2005. In turn, followers increase their receptiveness and  add  legitimacy to  the  leader’s  influence (Hollander 1993). These findings appear consistent with the core focus of these theories. Various forms of leadership will give rise to a debate about the organization’s corporate leadership. Faleye, O. New genre refers to theories that have dominated leadership research since the 1980s, including charismatic, inspirational, transformational, and visionary leadership (Bass 1998;  Bryman 1992). Leadership styles affect on the employee performance and productivity. The risk allocation methods and the understanding of the policies which show the actions which the leaders take for dealing with the situations are shown below. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. A 1976 Theory of Charismatic Leadership. 2000). From the effective leadership styles only it is possible to achieve organizational goal productively. Modern theories have sought to explain these challenges. Stogdill concluded that “a person does not become a leader by virtue of the possession of some combination  of traits” (1948,  p.  63). In. This shows the measure the leaders can take for aligning the workforce and accomplish the organizational goals and objectives. The selected companies for identifying the role of the leaders are British American Tobacco, Glaxo Smith Kline and Tesco. Some of the more  recent  definitions  focus on  influence,  collective understanding, effectiveness, and facilitation: The common thread in the majority of definitions is that leadership is an active process of one person exerting influence over one or more other persons toward a common goal or objective. Analyzing the discussed three companies listed on the FTSE-100 companies list shows the requirement of adapting to different forms of leadership. Hollander (1958) explained that leadership was a social exchange transaction between leaders and followers where “legitimacy” was the currency of the exchange. Some commentators assume that  certain individuals are predisposed to  be  leaders, while others are not. “A definition of leadership that would be widely accepted by the majority of theorists and researchers might say that ‘leadership is a process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task’ ” (Chemers 1997, p. 1). Recently updated research shows that women in leadership positions are perceived as being every bit as effective as men. Leadership is considered charismatic when it “inspires the follower with challenge and persuasion, providing a  meaning  and  understanding”  (Bass 1996, p. 5). To name a few are the following; All these show the problems associated with assigning the team members to a particular segment of the teams. In. The characterization of the theories of leadership is done in the following ways (Zaccaro, 2007). Relevant models and theories will be used to analyze the role of corporate leadership in organizations ‘ success. According to implicit leadership theory, a leader’s  behavior will not  be effective unless the person is perceived as a leader (Calder 1977). 10 Tips for Writing a Research Paper on Leadership Nowadays, it is widely appreciated that you are acquainted with the art of leadership. 2004). Stogdill, Ralph 1948. At this basic state the challenges which may arise may not be completely predictable. In their model, they depicted task behavior and relationship behavior as orthogonal dimensions. The core business values must be signified and the measures must be taken for implementing those values. Conversely, research on  contingency  and  other  more transactional leadership approaches has focused more on short-term behavioral change. If you are at a loss with your assignment of writing a paper on leadership, you can look through an example, given below, so as to catch the essence of these papers’ writing.. There are different theories of leadership proposed by various researchers for understanding the methods using which the organizational objectives can be accomplished accurately. Fiedler found that the effectiveness of the leader-follower interaction was contingent upon the factors of leader-follower relationship, task structure, and leader position. This improves the position of the organization and the economic conditions too which results in economic growth and development. I have attached the main reference to use that summarizes the book. Synthesis Paper: Leadership Introduction Over the years, a great deal of time, and research has been dedicated to the study of leadership. Shamir, Boas, Robert House, and Michael B. Arthur. In contrast with the conclusions of earlier nonquantitative literature reviews on traits and leadership, Lord and his colleagues utilized the literature investigated by Mann in his 1959 review and subsequent relevant studies and found that prior research on trait  theories was misinterpreted as applying to  leader effectiveness when it actually applied to the relationship between leader traits and leader emergence. The obstacles associated with operating an SME is challenging for the leaders and requires them to apply the practices which may lead the organizations towards excellence (Thongtep, 2012). Another important  aspect of the model is to what extent the support of followers is critical to successful outcomes. Transactional models describe a process-oriented exchange between leaders and followers. The global needs of the business must be based on the core business values. In. For example, how do leaders build  more  enlightened  and  transformational forms that create referent effects beyond mere legitimacy? As a result of training and education, transformational leaders motivate and enable followers to accomplish more than what is expected, set increasingly higher goals, and achieve higher standards. The leadership has a significant impact on the performance of the SME’s (Kantabutra & Avery, 2003). The leader’s method of including followers is contingent upon such constraints as time, talents, and resources. Eden, Dov, Dvorah Geller, Abigail Gewirtz, et al. In this competitive environment where the businesses are globalizing the leaders establish an understanding of the values and align with those goals accordingly (Gardner, 2003). Leader traits and attributes. First, Stogdill found  slightly higher intelligence measures for leaders, as well as positive relationships between leadership and adjustment, extroversion, and dominance. Trait-based perspectives of leadership. Bass, Bernard , and Ralph M. Stogdill. PDF | The aim is to simplify the subject of leadership in a most understanding fashion. If that is so, what should leaders consider in making adjustments? Vroom, Victor , and Philip W. Yetton. Research paper on Leadership The focus of the paper will be on the primary course text, Why Great Leaders Don’t Take Yes for an Answer, but will require at least two other outside references. Hollander developed a transactional leadership model, and  in  its context coined the term idiosyncratic credit. Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: a meta-analysis comparing women and men. 1. The concepts examined provide a framework for understanding current models and examining future directions. Conger, Jay , and Rabindra N. Kanungo. 1979. Research Paper on Application of Ethics in Organizational Leadership Assignment As Brown and Trevino (2006) argue, ethical leadership should be distinguished from other forms of leadership including but not limited to spiritual, authentic, and transformational leadership. The recent focus on leadership is an international phenomenon, as is increased investment in leadership and management development. The actions and decisions which the managers take for aligning the individuals so that the corporate goals can be accomplished are called the corporate leadership decisions. The chart which has been shown above elaborates the individual leadership roles. Like transformational leadership, the concept of charismatic leadership is an outgrowth of Max Weber’s description of a form of influence based on follower perceptions that the leader possesses certain enviable characteristics. Avolio, Bruce , and William L. Gardner. Using the details presented and analyzing the examples discussed certain advices will be presented to the leaders of the SME’s located in Thailand. If the workforce is task oriented then the goals can be communicated and the workforce can operate efficiently aligned completely with the management’s strategy (Kerr, 2006). Zaccaro, S. J. With  the  limitations of behavioral approaches for explaining why some leaders are more effective than others, leadership researchers shifted their focus away from what leaders are toward developing a better understanding of what leaders actually do, and how such behaviors relate to leader effectiveness (i.e., how often a leader communicates with followers, what types of reward and discipline methods he or she uses, and the decisions leaders make). I have attached the main reference to use that summarizes the book. they inspire people to follow them. The corporate governance policies of the organization are made for the empowerment of the employees and ensuring that the employees work for the sole benefit of the organization (Tesco, 2012; 2013). Charismatic leaders tend to be self-confident and  achievement-motivated; they  also desire to assert influence, and they possess strong convictions. This discussion also shows that how the leadership has impacted on the organizational growth and success. A more adequate definition  of leadership needs to account for both the individual person and the situational context. The milestone of teamwork requires you to be a self-confident, sincere, and dedicated professional. The implications of this model are that leaders who possess an awareness of their subordinates’ involvement can improve the decision-making process. In the markets such as Thailand where that business adaptability is improving and the business trends are reforming to meet the global challenges the role of corporate leadership has become very prominent. There are several pros and cons which are associated to becoming a leader. The criteria for measuring the performance of the employees are shown in the chart below. A research program at Ohio State in the 1940s attempted to measure leadership behavior as group members described the behavior of the leader. The leadership style which is followed by the organization is more behavioral which promotes the people oriented approach. Effective followers are “intent on high performance and recognize that they share the responsibility for the quality of the relationship they have with their leaders” (Potter et al. All of these models have helped to develop an understanding  of  leadership complexities. The role of leadership is essential for the performance of the organizations. In. Therefore, leaders in these extreme environments focus on continual learning and shared risk to build competency, loyalty, and trust (Kolditz 2007). SME’s are playing an important role in the economic development of the country (Chittithaworn, Islam, Keawchana, & Yusuf, 2011). More importantly, understanding the effects of the nature of the task should influence how leaders behave. The notion of leadership “connotes images of powerful, dynamic individuals who command  victorious armies, direct corporate empires from atop gleaming skyscrapers, or shape the course of nations” (Yukl 2002, p. 1). There was little evidence to  support  a relationship between leader behavior and leader effectiveness. In the modern times the businesses require to be led out of the financial crisis. “Can You See the Real Me?” A Self-based Model of Authentic Leader and Follower Development. In contrast, current research on in extremis leadership, or leadership of teams facing death (e.g., fire departments, SWAT teams, and the military) shows that the environment itself provides the inherent motivation. behavioral, trait, or contingency theories) (Avolio, Reichard, Hannah, et al. Towards best or better practice in corporate leadership development: operational issues in mode 2 and design science research. You have entered an incorrect email address! He examined 124 studies to determine the characteristic differences between leaders and followers. A leadership style is the leader’s method o… 1990. Kotter, J. White, Susan , and Edwin A. Locke. Kirkpatrick, Shelley , and Edwin A. Locke. From  interviews with  subordinate employees or  “followers,” they recognized two  general styles: production-oriented and employee-oriented. Shelton, M., & CAC, C. (2006). Though it took me some time to find some good research topics in leadership and management, but, at last, it is online for students either pursuing undergraduate degree or masters. From this data, John Hemphill (1950) quantified 150 behavior descriptors that were incorporated into the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ), which is still used as a measure in leadership research. The leader must be such which highlights the vision of the company and takes the measures which enhance the organizational performance and align the workforce for attaining the organizational goals and objectives. Corporate leadership comprises of the executive and the managers who define the strategies for running the company. However, if the factors were mixed, an employee-centered leader was found  to  be most  effective (Fiedler 1967). The needs must be understood and measures must be taken for improving the profitability. 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