Some forms are evergreen with glossy and leathery leaves and some evergreen types have buds, stems and undersides of leaves that are covered with attractive gold to copper to brown felt-like hairs. There is a wide range of different Magnolia Trees available, and you can find ones that are hardy all the way from zone 4 to zone 9. Japanese magnolias are best suited for Zones 4-9. Well-established plants can be moderately drought tolerant. Gently remove the upper layer of soil from the container or root ball until you expose the topmost root. Leaves emerge in a shade of copper before developing to bright green, then finally golden yellow before dropping in the fall. On my walks this season, I came across 15 different varieties of magnolia trees. This is a large magnolia that mimics the growth habit and shape of its Southern cousins, but the flowers of this tree might be somewhat disappointing compared with other magnolias. Conifers are also known as softwoods. Magnolias prefer a spot in the garden that receives full sun to light shade. It can be deciduous or evergreen, depending on the climate it is growing in. The fragrant flowers open before the foliage and range in color from white to pink to purple. Instead of growing one from scratch, you can grow a magnolia tree by cutting off a piece from an existing magnolia tree and planting it in the ground. Leaves turn a nondescript yellow to brown before dropping in fall. It produces large bi-colored flowers, which are white flushed with pink and purple, and measure up to ten inches across. Best grown in large areas as its ultimate size and form is similar to that of a Moreton Bay Fig tree. Similar hardiness zone maps are available for Australia, Canada, China, Europe, and Japan and many other regions are developing maps. As a native of Japan, this tree is also sometimes known as the Japanese Magnolia. Conifers are often called evergreens or needle-leaved trees (although there always exceptions). Reddish fruits sometimes develop in the fall. Flowers are produced on last season's growth, so the only pruning necessary is to trim and shape. Zone 0 covers the harshest areas in Canada for plant species. Pruning in the spring early summer can let it bleed out and die. It is typically a deciduous tree, but it can be evergreen in hot climates. After planting, irrigate two times per week (cool climates) to three times per week (warm climates) for the first three to six months, and weekly for the rest of the growing season. There are some tree service companies that promote and practice this drastic form of "pruning." Rest assured, when you buy magnolias online from Wilson Bros Gardens, we safely ship the highest quality container-grown specimens that are ready upon arrival to plant and thrive for years to come in your gardens - Guaranteed! This tree is native to the eastern United States and Canada and gets its common name from the fruits it produces, which resemble the cucumber. Look for healthy magnolias with evenly spaced branches. It produces vibrant and sweetly scented flowers, which bloom before the arrival of foliage in mid-spring. You can buy magnolia trees online! Magnolia Trees. Beneath a Shade Tree. This small magnolia is native to China and gets its common name from the flowers it produces, which are reminiscent of lilies. Growing as a small to large evergreen tree, Southern Magnolia also was found to be widely adaptable to different climates, soils, and exposures. Magnolia’s are classic trees that are known for growing in hot climates, though there are many varieties of this tree that are cold hardy and can be grown in a wide range of climates. Magnolia trees produce seed cones in the fall which litter yards and sidewalks. Check with your local retail nursery or garden center. Use this listing of magnolia suppliers to find a nursery online or near you. This plant is grown as a medium-sized shrub or very small tree, rarely exceeding 12 feet in height. 3rd International Magnolia Symposium - Cuba, visiting one of the gardens listed on this map, Sign Up for Magnolia Society Email Updates. Deciduous magnolias (those that drop their leaves in fall) are best planted when dormant, typically in late fall or winter in warmer climates and early spring in cold climates. This variability has allowed a large number of beautiful cultivars to be selected. Use a knife, trowel or shovel to make 1-inch (2.5 cm) deep slices. Place a layer of mulch around the plant that is at least 2 inches (5 cm) thick (thicker for light mulches like pine needles). This plant can be damaged by frost, so it should be kept in a sheltered spot through colder months (Royal Horticultural Society). Peak bloom usually occurs in early spring; because of this, flowers are sometimes damaged by frosts. It blooms with pretty white flowers in early spring before the arrival of foliage. The leaves are deep green with a silver underside, and take an ovate shape with their narrowest point at the base. Consult our list of magnolia nurseries for suppliers specializing in this family. A container-grown plant can be slipped out of its pot to inspect the roots. Also known as a tulip tree, saucer magnolias were created by crossing a lily magnolia with a Yulan magnolia. This is a popular specimen tree that is widely cultivated, with several varieties available. The yellow magnolia flowers are flushed with pink at the base and appear before foliage in mid April then last for several weeks. Creamy white flowers with a waxy texture appear in late spring to mid-summer. The flowers are also fairly large at ten inches across, blooming in May, and are mostly white with purple-tinged bases. Young trees do not flower, but as the tree matures, it produces large, scented white flowers that are tinged with pink, measuring around four inches across. There are more than 200 species of Magnolia native to temperate, subtropical and tropical areas of southeastern Asia, eastern North America, Central America, the Caribbean and parts of South America. Southern Magnolia: Residents of warm temperate climates (USDA Zones 7-9) may be familiar with the Southern Magnolia. This process helps eliminate circling roots that otherwise might constrain root growth. Large, fragrant, white blossoms are just the beginning of the appeal of a magnolia tree. The upper leaf surface is dark green and the lower surface is often covered by brown, dense, felt-like hairs. It is an early bloomer, with an abundance of flowers appearing at the beginning of spring before the leaves are showing. Do not prune back too hard. Magnolias are beautiful but dense trees that can grow to magnificent heights. That said, if you live in a particularly warm or dry climate, your magnolia might benefit from a location shaded from the hot afternoon sun. Magnolias in the wild grow in forested areas with lots of leaf mold for food. Southern Magnolia has glossy, leathery, evergreen, oval-shaped leaves that are 5 to 8 inches or more long and half as wide. This tree is native to the eastern United States and Canada and gets its common name from the fruits it produces, which resemble the cucumber. It is slow-growing, taking a long time to reach its maximum height of 50 feet, though, in ideal circumstances, some very old kobus magnolias have been known to reach 70 feet. Unsurprisingly, the branches of this tree can sometimes droop due to the weight of its enormous leaves. Often flowers display one color on the outer side of the tepal and a lighter color inside. For the first 6 to 12 months after planting, both types will benefit from mulch and regular irrigation during warm or dry weather. Star Magnolia is a slow growing, broad spreading, small tree or large shrub, ultimately reaching 15 feet tall or more. Flowers are white, although a few cultivars have pinkish flowers. Anise Magnolia (Magnolia salicifolia) The anise magnolia has leaves that look somewhat like those … First of all, choose the proper trees for your area. This means it is well suited to partially shaded conditions. Leaves may be 4-8 inches long and up to 3 inches wide. Receive our periodic email updates on the latest on magnolias -- including new cultivars, important research, and gatherings for magnoliaphiles around the world. Though the tree is cold hardy, the blooms are not, so in order to ensure the flowers arrive without damage, you will need to protect the tree from frost in cold climates. Smaller cultivars may be grown as large shrubs and some larger trees may eventually grow 40 to 70 feet tall. These trees are easy to grow, they will adapt to almost any soil type so long as it drains well, and they will tolerate both full sun or partial shade. Here you will find cold hardy Magnolia tree varieties that will grow and survive in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 6. If you’re looking for a magnolia tree that will thrive in your local climate, read our list of the most popular types of magnolias to discover the many varieties available. There are no roots showing above ground, but I am sure they are there, just under the surface sucking out all of the nutrients and water. This is one of the hardiest types of magnolia, and though it loves full sun, it will tolerate shade, making it suitable for cultivation in many places. The creamy colored flowers of the tree are also large, measuring up to ten inches across, and arriving in early summer. This tree is native to China and is prized for its elegant blooms, which have a sweet lemon scent and are creamy-white tinged with pink at the base. Of those species, three are found in Canada: the cucumber tree, which is native to Ontario, and the saucer and Bull Bay magnolias, both of which were introduced to the country. Magnolias are simply magnificent. There is an area roughly 15 feet x 15 feet under the tree where nothing will grow. This magnolia is one of the best known species because it is very cold hardy (USDA Zones 4-8), widely adaptable and blooms when very small. They are prized for the stunning flowers, which can be white, pink, or purple, ranging in size from small and dainty to enormous and showy. Magnolias are prized worldwide for their flowers and forms. Taking Care of Magnolia Susan. Prune late summer early autumn. This deciduous tree is native to Japan. They are considered some of our most beautiful flowering trees, and some cultivars are hardy into USDA Zone 4 while others are adaptable in warmer Zone 9. We offer a variety of Southern Magnolia tree varieties in the Magnolia grandiflora species as well as flowering magnolias that are deciduous in nature and can produce beautiful purple or pink goblet shaped flower blossoms. Apply a mulch of well rotted compost in the autumn. Give your magnolia tree the best chance of survival by choosing the type of magnolia that’s best suited for your climate. It is a relatively small tree, typically growing to little over 20 feet tall, with enormous leaves that fan out into an umbrella shape, giving the tree its common name. Cut 6-8 inches from a growing magnolia branch with a sterilized pruner, and place the branch in water to sustain it. Due to their coloring and small size, they blend in quite easily with the leaves of the magnolia. (never take more than 30% away from a tree in one go) If view of the door is a problem, try and raise the crown. The medium green leaves are oval to circular in shape and vary in size from 3 to 10 inches long and 2 to 10 inches wide. It grows in a range of climates, but these will affect the shape it takes. As we already mulched when planting, it will only be necessary to apply some slow-release fertilizer each year, in the spring and the fall. Firm the soil to eliminate air pockets but do not overly compact the soil. It is a deciduous tree with medium green leaves that fade to gold before dropping. I can't seem to pass a blossoming magnolia tree without taking its picture. magnolia tree care You can propagate magnolia trees from cuttings, seeds (seed pods) and air layering methods The magnolia tree grown from seed will be very slow to grow and only bloom after 8-10 years. Makes a good specimen plant in beds and borders. When looking for the perfect show-stopping tree, a magnolia is a great option. You may need to look for specialty, rare or new magnolias at "better" garden centers or from an online magnolia nursery. This evergreen tree is native to the Southeastern United States and is the state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana. It has a similar-sized spread and is popularly grown as informal hedging. Champaca Magnolia is a native of southeastern Asia famous for its extremely fragrant creamy-white, yellow or yellow-orange flowers. If you prune to heavy, you can encourage water shoots. Star Magnolia's characteristics have made it popular as a parent of many hybrids. They measure between two and three inches across and have a mild sweet citrus scent. Magnolias are adaptable to clay, loam or sand soils, but most grow poorly in wet or poorly drained soils. The tree takes a natural pyramid shape as it matures. Evergreen magnolias are best planted in early spring. The Alexandrina Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina') is a beautiful ornamental shrub that can become a lovely specimen plant in your landscape.. Thus, it was the first Magnolia to be planted widely as a street or shade tree and is now grown nearly worldwide wherever suitable climate and soils exist. This tree is large in every sense and needs plenty of space to grow; it reaches great heights of up to 120 feet, though more typically tops out at 80 feet. It should be within the top 2 inches (5 cm) of the surface. The magnolia cuttings are difficult to root, but the tree will be faster to grow and will flower in about 2-3 years time. E.g. Magnolia is a tough, disease resistant tree that can handle some urban pollution. The overall effect of the tepals is that of a starburst, hence the name, "Star Magnolia." Though many types of magnolia do have large leaves, this tree has exceptionally big foliage, giving it the common name of ‘bigleaf magnolia.’ Each leaf can measure up to 32 inches long, making it the species with the largest single leaf of any tree in North America. Healthy roots are white, whereas diseased roots are brown to black and often have a sour odor. Many homeowners pass up magnolias because of the trees' size, however. All trees in Canada can be distinguished as being a conifer or deciduous tree. Bearing leaves up to 10 inches long, the cucumber tree magnolia can grow to 50 feet tall with 3-inch blossoms that appear in late spring. They may know which magnolias grow well in your area and will have these for sale. This means that a magnolia grown in a container or pot can brighten even a small space, and it can be moved to suit your (and your tree’s) needs. Plant the tree in an area of your property with full to partial sun and plenty of room for the magnolia to grow. The deciduous ones are the hardiest, but they will also grow well in warmer areas that are not too dry, all the way through zone 9. Most magnolia trees are early bloomers and can be evergreen or deciduous. The flowers are followed by cucumber-like fruit. Deciduous trees are often called broadleaf trees because most shed their leaves in autumn. They typically have quite closed petals and are not very showy. Cold hardy to Zone 4, so you can grow it a long way north. Place the root ball so the upper most root (uncovered in step one) is even with or slightly above the surface of the surrounding undisturbed soil. Dig a hole at least 1.5 times as wide as the container or ball. This plant enjoys moist conditions and is tolerant of soggy soil, making it well suited to boggy terrain and poorly draining soils. Special Features: Enormous decorative foliage. This tree can be evergreen or deciduous, depending on the climate it is grown in. Magnolias can grow well over 50 feet tall and nearly as wide. The foliage of this tree has a texture like glossy leather in a deep shade of green. This popular magnolia is a hybrid species, which was the result of crossing the Lily Magnolia (Magnolia liliiflora) and the Yulan Magnolia (Magnolia denudata). When you start looking into magnolias, you will want one in every bed! Send it to us. Growing Magnolia Trees. This plant is native to the eastern US. Most magnolias grow best in moist, well-drained, slightly acid soils but neutral to slightly alkaline soils are also suitable for growth. Flowers of this plant have more vivid coloring than most magnolias, with blooms in shades of deep pink or purple-red. A hardiness zone is a geographically defined area where a given plant is capable of growing. Have a question about your magnolias? Ideal for growing in containers. Southern Magnolia is used as a specimen plant, street tree, shade tree, screen or windbreak. Planting: Choose a location with well-drained soil and adequate sunlight for your Magnolia.Then, dig a hole that's about three times the width of your tree's rootball, place your tree, and backfill the soil. In fact, removing too many branches can result in stress, cause suckers, and make the tree susceptible to disease. for 1+3, enter 4. Considered a small magnolia tree, it is deciduous and compact, growing only to about 15 feet tall (many consider it to be a shrub). If possible, avoid exposed, windy locations because strong winds can damage large flowers and the typically brittle branches. Contact us to order your copy today >, Copyright 2020 Magnolia Society International. For balled trees, remove any root ball coverings (such as burlap). 7m. Known throughout the South, Magnolia grandiflora is commemorated as the state tree of Louisiana and Mississippi. All of the magnolias pictured are currently growing … Champaca Magnolia's typical size in the landscape is 30 feet tall and wide, though this tree may grow much larger with time. Tip: The Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is fragrant, gorgeous, and the most common type of magnolia tree. Ask the following questions to help determine if you should consider a magnolia -- and if so, where best to plant it: The easy way to answer this question is to figure out what “zone” you live in. RHS H6, USDA 4a-8b. Another of the top magnolia trees in zone 5 gardens is the cucumber tree magnolia (Magnolia acuminata), native to this country. Champaca Magnolia: Many magnolias grow in subtropical and tropical climates typical of USDA Zones 10-12 and warmer. This selection of Saucer Magnolia was chosen specifically for its wonderful, dark-purple flower buds, and huge cup-shaped flowers with light pink and white interiors. In wet or soggy soil, making it well suited to boggy terrain poorly! 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