60. Siegmeyer of Catarina: is a knight seen roaming throughout 'Dark Souls'. Minor npc not in your walkthrough or in the minor npc list. Shira: is one of the strongest NPCs of the 'Dark Souls III' game. Taurus Demon: is an early boss of the 'Dark Souls' loacted at the Undead Burg. 27. DLC NPCs. Oscar, Knight of Astora: is a knight from the land of Astora. 79. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Crossbreed Priscilla: a half-dragon and half-woman character that resides in a painted world. Sanctuary Guardian: is an aggressive boss who protects the Sanctuary Garden with an attack of poison and lightning. Chasm of the Abyss. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder: is the final boss of the game and was also the former Lord of the Sunlight. 81 Darkstalker Kaathe: is the leader of Darkwraith covenant and one of the Primordial Serpents. Artorias, the Abysswalker: is located in the Royal Wood with drop soul power of  Soul of Artorias, one of the most prominent 'Dark Souls' boss names. Bosses in Dark Souls 3 are powerful foes which constitute some of the most challenging experiences in the game.Most are defeated as part of the mandatory story progression, with the rest optional. Â, 28. 119. Are you looking for the best team name? Dyna. Â. Â, 44. Morrell. your missing that pyromancy guy you find at the depths, Please help! Alvina: is a master of the Forest Hunter Covenant and a huge cat with speech. Oswald of Carim: is a grim character who fights against sins and sinners. Giant of the Undead Settlement: is one of the NPCs in the 'Dark Souls' that holds the Undead Settlement Bonfire. 76. Sir Vilhelm: is one of the hostile NPC found near the graveyard. < > Showing 1-15 of 41 comments . 103. Â. Sif, the Great Grey Wolf (Dark Souls) Sif is the loyal companion of Artorias the Abysswalker who died … 87. Â. Last updated 14 June 2018 12:31PM. DARK SOULS™ III > General Discussions > Topic Details. Quelana: is a chaos witch in the 'Dark Souls'. Maneater Mildred: is an invader and phantom in the game. Yellowfinger Heysel: is the NPC that invades as a dark spirit. 35. Dusk of Oolacile: is the princess of Oolacile in the game 'Dark Souls'. Witch Beatrice in Darkroot Garden and New Londo Ruins/Abyss. 85. 55. 72. 45. Milibeth. Moaning Knight: is seen at one of the burial chambers near the adjoining staircase. 96. 4. Yhorm the Giant. 41. Shrine Handmaid: is an NPC and the primary merchant which is  available to the player. Irina. Our list also has the 'Dark Souls' dragon names who are also bosses but of a different kind. Â, 32. Just start typing... View Source Code on GitHub A spiritual successor to FromSoftware's Demon's Souls, the game is the second instalment in the Souls series. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Everlasting Dragon: is the leader of the Path of the Dragon Covenant and the last immortal Stone Dragon. 23. Created by MoonOverJune . 2. Generate Dark Souls 1-2-3, Sekiro and Bloodborne character names In this Souls Like name generator, you can generate random male or female names to get some ideas and inspiration to use in-game, you also can use the generated text directly as a nickname, using the 16 characters limiter option, so you can get the best fantasy names for your game character username. 101. Zullie. Priscilla. Eygon of Carim: is the second knight of Carim NPC. Dark Souls Title Generator Fantasy Names Writer Humor Draw The Squad I Cant Even First Names … 68. Andre of Astora: is a blacksmith found between the Undead Parish and Sen's Fortress in the 'Dark Souls'. 86. Other NPCs. Beatrice. All 'Dark Souls' names comes from various legends, lores and mythology. They dropped izailith staff and didnt respawn. 1. 92. Silver Knight Ledo: is an enemy NPC in the 'Dark Souls' game series. Kingseeker Frampt: is a NPC that resides in the Firelink shrine. Elizabeth. Lord's Blade Ciaran: is the only female member of the Gywn's Four Knights and the leader of the Lord's Blades. Dark Souls is a 2011 action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games. He’s bulk personified, an indomitable … NPCs or Non-Player Characters refers to the many pre-designed inhabitants that players meet in Dark Souls 3.Below is a list of all these characters, with names that are either taken from the game credits, given via dialogue or, if nothing else was available at the time of creation, described by the community. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Eingyi: is an honest egg-bearing servant of Quelaag's Sister in the game. 25. Dark Souls Name Generator . 11. 95. Yuria of Londor. Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. Mildred. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Darksouls – Dark souls, ĎÀŘĶ ŚØÚĻ, Char, Gwyn, DAIGO, Chaos. Â. 88. 34. Bell Gargoyle: is located on the roof of the Undead Church, protecting the route to the Bell of Awakening. 66. Dark Souls 3 Name Censor Checker. Kidadl is supported by you, the users. 12. Â. Original upload 08 June 2018 5:08AM. Browse through team names to find funny names and cool names. Chaos Witch Quelaag: can be seen in the Blight town protecting the second Bell Tower. 8. Was playing remastered and hadnt beat the bed yet. Stray Demon: is one of the bosses in the 'Dark Souls' found at the opening area of the game. Rosaria. Slave Knight Gael: this NPC is found at the Cathedral of the Deep, Cleansing Bonfire. Those looking for information on how to proceed through the game should consult the Game Progress Route, or begin our Walkthrough from the Northern Undead Asylum. Ringed City Hollow: is a man with a plate-armor helm which is seen at Dreg Heap. Snuggly. Our list also has the 'Dark Souls' dragon names who are also bosses but of a different kind. Rosabeth. Some of the 'Dark Souls' boss names are Artorias, the Abysswalker, Asylum Demon and Centipede Demon. thers also Yuria the other undead merchant that the male undead merchant talks about. Big 'n Brown and MemeDefender for me. Solaire of Astora: is a knight and a skilled warrior of the Undead Burg in 'Dark Souls'. 46. Its any way to Stop Andre attacking me? Locust Preacher: is a NPC enemy met only in The Ringed City of the 'Dark Souls' game series. Black Dragon Kalameet: is one of the strongest dragon bosses  in the 'Dark Souls' located at the Royal Wood. 108. The GUI, along with my Dark Souls Data IO library, which this application utilizes, are open source (licensed under the MIT License). 59. I found a guy that looks like the crestfallen warrior (chainmail guy in firelink) in New London ruins after I killed him at the bonfire? Traeus (Banned) May 4, 2016 @ 8:48am K***ht #1. Ashen One. 33. 89. 47. Laurentius of the Great Swamp: is a pyromancer from the Great Swamp. Velka the Goddess of Sin: this NPCs statute is located at the the Undead Settlement. Â, 38. Witch Beatrice: is a white phantom witch who can help in the fight against Four Kings and the Moonlight Butterfly and. Dusk. Bed of Chaos: is the root cause of all demons and chaos  and is seen in Lost Izazlith with a drop power of humanity and Lord's Soul. Hawkeye Gough: is one of the four kings of Gwyn. 9. That was pretty much hardest laugh I ever had playing Dark souls. Executioner's Chariot An optional boss in Dark Souls II found in the Undead Purgatory. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. 17. 111. Female Dark Souls Dog Names Gwynevere. Although this topic might seem a rather old one, as it covers the names first introduced back in the first Dark Souls, I hope that this subject will be interesting for the players who have been familiar with it for years. Chosen Undead: is one of the playing-character of 'Dark Souls I' game. Pilgrim from Londor: the player needs to obtain this NPC before killing the Abyss Watchers. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Friede. Black Hand Kamui: is an enemy character of NPC in 'Dark Souls III'. Giant Blacksmith: is a massive blacksmith in 'Dark Souls'. Dark Souls Team Names . 70. Great Swamp Cuculus: is seen at the Smouldering Lake which is just before the Old Demon King boss gate. Tillo. 61. Exactly where kirk invades. Knight Slayer Tsorig: is found near the Demon Ruins/Old Kings Antechamber bonfires. Griggs of Vinheim: is a wizard from the region of Vinheim. Enemies. 36. Black Dragon Kalameet *†. For generating Dark Souls Names simply scroll down and click on the Male Names, Female Names Button to randomly generate 10 Dark Souls Names. Â, 64. Anri. Dark Souls' Bosses aren't your typical videogame boss fodder. If you liked our suggestions for 'Dark Souls' names then why not take a look at Altmer names, or for something different take a look at funny druid names. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. 51. Copyright © 2020 Kidadl Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild: is one of the NPCs and an enemy character. Â. Safe to use . Ornstein and Smough: is located on the Anor Londo with a drop item of  Soul of Ornstein and Soul of Smough. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it's important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Â. Kidadl provides inspiration for everything from family days out to online classes, arts, crafts and science experiments. 54.Patches the Hyena: is one of the NPCs who will sell unique goods to the player. Â. But i dont think so. Great Grey Wolf Sif: is a large wolf boss who protects the once great Knight Artorias' grave. Solaire, Siegmeyer, Laurentius among many others. Makes me want to play a new character just for the laughs. 71. Dark Souls Team Names 2020 The Four Kings: is a boss of the game who can be seen in the Abyss below New Londo Ruins. Snuggly the Crow: is a talking crow living in the Undead Asylum. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. This page gives an easy access list with some official information as well as fan observations. 53. 2. Londor Pale Shade: the NCP can be found at the Firelink Shrine, near the location of Yoel and Yuria. What a tribute to Solaire! Last edited by Kelloggs; Jun 3, 2014 @ 4:37pm #2. Vamos: is a skeleton blacksmith and is seen in the Catacombs of 'Dark Souls'. Lords of Cinder. Endorsements. 100+ Illithid Names For Your Characters, Ships, And Cities, 120+ Grandpa Names With Meanings For Your Characters, 150+ Fun Dog Names For The Silliest Puppies, 150+ Native American Dog Names That Are Perfect For Your Puppy, 77 Beautiful Country Girl Names For Your Southern Belles, 100 Excellent Boys Names Beginning With E, 62 Cute Welsh Baby Names That Roll Off The Tongue, 100 Best Teddy Bear Names Better Than "Ted". Â, 39. Big Hat Logan: is a great sorcerer who has come to Lordran to find the Duke's Archives. 110. 10. Cornyx of the Great Swamp: is an NPCs that act as a merchant. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. They don’t get better than this. Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight, Paladin Leeroy, Dark Sun Gwyndolin, Sieglinde of Catarina, Dragon Slayer Ornstein, and so on. It appears that Dark Souls 3 is currently doing a case sensitive check for words, meaning you can bypass the filter by adding an uppercase letter to your name. Gwyndolin: is the deity known as the Dark Sun in 'Dark Souls'. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Funniest character name you encountered. Livid Pyromancer Dunnel: this NCP can be encountered at the Painted World of Ariandel. NPC Phantoms. 77. 84. 6. Artorias the Abysswalker *†. Anastacia of Astora: is a firekeeper of Firelink Shrine in the game 'Dark Souls'. 51. Yuria of Londor: this NPC is a strange character that appears after the player find Yoel of Londor dead. Â. See Also Bosses.For invader NPC enemies, see Phantoms Note: Order of game areas comes from Game Progress Route. 74. **Name obtained from text dump of game dialog. Once a loyal knight to Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, Knight Artorias fell to … Artorias, the Abysswalker: is located in the Royal Wood with drop soul power of Soul of Artorias, one of the most prominent 'Dark Souls' boss names. Gaping Dragon: is a huge creature boss with hundreds of teeth in the 'Dark Souls' and is seen in the Undead Burg and Blighttown. There are various 'Dark Souls' characters that include dragons, humans, statutes and paintings. Slave Knight Gael. 14,101. Visit the Merchants page to find out about shop keepers and their items. Register! Locations are categorized by the prominent display of the area name on the screen when the player enters. 49. Dark Souls III: Characters. Anri of Astora: is one of the PNPC characters found sitting near the Halfway Fortress bonfire. Pinwheel, The Catacombs: is the Catacombs boss in the 'Dark Souls' and a necromancer. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. 62. I accidenttally hit a siegmeyer in Anor Londo.How do I reconcile him?Which item works for reconciliation.THX. 50. Abysswalker Knight Artorias.   Â. I accidentally hit him and he doesn’t want to stop. 24. ChaosBahamut. 93. 104. Look for 'All Dark Souls 1,2 & 3 Bosses in NG+9 vs Solaire of Astora' and skip to 55:19. The NPC in Elite Knight Armor Set never officially reveals his name throughout the game. Â, 31. King Jeremiah in Painted World of Ariamis. On this page you can learn about the Locations of the world of Dark Souls 2, find the hidden Illusory Walls, or study maps.Follow the areas in the order proposed in Progress Routes for our recommended approach in how to most efficiently clear a game cycle. Longfinger Kirk: is one of the NPCs found at the ground floor as an invader. Havel the Rock: an old character of Lord Gwyn. Â, 30. Elfriede. Did you know: The names of the 'Dark Souls 2' firekeepers are Morrel, Strowen, and Griant. Sif. Stone-humped Hag: this NPC is the part of 'The Ringed City DLC'. 3. Unbreakable Patches: is seen at the Cathedral of the Deep when the front door is opened. 90. Rickert of Vinheim: is a blacksmith with magical weapons in 'Dark Souls'. 109. Honestly, there are a lot of hilarious names out there. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Bosses are usually some sort of grotesque monsters or some kind of possessed monster which gives the bosses some very dark tones. Pickle Pee, Pump-a-Rum Crow: this NPC is seen on the roof of the Firelink Shrine. Yuria. New Dark Souls Area Names; New Dark Souls Area Names. I thought it might be the human spider sister. Rhea of Thorolund: is a priestess of the Way of White. 102. Ceaseless Discharge: is a big larva creature and one of the bosses of the 'Dark Souls' area of Demon Ruins with a power of  Demon Ruins Humanity. Gwynevere: is a goddess of sunlight in the game. Cathedral of the  Four Knights of Gwyn in the Ash Lake an NPC located in the Souls. Holds a lantern with a power of Humanity and Demon 's Souls, the game 1. 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