The utazi leaves can be macerated in alcohol and used for the treatment of viral hepatitis and bilharzia.7. The leaves when chewed raw or infused with hot water can act as a fast relief for catarrh, congested chest, running nose and cough. The utazi latex from the fruits can be applied on the teeth that are affected by caries. High blood pressure is common, affecting one in three people in the U.S. We discuss natural ways to reduce blood pressure, including diet, exercise, and supplements. This combination can help reduce the risk of the serious … How to make: Provide half a handful of bitter leaf, Wash and boil with three glasses of water, Boil until the remaining 3/4 cup; Strain and drink Here’s how to make potions to treat high blood pressure. extraction in alcoholic beverages). As a natural diuretic, it is also useful for treating high blood pressure and can be taken as either a tea or tincture. Sierra Leone infuses the utazi stems with lime juice before drinking it and this acts as a purgative to treat stomach ache and colic.12. After 12 weeks of drinking tea, blood pressure was lower by 2.6 mmHg systolic and 2.2 mmHg diastolic. Avocado Leaves help with high blood pressure because it decreases your heart rate and thus leading to a lower blood pressure required to pump blood through your system. The utazi fruits can be used to cook soup and eaten as a laxative. called Moringa. High blood pressure is a serious condition that can lead to a multitude of problems down the road. Constituents from coriander interact with calcium ions and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, relaxing blood vessel tension. This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Smelly feet Dissolve half teaspoon of powdered alum in 250mls of warm water and use in rinsing the feet to help reduce sweating and to deodorise the feet. YES, you got that right! Uses Nutritional Uses Like most bitter-tasting herbs, Gangronema latifolium contains “Bitter principles” (a combination of alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, essential oils, etc). It can help to avoid damage in the blood circulation and maintain the blood pressure … For example, the utazi roots cannot be chewed rather has to undergo decoction, the leaves can be infused with hot water and allowed to cool down before drinking while the fresh utazi leaves can be chewed. The utazi leaves are broad, heart shaped and slightly oval in appearance with a deeply cordate base. It is diagnosed when the pressure … Generally speaking, bitter-tasting herbs, such as bitter leaf, utazi, phyllanthus, etc. Every single capsule of Blood Pressure 911 supplement is made safely with high quality standards. Add a tablespoon of this paste to a glass of warm milk and mix nicely. 2. Bay leaves are a very good choice for hypertension. Mix about three tablespoons of fresh Aloe Vera gel with 500ml of lukewarm water and use this as Enema to check the frequent stooling. Infused utazi leaves can be used as a home remedy for dysentery and intestinal worms. Can scent leaf cure hypertension? There are two forms of hypertension that are the result of high blood pressure. Lactating mothers can use utazi to control their body weight as well as maintain a healthy body system.6. Excess sodium in the diet can lead to potassium deficiency, which causes high blood pressure. The National Institute on Aging says that normal blood pressure is a reading of 120/80 mmHg. Share on Pinterest. GANGRONEMA latifolium (utazi) is a climbing shrub with broad, heart-shaped leaves that has a characteristic sharp, bitter and slightly sweet taste, especially when eaten fresh. High blood pressure (or hypertension) is a condition characterised by raised blood pressure levels. Unfortunately, most prescribed medications for combating high blood pressure have many side effects. 7. So yes, mango leaves can be used to treat high blood pressure as well. In a small study conducted in a group of people who consumed the leaves of the plant daily, it was discovered that they experienced a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels … To lower blood sugar levels and high blood pressure in diabetic and hypertensive patients, respectively. It also prevents angina pectoris, heart attacks and stroke. ‡ Millimeters of mercury. 12. National High Blood Pressure Education Program, May 2003. For mental and physical fatigue Eating plenty of whole pineapple at any time of the day will restore the needed strength. Boil up to 40 grammes (a handful) of fresh Guava leaves in up to 75cl (One bottle) of water. 10. That is, the nutrients in the leaves work to strengthen your blood vessels and ease the pressure your heart needs to pump blood around your body. In Sierra Leone, the utazi stems are mixed with lime juice as a purgative to treat stomach ache and colic. Note:Garlic reduces the clotting ability of blood. 5. It is common that people with hypertension symptoms experience headache. The vital medicinal ingredients stored in the various parts of the utazi leaf can be extracted either through blending the fresh leaves, chewing the utazi seeds, leaves or fruits, infusing either the dry or fresh utazi leaves and decoction. Of course, olive oil is good for heart health as well. Current phyoto-pharmacological research (the fancy term for finding medicine in plants) has been supporting the idea that olive leaf extract can also be used to treat high blood pressure. The leaves contain certain hypotensive properties that promote the lowering of high blood pressure. Guava also reduces overall cholesterol levels, which contribute to lower and healthier blood pressure. The curry leaves extract also can help to regenerate the blood cells. Join me on this journey to discover, share and grow knowledge on recipes for life from around the globe. Having a glass Prescription medications are generally safe and effective, but many of them can interact poorly with certain foods. To avoid the high blood tension, it will stimulate the blood cells to eliminate the bad blood and replace with a new good blood cell. Besides this mineral, bay leaves contain flavonoids and tannin that also facilitates in keeping the pressure levels under check. The bark of Arjuna that is high in Coenzyme Q10 … Babies start out with a blood pressure around like 95 over 60, but then as we age, that 95 can go to 120 by our 20s, then 140 by our 40s (the official cut off for high blood pressure… And now, you probably ask yourselves – what’s the name of this secret ingredient?! The most common symptoms of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. Filter and drink a cupful (250ml) three to four times daily. High blood pressure affects only one percent … If you suffer from high BP there are a variety of ways you can reduce it. Herbal remedies have been, for many years, considered the only conventional medicine that exists. Apart from hepatitis (viral or toxic), some of the things that affect the liver adversely, include synthetic hormones (xenoestrogen), some analgesics, over-eating, malnutrition, worm infestation and emotional breakdown, fatty and over-cooked food. Other health tips For nervousness, restlessness and insomnia Boil up to two heads of common Garden Lettuce with a bottle of water (75cl) and drink a glass of this decoction three times a day. This AMAZING Leaf Fights Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Removes Fat and Cures Insomnia. Roselle . REFERENCESAfolabi F. E. (2007), Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Gongronema latifolium, Journal Zhejiang University Biological Science; 8(5), pp.356-357. 4. May 4, 2018 May 5, 2018 vanya i. Therefore, it will bring headache and the pain nerve react of it. For this type of blood pressure, it is common practice to treat the underlying condition, as well as the high blood pressure. Nutritionally, G. latifolium (utazi) is an excellent source of protein and past studies show that G. latifolium (utazi) leaves are suitable for use in food production due to its high amino acid contents. It is a fairly common condition that occurs when force if blood against artery walls is too high. Benefits of Gongronema latifolium leaves (Utazi)Gongronema latifolium (Utazi) belongs to the class of medicinal plants that are beneficial in preventing and treating certain diseases and ailments that are detrimental to human health. The leaves of the gooseberry plant contain extracts that reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in individuals. The bitter juice will get into your stomach and relieve the pains in several minutes. After filtering, a glass is taken three times daily. People suffering from asthma can chew utazi leaves or macerated roots to help relieve them from wheezing. Tulsi leaves or holy basil is known to be an effective treatment for high blood pressure. Journal of Biological Sciences 9(8): 860–863. This remedy helps in restoring inner calmness. Privacy Policy: We dislike SPAM E-Mail. Bitter leaves relieves stomachaches. 2. « … Nwachukwu C. U, Umeh C. N., Kalu I. G., Okere S. and Nwoko M. C. (2010), Identification and Traditional Uses Of Some Common Medicinal Plants In Ezinihitte Mbaise L.G.A., of Imo State, Nigeria, Report and Opinion, 2(6), p.4. In southern Nigeria, where it is commonly grown, the Igbos call the plant utazi, the Yoruba know it as arokeke and the Efik and Ibibio call it utasi. Properties Experience has shown that the whole plant exhibits the following herbal actions- analgesic, antitumor, broad spectrum antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral), antipyretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, anti-sickling, anti-asthmatic, mild expectorant, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, digestive tonic and laxative properties. Whether this is your first time of hearing about, or not, you should know what this leaf is, what it does and how it should be used, under what circumstances. Remember to always consult your health care provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition. This also helps those that have issues with varicose veins. YES, you got that right! In many local “joints,” where people enjoy Isiewu, nkwobi and abacha/ugba (African salad) with palm wine or beer, the leaves are usually added to these delicacies to help prevent drunkenness or hangover. High blood pressure can lead to many health problems. It has been shown that coriander could positively reduce blood pressure in individuals suffering from hypertension. The utazi leaves are broad, heart shaped and slightly oval in appearance with a deeply cordate base. Thousands of people are trying to treat this illness without using chemical remedies. Parts used Fruits, seeds, leave, root and bark. We pledge to keep your email safe. Drink this concoction once in the morning and night to get rid of high blood pressure quickly. Berries. Alternatively, the patient can be made to swallow the powdered pepper directly. Moringa is the name of a tree that is native to Asia. 4. Gongronema latifolium (utazi) is a seasonal shrub that flowers mainly around July and September in Nigeria. Exercise, Blood Pressure and Mouthwash: Experts acknowledge that an episode of brisk exercise usually lowers blood pressure. Despite these impressive speculated abilities of the utazi leaves, future research are recommended to validate these claims. 9.Infused utazi leaves … Lowering blood pressure. This heart-shaped leaf is characterised by a distinguishable bitter taste especially when eaten fresh however the bitter taste tends to slightly disappear if the leaves get dried. BENEFITS OF OCIMUM GRATISSIMUM (SCENT|NCHANWU|EFIRIN LEAF). Megan Galloway. People suffering from asthma can chew utazi leaves … With a weak liver, the body cannot function properly. In a small study conducted in a group of people who consumed the leaves of the plant daily, it was discovered that they experienced a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels after some time. History records that Ghanaian and Senegalese squeeze the utazi leaves and use it to massage the joints of children with difficulty in walking and this practice helps those young children to start walking. 6. Gongronema latifolium leaf, which can be chewed, infused or used for cooking is mainly used in the Western part of Africa for nutritional and medicinal reasons. Ugochukwu N. H, Babady N. E, Cobourne M. and Gasset S. R.(2003), The Effect of Gongronema latifolium Leaf Extract on Serum Lipid Profile and Oxidative Stress of hepatocytes of Diabetic Rats, Journal of Bioscience, 28, p.2–4. Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to serious long-term health conditions, such as coronary heart disease and kidney disease. High blood pressure affects only one percent of hunter-gatherer populations following a traditional diet, but its prevalence increases when those cultures adopt a western diet and lifestyle that is characterized by processed and refined foods, sedentary behavior, chronic sleep deprivation, a lack of sun exposure and excess use of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. (2009), Effect of a Long Term Consumption of a Diet Supplemented with Leaves of Gongronema latifolium Benth on some Biochemical and Histological Parameters in Male Albino Rats. The utazi leaves can be macerated in alcohol and used for the treatment of viral hepatitis and bilharzia. 9.Infused utazi leaves are very helpful in treating malaria. While it is okay to indulge once in a while, doing so regularly could take a toll on your heart. In some cases, the dried or fresh leaves are prepared as tincture (i.e. Africans such as Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, use the stems and fruits as chewing sticks. A member of the genus Hibiscus in the large Rosacea family of plants, roselle has been used traditionally as a medicinal herb for high blood pressure. As the sodium leaves, extra fluid in your bloodstream moves into your urine, which helps lower your blood pressure. What I want to discuss in particular is a natural healing for blood pressure…. Researchers agree that the decoction of the utazi leaves or stems can be beneficial in treating high blood pressure and diabetes. Remember to always consult your health care provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition. In southern part of Nigeria, especially among the people of Southeast and South-South, the leaves of this herb are used commonly for nutritional purposes, including as a spice and vegetable to garnish some special local delicacies, such as Isiewu, nkwobi, abacha/ugba (African salad) ofe nsala (white soup), unripe plantain porridge, etc because of its sharp-bitter and sweet taste. Gongronema latifolium (Utazi) has a characteristics soft/hairy stems with latex. Lactating mothers can use utazi to control their body weight as well as maintain a healthy body system. A review of 12 studies in over 550 people with high blood pressure found that taking garlic reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 8.3 mm Hg and 5.5 mm Hg, … Researchers agree that the decoction of the utazi leaves or stems can be beneficial in treating high blood pressure … Tags: health benefits of utazi and scent leaf, how to use utazi leaf for fertility, side effects of utazi leaves, utazi leaf and fibroid, utazi leaf and high blood pressure. Chemical constituents Bitter principles, essential oils, alkaloids, saponins and tannin, various minerals, vitamins and some essential amino acids. Utazi plant is highly medicinal in nature, which suggests why its health benefits cannot be overemphasized. The content of andrographolide, alkaloids, and potassium is very complete to treat high blood pressure. High blood pressure (or, high BP) is sometimes called the “silent killer” because there are often no symptoms of the illness. Regenerate Blood Cells. No matter how common the condition is, high blood pressure is always a cause of concern. are known to act as stimulating tonics for the digestive system. To relieve painful and bleeding Pile or inflamed rectum- Rectitis Fold the normal kitchen/cooking foil into a small cylindrical mold, fill this mold with fresh Aloe Vera gel and put this into a freezer to form ice-cold Aloe Vera gel. This article titled " Benefits of Gongronema latifolium (Utazi) " is a must read! 3. To a larger extent, this will save us both the stress, time and cost of searching for expensive methods of treatment when we are surrounded by free gifts of nature. It could help you with anemia. Cayenne pepper is a good tonic for the cardiovascular system. Gongronema latifolium (utazi) is a climbing shrub that reaches up to 5m long with woody base, hollow stems and fleshy roots. Moringa oleifera has long been used to help lower blood pressure in countries like India, the Philippines, and many others. Comments are closed. Rich in potassium, figs restore balance and help lower blood pressure… The leaves are believed to neutralise the intoxicating properties alcohol and its harmful effects on the liver. It prevents arteriosclerosis, platelet aggregation and blood clot formation within the blood carrying vessels. Bay leaves … To cleanse the womb and treat abdominal pain after childbirth. The Western part of Nigeria call this leaf arokeke and it is a tropical rainforest plant mainly used as vegetable, medicine or spice by the people. Subscribe to Global Food Book's email updates and get a FREE eBook on benefits of organic food. by washingtontime. Hypertension and high blood pressure are sometimes known as the “silent killers,” because of their prevalence and role as one of the leading causes of cardiac disease and related deaths in the modern world. The leaves when chewed raw or infused with hot water can act as a fast relief for catarrh, congested chest, running nose and cough.4. Other benefits of Gongronema latifolium (Utazi) include; 1.The utazi roots can be decocted and mixed with other medicinal plants for the treatment of sickle cell anemia. And blood clot formation within the blood carrying vessels minerals, vitamins and some essential amino acids to discuss particular... Regularly may also help to lower blood sugar levels and high blood pressure can lead to multitude! Utazi plant is highly medicinal in nature, which suggests why its health benefits of scent leaf whole pineapple any. Good tonic for the treatment of sickle cell anemia roots to help relieve them from wheezing have soft/hairy yields! Of a tree that is high in Coenzyme Q10 … coriander may you! Without using chemical remedies can interact poorly with certain foods particular is a fairly common condition that lead..., remove Fat and help lower blood pressure, fresh bitter leaves can macerated! For stroke and is often managed with prescribed medicine, various minerals vitamins... 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