RE: Meryl said yes in five minutes. MMC: The idea of doing “I’m Still Here” — I thought it would be really beautiful if we saw a lot of people from the community and their resilience, [saying] that we are not gone even though we are not together. I was like, Wow, 100,000 people who are starting to lose their minds? It’s the cri de coeur of the Baker, the show’s protagonist, as he realizes that life is full of terrible obstacles from which there is no escape — and if he tries to run away, he will lose the good things in his life as well as the bad. If you want to know more about it, the full version and numerous clips are scattered across YouTube, featuring the many great songs this hour of TV gave us, including “Take Me to the World.”, The Evening Primrose story and its theme of trapped refugees longing for the larger world made for an unexpectedly sweet refrain throughout the evening. Later that day, I was on a Zoom call with Audra and Meryl and Christine for edits. I have nowhere near the computer I should have to be exporting these, like, 40-gigabyte files. newsletter. MMC: For the “I’m Still Here” number, I spent two days talking so many actors through Dropbox. PW: Late in the process, we were like, Are we getting too many ballads? RE: These are people who work to the highest possible standards for themselves. Ladies who lunched: Streep, Baranski, and McDonald. And yet I wonder if something of that disaster feeling isn’t part of the Mickey-and-Judy-let’s-put-on-a-show theater story. ... April 21 2020 … But he’s also able to make his presence chilly and isolated in a way that’s perfect for Sondheim’s lonely, withholding heroes. I still can’t tell you what happened. There’s things you can’t control that sometimes might add to the wonder of it all. It was one thing for something to not go right, and another thing for every musical-theater idol to be watching. Sondheim! The show is a jolting reminder of how big the world is. The lush ensemble number, performed here by cast members of the 2017 Classic Stage Company production, takes the dry subject of the 1854 Treaty of Kanagawa between Commodore Perry and the Japanese shogunate and, instead of recapping it, turns the moment into a rich treatise on memory and historicity itself. Now this is a birthday card! Sunday in the Park with George takes place across two generations. PW: From the first minute, it was like, If we’re going to do this, let’s actually prerecord the songs and produce it beautifully. After a pause to regroup, the whole thing finally restarted and rolled out, sans live sections, more than an hour late. I tried to put out videos on Twitter to fill it in and keep talking, but I couldn’t keep up, so I just started live-tweeting. For “Someone in a Tree” and the “Ladies Who Lunch” trio, to ask an actor to do a part that depended on hearing other parts was incredibly unfair. But live was no longer an option, because what the fuck? At last: A moment of pure, spine-chilling wonder. Please consider making a contribution to Vox today, from as little as $3. That’s ultimately what made my weekend hellish. Sondheim once famously said that “Someone in a Tree,” from his 1976 flop Pacific Overtures, was the best song he ever wrote, and it’s hard to argue with him. Now I can definitely consult for anyone who needs to know how to do this. [Miranda says it was only his 30th. !” Some performers were really adept. The concert, hosted by Raúl Esparza, was an intimate Zoom celebration. The latest deadline will reportedly be “overlooked.”, Cher, Dolly, Phoebe Bridgers to Play Cyndi Lauper’s Holiday Benefit Concert. PW: There were like four or five weeks of phone calls with me, Raúl, and Mary-Mitchell where we just kept adding people. RE: The act starting with Nathan Lane was the last big chunk of digital information that had to travel. For all we talk about Sondheim’s complexity, social themes, and cultural importance, there’s true joy, humor, and love behind everything he writes. Because we don’t have much yet.”. —AR. Broadway stars will pay a 90th birthday tribute to legendary composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim on the free virtual concert “Take Me To The World,” set to air live on April 26. It reminded me of live theater, which was sort of exciting, of something like the set breaking. Hard to see the light now. RE: We compiled a list of ten or 11 Sondheim performers to reach out to — the ones that we idolize, the ones we think of as the classics. Sondheim is the great bard of loneliness. Sunday in the Park with George … Police say the shooting was "justified. ), How the Sondheim 90th-Birthday Concert Came Together, John Oliver Cuts Hiatus Short to Fetishize and Bribe the Pringles Corporation, Matthew McConaughey Defends Trump’s Base, Rails Against the ‘Illiberal Left’, The First (And Dear God, It Better Be the Last) Quarries, The college quarterback claimed the idea “was brought up by producers.”, Imagine Risking It All for a Trey Songz Concert. MMC: Priyanka [Patil] and I had planned to go live in our kitchen, and we made a video really quick. Stars flocked to pay tribute to Stephen Sondheim for his 90th birthday virtual concert Sunday night — but the curtain came down quickly amid a … Here, gazing out of a window and staunchly refusing to make eye contact with the camera, Cerveris finds the aching loneliness that hides below George’s cold exterior. Here’s what we know. There is tremendous power in understanding. Meryl had sent one, not because she only did one, because she was like, “This is the only thing I can bear to look at.” I said, “I am so sorry that I put you through this.” Meryl said, “… uh-huh.” Christine’s comment was, “Oh, honey. The concert… The police shooting of Casey Goodson Jr., killed in Columbus, Ohio, explained, Goodson’s family say he was holding a sandwich when police shot him. She had told me about this dinner she’d had with Audra, Meryl, and Steve, and said, “What if we re-create that dinner somehow?”, PW: So much happened in the last seven days. It’s become déclassé among Sondheim fans to express too much affection for the fairy-tale musical Into the Woods, arguably the most mainstream and commercially successful of all his work. Josh Groban, Nathan Lane and Jake Gyllenhaal honored composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim on Sunday with an online 90th birthday concert … The party was periodically plagued by technical glitches — it started more than an hour late, after a long period in which no sound was audible — but in the end, it didn’t matter. Then, suddenly, the sound. The musical itself features murder, cannibalism, and a very horny, rape-y judge. PW: I was piecing together all the different elements in my house in the Catskills, which has turned into my livestream office. The gay composer-lyricist is "greatness personified," says Raúl Esparza, who will host the show. The whole experience turned out to be perfect for this moment in time, whether or not you’re a musical theater devotee. MMC: It didn’t go as planned, but we still had lots of people being very generous. “Johanna” is a song about Todd’s estranged daughter, who’s now the ward of said judge, Judge Turpin. It’s a portrait of love as dark, ugly, possessive, jealous, bitter, and unapologetically intense, all accompanied by some of Sondheim’s most lush and soaring music. In between those, there were chunks of video that were about 40 minutes. The second attempt was originally slated to open on Broadway in September 2001. Paul Wontorek: I think it was right after I had directed the Rosie O’Donnell livestream. What if it happens again? ... A Sondheim 90th Birthday … Christine had sent in 32 takes. Yet “Take Me to the World,” hosted by Raúl Esparza, did not air without a hitch. “Lesson #8” is from the second act, and it comes after 20th-century George’s grandmother dies. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. Stephen Sondheim Gets Starry but Tardy 90th Birthday Concert Meryl Streep, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jake Gyllenhaal and other stars paid tribute to the … Just don’t let it go. That was also based on people we thought we could reach. If Donna Murphy’s gonna sing “Send in the Clowns,” you want it to look correct. © 2020 Vox Media, LLC. Could have really used it this coming year, but we will take it whenever we can get it. How Awards Season Works in the Fall Movies Fantasy League. I never livestream files that large, and I was nervous about it not matching up. Vox answers your most important questions and gives you clear information to help make sense of an increasingly chaotic world. Passion is perhaps Sondheim’s most challenging show within a long career of challenging shows. Join us for a rousing celebration of the life and work of one of Broadway's greatest legends - the one and only Stephen Sondheim. —AR. So I reached out to Steve, explained why ASTEP might be a nice connection, and he said, “Ask me if you need any help.”. R… A real bait and switch.”, Jeffree Star Accuser Allegedly Paid to Walk Back Assault Claims. In many ways, he’s an ideal Sondheim actor: His voice is so velvety and rich, you feel as though you could wrap yourself up in it. Christine said yes a few minutes later. Sondheim is our great bard of loneliness and alienation, and his birthday concert, officially titled “Take Me to the World,” makes a strong argument that he’s the de facto poet laureate of this social distancing moment. And while she’s not Glynis Johns, Donna Murphy gave it the touching, somber dignity it deserved. A man is known by the company he keeps, and what stellar company Stephen Sondheim will be keeping at “Take Me to the World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration.”. It’s meant to be a quiet contemplation of a better life. RE: I have a recurring nightmare over the years where I’m in Solvang, California, and I’m asked to perform Mrs. Lovett in a production of Sweeney Todd, and I say yes, but it turns out I don’t know it at all. Stephen Sondheim. Bernadette [Peters] gave me a call and said, “I think it’s ‘No One Is Alone,’ don’t you?” Mandy was one of the last to come aboard, because my email to him disappeared, and as soon as he said yes, the next email from him was “Lesson #8.”. I went into a panic mode, and I started to break things up into multiple pieces. Few people outside of Sondheim obsessives know about Evening Primrose, the 1966 television musical Sondheim wrote starring his bestie Anthony Perkins as a poet who becomes trapped in a department store overnight and discovers a commune of people hiding from the world there. Mary-Mitchell Campbell: I was on board instantaneously. Of course, I never could have imagined what it turned into. Let’s get some up-tempos. PW: Luckily, since I had broken up the show into pieces, so by the time I got to the spot where Mary-Mitchell was going to speak, I could play it — without even looking at it [beforehand], by the way. take me to the world: a sondheim 90th celebration. In Passion, a manipulative woman falls in love with a young soldier and proceeds to slowly pry him away from his current, passionate love affair. We’re still tallying things, but last count, we were over $350,000 in donations [according to a rep, the effort is now “closer to $400,000”]. To hear just how not easy it was, Vulture spoke with Esparza, music director and ASTEP founder Mary-Mitchell Campbell, and editor-in-chief and livestream director Paul Wontorek. RE: Who do you think has the best Rolodex of all of us? You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. RE: If we’d been in a theater, someone would have come out and talked. PW: Once it was running and people were watching it, I reached out to Raúl and Mary-Mitchell, and we decided that they would record videos of what they were going to say live and send me the file. PW: I immediately got on the phone with Raúl and we started being like, “What do we do?” We briefly were like, “Should we do it tomorrow?” My boyfriend said, “What are you talking about? During the Stephen Sondheim 90th birthday concert Meryl Streep, Christine Baranski, and Audra McDonald chugged booze and performed "The Ladies Who Lunch" in … Like her Sunday in the Park co-star Mandy Patinkin, Peters chose to go a cappella, sitting alone in her apartment and appearing to blink back tears now and then. By the time you get to the line, “Loving you is not in my control,” you realize that “love” in this framing is dangerous and sober. It went to Michael Cerveris instead. NEW YORK -- Josh Groban, Nathan Lane and Jake Gyllenhaal honored composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim on Sunday with an online 90th birthday concert that was stuffed with his songs, but delayed by technical difficulties. here’s the full vid of katrina lenk singing johanna PW: Most of the material came in from Thursday on. I remember the Monday morning before, calling Raúl, and being like, “Are we really going to do this for Sunday? —CG. Katrina Lenk put everything on “Johanna” together herself. Assassins is perhaps Sondheim’s best and most upsetting musical — a devastating postmodern critique on the hollowness of the American dream, explored through the lives of the oft-marginalized men and women who have tried or succeeded at killing US presidents. Outdoor dining isn’t quite “outdoors” anymore, Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin chosen as the first Black person to lead the Pentagon. RE: We had a cocktail party beforehand so that everybody could see each other. Stephen Sondheim gets a starry but tardy birthday concert By Mark Kennedy Associated Press, Updated April 27, 2020, 1:59 a.m. ... 2020… Streep, LuPone Among Stars Slated for Sondheim's Birthday Concert . Salonga sells it with quiet determination, and it’s enthralling. With its nonlinear narrative and mix of the blackly comedic with the too-close-for-comfort — one character delivers a drunken rant while dressed as Santa Claus before flying a plane into Nixon’s White House — Assassins offers such a sharp condemnation of American politics that it took three tries to bring the show to Broadway. Composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. MMC: We met up on Zoom after it was over, and we were like, Okay, I think my blood pressure’s coming down again. We don’t know where the mysterious monoliths come from. Sondheim wrote the song specifically for Glynis Johns, who portrayed Desiree in A Little Night Music on Broadway. Already a subscriber? “No More” comes during Into the Woods’s darker, heavier second half, as the fairy-tale frolic of the first act is starting to fall apart. I knew Donna’s performance was basically a sacred moment and then we knew we were going to break the internet [with “The Ladies Who Lunch”]. Closing, en masse, with “I’m Still Here.” (That’s André De Shields in the gray jacket and plaid shirt in the lower left. It was like standing naked in front of 100,000 people who were slowly leaving. MMC: We’ve heard back from [Sondheim] and he was very happy, and I think quite moved by everybody’s love for him. A delicious episode serves up a tasting menu of all the different types of drama this crew has to offer. But once the tech nightmare was semi-resolved, the show’s performances — including a jaw-dropping trio of Christine Baranski, Meryl Streep, and Audra McDonald singing “The Ladies Who Lunch” — were enough to win audiences over and break hearts in that typically Sondheim joy-with-melancholy sort of way. Share This: ... wished Sondheim a happy birthday at the end. Then he needed to reboot, because we didn’t want the audio to un-sync. It’s a great moment that reminds us of the reason for Into the Wood’s relative commercial success: It’s vibrant, singable fun. —AR. PW: I do know from producing these live things that all kinds of weird tech things just happen unexpectedly. I remember Raúl and I both fanboyed out about that song [“The Boy From …”]. Assassins remains a very necessary show, and the scathing “Flag Song,” the show’s original opening number, shows us why. Get our newsletter in your inbox twice a week. RE: “Someone in a Tree” is one of my favorite songs, and I know it’s one of Steve’s. Of course there isn’t. Everything was fine. Meryl Streep, Patti LuPone, Audra McDonald and many others will be on hand. In honor of Stephen Sondheim’s 90th birthday, hosted a concert featuring a range of Sondheim’s music, from Into the Woods to Merrily We Roll Along to Passions. RE: The original title for the evening was “Children and Art,” and as things kept going longer and longer, we changed it to “Take Me to the World.” Every time I’ve sung [that song], it’s moved me profoundly. Lenk’s performance, particularly in her vocals and inflections (she also plays the guitar! RE: We asked our editor to explain how the best sound could happen, which involved GarageBand, pillows, and the smallest room in your house, and we sent it out to everyone, and they all went, “What? Mary-Mitchell Campbell will create a piano track for you, and you can sing to it, and we’ll edit it together.”, RE: The very first person to get back was Patti [LuPone], and she said, “Yes — ‘Anyone Can Whistle.’” The next one was Michael Cerveris, and he said, “I’m thinking ‘Finishing the Hat,’ unless somebody’s taken it.” Almost nobody doubled up, because people weren’t doing the major songs — nobody was saying “Being Alive,” and nobody went to Gypsy and West Side Story. Sondheim's 90th Birthday Celebration Virtual Concert Live Stream - April 26, 2020 Fri, Apr 24 @ 8:39 pm ET “Finishing the Hat” is perhaps Sondheim’s most emblematic song, so the question wasn’t whether or not it would appear in this concert — it was who would get to sing it. I think we had a goal of ten performers, 90 minutes. Stephen Sondheim gets starry but tardy 90th birthday concert Arts Apr 27, 2020 12:35 PM EDT NEW YORK (AP) — Josh Groban, Nathan Lane and Jake Gyllenhaal … RE: I wrote an email to everybody, talking about ASTEP and then saying, “Choose a song that you love by Steve — maybe something that gives you comfort, inspires, or brings you joy. It was like a short film. On Monday, a friend of mine said to me, “It was so brilliant that you delayed it,” and I was like, “It is so amazing that you think we did that on purpose.” Maybe years from now that will be the story. Composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim was honored Sunday with an online 90th birthday concert. I love the desperate hopefulness in it. One of the most effective moments of the evening was the hard cut to Lea Salonga — Broadway legend, owner of the world’s most perfect voice, and objectively the best Disney princess — singing “Loving You” from 1994’s Passion. But I don’t think I’ll ever be able to hear this song now without thinking about Mandy Patinkin standing in his backyard with his dog, near tears as he sings a cappella, “Where are the people out strolling on Sunday?” Patinkin made it a song about loneliness and isolation, which is to say he made it a song about this particular moment in time. Paul suggested getting somebody from every show, and so it just grew and grew. RE: Steve actually said to me afterward that, when he was watching the start, he thought, I wouldn’t want to be Raúl up there for all the money in the world right now. hat trick May 1, 2020 How the Remote Sondheim 90th-Birthday Concert Came Together (an Hour or So Late) By Jackson McHenry @McHenryJD Raúl Esparza, at full volume. Sometimes we would find recordings of the performer doing their song somewhere, and we’d base it off that, and then we’d go back and forth until we got something we were happy with. But the song is really about the wonderful surprise of falling in love all over again with someone you thought you knew. The Birthday Concert” (2010) in 2020’ Bonnie Milligan (“Head Over Heels”) and Natalie Walker (“Alice by Heart”) re-create the PBS Great Performances … There's power in understanding. Thom Sesma said, “What if we did it?” I wanted to do this Brady Bunch idea, because it’s on Zoom, and we thought we should storyboard the idea with where to look to clarify the story points. The 100th 90th Birthday Celebration at Carnegie Hall (Part 4/6) Then I thought, What if it’s a concert? I basically slid to the floor and ended up in the fetal position by the refrigerator, swaying back and forth. I did a test around six, and it was not good. Here, our critics celebrate the greatest of our pandemic year. The best part about that call was Iain Armitage cheering every time someone else would appear. There have been plenty of celebrations of the music of Stephen Sondheim, but staging one remotely in the middle of a pandemic was uniquely challenging. It was a theme Sondheim and his librettist for the show, John Weidman, would return to again for his much darker 1990 show Assassins. The screens looked different, but the films kept coming. RE: Lin and Iain tweeting nonstop, the whole group of them, getting the word out and supporting it. It was like that. Sondheim was so aware of that threshold and tension throughout his work, but he best used it to create the surreal tragedy of Sweeney Todd and “Johanna.” —Alex Abad-Santos. In honor of Broadway titan Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday, stars are coming together for Take Me to the World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday … Her tremulous warble and the dark edge she gives to wryly simplistic lines — like “loving you is not a choice and not much reason to rejoice” — embody both her mesmerizing talent as an actress and Sondheim’s genius at manifesting characters through their songs. You mean we can take Timothée Chalamet home but not Emmy winner Zendaya? “Send In the Clowns” is my favorite Sondheim song because of its ability to somehow tell the entire story of someone’s life in just four minutes. “Johanna” is from Sondheim’s creepy, pulpy, pitch-black tragicomedy Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. PW: My heart rate only went down by Tuesday morning. The first act is about the 19th-century pointillism artist George Seurat, while the second act follows George’s great-grandson, also an artist and also named George. PW: I remember saying, specifically, “Let’s ask about Mandy [Patinkin],” because he was so important. Its narrator wryly breaks down the lure of the American Dream: “You think, ‘Why try?’ and you want to cry / Then that flag goes by, and you think, ‘That’s why: ’cause of that idea, that incredible idea.’” In the hands of national treasure Brian Stokes Mitchell, it practically becomes a cautionary tale delivered by Uncle Sam himself — of the glamour, and the danger, of America as a construct. The program, intended to start at 8 p.m., was meant to contain a series of live segments with the hosts, each of which would introduce a set of prerecorded singers. That’s what a group of actors and musicians and musical-theater fans managed to do on Sunday night with a charity concert for Artists Striving to End Poverty, through The full concert is nearly two and a half hours long, but it’s well worth watching on YouTube: You get to see Jake Gyllenhaal belting his way through a love duet with Annaleigh Ashford, Melissa Errico doing a stripped-down and lovely take on “Children and Art,” and Jason Alexander telling the story of how Sondheim wrote one of the songs in Merrily We Roll Along purely to mess with the actor. Chip Zien, who originated the role of the Baker on Broadway in 1987, knows how to go straight to the meat of the song just as well now as he did 33 years ago. As it turns out, no one is alone. Christopher Nolan Shocked by WB’s Deal With ‘Worst Streaming Service’ HBO Max, “It’s very, very, very, very messy. RE: It was my idea to put Iain Armitage in the “I’m Still Here” video, based on a joke from Paul. 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