granatum, Scaevola taccada, Nypa fruticans Cycas rumphii Xylocarpus mekongensis Phymatodes scolopendria Dolichandrone spathacea, X. granatum Typha angustifolia Cyperus malaccensis, Scirpus grossus Dolichandrone spathacea (topeng),Excoecaria indica (bijinya) Cerbera manghas (insektisida) Cryptocoryne ciliata, Crinum asiaticum They are followed by large, spherical, woody capsules, 9 to 12 cm (4 to 5 in) in diameter, which split open to reveal up to a dozen seeds. 21 Tabel 1. m. enunjukkan terdapat tujuh spesies . The bark is brown and smooth, and comes away in flakes. These results indicate that the methanolic fruit peel extract contained tyrosinase-inhibiting compounds, such as flavonoids, tannins and saponins, whereas the n-hexane and chloroform extracts yielded alkaloids, steroids and triterpenoids without tyrosinase-inhibiting activity. Xylocarpus Granatum is a tree. Close-up of the flower Photograph by: Ria Tan. Kecenderungan masyarakat pesisir memanfaatkan biji buah X. granatum dengan mengupas kulit buah untuk Soybean was fermented by Aspergillus oryzae for 4 days, with genistein content and tyrosinase inhibition activity were monitored each day. Granatum obovatum (Blume) Kuntze. Kadar genistein ditentukan menggunakan densitometer-KLT sedangkan aktivitas hambatan tirosinase dievaluasi menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Research was started from July to November 2014. Metode yang digunakan dalam ekstraksi senyawa bioaktif inhibitor tirosinase ini adalah ekstraksi menggunakan teknik maserasi, sedang inhibisinya diketahui melalui metode spektroskopi visible. This research aim was to explore the novelty bioactive compound from ipomea pes caprae. The plant parts are used medicinally. Subsequently, they were extracted with organic solvents of distinct polarity levels, namely n-hexane (non-polar), chloroform (semi-polar) and methanol (polar) by use of the single-maceration method. 3. 5. Xylocarpus granatum, Bijinya digunakan secara oral untuk menyembuhkan diare dan kolera. In contrast, n-hexane and ch, positive correlation between the total phenolic content and the inh, menghasilkan senyawa alkaloid, steroid, dan triterpenoid tanpa penghambatan aktivitas tirosinase. Bangladeshi flora is a rich source of a range of plant species, many of which are medicinal plants, and have been used in the preparations of the Unani and Ayurvedic traditional medicines. Kojic acid (KA), a naturally occurring compound, is contained in traditional Japanese fermented foods and is used as a food additive, preservative and a dermatological skin-lightening agent. Therefore, new finding of tyrosinase inhibitor agent from green algae Halimeda sppgive the fruitfull information forcosmeceutical industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the genistein content and tyrosinase inhibition activity of fermented and unfermented soybean extracts. The aim of the present study was to analyse the peel waste of Xylocarpus granatum fruits as potential source of tyrosinase inhibitors. Granatum moluccensis (Lam.) Design and synthesis of 5-(substituted benzylidene)thiazolidine-2,4-dione derivatives as novel tyrosinase inhibitors, Resveratrol as a k(cat) type inhibitor for tyrosinase: Potentiated melanogenesis inhibitor, Non-genotoxic mode of action and possible threshold for hepatocarcinogenicity of Kojic acid in F344 rats, Potency of ipomea pes caprae as tyrosinase inhibitor and antioxidant agent, The effectivity of bioactive compound of Seaweed from the coast of Aceh as antioxidant and anticancer. The objective of the present study was to find out the presence of phytochemicals in the petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of Marsilea minuta Linn (Marsileaceae), a common aquatic medicinal fern by both qualitative and quantitative screening methods. Xylocarpus obovatus Juss. Similarly, inhibitor tyrosinase activity (expressed by IC 50 value) was also increased for 1-3 days of fermentation, but it decreased at the 4 th day of fermentation. The trunk has buttresses and above-ground roots which extend for long distances to either side. government, private and community. Upon exposure to UV radiation, the melanocytes increase the production of intracellular nitric oxide, which triggers signal transduction cascades to initiate melanogenesis by tyrosi-nase. Moreover,etyl acetateand n-hexane extract have no activity of tyrosinaseinhibitor. Carapa indica Adr. dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku kosmetik. A number of plants from different geographical origins have been shown to possess antioxidant activity. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan kadar genistein dan aktivitas hambatan dari ekstrak kedelai terfermentasi dan non-fermentasi. pohon . In addition, MHY1556 showed concentration-dependent inhibitory effects in melanin content assay where B16F10 melanoma cells were treated with α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), and also there is no significant cytotoxicity of this compound in cell viability assay conducted in B16F10 melanoma cells. Common Name: Tree growing in native habitat Photograph by: Lauren Gutierrez. More active compounds such as phenols, flavonoids, coumarins and other derivatives have been identified from natural sources. The fermentation process of the seeds is a natural spontaneous process, which occurs 40 days following seed maturity and treatment. Vitamin E of S. plagyophyllum amounted 363,86 mg/kg and 0,23 mg/kg for E. cottonii. Fraksi alkaloid, flavonoid dan tanin dari (4) Abstract . Therefore, our data strongly suggest MHY1556 suppresses the melanogenesis via a tyrosinase inhibitory effect. Most of these species have been used in traditional medicine in Bangladesh and other countries for the treatment of various illnesses ranging from common cold to cancer. Fermented seeds of the tropical tree Pangium edule Reinw. Growth response and composition of long chain polyisoprenoid of minor secretor Xylocarpus granatum Koenig seedlings to salinity was studied in the greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture and Laboratory of Forest Ecology, University of Sumatera Utara. X. granatum sudah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pesisir sebagai obat tradisional untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit termasuk mencegah hiperpigmentasi kulit. Xylocarpus granatum, commonly known as the cannonball mangrove, cedar mangrove,[2] or puzzlenut tree,[3] is a species of mangrove in the mahogany family (Meliaceae). β-glucosidase, an enzyme that can cleave glycosidic bonds of conjugated phenolics and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) activities increased. Yaitu daerah yang ketika air laut pasang tergenangi air, ketika air laut surut tidak tergenangi air. To explore various seaweed from The Coast of Aceh as Antioxidant and anticancer. The benzene extract exhibited positive results for 9 tests. Hasil penelitian ini menduga, menghambat aktivitas tirosinase adalah golongan flavon, Hubungan korelasi antara kandungan total fenol da, senyawa lain yang bukan termasuk dalam golonga, Gambar 2. Seaweed contains bioactive compound which can serve as a defense from ultraviolet, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. In continuing our search for novel tyrosinase inhibitors, a series of 5-(substituted benzylidene)thiazolidine-2,4-diones were rationally designed and synthesized, and their inhibitory effects on mushroom tyrosinase activity were evaluated. Hasil yang didapat adalah ekstrak metanol ketiga spesies Artocarpus mengandung senyawa bioaktif yang dapat menginhibisi tirosinase, sedang daya inhibisi terkuat didapat pada ekstrak metanol dari kulit batang A. heterophyllus (nangka). Pigment Cellular Researc, Bangladeshi plant extracts. Xylocarpus rumphii. The purpose of this study is to analyse the tyrosinase inhibitory activity of Halimeda sppextract from WestAceh. The bark, fruits and seeds have been used in traditional medicine. These results suggest that possible usage of resveratrol as a tyrosinase inhibitor and a melanogenesis inhibitor. Fruits and seed. MIC topoisomerase I dari ekstrak metanol batang Xylocarpus granatum adalah 25 :g/ml. In summary, further research on Indonesian medicinal plants should be conducted to provide holistic knowledge for the development of cosmetic and oral health products. Akar gantung terdapat pada Rhizophora, Avicennia dan Acanthus. Tojo Una-una Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. The methanol extract showed highest amount of phytochemicals when compared with other solvent extracts. The tyrosinase activity assay results with MHY1556 also support its potent inhibitory effects. yang terdapat pada ekstrak kasar metanol, kloroform, Tabel 2 menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol kulit buah. Buttressed and running roots Photograph by: wan_hong. The dominant fatty acids were oleic acid (C18:1n-9) and linoleic acid (C18:2n-6). Phytochemistry, 65: 13, Pendidikan Tinggi. The results showed there were 50 stakeholders involved in the management of Pamurbaya mangrove, which was divided into three groups i.e. Roots Photograph by: Ria Tan. 1, 2000. biasanya berassosiasi dengan … Metanol mendapatkan nilai rendemen tertinggi yakni 14.46% dan juga mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder teringgi yaitu sebanyak empat diantaranya, triterpenoid, steroid, saponin dan tannin. Oriental Pharmacy a. role of MITF. Granatum obovatum Kuntze Carapa obovata Bl. The aim of the present study was to analyse the peel waste of Xylocarpus granatum fruits as potential source of tyrosinase inhibitors. Subsequently, they were extracted with organic solvents of distinct polarity levels, namely n-hexane (non-polar), chloroform (semi-polar) and methanol (polar) by use of the single-maceration method. The bark is an Astringent and Febrifuge. Kurz Amoora salomoniensis C. DC. mangrove. Buttress and running roots Photograph by: Lauren Gutierrez. Therefore, the results of this research should be considered to provide the possibility for future developments of highly functional antioxidants. After the 30 min of preincubation of tyrosinase and resveratrol, both monophenolase and diphenolase activities of tyrosinase were significantly suppressed. was determined by Aluminum Chloride Colorimetric method, measured using n-hexane, etil acetate, and methanol. In addition, through prediction of the potato catechol oxidase tertiary structure and simulation of docking with compounds 2a and 2f using DOCK6, we found that these inhibitors likely bind to the active site of the enzyme. Hasil analisis fitokimia ekstrak kasar kulit buah, Keterangan : +: hasil uji positif lemah, ++: hasil u, Senyawa flavonoid dan tanin pada sampel mengindika, Aktivitas inhibisi tirosinase ekstrak kasar. dan . kebanyakan ekstrak metabolit sekunder tumbuhan. Most of the compounds achieve the hypopigmenting effect by inhibit-ing tyrosinase; however, some interesting compounds blocking the upstream regulation points of melanogenesis are extraordinarily promising for developing novel whitening agents. Seaweed contains naturally bioactive compounds that acts as antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitor which inhibit melanin formation and the latest approach used to skin lightening. Local wisdom priority was mangrove ecotourism. Hubungan antara kandungan total fenol dengan nilai IC, menyatakan bahwa senyawa fenolik dengan gugus fungsi hidroksil (-OH) (Park, fungsi tersebut memainkan peranan penting di dalam pe, penting dalam aktivitas inhibisi enzim tirosinase adalah fl, Purwakusumah, M.Si selaku Ketua Tim E. (Penelitian unggulan sesuai mandat pusat No: 2013.089. phenolics during natural fermentation in, plants as tyrosinase inhibitors and antioxidant age, complexion coloration. Xylocarpus granatum . simplisia sampel dengan menggunakan kertas saring Whatman No. All rights reserved. Espesye … PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN EKSTRAK BUAH MANGROVE Xylocarpus granatum SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF DALAM PENANGGULANGAN PENYAKIT PARASIT Dactylogirus sp.PADA IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio) #Xylocarpus Granatum Fruit #Xylocarpus Granatum Nyirih. Male F344 rats were administered a diet containing 0-2% KA. In this study, we have synthesized and studied de novo tyrosinase inhibitor, MHY1556, which showed significantly better efficacy than other pre-existing tyrosinase inhibitors in vitro experiments. The results shown that the methanol extract of Halimeda spppossess phytochemical properties such as ekstrak Halimeda spp mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, phenol, tannin and steroid. The Study of Tyrosinase and Antioxidant Activity of Xylocarpus Granatum Koenig Seed Kernel Extract t... AKTIVITAS INHIBITOR TIROSINASERUMPUT LAUT Halimeda Spp DARI PESISIR ACEH BARAT. Meski demikian, isoflavon dengan struktur aglikon memiliki bioaktivitas yang lebih baik daripada bentuk glikosidanya (5) , misalnya aktivitas hambatan tirosinase (6) . Metode penelitian adalah metode survey dengan pembuatan transek dan plot pengamatan yang berukuran 50 x 50 m sebanyak 3 buah yang dibuat mulai dari tepi pantai menuju kearah daratan. Total phenolic content was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method and total flavonoid contents, This aims of the study was to descript and evaluate the mangrove management strategy by local community (local wisdom) in East Coast Surabaya.. Memiliki perakaran yang khas hingga mencapai ketinggian 5 meter, dan kadang-kadang memiliki akar udara yang keluar dari cabang. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytochemicals in Marsilea minuta Linn. Buttressed and running roots Photograph by: Ria Tan. Xylocarpus rumphii. Concluding notes, 427–436. Sebagian besar isoflavon kedelai memiliki struktur glikosida (4). adalah Xylocarpus granatum. Tanaman ini telah digunakan untuk mengobati diare serta ekstrak metanol biji X. granatum dapat digunakan sebagai tabir surya atau sunscreen dan biji X. granatum mengandung tannin yang bersifat sebagai antibakteri (Hendrawan et al., 2015) Bioorganic, chemical and clinical aspects. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tegakan hutan mangrove ini ditemukan 3 spesies pohon mangrove yaitu Xylocarpus granatum, Rhyzophora apiculata dan Scyphiphora hydrophyllacceae. S. plagyophyllum slurry contain bioactive compound such as alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins. Tabel 2. [1], Species of mangrove in the mahogany family. Bagian dalam bunga setelah kelopak, terdapat mahkota bunga. dan beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang biasa berasosiasi dengan mangrove antara lain asiatica, Baringtonia Cerbera manghas, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ipomea pes-caprae, Melastoma Pada penelitian ini digunakan tiga jenis Artocarpus, yaitu A. heterophyllus (nangka), A. altilis (sukun) dan A. communis (kluwih). Pengaruh salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan dan komposisi rantai panjang polyisoprenoid semai mangrove sejati minor berjenis sekresi Xylocarpus granatum koenig. [4][5][6] It is a common species of mangrove, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being of "least concern". E. cottonii slurry contain bioactive compound alkaloids and terpenoids. It was known that genistein content was correlated with tyrosinase inhibition activity (R 2 = 0.949). The aim of the present study was to analyse the peel waste of Xylocarpus granatum fruits as potential source of tyrosinase inhibitors. Xylocarpus moluccensis. Akar Gantung (Aerial-Roots) Akar gantung adalah akar napas yang tidak bercabang yang muncul dari batang atau cabang bagian bawah, tetapi biasanya tidak mencapai substrat. Some of them have been developed as natural antioxidant formulations for food, cosmetic and other applications. Cellular melanin production was significantly suppressed by resveratrol without any cytotoxicity up to 200 μM. Oxidation of resveratrol and inhibition of L-tyrosine oxidation suggested the inhibitory effects of metabolites of resveratrol on tyrosinase. Xylocarpus granatum is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, growing to a maximum height of 12 m (39 ft). Kelopak bunga kaku, halus, berwarna kekuningan. We indicate that this methanolic extract of X. granatum seed kernel posseses potency as tyrosinase inhibitor and antioxidant agent. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar genistein meningkat pada saat fermentasi hari ke-1 sampai ke-3 (45,645-1256,042 µg/g ekstrak) tetapi pada hari ke-4 kadarnya menurun (54,373 µg/g ekstrak). In addition, compounds 2a and 2f effectively inhibited tyrosinase activity and reduced melanin levels in B16 cells treated with α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH). Di zona ini biasanya … Kata Kunci: Artocarpus, inhibisi, tirosinase. Xylocarpus carnulosus Zoll. The results indicated that low concentrations of KA do not have initiation effects on rat hepatocarcinogenesis, while higher concentrations of KA do promote hepatocarcinogenesis in rats. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Tetraketones : A new class of tyrosinase inhibit, alkyloximes as Tyrosinase Inhibitors. Tree growing in native habitat Photograph by: Lauren Gutierrez. Moreover, 2% KA treatment significantly increased 8-OHdG levels and PCNA positive hepatocytes. 2 dan selanjutnya dipeka, Penentuan kadar air dan kadar abu mengacu pada. Xylocarpus benadirensis Mattei Monosoma littorata Griff.
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