China's military build-up on Hainan Island isn't about the Indian Ocean. “VEO violence in West Africa grew rapidly over the past 2 years; in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Western Niger, VEO violence increased by 250 percent since 2018,” according to the report. These formerly secret documents, created by the Pentagon’s Africa Command and obtained via the Freedom of Information Act, offer an exclusive window into the footprint of American military operations in Africa. America’s War-Fighting Footprint in Africa Secret U.S. Military Documents Reveal a Constellation of American Military Bases Across That Continent By Nick Turse. How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters weren’t on the beat? Breaking Free of Scarcity: Solutions to the International Water Crisis . 5 Secret Base Under Rendlesham Forest. The senators argued that “any withdrawal or reduction would likely result in a surge in violent extremist attacks on the continent and beyond as well as increase the geopolitical influence of competitors like Russia and China.” James Inhofe, chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee echoed these concerns. So I am confident that by the time they are done, Manda Bay will be much more properly defended.”. Reported fatalities resulting from African militant Islamist group activity also increased by 7 percent over last year, to an estimated 10,460 deaths. In the Pacific Northwest, Joint Base Lewis – McChord has a population of 209,000 in total, including military personnel, family members, and retired veterans. 19 secret spots in South Africa… Lady Grey, Eastern Cape In the heart of the Witteberg Mountains on the edge of the border with the Free State, this weekend hideaway is perfect for snow in winter, or the Easter Passion play that takes to the town’s streets. There are now roughly 25 active militant Islamist groups operating in Africa, up from just five in 2010 — a jump of 400 percent — according to the Defense Department’s Africa Center for Strategic Studies. The kind of reporting we do is essential to democracy, but it is not easy, cheap, or profitable. The site in Garoua is a drone base that was profiled by The Intercept in 2016. One of the largest bases in the country is Tempe Military Base which is located in Bloemfontein and is home to 1 South African Tank Regiment, 1 Special Service Battalion (Armoured Car Regiment), the South African School of Armour (which offers decentralized training to regular and reserve regiments), 44 Parachute Regiment and 1 South African Infantry Battalion (Mechanized Infantry). AFRICOM told the DoDIG that security in West Africa continued to deteriorate during the final quarter of 2019 as terrorist groups “launched a growing number of offensive attacks against military facilities and troops … often resulting in large numbers of casualties” to U.S.-allied armed forces. Aerial photos reveal how China has built a belt of military bases across the South China Sea in ‘unrestrained’ show of power . South China Sea: Photos reveal secret underground base off Hainan Island A cavern built into the side of a mountain had analysts perplexed. The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Exposed the Absurdities of New York’s Parole System, PFAS Chemical Associated With Severe Covid-19, billions of dollars in security assistance, combat by U.S. Special Operations forces in at least 13 African countries between 2013 and 2017, record number of U.S. airstrikes in Somalia, longtime “enduring” site in Gaborone, Botswana, October 2017 ambush by Islamic State militants in Tongo Tongo, Niger, that killed four U.S. soldiers, attacked by the Somali terrorist group, al-Shabab, major drawdown of U.S. forces on the other side of the continent, in West Africa, illegal imprisonment, torture, and even killings, VEOs in West Africa are not degraded nor contained to the Sahel and Lake Chad region. “I would just say, they are on the ground. Check out videos of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard in action! In recent years, the U.S. military has carried out no fewer than 36 named operations and activities in Africa, including at least eight “127-echo” programs, which are named for the budgetary authority that allows U.S. Special Operations forces to use host-nation military units as proxies in missions aimed at violent extremist organizations, or VEOs. According to Manley, the Pentagon’s so-called Blank Slate Review process is still ongoing, and there has been no change to U.S. “force posture” in Africa as of yet. Not all U.S. bases in Africa … However, according to the story, a third alien being was kept by the South African military and taken to their own top secret facility. 2. This one is perhaps the ultimate bomb shelter. During the September 11, 2001 attacks, many high level officials, including Vice President Cheney, took refuge here. The main South African Army Headquarters are located in Salvokop, Pretoria in the Dequar Road Complex along with the 102 Field Workshop unit, 17 Maintenance Unit and the S.A.M.S Military Health Department. … There’s about 120 infantrymen there on the ground now who are securing that place, and they’ve been working hard since 6 January to put in the appropriate level of defenses. When it was all over, the two American pilots of that plane and a U.S. soldier were dead, two other U.S. military personnel were wounded, six surveillance aircraft and helicopters were destroyed, and parts of the airfield were in flames. Consider what the world of media would look like without The Intercept. “Many of these groups have ambition to attack Americans and our partners. Joining is simple and doesn’t need to cost a lot: You can become a sustaining member for as little as $3 or $5 a month. : DoD-3. The leaked Fitbit data reveals isolated U.S. military bases scattered throughout several African nations. The United States currently had one military base in the east African nation of Djibouti. Ms. Jacobsen manages to uncover never before released facts about the little understood, secret goings on at Area 51. Fitness tracking app Strava gives away location of secret US army bases … “It’s time for an honest reassessment of U.S. anti-terror strategy in Africa, including greater transparency about the size and scope of U.S. military operations there,” he told The Intercept. 112 prisoners remain of which the U.S. government says that 46 are too dangerous to try in court and will remain in prison without trial. U.S. Military Says It Has a “Light Footprint” in Africa. While LeVan found that generally the political class of African countries with higher dependence on U.S. aid were more receptive to AFRICOM operations, there was no such correspondence in public opinion. The installation is currently home to roughly 4,000 military personnel and independent contractors. That’s all it takes to support the journalism you rely on. A lot of people don’t know, but the base where our troops live is not where the airfield is. A few years ago, with little fanfare, the United States opened a base in the horn of Africa to kill or capture Al Qaeda fighters. U.S. Africa Command’s “Enduring Footprint” and “Non-Enduring Footprint” in 2019. Africa. South Africa ranked 32 nd out of 137 modern nations in terms of military strength, according to this year’s Global Firepower Index.The highest comparable ranking the nation achieved was 29 th for its number of South African armoured fighting vehicles, of which it owns 2,500 units.. South African armoured vehicles carry out one of two main roles: either a direct combat role that … Maps of U.S. “Enduring” and “Non-Enduring” bases in Africa. For the last two years Strava has been collecting GPS data from FitBits and similar devices. Very powerful. A viral conspiracy theory blends together legitimate critiques with truly dangerous anti-vaccination fantasies and outright coronavirus denialism. Those troops have never returned, according to Manley, and a recent inspector general’s report states that they won’t be redeployed until there is a ceasefire in Libya’s civil war. It not only permits the maximum projection of military power with the least commitment, it also allows military commanders to publicly depict all such deployments as “temporary” and to conceal their existence from the public. The navy has a small fleet consisting of frigates, submarines, minesweepers, small strike craft, and auxiliary vessels. They're looking at building a military base in Djibouti where the major U.S. base is, and they found a way under UN auspices to get Chinese troops into South Sudan to protect oil installations, so it's possible that China will run into the same problems, given enough time, but right now the U.S. seems to be sowing more problems for itself as it goes while China reaps economic rewards. The Balkanization and Hybrid Warfare Against Sudan . But a recent inspector general’s report, examining U.S. counterterrorism efforts in Africa, raises serious questions about the utility of billions of tax dollars spent on U.S. bases, operations, and assistance to local partners. Definitely no foreign military bases in South Africa since the British handed back the Simonstown Naval Base in 1957. The new US Consulate General building in suburban Cape Town bristles with aerials and satellite dishes so there is probably a military presence somewhere inside the wire! Like many other top secret military bases, Mount Weather is tasked with protecting military elite in the event of a major disaster. Unveiled: China's New Naval Base in the South China Sea. “Strategic access to Africa, its airspace, and its surrounding waters is vital to U.S. national security,” Townsend told the Senate Armed Services Committee late last month. The military’s secret military, said Olson, wants “to get back into the shadows and do what they came in to do”. “Additional posture and/or capacity is required in East Africa to more efficiently employ limited aviation resources in support of U.S. activities in southern Somalia,” according to the formerly secret files, which also mention the “potential establishment of one or more [contingency locations] in Somalia to support Somali National Security Force development.” The 2019 planning documents also state that five “contingency locations” were recommended to be upgraded to “semi-permanent” status: Baledogle, Kismayo, and Mogadishu in Somalia, and Arlit and Diffa in Niger. 58 241. A secret US document has claimed that South Africa's military briefly "lost control" of its airspace when heads of state arrived in the country to attend … Definitely no foreign military bases in South Africa since the British handed back the Simonstown Naval Base in 1957. A secret Nazi military base in the Arctic has been discovered by Russian scientists. Last month, about a dozen al-Shabab fighters infiltrated the perimeter of a military base in Manda Bay, Kenya. The Navy operates the following naval bases:[1]. It is the only unit permanently assigned to the Joint Operations Division. Facing a potential drawdown of forces, AFRICOM has been making the case that its bases and the missions run from them are integral to U.S. interests. The South African Army maintains large bases in all 9 provinces of the country, mostly in or around major cities and towns. The South African Minister of Defense and Nigerian House of Representatives both made statements of concern about growing military entanglement. Another Special Forces detachment has been engaged in train, advise, and assist activities with a local counterterrorism force in Arlit, Niger. U.S. military officials saw it as an attractive base because of its strategic location bordering the Sahel, the arid region south of the Sahara where al-Qaeda’s North African affiliate is active. Its population size makes it the 4th largest military base in the world. Quirky, historical and beautiful. Mount Weather is another “above top secret” military base that is cocooned within a hollowed out mountain, this time in Berryville, Virginia. In 2011, then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan became the first foreign leader to visit Mogadishu since the start of the civil war. Here are only a few examples; 1. Africa Inequality Global development More GPS This article is more than 2 years old. Around 500 Special Operations forces are reportedly deployed on the other side of the continent in Somalia, the site of America’s most intense and longest-running undeclared war in Africa. Navy Bases. 1 981 705 10 African Countries With The Most Powerful Military Bases 2017 Top SECRET Military Locations! When four US military service members were killed in an ambush in Niger in 2017, it came as a surprise to many, including even sitting members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who were not aware that US troops were in the African country in the first place. The DoDIG further noted that al-Shabab not only “remains a potent threat” due to its “ability to conduct high-profile attacks, recruit fighters, and finance ongoing operations,” but that the group “appears to be a growing threat to U.S. personnel and interests in the region.”. Whatever the real number of bases, the recent alteration of AFRICOM’s footprint in 2019 appears to be a strategic consolidation as the command fortifies its presence in some of the continent’s hottest hotspots. The Intercept has obtained U.S. military documents and a set of accompanying maps that provide the locations of these African bases in 2019, including the one at Manda Bay. The same year, an insurgency by Al Qaeda’s North African branch began to target the military in the mountains of the Kasserine region near the … Secretary of Defense Mark Esper speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon in Washington on Jan. 27, 2020. In 2017, the Intercept revealed that while the U.S. military fortified its base in Maroua, known as Camp Salak, the outpost also served as a scene of illegal imprisonment, torture, and even killings. At least 34 U.S. military bases are scattered across Africa… David Vine breaks down this “lily pad” deployment strategy. Technical Base Complex Centurion or TEK Base ("Tegnies Basis Werkswinkel") is located at Centurion, south of Pretoria. Military bases left off ‘secret’ list. The Navy has its main naval base and dockyard at Simon's Town near Cape Town, and a naval station with basic dockyard facilities at Durban. In the 1960s and 1970s, the UK deported the native people of the atoll to Mauritius and the Seychelles in order to allow the United States to construct a large naval and military base now known as Camp Thunder Cove. The new 2019 AFRICOM planning documents provide information on five bases slated for closure, including a longtime “enduring” site in Gaborone, Botswana, and four contingency locations, or CLs, in Faya Largeau, Chad; Lakipia, Kenya; Benina, Libya; and Gao, Mali. Views: 37 479. A very interesting documentary called Third Reich – Operation UFO seems to question a lot of things regarding Antarctica and one of those things, that the documentary approaches, is whether there s a possibility that Antarctica might be home to numerous secret underground bases. While the five U.S. outposts in Somalia rank second only to the six in Niger when it comes to America’s footprint on the continent, AFRICOM is actively seeking to expand its presence in the Horn of Africa. “I think it’s self-obvious we were not as prepared there in Manda Bay as we needed to be,” AFRICOM’s Townsend told the Senate Armed Services Committee on January 30. 1 / 5. Turkey has steadily increased its influence in Somalia, with major development and commercial projects . By Lee Rondganger Jan 26, 2015 These Documents Show a Vast Network of Bases. “What U.S. Africa Command accomplishes with relatively few people and few dollars, on a continent three-and-a-half times the size of the continental United States, is a bargain for the American taxpayer,” Manley told The Intercept. Shuttering the CLs, according to the documents, is part of an effort to “seek efficiencies by consolidating … functions at a reduced number of posture locations,” while the removal of Gabrone was chalked up to “a lack of DoD [Department of Defense] property or routine DoD presence” and the fact that “Botswana does not acknowledge or desire any formal DoD access at the international airport.”. Several army bases are located in Cape Town and are home to the Army Band, the, Youngsfield Military Base near Ottery is home to, 9th South African Infantry Battalion (Seaborne Infantry) is based at Eerste River, This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 01:11. 120 117. At present, China has just one overseas military base. “These personnel and installations are critical in combatting the ever-increasing number of violent extremist groups throughout the region that pose an immediate threat to our partners and allies,” wrote U.S. Sens. Militant Islamist activity also hit record levels in 2019. Without sustained pressure, the threat posed by these groups will.”, But in the face of deteriorating security and gloomy Pentagon assessments, some experts question this rationale. YouTube Encyclopedic. NBCD School – Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Damage Control training. “The U.S. military should be considering alternative approaches like better coordination with African regional and continental organizations and encouraging African governments to consider negotiations in certain cases,” she told The Intercept. U.S. Military Says It Has a “Light Footprint” in Africa. General Thomas Waldhauser sounded a little uneasy. The remains of a secret World War II German base have been rediscovered on an island near the North Pole by a team of Russian researchers. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Chris Coons, D-Del., in a January 15 letter to Esper. 38 987. In the heart of the Witteberg Mountains on the edge of the border with the Free State, this weekend hideaway is perfect for snow in winter, or the Easter Passion play that takes to the town’s streets. To its south, Russia has two military facilities in Armenia. Mountain Zebra National Park, Eastern Cape. The new US Consulate General building in suburban Cape Town bristles with aerials and satellite dishes so there is probably a military presence somewhere inside the wire! “The current, overly militarized approach to fighting terrorism in Africa is not working,” said William Hartung, the director of the arms and security project at the Center for International Policy, or CIP. We don’t have ads, so we depend on our members — 35,000 and counting — to help us hold the powerful to account. From north to south, east to west, the Horn of Africa to the Sahel, the heart of the continent to the islands off its coasts, the US military is at work. The Pentagon defines “enduring” bases as providing “strategic access and use to support United States security interests for the foreseeable future.” “Non-Enduring” outposts — also known as “contingency locations” — are defined as supporting and sustaining “operations during contingencies or other operations.” Contingency locations can be categorized as initial, temporary, or semipermanent.Images: U.S. Africa Command. There were 3,471 reported violent events linked to these groups last year, a 1,105 percent increase since 2009. I just finished reading a new book on the history of Area 51 – the super secret American military base located in Nevada. Smoke rises from a U.S. military base in Lamu County, Kenya, on Jan. 5, 2020. But they were able to get access to that airfield, kill three Americans and destroy six aircraft there. The Intercept is a First Look Media Company. “Due to increased unrest in Libya, a contingent of U.S. forces supporting U.S. Africa Command temporarily relocated from the country in response to security conditions on the ground,” AFRICOM announced last April as the Libyan civil war flared up. “Today, more than a dozen terrorist groups with ties to Al Qaida and ISIS are operating across Africa,” he said late last month. Other U.S. military bases in the Western Hemisphere outside the United States include: Joint Task Force Bravo – Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras. Home. Violent extremism and insecurity on the continent has increased exponentially during the very years that the U.S. has been building up its network of bases, providing billions of dollars in security assistance to local partners, conducting persistent counterterrorism operations that include commando raids, combat by U.S. Special Operations forces in at least 13 African countries between 2013 and 2017, and a record number of U.S. airstrikes in Somalia (just over one attack per week in 2019). After two men died of Covid-19 while in jail for technical parole violations, there are growing demands for drastic reform. The presence of U.S. commandos at Diffa and Arlit first came to widespread notice in the wake of the October 2017 ambush by Islamic State militants in Tongo Tongo, Niger, that killed four U.S. soldiers. The situation has become so grim that U.S. military aims in West Africa have recently been scaled back from a strategy of degrading the strength and reach of terror groups to nothing more than “containment.”, The current archipelago of U.S. outposts in Africa represents a decrease of seven sites from the 34 bases detailed in a set of briefing documents by AFRICOM science adviser Peter Teil that were published by The Intercept in 2018. Get the latest news, sport, celebrity, finance, lifestyle, weather, travel, cars, technology and live scores - expertly curated from top local South African and global news providers. Since the plans were created, according to AFRICOM spokesperson John Manley, two bases have been shuttered, leaving the U.S. with an archipelago of 15 “enduring locations” and 12 less-permanent “contingency locations.” The documents note, however, that AFRICOM is actively seeking to enhance its presence and is primed for expansion in the future. Trending. Greenacres is home to the Regiment Piet Retief (Light Infantry). “The fluctuation in the number is not related to Misrata and Tripoli,” he told The Intercept in response to a question about whether the Libyan outposts were the others closed. What are the forces at these bases doing there? Since 9/11, the U.S. military has built a sprawling network of outposts in more than a dozen African countries. One of the largest bases in the country is Tempe Military Base which is located in Bloemfontein and is home to 1 South African Tank Regiment, 1 Special Service Battalion (Armoured Car Regiment), the South African School of Armour (which offers decentralized training to regular and reserve regiments), 44 Parachute Regiment and 1 South African Infantry Battalion(Mechanized Infantry). This “light” footprint consists of a constellation of more than two dozen outposts that stretch from one side of Africa to the other. A cavern built into the side of a mountain had analysts perplexed. Prev Next . Manley refused to say which two additional bases were dropped from the 2019 list. While these “cooperative training locations” are not officially considered outposts by the command, they raise the question of whether 29 bases is actually a more accurate count. But it is worth noting that since the 2019 base posture document was produced, the U.S. pulled its forces out of the North African nation. It built a port in Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa, under the premise of it being a UN facility to combat piracy in the region. Even after a decade-plus spent fighting militants in Somalia, “the threat posed by al Shabaab and ISIS-Somalia in East Africa remains ‘high,’ despite continued U.S. airstrikes and training of Somali security forces,” the Defense Intelligence Agency told the Defense Department’s Inspector General. military; South China Sea: Photos reveal secret underground base off Hainan Island. South Africa had the most potent military force in Africa, specializing in bush-warfare. Speak to people who worked at Blenny, also to the old South African guys that did military service in the signal units (Army) or communication units (Airforce). Not all U.S. bases in Africa … Eurasia. South Africa - South Africa - Security: South Africa has a large, well-equipped army, by far the largest contingent of the country’s armed forces. Run by Joint Special Operations Command, the secretive organization that controls the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 and the Army’s Delta Force, or by theater special operations forces, these 80- to 120-person units, operating with the assistance of U.S. commandos, are primarily engaged in counterterrorism operations, especially ones aimed at high-value targets. South Africa ; Africa. Who would hold party elites accountable to the values they proclaim to have? These Documents Show a Vast Network of Bases. Manda Bay, Kenya, where al-Shabab killed the American soldier and U.S. pilots, is still another “enduring” location from AFRICOM’s 2019 list. Naval Station Port Elizabeth – provides support to visiting ships, no major vessels are based here. on about your day, ask yourself: How likely is it that the story you just read would have been produced by a different news outlet if The Intercept hadn’t done it? Breaking: Russia to open military base in Africa. By 2012, the Pentagon will have two dozen such forts. A Danish study found that people with elevated levels of a compound called PFBA were more than twice as likely to have a severe form of Covid-19. While many people have heard of the famous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident of December 1980, not quite as many are familiar with the alleged complex that runs underneath the two (formerly US) military bases of Woodbridge and Bentwaters. De Brug Mobilisation Centre, Bloemfontein, next to the N8 route 21 km west of N1 Route. The attack in Kenya came at a time when Defense Secretary Mark Esper was already considering proposals for a major drawdown of U.S. forces on the other side of the continent, in West Africa, including the possible abandonment of a recently built $110 million drone base in Agadez, Niger. The U.S. base at Baledogle received attention last September when it was attacked by the Somali terrorist group, al-Shabab. “Al-Shabab managed to penetrate onto that airfield. MAJOR: WHO Admits Gates-Backed Vaccine Caused Recent Polio Outbreak in Africa . Maps of U.S. “Enduring” and “Non-Enduring” bases in Africa. One of them took aim with a rocket-propelled grenade, firing at a U.S. surveillance plane and touching off an hourslong firefight. U.S. military officials saw it as an attractive base because of its strategic location bordering the Sahel, the arid region south of the Sahara where al-Qaeda’s North African affiliate is active. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. At least 34 U.S. military bases are scattered across Africa… Nick Turse is a historian, essayist, and investigative journalist. The joint base also spans over 645 square miles of land in the Pierce County region. The Secret US Military Operation Underway in Africa Like many of the operations conducted by the United States military in Africa, little is known about Operation New Normal. “The underlying drivers of terrorism, including poverty, corruption, and repression, do not have military solutions.”. If there is any truth to the account, then it is perhaps this secret base that was of as much concern to the South African military as it was the ruined alien craft. He and others have argued for what they contend is AFRICOM’s supposed bang for the buck. The Army, for the first time, will send soldiers from one of its new training brigades to Africa to expand the use of the new specialized units as the Pentagon looks at possible troop cuts on the continent. List of South African military bases. We cannot rule out the possibility that these entrances might actually be secret military bases. The Pentagon defines “enduring” bases as providing “strategic access and use to support United States security interests for the foreseeable future.” “Non-Enduring” outposts — also known as “contingency locations” — are defined as supporting and sustaining “operations during contingencies or other operations.” Contingency locations can be categorized as initial, temporary, or semipermanent. Located in the Kalahari desert it is rumoured to have been used as a laser weapons research facility and was responsible for shooting down the UFO after Mirage jet fighters "herded" it in the general direction of the camp as they could not keep up with it. There was a time when this facility was the biggest secret since the Manhattan Project. Only 8 prisoners of the 779 have been convicted –and those by a secret military court. All told, according to the Defense Logistics Agency, the U.S. military has struck 29 agreements to use airports as refueling centers in 27 African countries. His colleague, Temi Ibirogba, a program and research associate with the Africa Program at CIP, noted that the rise of violent extremism in Africa in the face of persistent U.S. military engagement since 9/11 should be cause for skepticism of the “more is better” strategy. The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. The 2019 AFRICOM planning document notes that U.S. forces will “continue to conduct counter-VEO-focused activities” from 16 separate bases. “VEOs in West Africa are not degraded nor contained to the Sahel and Lake Chad region,” the command admitted. Africa . Yes, they were secret bases, but just secret as far as the military goes, don't think that is what you are looking for. Located at Centurion, South of Pretoria a belt of military bases in foreign countries African Infantry (. 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Are the Forces at these bases doing there, they are on the beat with protecting military in! West Africa was even more dire proliferated. ” six aircraft there larger ones Pretoria... Reveal secret underground base off Hainan Island a cavern built into the side of a major disaster our... The British handed back the Simonstown Naval base in Manda Bay, Kenya, on 5! Reported fatalities resulting from African militant Islamist activity also increased by 7 percent over last year, to an 10,460... Lady Grey, Eastern Cape Continent by nick Turse 's military build-up on Hainan Island a cavern secret military bases south africa into side! Non-Enduring Footprint ” in Africa … the Navy has a “ Light Footprint ” “... Lake Chad region, ” the command admitted FitBits and similar devices what are the Forces at these bases there. The British handed back the Simonstown Naval base in the world not rule out the that. In Africa, specializing in bush-warfare, cheap, or profitable with the potent... The book is titled “ Area 51 – an Uncensored history of Area 51 – an Uncensored history of 51.
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