Worst and Best Wood Chip Mulch for Your Vegetable Garden. No matter which you choose, however, mulching your vegetable garden has multiple rewards: It suppresses weeds, holds in moisture, modifies soil temperature, lessens the chances of certain diseases attacking your plants, and adds an attractive look to your garden. Over the years, I've mulched my vegetable garden with oat straw, newspaper, grass clippings, burlap coffee bags, leaves and black plastic. Silly. Your email address will not be published. Hedge/shrub prunings and stems from younger trees or tree suckers can be shredded and applied directly as a fresh mulch on unplanted or planted areas. All of those caves and crevices created in a wood-chip mulch provide a perfect habitat for some garden pests, especially pill bugs, sow bugs, earwigs, snails, and slugs. (For more on the chicken routine, see my post, “Chickens: my garden’s little helpers.”). Right: bigger cauliflower plants with wood chips under them. So much time and energy can be devoted to keeping a garden healthy and growing, and a big part of that is adding mulch.But which mulch is the right kind for your vegetable garden? This includes basil and peppers, particularly, but also pumpkins, melons, and beans, as you have experienced. Thanks. So I really only know what I’ve heard and read. It is so odd, there are new blooms happening now, just like your new blog post is talking about. The Disadvantages of Wood Shavings as Mulch. I come to you as a resource and thank you very much for your posts! If I leave the chickens over a bed long enough they will unearth and consume all of the grubs, no doubt. I sometimes add some compost to the surface of the soil at this time. Hello, Also I also wonder if you know anything about Doug Fir bark making you itch or feel like you have very small splinters in your skin after touching it? Bottom: feral cat. Wood, including bark from larger, mature trees can be chipped and applied as a fresh mulch on both unplanted areas and around plants on well-established beds. Better alternatives to dyed mulches are pine needles, natural double or triple processed mulch, cedar mulch, or pine bark. We lost some trees to storm damage and I want to keep the leftover wood chips for mulching walkways in the back yard and between the raised beds in our garden. This is because wood chips can contain small spores that breed fungus and can stain the siding on your home. My fruit trees and shrubs get mulched with bark or wood chips, and I mulch the perennial beds with cocoa shells or compost. Red cedar and the redwood are naturally resistant to insect damage and weathering. The chunkier the mulch, the thicker it can be applied. Your email address will not be published. I also have a good amount of straw/thatching which I have used on a few beds. We use wood mulch around flowers and shrubs but do not in the vegetables. ;( You do have chickens though, so maybe they take care of them for you? That means you’ll have a diverse and populous community of microorganisms living in your garden that are constantly working to keep your plants healthy and your soil providing them with the nutrients they need. Wood mulch drools! When wood breaks down, it requires nitrogen to do so. Vegetables sure do grow better in fertile soil, from my observations. I have just bought a bag of wood chips, tested and of excellent quality to experiment with my vegetable garden. I recently had to rake away my entire compost mulch because there were a bunch hiding underneath as I was getting ready to transplant. You will also want to avoid using wood chip mulch around plants that are sensitive to … I’m not recommending it exactly because I’ve never used it myself, but I have been told by friends who aim to use few pesticides that it is effective on the garden pests that wood chips and other mulches give harbor to. There are many ways to prepare for the growing season. ... Bark mulch is readily available at the store and from tree trimming services that chip up the wood they remove from people’s trees. Read the label carefully, hardwood bark mulch, and hardwood mulch, are not the same product. Confidently use around all types of plants including trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables. The one downside of wood chips as mulch around vegetables. Apply a 2 inch layer to your garden bed. We then put wood chips on the top. If you have plants that are underdeveloped or have not yet germinated do not cover with mulch. What do you think is best for small off the ground veggie boxes? But when I haven’t let the chickens do that I haven’t noticed problems due to the grubs. Mulching is generally used to save water, suppress weeds and improve the soil around plants but it also gives your garden a neat, tidy appearance and can reduce the amount of time spent on tasks such as watering and weeding. DO use the right mulch for the job. Fine Gardening: Does Pressure-Treated Wood Belong in Your Garden? Steven, I have avocado, citrus, pear, peach, cherimoya, fig, plum, etc. If you don’t have chickens, you might look into a product called Sluggo Plus (see it here at Peaceful Valley Farm Supply). Wood used in these projects must resist weathering and infestation and not pollute the soil it protects. It’s this very quality that allows wood chips to be such a splendid mulch, but unfortunately also engenders its single downside. Wood chips as mulch on vegetables aren’t perfect, but I find that their benefits far outweigh their single drawback. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Using CCA to treat wood was banned in 2003, but many times this wood is still taken from demolitions or other sources and recycled into dyed mulches. Mulches from broadleaf trees and shrubs. I need something bcz so far not a lot of bounty but I’m a new gardener with lots to learn. This is an important question and is essential to your success in using wood chips as a mulch in your vegetable garden. I’d pull back some chips and it was still so moist underneath. Of course, mulching within the rows of vegetables, right around the plants, accomplishes the same, especially if you don’t dig. Here are some mature lettuce plants from last year with wood chips under them. The only downside so far has been a few strange mushrooms that are likely from spores in the mulch. Most gardeners are familiar with the use of mulch during the summer months. These 4 acorn squash plants, grown in a wood chip garden, produced over 50 squash. Using wood chips as mulch for fruit trees. Wood chips in the vegetable garden are a trade off, not a perfect solution to any problem. And yes, I do get the oddest mushrooms in the mulch! Bark is a bit prettier, but looks ain’t everything, right? Could I use mulch in there? Wood chip gardening is the practice of covering your vegetable garden and fruit orchard with wood chip mulch. I haven’t written anything about fire blight because I haven’t dealt with it much, luckily. It is a 6′ tree I bought and had planted about 6 months ago. I am not sure if this is kosher, but could I ask you about how to deal with Apple Tree Fire Blight here? The cedar wood originates from different trees known as “cedars” that grow in various parts of the world. Here is some corn growing this summer among wood chips. It is essential that wood chips be used properly. Certain types of wood do this better than others. Mulch garden and vegetable beds to protect them from summer heat, reduce watering needs, and keep the weeds down. Got whiteflies? I’ve added no fertilizer. Here in Southern California there is no real end to the gardening season; there’s just a cool half of the year and a warm half of the year. Once vegetable plants are big enough to sustain a little nibbling, I start to bring the wood chips back around them. I scrapped just under the skin of the branches and they look fine and green, but I guess the only solution is to trim the branches way back. Organic Mulches Also I'm reading of folks using wood chips for this purpose, but am curious about this raising the carbon/nitrogen ration in the soil, which I always understood shouldn't be done. X Wood chips can be blown around in windy areas and can start to look messy after a time. Carrying that weight should be doable for most gardeners who grow vegetables. It’s amazing. Managing pests with wood chips mulching vegetables. Dry Leaves. This was shown clearly to me a couple of winters ago when I raked the wood chips off a path that I’d been using for years. There are a couple of garden chores I dislike, and having to wash vegetables before eating them is one. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. We should have checked it before the plants yellowed! If using mulch with fine particles that are 2mm or smaller, mix it with chunkier mulch with a particle size greater than 5mm. I think it is Douglas Fir bark. I have two raised/elevated 4×8′ garden boxes. The only thing I had seen at some point regarding Doug Fir Bark mulch was that it was not goo for fruit trees, but maybe that is a myth? Q. A downside of bark chips that I’ve observed is that they don’t break down nearly as fast as arborist wood chips. I think it is made by debarking trees. Mulch also keeps the direct sun off the top of your soil and keeps the roots of the plants cooler. Thank you. When it comes to the vegetable garden I want practical, inexpensive solutions. The exceptions are the few seeds that fly in from a wind and perennial weeds like Bermuda grass. The chips are soaking up the rain so there’s no run off; they’re protecting the soil surface from erosion or crusting — there’s not even any  splashing of dirt or compost up onto the leaves of plants; the rain will germinate weed seeds elsewhere but not where there’s a thick layer of wood chips; I can take a walk out there over the wet soil because the chips absorb my footsteps so well. We have two big problems: What I’m aiming to do is give them no shelter close to my baby vegetable plants, which reduces their feeding on them. Alternatives include wood treated with arsenic-free compounds such as alkaline copper quat. 2) Bark Mulch or Wood Chips. Here is how I mitigate that problem. If you want something that decomposes quickly and introduces nutrients over time, wood chips are a good choice . Thank you! Well, the reason I'm sharing that with you is because I began to see a lot of people talking about doing things like permaculture in the garden and doing no-till vegetable gardening and doing a Back to Eden method of vegetable gardening, where you're using wood chips and mulch. Read the label carefully, hardwood bark mulch, and hardwood mulch, are not the same product. Why Mulch the Garden in Winter? Great article. I also periodically put my chickens over a vegetable bed to eat all of the bugs in that area. Greg…how do you (or others) manage the wood chip mulch at the end of the season? Compost as mulch doesn’t prevent the splashing; wood chips does. Tender, new growth too soon will just result in more winter dieback. Wood chips make clean paths between garden beds. Just lay down an inch or two of compost on the surface once or twice a year and you’ll gradually see improvements in your plants. The most common way of using woodchips for gardening is to spread them on the ground as mulch. Using cedar mulch for vegetable gardens is an incredibly useful way to keep weeds at bay and aid with keeping the soil moist for longer.Organic mulch materials can be used to great effect to promote the health of a vegetable garden, or any bed in which you want to help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature and minimize soil erosion through wind blowing the soil away. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. (Want to grow some lettuce? . Wood chips will improve your soil and regenerate the natural life in the soil instead of the use of toxic chemicals that deplete the soil and create soil loss. What are your thoughts and advice as I experiment with these sources of mulch? Naturally decay-resistant wood is more expensive than other species of wood. Facebook; Prev Article. In today's video, I share how and why I use wood chip mulch. When you’re gardening close to the house, you might want to avoid using wood chips. Piling mulch onto a plant as opposed to around it invites rot and disease to take hold and insects and vermin to nibble away undetected. Amending soil with organic additions, weeding, fertilizing, putting in drip irrigation and planting companion plants for insect control are all part of the kick off for edible gardening. Worst and Best Wood Chip Mulch for Your Vegetable Garden. Vegetable garden preparation is crucial to getting a bumper crop and large perfect fruit. The compost, on the other hand, will improve the soil fertility and structure, retain moisture, suppress weeds, etc. Pretty much anything you can use for mulch on the vegetable garden, you can use for herb gardens, flower gardens, and fruit trees. Some common mulches are wood chips, straw, hay, pine nettles, and leaf litter. The tall stalks, green leaves, and good-sized ears indicate that all is well down in the soil. This is something we just had to learn the hard way. One exception is from my previous yard where I didn’t have chickens but we had many skunks and raccoons. If you need to make your soil more acidic, pine needles will work best. All animals are as lazy as we are and will eat as close to home as possible. So there’s no free lunch — not even when you get a free load of wood chips delivered. […] It’s good advice; you can feel the soil compacting under your feet when you do. It works as a barrier, keeping the ground water from evaporating too quickly. If you want something that decomposes quickly and introduces nutrients over time, wood chips are a good choice. Another great effect of a wood-chip covered path is that you don’t have to deal with weeding there. Is bark ok for under fruit trees? About every 2 years it has totally broken down and I move the top layer into the garden beds before adding a new 4” layer of the wood mulch. As a tree grows, it forms two consistencies of wood, sapwood and heartwood. It’s OK to use wood chips, but since you’re not walking on the soil up there it’s not as useful. Speaking of lettuce, look at the dirt and compost splashed all over these leaves by the rain today. I tried searching on your blog, but nothing came up. Spread them on your garden paths and under your vegetables and you invite these critters. by Greg Alder | Dec 7, 2018 | Vegetables | 19 comments. If you don’t have chickens, you might look into a product called, Sluggo Plus (see it here at Peaceful Valley Farm Supply). This mulch comes in a hard block. I didn’t water my vegetables one time all last winter because of the water-holding capacity of the wood chips along with the consistent rains. I have contacted the company that trims our trees and they will bring a load after one of their jobs. This statement is found here and there, even parroted by people who you’d think you could trust, but never is any evidence given. We are getting chickens but not for another month or two. Organic and inorganic mulches are available as vegetable garden mulch options. In a raised box for vegetables, I’d use a mulch of compost rather than wood chips. Some common mulches are wood … Back to the one downside that I’ve experienced with wood chips, that is, garden pest habitat. I like your idea of moving the chips away from the baby plants until they are established. Weeding is the other garden chore that I dislike, so I appreciate that a mulch of a couple inches of wood chips essentially eliminates it. But when it comes to the vegetable garden, mulching gets a bit more complicated. T let the chickens over a bed of baby plants where wood chips that... Plants cooler foundations and other wood products, not a perfect solution to any problem the exceptions the! 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