While under Indonesian occupation from 1975 – 1999, Timor was listed as a non-self-governing territory with the UN Special Committee on Decolonisation. And, according to the Observer, the crisis had been well-planned for almost a year. Australian-led UN peacekeeping forces finally landed in Dili, East Timor, after much delay. Portugal’s colonial influence meant the population was culturally very different from the rest of Indonesia. This resulted in Jakarta declaring martial law in East Timor where more violence, killings, massacres, rape, burning, looting are taking place by the Indonesian-backed militias. Chapter 2: A Brief Outline of the East Timor Crisis: The View from Canberra ‘This is big’ A number of books have been published about East Timor’s history during the period 1945–99, and those efforts will not be replicated here. Some have been fatal. In May 2002 Gusmão was inducted as president of the newly named Timor-Leste. Many countries, including Australia, effectively looked the other way, prepared to appease Indonesia because of its size and power in the region. Much of East Timor was destroyed and at some points there were estimates from 200,000 to 300,000 refugees created. Colonised by the Portuguese in the 16 th century, this small south east Asian nation declared freedom from colonial rule on 28 November 1975.. Nine days later, neighbouring Indonesia invaded. As late as December 1999, and UN aid officials were still prevented from entering refugee camps in West Timor. The International Forces East Timor (INTERFET) coalition began deploying to East Timor on 20 September 1999, as a non-UN force operating in accordance with UN Resolutions. 211 UN missions in East Timor to date are: UNAMET (June-October 1999), mandated with ensuring a free an ; 212 International Crisis Group (ICG). Though some During World War II, thousands of East Timorese lost their lives helping Australia forces fight against the Japanese. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_East_Timorese_independence_referendum It was an almighty blow. To print all information (e.g. It’s thought 100,000 died in the first few years, as the armed resistance was largely crushed and Indonesia held civilians in detention camps where many died in a famine. 13 November 1999. Alexius East Timor burned school.jpg 642 × 422; 37 KB. Leading up to this and after the vote where there was an overwhelming majority who voted for independence, Indonesian military-backed militia went on a terror campaign. The East Timor Crisis of 1999 has received considerable attention in Australia. An estimated 100,000 people were killed in that first year. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Dili, East Timor. On 30 August 1999 the UN oversaw an historic ballot, in which 78.5% of East Timorese rejected autonomy in favour of independence. The Indonesian forces were brutal. As groups supporting autonomy and independence began campaigning, a series of pro-integration paramilitary groups of East Timorese began threatening violence—and indeed committing violence—around the country. (In October 1999, there were 300,000 and the previous link provides some details on what it was like then). In 1978 Australia’s prime minister, Malcolm Fraser, was the first to recognise Jakarta’s de facto annexation. On 11 June 1999, the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) was established through the Security Council Resolution 1246 to implement the 5 May Agreement between Indonesia and Portugal which granted East Timor a referendum or "consultation" on its future. expanded side notes, shows alternative links), use the print version. And even months before the elections, there had been many killings by pro-integration paramilitaries. Web. Indonesia invades East Timor Early in the morning, Indonesian forces launch a massive invasion of the former Portuguese half of the island of Timor, which lies near Australia in the Timor Sea. In 1992 the head of the resistance, Xanana Gusmão, was captured and imprisoned in Jakarta. It was an act of Australian imperialism understood from a Marxist perspective, and was consistent with … (For more about how much Alan Nairn has reported on, see the media part of this East Timor section.). Since 1999, Australian Defence Force, Australian Federal Police and civilian personnel have been deployed to Timor-Leste (East Timor) in support of a series of UN missions to the territory. This article is part of the following collection: Bookmark or share this with others using some popular social bookmarking web sites: Copy/paste the following HTML code to your page: Anup Shah, What Happened in East Timor?, Global Issues, Updated: September 10, 2000. East Timor was then invaded by Indonesia shortly after Portugal abruptly left, in 1975. “What Happened in East Timor?.” Global Issues. It launched a full-scale invasion of Timor in December 1975. At the heart of the crisis in 1999 was the question of East Timor’s political status. The 1999 East Timorese crisis was a conflict. were forcibly shipped over the border to Indonesian West Timor. To carry out the consultation, the Security Council, by resolution 1246 (1999), authorized the establishment of the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) on 11 June 1999. Suharto’s successor, President BJ Habibe, was more open to some form of autonomy for East Timor, and released Gusmão from prison in Jakarta, into house arrest. There has been talk of the IMF and World Bank offering help in the building and rebuilding of the nation of East Timor. In March 1999 Habibe announced that if, in a “process of consultation”, the East Timorese favoured independence over autonomy under Indonesia, he would grant it. 08 Dec. 2020. Over 1,400 civilians are believed to have been killed due to the violence. As well as fleeing from East Timor to West Timor, many escaped into the hills and are still facing lack of clean water and food. The ironic thing is that ever since the 1975 invasion, East Timor had been occupied and controlled by the Indonesian military and so martial law doesn't seem to mean anything. The 1999 East Timor crisis began with widespread violence throughout the country, centered in the capital Dili. He goes on to say that was it not for western business interests in Indonesia, more decisive action could have been seen and more lives could have been saved. Other aid workers (non UN, such as from Oxfam, etc) have also had to pull out for now, until the situation becomes more stable. When the final results were announced in favour of independence, pro-Indonesian militia rapidly escalated levels of arson, looting and killings. Gusmão and other exiled leaders returned soon afterwards and the UN ran a three-year administration in the lead-up to parliamentary and presidential elections. Led by Australia, who contributed 5,500 personnel and the force commander, Major General Peter Cosgrove , it was tasked with restoring peace and security, protecting and supporting UNAMET, and facilitating humanitarian … However, as the East Timor Action Network were quick to point out at that time, that was just half the step. Gun attack on embassy - TIMOR RESCUE. Fortunately, they airlifted them to safety. This violence had led to a delay in the elections. Towns and villages were decimated and vital infrastructure was ruined. Alternatively, copy/paste the following MLA citation format for this page: Shah, Anup. For more information, visit this web site's look at human rights and the subsection of Indonesia. Consequently, East Timorese in West Timor still face oppression and human rights abuses as journalists and the UN peacekeeping forces have been only in East Timor. Rising anti-Australian sentiment in Indonesia has erupted in a … 1999 East Timorese crisis ... Media in category "Crises in East Timor 1999" The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. The Indonesian legislature finally ratified the East Timorese vote, 20 October, 1999, allowing East Timor to officially be an independent nation. In April 1974 a leftwing coup in Lisbon, the Carnation Revolution, led to Portugal setting its colonial outposts adrift. Before the May agreement was announced, an April paramilitary attack in Liquiça left dozens of East Timorese dead. Of the almost 99 percent voter turn out (which is very courageous in itself, given the looming threats from militia groups), over 75 percent voted for independence. The landmark vote in 1999, in which 78.5% of East Timorese chose independence from Indonesia, was the culmination of 24 years of occupation by Jakarta and, before that, hundreds of years of colonial rule by Portugal. Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All. The Australian-led intervention during the 1999 crisis in East Timor has been considered as a success story in responding to a massive humanitarian emergency. Celebrations across the country were short-lived. 2006. Just two weeks since the landing, as John Pilger had pointed out, only Dili had been secured. EAST TIMOR: 'UN HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO ACT QUICKLY' USIA Foreign Media Reaction Report 14 September 1999 -- Coverage of the crisis in East Timor remained … For much of the time since those tumultuous days of September 1999, the ADF has been preoccupied by threats in the Middle East. East Timor’s violent transition to independence, which began early in 1999, presented the Australian Government with a significant foreign policy crisis. Building a nations infrastructure has been slow going, even with UN assistance. This was possible because the US, UK and others stopped various forms of aid to Indonesia, such as the all-important military aid, IMF aid etc. Even before the August 1999 vote on self determination in East Timor, which saw a huge voter turn out, there had been many threats and actual increased violence by paramilitaries, to discourage voting. Resolving Timor-Leste’s Crisis, p. 17. Yet even so, the massive donor response surprised everyone. As refugees poured into West Timor, so did the militia trying to hunt down East Timorese, such that even West Timor was not safe. East Timor/Timor-Leste. Timor Leste or East Timor, has had a hard history. But extensive damage had been done. When the US and British announced military aid freezes, the Indonesian military allowed peacekeepers in, revealing how much influence Washington and London have on Jakarta -- if they want to exercise it. August 1999 saw a vote on self determination in East Timor. Sadly, however, it was after many people have been killed and displaced.). The amount of destruction here dwarfs anything I have seen in other countries. The violence erupted after a majority of eligible voters in the population of East Timorchose independencefrom Indonesia. Some journalists had even commented that this crisis had entered a total state of chaos and that the paramilitaries in East Timor were out of control. 7 August 2002 (HPN) - The crisis in East Timor following the pro-independence ballot there in August 1999 was swift and dramatic. However, the Indonesian-backed paramilitaries were not out of control because they were controlled and supported by the Indonesian military. Crisis Policymaking: Australia and the East Timor Crisis of 1999 @inproceedings{Connery2011CrisisPA, title={Crisis Policymaking: Australia and the East Timor Crisis of 1999}, author={D. Connery}, year={2011} } “Bad ideas flourish because they are in the interest of powerful groups.” — Paul Krugman, https://www.globalissues.org/article/93/what-happened-in-east-timor, https://www.globalissues.org/print/article/93, Peacekeeping Began as World Powers Slowly Started to React, Other areas of Indonesia also Facing Abuses, possible structural adjustment-like economic policies. Militia who did not like the independence in East Timor started the conflict when they attacked civilians. Fretilin and its armed wing, Falintil, retreated to the interior of the island with tens of thousands of civilians. August 1999 saw a vote on self determination in East Timor. Global Policy Forum. Other workers from the UN and other organizations have continually faced violence in West Timor. Most of the violence occurred in the capital Dili. These attacks led to more violence all over the country. The referendum's origins lay with the request made by the President of Indonesia, B. J. Habibie, to the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan on 27 January 1999, for the United Nations to hold a referendum, whereby the Indonesian province would be given choice of either greater autonomy within Indonesia or independence. A three-week campaign of violence killed 2,600 people, nearly 30,000 were displaced and as many as 250,000 were forcibly shipped over the border to Indonesian West Timor after the ballot, in what amounted to a scorched earth policy. 213 Wolfowitz P. 2006. On 20 September 1999 an Australian-led international peacekeeping force, Interfet, arrived to restore order. It is appalling to look around Dili and see that ninety percent of the homes and buildings have been burnt or wrecked. The Indonesian military could easily tell the paramilitaries to stop and the international community, especially those who supported and backed the Indonesian regime were easily able to exert pressure on Jakarta to stop this violence, yet they were slow to do so. Indonesian forces had already secretly begun attacks across the border from Indonesian West Timor (on the other side of the island) in October 1975, where five Australian journalists were killed in the town of Balibo. Jakarta feared a communist state on its doorstep and that a newly independent country in its sphere could destabilise the rest of the archipelago. Many have feared returning home. A year since the violence, there are still 100,000 refugees in Indonesian camps facing violence from militia. The 5 May agreements stipulated that, after the vote, UNAMET would oversee a transition period pending implementation of the decision of the East Timorese people. Some 1,400 civilians are believed to have died. In July 1976 Indonesia’s parliament declared East Timor the country’s 27th province. East Timor’s violent transition to independence, which began early in 1999, presented the Australian Government with a significant foreign policy crisis. The UN Assistance Mission to East Timor (UNAMET) and journalists were essentially been told to get out of Timor. Available for everyone, funded by readers. The 1999 referendum came after 24 years of occupation by Indonesian forces, Thu 29 Aug 2019 14.00 EDT The paramilitaries had decimated the area and when they left virtually the whole of East Timor's infrastructure had been destroyed and all institutions of government and administration had ceased to function. The year before, leaked footage of the massacre of 100 mourners at a funeral at Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili had emerged, reminding the world of the brutality of the occupation. . The Timorese fought back. This Video as an Original Document of War in East Timor Leste 1999. 10 Sep. 2000. The Asian financial crisis and massive pro-democracy protests led to the resignation of the country’s strongman, President Suharto, who had been in power for more than 30 years and had authorised the invasion of Timor. As Amnesty International point out for example, because the judicial system has not been fully set up, there is violence in East Timor by vigilante groups wishing to seek revenge and taking it out on those they suspect to have supported Indonesia in 1999. Worse still, it is feared that as many as 100,000 refugees are unaccounted for and remain missing. In essence, the 1999 East Timor intervention led to a shift in perceptions of how Australia should see itself and what it could and should do to act decisively in its neighbourhood. There was at that time (and still is) a long way to go; the return of refugees, end to militia activity and prosecution of rights violators are all high priorities. Long a colony of Portugal, East Timor was invaded by neighboring Indonesia in 1975 and subsequently annexed. First published in The Age on September 22, 1999. Various institutions still need to be set up or strengthened. An M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) (registration number 134146) of 5th/7th Battalion (Mechanised), The Royal Australian Regiment (5/7RAR) driving along a... “ANZAC Patrol” Australian and New Zealand soldiers pierce down a highway in East Timor. During the 25 years of ... Crisis in East Timor. Leading up to this and after the vote where there was an overwhelming majority who voted for independence, Indonesian military-backed militia went on a terror campaign. It withdrew its administrative and military personnel – including from Mozambique, Angola and what was then called Portuguese Timor. (And here they were able to exert their influence thanks in part to public pressure. In fact, journalist Alan Nairn who was recently arrested in East Timor had witnessed the paramilitaries operating from Indonesian military bases and receiving orders etc. Much of East Timor was destroyed and at some points there were estimates from 200,000 to 300,000 refugees created. Several hundred thousand people became displaced. In 1996 the country’s de facto foreign affairs minister, José Ramos-Horta, was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace prize with Bishop Carlos Belo, the head of the Catholic church in Timor. On 16 May 1999, … The devastation is the most extensive I have seen in a complex humanitarian emergency. But the UN condemned it and called for an act of self-determination. East Timor - Indonesia (1975 - 1999) Shortly after obtaining independence from Portugal in 1974, East Timor (or Timor-Leste) was invaded by Indonesians who occupied the country until 1999. Closing Press Conference in Timor-Leste (10 April 2006). East Timor was ruled by Portugal for about 3 centuries. In May 1999 UNAMET was mandated by the Security Council to organise a popular consultation in East Timor regarding the political future of the territory. It has been pointed out that the ethnic cleansing in East Timor was a tactical move to lure people into West Timor, which, unlike East Timor, is part of Indonesia. This thesis argues that the Australian military intervention in East Timor in 1999 was motivated primarily by the need to defend Australia’s own strategic interests. For the next 24 years, the territory’s political status remained in dispute, both in East Timor itself and internationally. The 1999 East Timorese crisisbegan with attacks by anti-independence militants on civilians, and expanded to general violence throughout the country, centred in the capital Dili. DOI: 10.26530/oapen_458922 Corpus ID: 131685842. In 1998 a political earthquake brought change to Indonesia. Last modified on Fri 30 Aug 2019 03.42 EDT. This crisis was not sudden, totally unexpected or ultimately threatening to Australia’s survival. 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