Christians in the streets culminated in a public interrogation in the forum by the tribune and town magistrates. Xianpeng Chen, Qingyan Liu, Kai Fang, Jianjian He, Yang Chen, Tingting Wang, Chuanglin Fang, Yang Shen, Tracking national sustainability of critical natural capital and the socioeconomic drivers in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, Ecological Indicators, 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106315, 114, (106315), (2020). Lyonnais terra cotta, pottery and wine were traded throughout Gaul, and many other items were crafted for export. In the 4th and 5th centuries, the Franks settled in northern France and Belgium, the Alemanni in Alsace and Switzerland, and the Burgundians in Savoie. Lugdunum seems to have had a population of several thousand at the time Roman foundation. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. - representatives of three gauls held annual conference here to discuss judicial and administrative affairs and formulate grievances to be past on to Rome & public worship Roman Emperor Claudius or Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, declared Lyon the capital of Gaul, ... and seemed to be moving forwardinvisibly at the head of the barbarian con-querors of Roman Gaul. At the same time they built the Via Domitia, the first Roman road in Gaul, connecting Italy to Hispania. Gallia, ancient designation for the land S and W of the Rhine, W of the Alps, and N of the Pyrenees. Meanwhile, Vitellius arrived in Lugdunum, where, according to Tacitus, he formally declared himself Imperator, punished unreliable soldiers, and celebrated with feasts, and with games in the amphitheater. The city became increasingly referred to as Lugdunum (and occasionally Lugudunum[5]) by the end of the 1st century AD. Among the latter were Bishop Pothinus, Blandina, Doctor Attalus, Ponticus, and the deacon Sanctus of Vienne. Retrieved 17 September 2019. The Christians publicly confessed their faith and were imprisoned until the arrival of Legate of Lugdonensis, who gave his authority to the persecution. The capital of Gaul was the ancient Lugdunum (modern Lyon). The city was plundered or at least severely damaged by the battle. [14] Four aqueducts brought water to the city's fountains, public baths, and wealthy homes. Parts of eastern Gaul were incorporated into the provinces Raetia (15 BC) and Germania Superior (AD 83). The whole of Cisalpine Gaul was merged into the Roman body politic with a grant of citizenship by Julius Caesar in 49 B.C. Constantinople became the new Roman capital city of the east. The Celtic god Lugus was apparently popular in Ireland and Britain as is found in medieval Irish literature as Lug(h) and in medieval Welsh literature as Lleu (also spelled Llew). Because of its status as the capital of Gaul, the city was able to develop in a number of ways. "Spain: The Visigothic Kingdom". Claudius and Nero also contributed to the city's importance and growth. Dear Friends of Roman Catholic, On behalf of the entire Mission Advancement Team, I hope this message finds you and your family well. He auctioned furniture brought from the palace in Rome, assigning prices and purchasers. Today, the pieces of the huge plaque are the pride of the Gallo-Roman Museum in Lyon. in France 107 Views. In the period  AD 69–192 the city's population may have numbered 50,000 to 100,000, and possibly up to 200,000 inhabitants.[1][2][3][4]. Source: Ancient Eu . [9], Another early medieval folk-etymology of the name, found in gloss on the Latin poet Juvenal, connects the element Lugu- to the Latin word for "light", lux (luci- in compounds) and translates the name as "Shining Hill" (lucidus mons).[10][11]. For Gallia or Gaul before the Roman conquest, see, The territory of Gaul roughly corresponds to modern-day. This latter status was the highest distinction to which a wealthy freedman could aspire. It is unknown who commissioned the Via Aquitania, but it is likely that Domitius Ahenobarbus built it in order to easily exact tributes from the newly conquered tribes.Route[edit]The Via Aquitania was the main Roman road in the province of Aquitania. The Roman Republic began its takeover of Celtic Gaul in 121 BC, when it conquered and annexed the southern reaches of the area. Get the event Settling Cisalpine Gaul; 180 days A new land of opportunity awaits any Romans bold enough to adopt frontier life in conquered territory. Its depth and swampy valley had been an obstacle to travel and communication to the east. Hispania finally fell from the Roman Empire with the great Germanic migrations of the 4th and 5th centuries AD. Generals Marcus Antonius Primus and Gnaeus Julius Agricola were both born in Gaul, as were emperors Claudius and Caracalla. Roman Empire Timeline: Gaul Rising; Flag Coat of Arms Capital (and largest city) Rome Language In 286/7 Carausius commander of the Classis Britannica, the fleet of the English Channel, declared himself Emperor of Britain and northern Gaul. Germanic placenames were first attested in border areas settled by Germanic colonizers (with Roman approval). Vienne quickly laid down weapons and paid a "ransom" to forestall plundering. Lugdunum had at least two banks and became the principal manufacturing center for pottery, metal working, and weaving in Gaul. Patrick Galliou and Michael Jones, The Bretons, 1991, p. 79. The enormous dome over the center of the cathedral, which was converted into a mosque by the Ottomans, shows its Christian heritage. The new route, termed the compendium, shortened the route south to As emperor, he returned in 43 AD en route to his conquest of Britain and stopped again after its victorious conclusion in 47. [14] Throughout the Roman rule over Gaul, although considerable Romanization in terms of material culture occurred, the Gaulish language is held to have survived and continued to be spoken, coexisting with Latin.[13]. Other evidence suggests other cities surpassed Lugdunum as trading centers. In many ways, they were due to differences in relief and climate. After two days of siege, the Celts broke the defences of the temple and everyone inside was killed. Nevertheless, the Christian community either survived or was reconstituted, and under Bishop Irenaeus it continued to grow in size and influence. Oxford University Press. In the 2nd century, Lugdunum prospered and grew to a population of 40,000 to 200,000 persons. 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