Remove the syrup from the heat, throw in the stinging nettles, and give them a thorough mix to ensure all the leaves get covered with the liquid. Wash the nettle leaves and then soak them in water. If last time I presented to you how to make Stinging Nettle Tea – the “Healing Fire”, which is perfect for spring purging, this time I present to you the Rejuvenation Elixir, which is perfect to restore your youthful vigor. After 30 days, filter the mixture to obtain the syrup. If you think spinach and kale are nutrition super stars, you’ll love stinging nettle! Stinging nettle has anti-inflammatory properties which can help alleviate pain. Make sure that you stir your Nettle Cordial mixture daily. You could actuall use a typical kitchen strainer as the leaves should be big enough. Stinging nettle was traditionally used to treat high blood pressure . Related: Homemade Tree Tip Syrup . The easiest is to add the sugar to the water and bring to the boil, simmering until dissolved. Step 2 Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium-low heat, and stir in the onion. These hairy like structures are known as trichomes and cause a sting-like feeling when you touch the plant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Terms & Conditions | Privacy, By entering you accept the use of cookies to enhance your user experience and collect information on the use of the website. Find out more, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. The stinging nettle is part of the same plant family as hops. This signifies a change in this nutritious plant, a change that is of benefit to butterflies and moths, though not to humans. After the infused honey is strained I would move it to a cold place. Stinging Nettle, Apple and Pear Fruit Leather. Urtica dioica, often known as common nettle, stinging nettle (although not all plants of this species sting) or nettle leaf, or just a nettle or stinger, is a herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae.Originally native to Europe, much of temperate Asia and western North Africa, it is now found worldwide, including New Zealand and North America. Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Preparations and Typical Dosing . This will remove most of the sting. Before they flower anyway. Store in sealed bottles or jars. Can the whole thing be taken without straining?? Tip – if you have left it a little late in the season and your local nettle beds are tall and stringy, you can chop them down – and within a few weeks they will have regenerated with fresh new growth that is perfect for picking…. The nettle has sharp hairs on its leaves. Stinging Nettle Cordial. The resulting syrup can be poured into glass bottles leaving the leaves in the pan. The plant is considered an herbaceous perennial, meaning that it has herbal properties and grows back in the same areas year after year. I was drawn to the nettle syrup because when I thought about nettles my skin started to tingle (not in a good way), as I remembered the countless times I accidentally fell, rubbed up against, walked, or was pushed into them. Witchcraft • Hermetics • Magick • Alchemy. Decongestants, antihistamines, allergy shots and even prescription medications such as Allegra and Claritin treat only the symptoms of allergies and tend to lose effectiveness over a period of time. Brennesselblätter {pl} [alt]bot.gastr.pharm. Its well-documented prostate support, combined with its potential as a T-Booster, make it an ideal herbal supplement for countering common age-related health concerns in men. According to the traditional medicine, this plant is used for many purposes. Stinging nettle is often used to make tea but can also be used in most applications as a substitute for spinach. ½ tsp salt . Stinging nettle herb is such a magical herb that also reduce the chances of communicable diseases and increase your immunity. Simmer on medium heat for about an hour, adding water as needed. They are natural effigies of the battle between summer and winter and their sting causes healing burning sensations just like the war god’s fire. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "stinging nettle leaf" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. It is a simple mixture that contains stinging nettle and honey, which makes it a natural remedy for multiple health conditions. However, clinical trials are limited. Urtica dioica often called Stinging nettle, common nettle, stinging nettle, nettle leaf, Big string nettle, Nettle, devil’s leaf, European nettle, Grosse Brennesse is an dioecious, herbaceous, perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae and is native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and North America. Nettles are associated with the war god and fire lord Mars, which is why it is also known in Romanian folklore as “the weed of Marţ”. For more Polish soups check this link. How to make stinging nettle cordial. Pokrzywa zwyczajna jest częścią takiej samej rodziny roślinnej jako skoki. Wash and pick over the nettles, the lemon balm or lemon zest and steep in the hot syrup until it has cooled right down. Cover the mixture with a plate pressing it with a heavy glass or jar. The flowers on Stinging Nettles are like catkins; little tendrils of flowers dropping down from the stems, they tend to be green or yellowy-green in colour, so not always obvious to spot. Finely chop (or mash) the nettle leaves and place them in a jar. Black Nettle Syrup. Its resistance to cold inspired the Romanian people since the oldest of times to consume it as the first food of spring and to create the recipe for the Rejuvenation Elixir with the Stinging Nettle as the main ingredient. After straining we sweetened our Nettle Liqueur with a little sugar syrup, and bottled it. Trim off any tough stems, then chop coarsely. A stinging nettle of some sort, painful but not fatal. Other Common Names: Nettle, common nettle, burn weed, burn hazel, burn nettle, stingers, devil leaf. Stinging nettles have a distinct significance that associates them with the primordial forces of the season. Researchers caution that more research is needed, but this preliminary research seems to support how nettle has been used traditionally. 1 onion, chopped. Dosing. It truly is a matter of “what you put in, comes back out to you”. Older plants tend to be tougher and have a bitter taste. Stinging nettle: A modern view of an ancient healing plant. Black Strap Molasses; Water; A few hours of your time-Fill a small to medium pot with water on stove top. Here you can find all about “Stinging nettles” and how healthy they are. I knew they really liked it the next day when my 13 year old and hubby requested leftover stinging nettle soup for lunch. If you can’t find fresh nettles, you can buy dried nettles in the health supply store. It has a positive effect on the pancreas and helps to lower blood sugar. honey (preferably organic; raw is ok) 15-20 oz. Some 2013 research shows that there are many plant foods that are anti-inflammatory, including nettle. Health benefits of stinging nettles. But it is also excellent in helping relive rheumatism and arthritis symptoms. leaves are still tender. And in order to align ourselves with the rebirth of Old Dokia and the reawakening of Nature, we turn to traditions such as the gathering of seasonal herbs that help us rejuvenate naturally. That’s it – it is as simple as that. Only fill the jar with the nettle leaves up to 3 quarters, and pour the honey over the nettle leaves until the jar is filled. The induced growth could be reduced by the polysaccharide fraction of the 20% methanolic extract of stinging nettle roots by 33.8%. Stinging nettle is a popular home remedy for arthritis, seasonal allergies, and many other conditions. Use this opportunity to strengthen your immune system and energize your body while aligning yourself with the life force that reawakens this season. Yes! And if you’ve been experiencing joint pain or coughs before taking this elixir, you’ll notice how these symptoms will be significantly reduced. Drain through a sieve (let it drain naturally – don’t push the liquid through). Also, personally I would adapt here a bit the recipe instructions and keep the honey in a warm place and shake the glass once a day to keep it liquid. Use gloves, so that the nettle didn’t burn you. Seasonal spring herbs, such as nettles, have everything they need to survive the battle between winter and summer. But it seems the latter may be the case. Serves 4. A concentrated 10:1 root extract seems a good nettle starting point. Your email address will not be published. I eat Pokrzywianka Stinging nettle soup at least once a year, try! Because of its many nutrients, stinging nettle is traditionally used as a spring tonic. Stinging Nettle as 10:1 Concentrated Extract, 150 mg; Stinging Nettle is great for mature men. Stinging nettle, or Urtica dioica, is a common plant that grows in the United States, Canada, and Europe.It primarily grows in damp, fertile soil. Pour the nettle syrup into sterilized bottles, close them and store in a cool, dark place. You only need two ingredients to make this elixir and just a little bit of commitment, but it’s fairly quick and easy. If you can’t find any, you could ask your local nursery or a farmer. We are storing it in a dark cool place and will be testing it regularly to see how it matures over time. Sure, but the nettle leaves may not be to everyones taste . The stinging nettle is a plant found practically all over the world. 3. Drain and chop finely before adding to the syrup. Many foragers appreciate stinging nettles as healthy, mild, spring greens. There are even possibilities that stinging nettle fights against prostate cancer related symptoms. The Stinging Nettle – the fire in the garden, Occult Art: The First Walpurgis Night – Cantata by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy After A Poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Florence Farr – The Evocation of Taphthartharath, and the New Woman of the Golden Dawn, Interview: Simon Costin and the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic, Interview with Greg Kaminsky: Awakening to Authentic Spiritual Practice – The Uncommon Path, Interview With Daniel Hornfisher – Traditional, Practical and High Alchemy and Spagyrics in the 21st Century, Interview with Wilmar Taal on »The Gnome Manuscript« and Gnomes in The Netherlands, The Witch’s Besom – How to Craft and Use Your Own Magical Broom, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Nettles are one of the most universally applicable of all medicinal herbs. May 4, 2019 - This syrup made with honey and nettles has lots of healthy benefits. Cheesecloth would be more for much finer herbal infusions. So take advantage of that and treat yourself to natural rejuvenation. Be mindful and aware when you prepare this elixir because that mindfulness will prove itself rewarding. Stinging nettle can be dried and used as a tea. Click here to get yours! Stinging Nettles appear at the beginning of spring to offer us a small “green pharmacy”. Wash and pick over the nettles, the lemon balm or lemon zest and steep in the hot syrup until it has cooled right down. Hi, I really like your idea and I’ve made up my honey and nettle mixture today. ½ pound stinging nettles, washed (or substitute spinach) 1 pound potatoes, peeled and chopped. ½ tsp ground black pepper. 1/2 pound stinging nettles; 1 onion 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (divided) Speaking of simple, let’s finally talk about those stinging nettles in my title. In fact, they are truly powerful healing plants that can help you restore and maintain your health naturally. Add the nettle leaves, simmer for 1 min to wilt, then blend the soup. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Close the lid and vigorously shake the jar before placing it in the fridge. The leaves and stems of the plant are covered with brittle, hollow, hair-like structures. Just wondering what would be the best way to strain this? Strain, add sugar and stir until it melts completely. Thank you for this amazing recipe! The plant has been used medicinally for ages, dating back as far as Ancient Greece. It contains restorative elements which boost the immune system. Family: Urticaceae. The Grow Network now offers organic bulk herbs—including stinging nettle—in our store. Through spring, Nature brings forth everything we need to restore our youthful vigor. In the meantime wash nettle and herbs and cut them. Fresh nettles are also a good source of chlorophyll. We continue our spring journey into the world of plants, Romanian lore, tradition, and contemporary witchcraft, by learning how to work more efficiently with The Stinging Nettle – the fire in the garden. But not everyone realizes that blanching or boiling stinging nettles yields not only a wild food but also a wild beverage! Caused by eating wrong type of food. Nettle has none of these side effects. Eat a spoonful a day, every morning on an empty stomach for 3 weeks, and you will notice how this ritual will improve your overall well-being each day. Some 2013 research shows that there are many plant foods that are anti-inflammatory, including nettle. Pokrzywa zwyczajna jakiegoś rodzaju, bolesny ale nie śmiertelny. Cook until the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. The best time to harvest is in the spring when the plans are no taller than a foot and are not yet blossoming. Coming out of the cold winter, you need to rejuvenate. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a springtime, flowering plant that grows abundantly in North America and temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere.. Animal and test-tube studies illustrate that it may help lower blood pressure in several ways. Photo: Flickr. The Stinging Nettle plant is super nutritious. This really is delicious – both as a mixer for The Botanist and as a cordial. If you fancy some little green nettle flecks through the liquid – take a small bunch of nettles and blanch then in another pan of boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Energetics: Dry. ; Studies have shown that taking stinging nettle internally can greatly decrease allergy symptoms, in particular, hay fever, seasonal allergies and hives. The Rejuvenation Elixir is a natural medicine for Spring asthenia and it is meant to revitalize the body after winter, protecting it from allergies, cold, and fatigue. Nettle contains lots of vitamins A, C, K, calcium, potassium and iron. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. A normal sieve or would you use something finer like a filter or cloth? Related: Homemade Tree Tip Syrup . Look for stinging nettles at farmers markets in the spring. Go nettle picking and be grateful to mother nature, for she knows best. Stinging Nettle Syrup – The “Rejuvenation Elixir” Nettles are associated with the war god and fire lord Mars, which is why it is also known in Romanian folklore as “the weed of Marţ”. This syrup made with honey and nettles has lots of healthy benefits. Because of the iron dense nettles and energy boosting honey, this elixir is a great remedy for those who experience physical weakness, anemia, or spring asthenia. Serve the soup drizzled with extra oil and scattered with dead nettle flowers, if you have them. Reduces Joint Pain . Botanical Name: Urtica dioica. Click here to get yours! You are free to unsubscribe at any time. Stinging nettle herb is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent. We’re part of a community of experienced foragers, chefs, and bartenders from all around the world who share interesting perspectives and ideas. Photo: Cristina Sanvito CC. Urtica dioica often called Stinging nettle, common nettle, stinging nettle, nettle leaf, Big string nettle, Nettle, devil’s leaf, European nettle, Grosse Brennesse is an dioecious, herbaceous, perennial flowering plant in the family Urticaceae and is native to Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and North America. 6 cups stock or water. In our area, stinging nettles can be found along walking trails, in moist park areas near streams, and often in your own back yard. Stinging nettle cordial is a refreshing herbal drink and can be enjoyed on its own or in a tasty adult beverage. Furthermore, it helps with asthma, coughs, and various skin conditions. If you want to make sure that you got rid of the needles, you can rub the nettle leaves in a towel, and then rinse them again to make sure there’s no residue on them. The easiest is to add the sugar to the water and bring to the boil, simmering until dissolved. … There are a number of different ways to make a very tasty syrup. Stinging nettle is rich in Vitamin A, C, D, K, iron, calcium and a protein. They are at their best when they are forming dense beds no more than a foot tall. You can soon expect to feel more energetic and focused. Parts Used: Leaves, seeds, roots. Their small, hollow stingers are quite sharp and work by injecting painful chemicals like formic acid into the skin, so you do not want to touch them. Stinging nettles are often seen as undesirable and invasive weeds, even though all parts of the nettle plant have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Much finer herbal infusions kitchen strainer as the leaves in the same areas after. Or early summer, shortly before flowering, stews, and many conditions. Is up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of apply... 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