The student submits to the Office of Graduate Studies the required number of thesis copies for final approval and deposition in University library. Why a Master’s in Environmental Science and Policy at Clark University Accelerated degree options – earn a master’s degree in 12 to 15 months. It must include an explanation of the problem, issue, or situation to be addressed, its relevance or application, and the methods and resources that will be used in completing the project. The Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) Graduate Program provides a wealth of opportunities for students interested in careers in academia, government, and non-governmental agencies worldwide. All students are encouraged to gain a better understanding of the culture and educational environment at UW-Green Bay by visiting the campus. (1953), Ph.D. (1963) UW-Madison. The student submits an Official Declaration of Master’s Degree (GR-1 Form) to the Office of Graduate Studies no later than the end of the semester in which the first six graduate credits are completed. Fields of interest: environmental policy and law; policy implementation and formation; federal-state relationships in environmental programs; public administration; intergovernmental relations; public policy. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Upon satisfactory completion of the thesis defense, the student files the. 1 Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences 2014 Revised Guideline for Sustainability Science, Technology, and Policy Program (SUSTEP) BACKGROUND & CONCEPTS The increasing demand for food, water, energy, and land (2000), M.S. In lieu of a thesis, professional track students complete an additional 8 credit hours of coursework. Students complete at least 6 credit hours of thesis research under the direct supervision of their major professor, typically during the second year of studies. The Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy is designed to provide students the discipline-specific knowledge and transferable skills to understand the socio-cultural and political context in which environmental problems are created and ameliorated, as well as the scientific expertise to explore and analyze the consequences of ongoing environmental change. Internship Option graduate students are expected to locate, pursue and complete an internship in a setting most aligned with their future career goals. (1967), Ph.D. (1973) Yale. The Master of Science in Environmental Science and Policy is designed to provide students the discipline-specific knowledge and transferable skills to understand the socio-cultural and political context in which environmental problems are created and ameliorated, as well as the scientific expertise to explore and analyze the consequences of ongoing environmental change. Terry, Patricia A., Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Engineering). We offer both one- and two-year Master of Science programs. Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Sustainable Development and Environmental Management The Sector of Sustainable Development and Environmental Management The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identify the great challenges facing humanity and that will set the global agenda of the next century, including hunger, poverty, inequality, access to water, energy or climate change. Thesis track students should clearly identify both research interests and preferred major professor(s). Howe, Robert W., Barbara Hauxhurst Cofrin Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Biology); Director, Cofrin Center for Biodiversity. The defense helps the committee to judge whether the student has adequately understood and seriously attempted to solve a significant problem. Sager, Paul E., Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Biology). (1977), Ph.D. (1980) Kentucky. B.S. Undergraduate students are encouraged to discuss the Accelerated Program with the Environmental Science & Policy Program Chair (or other program advisors) before achieving senior status. should first seek to select one of three Degree Options that best matches their current needs and future professional ambitions: Thesis, Internship, or Course-Based. After completion of all Core and Elective requirements, students remain enrolled in at least two (2) credit hours per semester of EVR 6934 Thesis Prep until the completion and submittal of the Thesis, which completes the requirements for the degree. B.A. The Environmental Science and Policy Lab at the Appalachian Laboratory of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (AL-UMCES) is seeking a motivated Ph.D. student interested in investigating the interactions between agricultural production and sustainable Food-Energy-Water nexus with data-driven approaches. (2007) Winona State University, Ph.D. (2014) University of Pittsburgh. After a satisfactory defense, the student will initiate the Approval of Thesis Defense or Project Presentation (GR-4 Form) to seek committee approval and signatures for the student's records. The further you go with your education, the more jobs that should be available, and the more money you'll be able to make. (1982), M.P.A. The Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management (EPM) program, affiliated with the John Muir Institute of the Environment, provides advanced training in applying environmental science to real-world environmental policy and management issues. This option should be considered by students whose career goals will ultimately require formal and dedicated research training from a hypothesis-driven framework. (1988), Ph.D. (1995) UW-Madison. Thesis Committees must have at least three members, with at least two faculty from accredited universities, and where the Major Advisor is an ES&P graduate faculty member. Students pursuing the M.S. Another objective of the ES&P graduate program is to prepare highly skilled and imaginative individuals for management and policy-making positions in government, nonprofit organizations and the private sector. Approval of the thesis proposal places the student into candidacy for the degree. Copies of the guidelines and a copy of the completed Approval of Thesis or Project Proposal (GR-2 Form) are mailed to students along with notice of proposal approval. The thesis proposal must be successfully defended to the graduate committee in both oral and written formats. Katers, John F., Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Engineering). The concentration in Environmental Science and Public Policy is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary introduction to current problems of the environment. MPA in Environmental Science and Policy Curriculum. Once approved, a copy of the approved proposal and the signed GR-2 Form are sent to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies for final approval and inclusion in the student’s official file. (1996) UW-Green Bay; Ph.D. (2011) UW-Madison. The Course-Based Option is designed to be the most flexible pathway towards earning the Environmental Science and Policy Master’s Degree. If the change is acceptable to both outgoing and incoming Committee members, the student must notify the Office of Graduate Studies in writing. Internship Option students must take a minimum of six internship credits in addition to the program core and electives. This is one of the most apparent career paths you could pursue with a master’s in environmental policy. Students discuss the historical and modern impact of U.S. federal, state, and local governments on the environment. Research Methods/Design Preparation- 3 credit hours. If you pursue a M.S. Those who lack appropriate prerequisites may need to take additional courses to strengthen their background before taking a core class. It is founded on the premise that the ability to form rational judgments concerning many of the complex challenges confronting society today involving the environment requires both an understanding of the underlying scientific and technical issues and an … A digital copy will also be archived in the Cofrin Library and posted to the library website. Individuals with such career objectives will focus on environmental policy course work in the emphasis of Environmental Policy and Administration. (1983) Northern Illinois; M.S. Note that some undergraduate courses are cross-listed as graduate courses and require only graduate status to enroll. Fields of interest: Fungal ecology and evolution, Microbial diversity and function, Conservation Biology, Population Genetics, Phylogenetics. While all Areas of Emphasis seek to integrate the sciences with policy and administration, students choose to specialize in one area depending on career interests. B.S. Phoenix, Laurel, Associate Professor, Public and Environmental Affairs (Planning). At the discretion of the student’s examining committee, an internship or special project may be substituted for the non-thesis exam. First, the student must satisfactorily complete a public-presentation of the internship project to be attended by the candidate’s graduate committee and other interested individuals. (1959) Michigan; M.S. However, all course substitutions are subject to the approval of the Graduate Committee, Environmental Science & Policy (ES&P) Graduate Program Chair, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies. Weinschenk, Aaron C., Associate Professor, Public and Environmental Affairs. Our Master of Arts in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning and our Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Planning are professional degrees which prepare students for careers in a wide variety of planning and policy fields. All Thesis Option students accepted into the Environmental Science and Policy program are required to successfully complete the following set of core courses. (2006) University of Northern Iowa, Ph.D. (2012) Iowa State University. Fields of interest: nano scale communication systems, wireless communication and positioning systems, emerging and sustainable technologies. If the candidate wishes, additional bound copies can be ordered at the same per copy cost. There is no formal defense or written exam required to earn the Master’s of Science degree under this option. Environmental Policy Master's Program The Bard Center for Environmental Policy curriculum integrates the core disciplines of science, policy, law, and economics into a consistent and comprehensive first year of graduate course work. To get into this kind of program you generally need to have completed, or be close to completing, a All other requirements must meet the specifications highlighted above under the "Thesis-Option", "Internship-Option" or “Course-Based Option” catalog sections. Graduate School staff can help arrange meetings with potential advisors, attend a graduate class, meet with other graduate students, and tour our facilities. Upon satisfactory completion of the thesis defense, the candidate is required to supply the Office of Graduate Studies with one bound copy of his or her thesis. Master’s degree concentration in Environmental Policy. Students may only register for thesis credits with an approved proposal on file. Skip Over Breadcrumbs and Secondary Navigation, Print Degree Planner (opens a new window), GEO 6116 Perspectives on Environmental Thought, EVR 6930 Research Colloquium in Environmental Science and Policy, GEO 6166 Multivariate Statistical Analysis, GIS 6100 Advanced Geographic Information Systems, EVR 6934 Graduate Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Selected Topics, Acalog™ Academic Catalog Management System™ (ACMS™). Thesis Option students must take a minimum of 6 thesis credits in addition to the program core and electives. Thus, Course-Based students may substitute a maximum of 6 elective credits (i.e., two 3 credit classes) from other University of Wisconsin – Green Bay campus programs. Our Master of Science degree in Environmental Science and Policy brings interdisciplinary expertise in the social and natural sciences together with advanced technologies, such as remote sensing and geographic information No GRE required. All rights reserved. B.S. (1995) University of Kansas; Ph.D. (2000) Johns Hopkins University. Must meet University Admission and English Proficiency requirements as well as requirements for admission to the major, listed below. The program provides students with a combination of scientific, technological, legal and policy training,preparing them for careers in a wide range of environmental fields. Upon satisfactory complete of the thesis defense, the student files the Approval of Thesis Defense or Project Presentation (GR-4 Form) with the Office of Graduate Studies. Mahfuz, Mohammad Upal, Assistant Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Engineering Technology). Fields of interest: inventory, monitoring and assessment techniques for terrestrial and wetland invertebrates, taxonomy, and conservation of spiders and ground-dwelling arthropods. Any exception to these guidelines must be approved by the ES&P Program Chair. Where Environmental Science and Policy Collide: A Look at the New Master’s Program When it comes to environmental issues, there has always been a lot to learn and a lot of potential for action. Moran, Joseph M., Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Earth Science). B.S. Examples of students that should consider this option include those seeking to blend environmental science and policy with sustainable business applications, outreach and education, policy development and environmental regulation, promotion of clinical environmental health and regulation of environmental contaminants, environmental consulting, invasive species management, ecosystem restoration or landscape design. (1965), M.S. A 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for the final two years of study. Internship and Course-Based Option students may switch to the Thesis Option if a project develops through on-campus interactions and an ES&P graduate faculty member agrees to advise that student. MPA IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLICY. B.A. The thesis defense serves in lieu of the Comprehensive Exam. It is strongly recommended that a student speak with the professor assigned to the course prior to enrolling to ensure that the student is adequately prepared to succeed in the course. Fields of interest: environmental geology; stratigraphic analysis; sedimentary geology; applications of geology to land use problems; ground water resources. Internship Option students are encouraged to explore various internship opportunities, internship partners, and expected project outcomes with the ES&P Graduate Program Chair. The Master's programme in Environmental Man agement and Policy aims to prepare students for a career in or with industry and public authorities. Full-time students with all prerequisites often complete the program in two years, while part-time students usually take three to five. A candidate is considered to have passed his or her thesis defense only after all issues have been resolved and the completed GR-4 Form is returned to the Office of Graduate Studies. Internship Option students accepted into the Environmental Science and Policy program are required to successfully complete the following set of core courses. Office and laboratory computers throughout campus enable access to advanced geographic information system (GIS), statistical, and modeling software. Students defend their thesis in an oral presentation and submit the written thesis for the approval of the Faculty Supervisory Committee, which is then submitted to the University as a requirement for earning the degree. A candidate is considered to have passed his or her thesis defense only after all issues have been resolved and the completed GR-4 Form is returned to the Office of Graduate Studies. Directed Research - 3 Credit Hours EVR 6934 Graduate Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Selected Topics 3 You'll also learn how to design, conduct and evaluate sustainability assessments. Enrollment for thesis credits may be for one to six credits per term and may be spread over several terms as appropriate. Graduate Assistant application form, if applying for an assistantship. No more than 3 credit hours of EVR 6908  Independent Study may be applied to the major. Chen, Franklin, Associate Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Chemistry). The thesis proposal is a formal document that provides an overview of the planned study. There are many career opportunities for environmental policy majors, especially those who combine their policy studies with additional education in science, law, real estate or economics. Fields of interest: geographic information systems; aerial photo interpretation; coastal management; conservation design of landscapes; environmental impact. (1977), Ph.D. (1981) UW-Madison. Fields of interest: waste management; recycling, pollution prevention, renewable energy, water and waste water treatment. This is an extremely practical science, and with a Master in Environmental Studies, you are doing your part to save the Earth. (1995) Oregon State; Ph.D. (1999) UW-Madison. Reed, Tara, Adjunct Associate Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Biology). B.A. Upon satisfactory completion of the internship project defense, the candidate is required to supply two copies of his or her internship document, including two copies of any audio/visual components and one additional copy of a title page and abstract, to the Office of Graduate Studies. With a proven track record of commitment to student success, USF offers a path for every student. (1958) Eastern Mennonite; M.A. B.S. The Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy (MS ES&P) is an interdisciplinary degree program that combines a series of science and policy core courses with a … Tampa, FL 33620, USA Thesis Option students are expected to develop a thesis proposal with the committee’s assistance. It’s also a very fast-moving job where policies are having to constantly be re-considered. The final format of the internship report is reviewed through the Office of Graduate Studies. (1984) University of Wyoming; Ph.D. (1991) Colorado State University. We offer a Masters in Environmental Science that will provide you with advanced research and education in earth and environmental sciences. The Thesis Option is designed for students who wish to pursue advanced research opportunities in the broad realm of environmental science and policy or related disciplines. With the MPA-ESP degree, you’ll learn how to manage organizational change and innovation and explore the connections among policy intent, program … Other courses may be substituted for this requirement with the permission of the student’s advisor and the Graduate Director. MS in Environmental Science and Policy. Minimum admission requirements for the UW-Green Bay Environmental Science & Policy Master’s Degree Program: A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution. Students pursuing the Course-Based Option are not required to form a committee of advisors. Students may only register for internship credits with an approved project proposal on file. The Course-Based student completes 37 credit hours, 9 credits from the program core and 28 elective credits from any area of emphasis. Find information on the graduate programs available from SES, both at the master’s and PhD level here The Internship Option committee is expected to consist of three individuals: the main internship supervisor (external or internal to UWGB), one member of the ES&P graduate faculty, and the Chair of the ES&P Graduate Program. (1984) UW-Madison; M.S. The MS in Environmental Sciences and Policy degree at JHU offers distinct tracks, giving you the flexibility to tailor your degree to your career interests: Conservation Biology International Environmental Policy Sustainability Climate and Energy Remediation, Compliance, and Assessment Students must select and complete an Area of Emphasis: M.S. Non-Thesis students complete a written comprehensive exam. Forsythe, Patrick S., Associate Professor, Natural and Applied Sciences (Biology). Personal statement describing career goals, degree track (thesis or professional), and interest in the graduate program. Individuals pursing such career objectives will focus on course work in the emphases of Ecosystems Studies or Environmental Technology and Analysis. This immersive one-year program prepares future environmental sustainability leaders to address the most serious and complex environmental problems the earth will face. (1989) New Mexico State University; M.S. Water, waste and Selected elective courses must be unduplicated from the program’s Core Requirements and in addition to internship credits. Our program features faculty who are widely published in the professional literature, active in externally funded research, and committed to excellence in teaching. Niedzwiedz, William R., Professor, Public and Environmental Affairs (Geography). (1989), M.S. B.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. National Park Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey, The Nature Conservancy, and NEW Water (formerly Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District), as well as local governments and regional businesses and industries. When the thesis is approved, the Office of Graduate Studies will arrange for the manuscript to be printed and bound. A nationally accredited program, it is distinct from many other planning and policy programs by having a strong social justice focus. Kraft, Michael E., Herbert Fisk Johnson Professor, Public and Environmental Affairs (Political Science). Fields of interest: soil ecology; plant-soil microbial interactions; soil microbial ecology; ecosystem carbon cycling; plant ecology; invasive species; restoration ecology. This includes certification by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies that the thesis conforms to all UW-Green Bay library requirements, that the graduate program standard thesis defense has taken place and that the candidate has paid his or her thesis related fees. If the candidate wishes, additional copies provided by the student may be bound at the same per copy fee, payable to UW-Green Bay. To schedule the internship defense, the student must file the Request for Thesis Defense/Project Presentation (GR-3 Form) with the Office of Graduate Studies at least one week in advance of the proposed date. The candidate is responsible for thesis printing, binding and shipping costs. Copies of the guidelines and a copy of the completed Approval of Thesis or Project Proposal (GR-2 Form) are mailed to students along with notice of proposal approval. Prepares graduates for positions in scientific, technical, and administrative organizations and agencies international! 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