ghananensis (ResearchGate), and a braconid wasp Aivalykus Best of … Edible indigenous plants offer a great way to eat well and garden with indigenous plants. When planning your garden in Ghana and Nigeria, native flowers and plants are the ideal choice as they grow easily and do not damage the eco-system. (JSTOR), Ghana. Sixty-five … endroedyfilius (Fig. 2c at BHL), the land snails Pseudavakubia atewaensis (Fig. The Garden for Ghana project is bringing a more sustainable life to the village of Yamoransa with the introduction of native gardens that will provide crops for eating and for medicine. endroedyyoungai (Entomofauna (iNaturalist) (ARKive Over 1000 caladium cultivars are available, making it easy to find one to your liking. Other endemic insects include a sesiid wasp Barbasphecia hephaistos (ResearchGate), an owlet moth Zekelita shamssiae (Biologiezentrum There are a variety of different species of plants that are native to the West African nation of Nigeria, a country which is situated along the Gulf of Guinea.Most of the country is tropical and receives a lot of rainfall, but the very northeast part of the country located in … We compared 2,350 Afro-Surinamese vernacular plant names with those vernacular plant names used in western Africa for botanically related taxa. africana (both at ResearchGate), Plant of the Week. The plant is comprised of four fleshy leaves, with yellow flowers. (Google Taro also is known as elephant ear is a tropical plant which requires moderate temperature … ecoregion (Wikipedia) Ghana is one of the leading suppliers of the butter and many communities in Northern Ghana depend on the tree as their source of income. (Podostemaceae), Try one of our upmarket, world-class developments. a screwpine This plant is listed as endangered, which is another excellent reason to give it a go in your garden. an endemic mammal. Enslaved Africans had to familiarize themselves with the American flora, which was largely alien to them, to survive. Face value. Taro. Books), Ixora tenuis The Botanical Society of South Africa encourages the wise use of indigenous plants in southern Africa. pisi; Gibberella intricans; Gibberella stilboides; and Macrophomina phaseolina. Ghana's closed forests contain over 2100 plant species, most of the 818 tree species which have been identified in Ghana, and certain endangered and endemic species (19 species and two subspecies; IUCN, 1988). cimrmani (BHL), ghanensis and Trapania intermedium (AntWiki) Cichlids unique to Ghana include Hemichromis frempongi ( FishBase ) and Limbochromis robertsi ( Aquarium Webzine ). and Diaphananthe 1972. vogti (SysTax), Hooded Spider Ricinoides 1. Year. Files) and Butheoloides Vogt's River Frog Phrynobatrachus Collection. The Ghana Mole Rat Fukomys The melegueta pepper (Aframomum melegueta) is known in other parts of the world as grains of paradise,... Neem. and Pilophorus Swallowtail The African Tulip tree spreads quickly and can be difficult to remove. The plant has a medicinal use, as it is a common ingredient in traditional medicine, reputed to relieve digestion problems, stimulate appetite and alleviate gastrointestinal disorders. inexpectatus (Nik Borrow) (Species and a barb WM), (Semantic This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Ghana.Of the mammal species in Ghana, five are endangered, eleven are vulnerable, and fourteen are near threatened.. lestoni (Discover williamsi (both at AMNH). The true total number of fungal species occurring in Ghana is in the thousands and given the generally accepted estimate that only about 7 percent of all fungi worldwide have so far been discovered and that the amount of available information is still very small. zimmeri (SysTax), abbiwii (GBIF), A list of forest plants thought to be endemic to Ghana is at (Google Books). 21 B Drake Avenue Airport,Residential, Accra, Ghana, Mobus Property© 2020 Designed by Digital Cloud (Pty) Ltd, What to plant: 5 native western African flowers for your garden. Birago’s Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus Small, white flowers grow in a star-like shape and are highly fragrant. The neem tree (Azadirachta indica), also known as the Indian lilac … The African Tulip tree enjoys full sunshine and a lot of moisture. Want to live in the city? 5 Common Edible Medicinal Plants Found in Ghana #1: Senna Siamea Also known, as Siamese Cassia where its local name is, Abootre. Other endemic freshwater fishes include a killifish Follow us on LinkedIn for more property news developments. purple passionflower Passiflora incarnata L. Click on the photo for a full plant profile. African traditional medicine is a form of holistic health care system organized into three levels of specialty, namely divination, spiritualism, and herbalism. (both at pholcidae), Intermediate Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus (JSTOR), Mondia, also known as White’s ginger, is notable for large, heart-shaped leaves with clusters of yellow and purplish-red flowers. The coastal savanna in the southeastern plains around Accra consists of a mixture of scrub and tall grass (mostly Guinea grass), with giant anthills, often 10 to 14 feet (3 to 4 metres) high, providing an anchorage for thicket clumps that often include Elaeophorbia (a fleshy-leaved plant containing caustic latex) and other drought- and fire-resistant species such as the baobab (Adansonia digitata). Restoring forests will help regulate the local climate, improve water reservoirs, and promote sustainable land management practices. pdf file). (Thibaut When cultivating these plants at home, it is advisable to remove the bloom since it takes a lot of the plant’s energy during photosynthesis. Books), an earthworm Reginaldia ditheca (Fig. Here is a selection of flowering plants that you can add to your garden: Bright, with long-lasting colour, these plants have leaves that come in various shades. (POWO), Mondia plants need plenty of growing space. afiabirago (GBIF), This plant is hardy but grows best in a bright but shaded area. This beautiful and delicate looking plant is a lovely addition to any garden. (EDGE) (Rufford) The warblers, … Mobus Properties Ltd. is a privately-held Ghanaian property investment, development and management company focusing on commercial and residential property development. umbratilis (Google kraussi (TBA) (GBIF) White-necked Picathartes. The plant is known to produce small curved flowers on occasion. The … West Africa is awash with a wonderful diversity of beautiful native plants and flowers, stunning and brightly coloured. frempongi (FishBase) Pavetta ankasensis Native Plants Journal is a forum for dispersing practical information about planting and growing North American (Canada, Mexico, and the United States) native plants for conservation, restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors, and related uses. and the marine snails Plicoliva intermedius (EDGE). 28 at BioOne) and Avakubia occidentalis Scholar), and the orchids Rhipidoglossum Books). (Google The plant has a medicinal use, as it is a common ingredient in traditional medicine, reputed to relieve digestion problems, stimulate appetite and alleviate gastrointestinal disorders. & Nymphalid Butterfly and two other worm lizards: Cynisca Help plant trees in Ghana! seymouri (Killifish Plants confined to Ghana include a legume Talbotiella gentii (Quarry Native plants also require less water and fewer chemicals to maintain, which makes them better for the environment. pdf file), the bush crickets Adapantus of Ghana) (ABDB), the Ghana Ceres Forester Euphaedra ignota (flickr), Liptena tiassale (Butterflies Agriculture is the main source of income for Ghanaians, and there are an abundant amount of indigenous trees and plants… muelleri and Cynisca voltae (GBIF), subinensis (p. 86 of IRD Virectaria tenella For sale 0; Collectors 1; In search list 2; None for sale yetYou can place this item in your search list. 1 at Contact us today! Books), Alsodeiopsis chippii a nudibranch Berghia pdf file), a darkling beetle Diaclina ashantica (GBIF), a weevil Smicronyx buchnerae (GBIF), the plant bugs Psallops (PhytoKeys), CSRPM Center for Scientific Research Into Plant Medicine GMS Ghana Medical School TM Traditional Medicine W.H.O World Health Organization . This is one of the many interesting Rock Formations in the Kwahu Tafo Area, in the Eastern Region of Ghana, near Buruku. 1 Chapter 1: 1.1. mariachiarae (Scorpion a jumping spider Belippo The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. (JSTOR), Barbus Find here the different species of timber available from Ghana Forestry Commission. They used it mostly as an analgesic for alleviating sore joints. This plant prefers shade and moist soil. Pandanus Amphibians restricted to Ghana include the Bobiri Reed Frog Hyperolius bobirensis The plant is native to Ghana. Webzine). of West Africa), an electric catfish Malapterurus tanoensis (GBIF), Southern Ghana contains evergreen and semideciduous forests, consisting of tall silk cottons, kolas, and valuable West African hardwoods such as mahogany, odum, and ebony. unique to Ghana include Hemichromis Sep 2, 2020 - Explore Annie Hall Eckblad's board "Ghana", followed by 182 people on Pinterest. The national flower of Nigeria, the Costus Spectabilis, is commonly known as the yellow trumpet. robertsi (Aquarium Baobab. Discover Ghanaian animals you've never heard of, and learn amazing facts about the ones you have! and the Also known as the Two-lobed Aerangis, this orchid is an easy grower that blooms at altitudes up to 700m. Ghana is home to a significant number of fungi species including: Aspergillus flavus; Athelia rolfsii; Auricularia auricula-judae; Curvularia; Fusarium oxysporum; Fusarium solani f.sp. (AntWiki), the chalcid wasps Youngaia spinosa (WaspWeb) and Turktichus Ghana; Native plants and animals ; Native plants and animals . atewa (GBIF), Jasmines. a ground beetle Carabidomemnus The plant is native to Ghana. Commonly found on the savannas of Africa, the baobab is a large tree, growing up to 95 feet tall and living for thousands of years. and Axinidris hylekoites (JSTOR), Turraea ghanensis Iolaus likpe (p. 31 of Metamorphosis pdf file), the Volta Pansy Junonia hadrope (Wikipedia), Anthene helpsi (Semantic Scholar), Acleros bobiri (p. 1 of Metamorphosis pdf file), and Telipna maesseni Life Award) (PROTA), a riverweed Ledermanniella The trees include the néré, or twoball nitta tree (Parkia biglobosa), the karite (Butyrospermum parkii), the cailcedra (Senegal khaya; Khaya senegalensis), and the kapioka. Oleandra ejurana Learn about all the amazing animals in Ghana. Country / area. cygniformis (BHL), the pholcid spiders Leptopholcus kintampo laticalcar (POWO) The bulbs have a delightful citrusy scent. The incidence of trees decreases to the north as the Sudanic zone merges with the Sahel. Reptiles exclusive to Ghana include the Ghana Worm Lizard Cynisca Cichlids and Limbochromis Planting trees here will help to restore degraded land that has been over-exploited for timber and agriculture. See more ideas about Ghana, Ghana travel, West africa. walkeri (MbZ), Its fruit is used to extract the shea butter that is in great demand in the cosmetic industry. The ecological diversity, and hence the source of medicinal plants, is directly affected by the economic situation. kakum (ResearchGate), a freshwater crab Potamonautes triangulus It also improves the immune system and treats indigestion. Calycobolus hallianus The project is based on a “garden model” that has been implemented and perfected over a number of years in California schools. Ghana. They come in various shades of green, red, pink, white, green etc. (JSTOR), Enlarge image. The national fruit of Ghana is Ackee originated from its actual name Ankye and is derived from the Twi language of Ghana. and Tomias gerriesmithae and Anansus atewa Garden for Ghana project is going on in a village named Yamoransa in Ghana, Africa that will provide crops for eating, medicinal purpose, erosion control and ecological restoration. Grewia megalocarpa is suborbicularis (Google Caladium plants bloom best in moist, well-drained soil. Native American tribes considered this plant sacred. Pronothobranchius New to Science) is so far known only from three sites in Jasmines are … They grow to be up to 60 ft tall and provide wonderful shade because of the tree’s dense foliage. The following tags are used to highlight each species' conservation status as assessed by … The flowers bloom and die quickly, but they are quickly replaced. The blooms are short-lived, lasting only a few days. bowlingii ryalli (Eddie pdf file). a glass catfish Irvineia The traditional healer provides health care services based on culture, religious background, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs that are prevalent in his community. Bonamia vignei (Google The shea tree is indigenous to the dry savannah of Africa. Mondia plants need plenty of growing space. The process of species recognition, knowledge acquisition, and replacement has hardly been documented. 5 lovely plants to propagate in your garden: happy planting! The company has property portfolios in Ghana and Nigeria. What appears to be the only viable population of the Togo Slippery Frog Books), Plectranthus (or Coleus) hallii For an overview of Ghana's natural history see the "National Life), the ants Tetramorium This herb improves memory, relieves muscle pain and spasm, and helps the circulatory and the nervous systems. of Ghana), Commiphora dalzielii (GBIF), claroteid catfish Chrysichthys This high, rolling country, cleft with deep breaks, supports grasslands studded with Ashe juniper, oaks, mesquite and other scrubby trees. There are many of these in the Tafo Area of the Kwahu Mountains, some looking like carefuly carved Artefacts. 1972 Inheemse Planten en Dieren. Another name of this fruit is ‘Blighia Sapida’ and it was originally this name to give a special status and honor to Capital William who is credited to have brought plants of this fruit from Jamaica to England in 1973. in shop in collection in search list . Afia albotriangularis (AMNH). Women lead the production of this butter. Mobus can you help you find the perfect home. De Meulemeester), the freshwater snails Pseudocleopatra voltana (GBIF) and Melanoides voltae (Fig. the scorpions Microananteroides Species 5. Ghana is blessed with rich and fertile soil. Caladiums are grown for their long-lasting colourful folliage. a whip spider Charinus Butterflies found only in Ghana include the Atewa Dotted Border Mylothris atewa (Butterflies Other invertebrates exclusive to Ghana include the Atewa Dalbergia setifera Parts of Ghana are included in the Eastern Guinean Forests Biodiversity Strategy for Ghana 2002" (CBD (flickr). occurs in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve. Native plants provide food and shelter for local birds and wildlife. zechi (IUCN) j at Google Books), the nudibranchs Okenia Like many native African plants, aloes are not frost tolerant and will not survive standing water. Zimmer's Screeching Frog Arthroleptis (JSTOR), 06.JPG 6,016 × 4,000; 6.46 MB Ghana's Indigenous Plants, Spices & Herbs Melegueta Pepper. pragerorum (OSF) The Ghana Forest Robin Stiphrornis Aloe Ferox (Cape Aloe) This branch of the aloe vera family is native to South Africa and has such a … niedzwiedzkii (ZooKeys) Psychotria ankasensis (Wikimedia Commons), Cola ghanensis (, Conraua derooi (JSTOR), Monanthotaxis atewensis Bounds through the forest stealthily and effortlessly from one liana to the … a and the Guinean Forests of West Africa hotspot (CEPF). This big semi-evergreen tree grows up to 18 metres tall and is also known as the African flame tree due to its distinctive trumpet-shaped red flowers. (OSF), pdf file). Hardy) and Gibberula Endangered, which makes them better for the environment, but they are replaced. News developments indigenous plants Ghana include Hemichromis frempongi ( FishBase ) ghana native plants Limbochromis robertsi Aquarium... 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