And we all understand and agree on what the Cross means (on the surface, at least). First-century Christians began making the sign of the cross as a reminder and renewal of what happened to them when they were baptized. This is in reference to something I wrote in the section on the Sign of the Cross in Ten Prayers Every Catholic Child Should Know: I didn't write that touching their right shoulder before their left is a "mistake," though it's understandable why the reader got that impression. Following the same penitential act, when we fail to strike the breast at all, we make the sign of the cross for no good reason. So let’s turn to the pages of the Holy Scriptures asking this question: Is it a good sign, yes or no? Is that what the Bible says about that sign, the right hand to the forehead? The rabbi introducing Biden was not aware at … Catholics often make the Sign of the Cross casually, just as a nice gesture for beginning and ending their prayers. But the way Christians make the sign of the Cross differs depending on which Christian community you encounter. Because that’s a sign that you’ll be tormented. It’s the sign of those to be tormented. The use of the sign of the cross traces back to early Christianity, with the second century Aposto… > Why don't Christians make the sign of the cross when they pray? Protestants may use it with several meanings; for instance, they might "make the sign of the Cross" while giving thanks to God. There are slight differences in how it is made between the various rites of the Church, but they are all legitimate. The sign of the cross was made from forehead to chest, and then from right shoulder to left shoulder with the right hand. When a bishop or priest makes the blessing sign from left to right, it feels natural to mirror that sign by moving from right to left. But, even considering all of that, we have to base our correct understanding and our correct faith and correct instructions from our Creator upon what’s recorded here in the Bible, of course. This is very interesting, what he wrote: “We usually begin and end our prayers with the sign of the cross.”, [My Catholic Faith by Louis La Ravoire Morrow, p. 392]. Unfortunately, such is not always the case, and many people simply go through the motions of the ritual of signing themselves without a knowledge of why they do it. We’re going to worship that? But when we learn to take this act seriously, signing ourselves frequently with faith and reverence, remarkable results can take place. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”, [Revelation 14:9-11 New King James Version]. . We’re going to honor that? Even non-Christians recognize it. Granted we are in the West; however, that does not really make us right and the East wrong. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I do wish non-Catholics would do it the "sign". Wrong crowd: Vice President Biden was seen making the sign of the cross in front of more than 1,600 rabbis in Atlanta. According to the book on the catechism of the Catholic Church, making the sign of the cross is a prayer for deliverance from their enemies. Some of the first Christians to bless themselves formed a cross with their thumb and index finger and placed it on their forehead. Let’s take a look at a couple of video clips here that show, first of all, how this is being done inside the Roman Catholic Church, and then together, let’s take a check of what the Bible actually has to say in response to all of that. The Bible makes mention of such kind of a symbol like that, such kind of a sign. However, Catholic children in the Latin Rite should be taught to make the Sign of the Cross in the Western manner--just as Catholic children in the Eastern Rites should be taught to touch their right shoulder before their left. When the “Pledge of Allegiance” is said, don’t you instruct them to place their right hand over their hearts? It’s very important to them. Get to Know Us We turn back again to the answer of the Bible. Retrieved from Part of the question mentioned the sign of the cross. The Bible described their torment: day and night without end. To identify themselves, among the other reasons, some of which were also mentioned here. Since we make the Sign of the Cross before and after all of our prayers, many Catholics don't realize that the Sign of the Cross is not simply an action but a prayer in itself. Brother Bob Pellien, Minister of the Gospel. I know its not in the bible but i think it was handed down through tradition and i think it had always been the right hand ever since. That’s in the Bible I always make the sign of the cross from right to left. That is not assigned from God. This would definitely make me think twice about visiting there again…but then again, I tend to avoid parishes that don’t offer the Mass in Latin, given the option. Catholics should not even be doing it because it is wrong. First-century Christians began making the Sign of the Cross as a reminder and renewal of what happened to them when they were baptized. The cross is a sign of humility and victory! Some of the first Christians to bless themselves formed a cross with their thumb and index finger and placed it on their forehead. For what purpose? Fingers in the position of making the Sign of the Cross in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Brother Bob: Thank you very much, Ms. Ivy Armenton for your email question. That would not be the proper procedure. But one wonders in this particular case whether it makes a difference to Our Lord. The teachers might be under the misunderstanding that there are iron-clad rules about using the right hand. Beginning prayers, end prayers, fifty-one times. This is not a bad thing. The reader is exactly right, however: Eastern Catholics (and Eastern Orthodox) make the Sign of the Cross by touching their right shoulder first. The earliest formalized way of making the sign of the cross appeared about the 400s, during the Monophysite heresy which denied the two natures in the divine person of Christ and thereby the unity of the Holy Trinity. EMAIL QUESTION: Why doesn’t the Church Of Christ use the sign of the cross? They have that sign of the cross placed in ashes right there on the forehead, saying, “I’m a Catholic, I’m a sign of the cross maker, I’m branded with that cross.” That’s the instrument that was used to murder our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ... Not because it's wrong, or for Scriptural reasons but because there's really no good motive to do so and because it just plain shows common decency to respect the traditions of others, so long as they are not anti-Christian, or anti-God. The cross is a sign of humility and victory! The sign of the cross was made from forehead to chest, and then from right shoulder to left shoulder with the right hand. Let’s take a look. The teachers might be under the misunderstanding that there are … We invoke the name of the triune God: Father, son, and holy spirit. Following the same penitential act, when we fail to strike the breast at all, we make the sign of the cross for no good reason. It’s not a sign—don’t brand yourself with that sign: the sign of the cross. Brother Bob: So they claim that that symbol, the right hand to the forehead, is an inseparable symbol. They said, it’s a good sign. Right hand to the forehead is the method they teach. Blogs The mystical aspect aside, tracing the sign of the cross is neither right nor wrong and can be positive if it serves to remind a person of the cross of Christ and/or the trinity. Iglesia De Cristo Mundo Should we all be making that sign of the cross? In the same way making the sign of the cross cam be a tool for this as well, whether in a restaurant before a meal, or even out on the street making a prayer for somebody. Some use all four fingers. Credit: adriatikus, Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 2.5) Lots of Christians actually do make the sign of the cross when they pray. Here’s what they had to say in another one of their books. Send your videos to: This blessing is made by the tracing of an upright cross or + across the body with the right hand, often accompanied by spoken or mental recitation of the trinitarian formula: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. St. When seen in the public market burqas and clerical shirts draw eyes and subtle shifts of the head. And, well, what we read, it’s a good sign, they said. The sign of the cross is an action taken after saying a prayer. In fact, they use it fifty-one times in the Mass. ThoughtCo. Today, Roman Catholics make the sign with the same hand shape before the Gospel reading at Mass. In The Small Catechism, Martin Luther encouraged Christians to retain the practice of making the sign of the cross.The Missouri Synod, following Luther’s advice, has encouraged Christians to continue making the sign of the cross, notably at a number of places during the Divine Service. Before we turn to the Holy Scriptures for the Bible’s response, of course, to your question, for the sake of our viewers and even many other Christian-professing religions that—well, they may not yet know for sure what’s really meant by that whole “sign of the cross”. When we make it over ourselves, we are asking for God's blessing. Those who are in holy orders bless by making the sign of the cross in the air toward the persons or things to be blessed, but layfolk bless others only by using their finger, usually the thumb. Absolutely yes. Pray. . So, in this post, we explain specifically how and when Christians in the Orthodox Church make the sign of the Cross. An important reason is that Jesus Christ did not die on a cross. I would tactfully ask the priest if something was wrong with his right hand; that might explain some of it, at least. This one is entitled My Catholic Faith, written by authoritative writer of the Catholic Church, the Bishop Louis La Ravoire Morrow. What does the Bible have to say about the sign of the cross? However, Catholic children in the Latin Rite should be taught to make the Sign of the Cross in the Western manner--just as Catholic children in the Eastern Rites should be taught to touch their right shoulder before their left. Brother Bob: So, dear friends, what they’ve written in their book then, is that it’s a sign to only be used with the right hand—the right hand to the forehead. Almost all of us do it or have done it. They are a member of Roman Catholic religion, and it was one of their doctrines. Not all Christian religions use the sign of the cross, so why make the gesture? If that’s what a person sees for their future—if that’s what a person wants for their future, then that sign, given by the Pope to all Catholics—then that’s a good sign for them. The cross and all that it stands for are central to our tradition and the heritage of all Christians. Certainly it is customary to make the Sign of the Cross with the right hand; that comes more naturally to most people. Let’s continue: “Nothing in the Church is begun, carried out, or completed, without the sign of the cross. Ivy. Learn the small cross. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Both actions remind us of the two thieves who were crucified alongside Christ. The cross is the sign of our salvation. There you’re going to find various series of programs, similar to this—all of them are dedicated to answering your spiritual questions. We can see the cross on their worship buildings, we can see the cross on the rosaries that they always use. When we make it over ourselves, we are asking for God's blessing. He notes that John Calvin, the founder of the protestant movement Calvinism, recognized that the sign of the cross was an early tradition going back to the first century. To brand, to identify a Catholic from a non-Catholic. The sign of the cross is an inseparable symbol of the Catholic faith.”, [1000 Questions and Answers on Catholicism by Philip O’Reilly, p. 240]. The thief on His right was the "good thief" (traditionally known as Saint Dismas) who professed faith in Christ and whom Christ promised "This day you will be with me in paradise." Well, dear friends. However, Catholic children in the Latin Rite should be taught to make the Sign of the Cross in the Western manner–just as Catholic children in the Eastern Rites should be taught to touch their right shoulder before their left. El Mensaje So, Ivy, it shows  that it is a sign found—it is a sign made inside the Catholic Church. Blessed Moments "Is There a 'Right' Way to Make the Sign of the Cross?" God’s Message Podcast In this Q&A, we will explore the true history of the “Christian” cross. It still works the same way for us. What does it demonstrate? And you can also view our programs on the Iglesia Ni Cristo Media Facebook page. Basil the Great tells us that the apostles themselves taught the sign of the cross. The sign of the cross is an ancient Christian practice, dating from at least the early third century or before. So it’s very important to them. (This is also signified by the slanted crossbar under Christ's feet in an Eastern crucifix--the bar slants from left down to right as we look at the crucifix, since the left is the side of Christ's right hand.). The reader is right: Neither way is right or wrong. Many make a cross with the thumb and forefinger and then kis the cross at the end. ThoughtCo. According to the book on the catechism of the Catholic Church, making the sign of the cross is … In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Source: Place the small cross first on your forehead, then on your lips, then on your breast. From this it follows that the making of the cross is equally unbiblical. How to Make the Sign of the Cross How do we make the sign of the Cross? We’re going to venerate that? We’ll see you again next time here on That’s in the Bible. And any time you would like to send us a video question, please email them to Make then this sign at eating and drinking, at sitting, at lying down, at rising up, at speaking, at walking: in a word, at every act. INC Kids, INC Music Videos It is also wrong to believe that the sign of the cross is something magic that protects you from harm. One of the first questions we might ask is, Who decided that the cross was to be the sign of Christianity? The sign of the cross is an action taken after saying a prayer. I Am INC Lutherans make the sign of the cross, too, so there's no Protestant consensus on the practice. What awaits the people who possess or brand themselves with the sign of the cross on the forehead, or on the right hand, or both for that matter. But the sign of the cross is an ancient tradition with deep theological meaning. Face the Truth I think its quite weird to use the left hand when making the sign of the cross. Eye ‘N See It is a “signifier” much as is a woman’s burqa in Islam or a clerical shirt among liturgical Christians. This is shown by the fact that the earliest mentions of the sign of the cross speak of it as an already established custom and simply encourage the faithful to make it correctly. Thank you for that. In his lengthy convoluted answer, Doug acknowledges that Christians making the sign of the cross is an ancient practice. The crucifix, which was used as weapon against Christ by men, was transformed by Christ into a weapon against the devil. It is used in their ceremonies, they said. The reader is right: Neither way is right or wrong. From the earliest days of the church, Christians made the sign of the cross, but some reformers condemned it as a form of idolatry. I noticed in reference to the Sign of the Cross, you state a "mistake" many children make is touching the right shoulder before the left. One for sure was that. I would tactfully ask the priest if something was wrong with his right hand; that might explain some of it, at least. By it we can know Catholics from non-Catholics. Brother Bob: Dear friends, is it a good sign? I don't understand this viewpoint. From the earliest times Christians have made the sign of the cross. Almost all of us do it or have done it. Brand ourselves on the forehead like what they do on Ash Wednesday every year? Touching the right shoulder first, and touching it higher up than the left shoulder, indicates the fulfillment of Christ's promise. (accessed January 26, 2021). Sometimes Catholics may make a quick Sign of the Cross when receiving bad news, or when sirens pass, as a way of praying for those involved. Brother Bob: That’s clearly a sign that is recorded in the Bible. QUESTION: What awaits those people who possess, or brand themselves with the sign of the cross on the forehead and the right hand? Since my wife and I spent two years in an Eastern Rite Catholic parish, I find myself on occasion making the Sign of the Cross in the Eastern manner, especially when praying prayers that I learned in the Eastern Church or when venerating icons. We can see the cross in so many places and it has become such a prevalent visual symbol and everyone is convinced that that is a good symbol. The sign of the cross traces its roots to ancient Christianity. The reader is right: Neither way is right or wrong. Narrator: We begin with what is, perhaps, our earliest personal religious memory and practice: the sign of the cross. Amen." The cross was used to murder our Lord Jesus! Let’s turn to the Scriptures and hear the response from the Bible about all of this. He seemed to think this made making the sign of the cross wrong. I think people who are even lefties use their right hand in making the sign of the cross. It is a reminder that in all things, “we preach Christ crucified” (1 Cor 1:23) and that the Christian life is one of bearing the cross (Matthew 16:24). Ten Prayers Every Catholic Child Should Know, How and Why Catholics Make the Sign of the Cross, 10 Things to Know Before Attending a Traditional Latin Mass, Major Changes Between the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo, How to Make an Advent Wreath (In Seven Easy Steps). Learn the small cross. However, the sign of the cross can be made by any Christian and other Christian communities also use the sign, including Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, and Presbyterians. What more have they said about their symbol, the sign of the cross? Is that not the way it was originally done and is still done in the Eastern Catholic communities? Narrator: As often as we make the sign of the cross, repeating at the same time these words: An indulgence of 100 days is granted for making the sign of the cross and saying the words. Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, Is the cross—by the way, dear friends, isn’t it that the cross was the instrument that was used to murder our Lord Jesus Christ? Like all prayers, the Sign of the Cross should be said with reverence; we shouldn't rush through it on the way to the next prayer. So first off, we can notice it’s how it’s they begin all their prayers; it’s how they end all their prayers. After all is said, it is good to encourage kids to use their right hands when making the sign of the cross. Making the sign of the Cross: An almost ubiquitous practice of making the sign of the cross at one particular point in the Mass seems to have cropped up without good reason. Absolutely nothing is wrong with making the sign of the cross! Let’s take a look. Using our right hand to make that sign of the cross that identifies a person as Catholic? Narrator: As often as we make the sign of the cross, repeating at the same time these words: [On-screen graphic] An indulgence of 100 days is granted for making the sign of the cross and saying the words. The God we have come to meet and the God whose life we share. That which is now called the Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and Egyptians . Making the sign of the cross on the forehead is a good way of doing it because it is less likely to be taken as a priestly blessing. It is used in innumerable blessings and ceremonials of the Church. And that those in Christian traditions that bodily act out the sign of the cross do so in joy or in sorrow, in confidence or in fear. Christ sacrificed himself on the cross for the salvation of humankind, and in the process, conquered death. What did I miss? As it happens, we do have families and students from a variety of backgrounds, and when we’ve had folks come in from Lutheran or Anglican backgrounds where making the sign of the cross was as normal and pious as saying Merry Christmas or the equivalent of raising hands in prayer or worship (as is common in other traditions), we’ve assured those folks that … The sign of the cross is a powerful way of making us mindful of the Trinity and inviting God into our prayer and into our daily lives. Brother Bob: So, Ivy, it’s clearly a sign that the members of the Catholic Church have made for themselves, and well, we can see it everywhere in their religion. It totally misunderstands the saving work of Jesus Christ. Let’s continue. They said, it will bring God’s blessings into the one who receives that sign—or makes the sign of the cross, it will bring God’s blessing in their life. When a bishop or priest makes the blessing sign from left to right, it feels natural to mirror that sign by moving from right to left. Place the small cross first on your forehead, then on your lips, then on your breast. An indulgence of 300 days for making the sign of the cross, with holy water. In the Catholic Church, it’s the right hand and the forehead. In a book they have written entitled Externals of the Catholic Church, page 218, let’s take a look at what they have written about the cross: “The ordinary method of making the sign of the cross is that which every Catholic learns in early childhood – the putting of the right hand to the forehead…”, [Externals of the Catholic Church, p. 218]. If you do not want to be tormented, and who in their right mind would want to be tormented, right? What is the meaning of it and is making the sign of the cross Biblical? We begin and end our prayers with the Sign of the Cross, perhaps not realizing that the sign is … Some make the Sign Of The Cross each time they pass by a Catholic Church to acknowledge the presence of Jesus there. Many also touch their right shoulder up higher than their left shoulder. They had capital punishment back then, and they used the cross to punish our Savior Jesus Christ. INC Giving It still works the same way for us. The Message In fact, what else do they have to say in their religion about that sign on the forehead and the right hand? INC International Edition We turn to the book of Revelation, chapter 13—first of all, where we can ask this question: does the Bible make any mention of that sign at all in the first place? First of all, let me make it clear that making the sign of the cross is not a commandment of God. At Mass alone it is used fifty one times.”. Our protection is not the cross, but the Name of God which is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and are saved. Eastern Christians, both those who are members of the Orthodox Churches and Byzantine or Eastern Catholics in union with Rome, all make the sign of the Cross. It is believed that it had its origin in apostolic times.”. The sign of the cross was made from forehead to chest, and then from right shoulder to left shoulder with the right hand. There is no evidence that for the first 300 years after Christ’s death, those claiming to be Christians used the cross in worship. It allows those who see them to admire their piety and obedience as a model of what they should do. explains the action as, The sign of the cross was made simply with the fingers (the index or the thumb) on the forehead or lips or breast (as Latin-rite Catholics do at the beginning of the Gospel lesson) or with the whole hand over the torso. Today, Roman Catholics make the sign with the same hand shape before the Gospel reading at Mass. An almost ubiquitous practice of making the sign of the cross at one particular point in the Mass seems to have cropped up without good reason. Those Christians are known as Catholics and Orthodox. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. Why doesn’t the Church Of Christ use the sign of the cross? When we sign ourselves we are declaring that in baptism we died sacramentally with Christ on the cross and rose to a new life with him (see Rom 6:3-4 and Gal 2:20 ). Is it a good sign? The earliest formalized way of making the sign of the cross appeared about the 400s, during the Monophysite heresy which denied the two natures in the divine person of Christ and thereby the unity of the Holy Trinity. Is There a 'Right' Way to Make the Sign of the Cross? One way to connect ourselves to our forebears in the faith is to say the Name of the Holy Trinity in Latin while making the sign. When Christians use it, in continuity with ancient Christian practice, it continues to be a personal reminder that we belong to Christ. But we shake with the right hand and that’s just the way it’s done. The crucifix, which was used as weapon against Christ by men, was transformed by Christ into a weapon against the devil. Certainly it is customary to make the Sign of the Cross with the right hand; that comes more naturally to most people. Priest: In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Bow down and say prayers to things of the cross? A sign: from the right hand or the forehead. Pray. It brings the power of Christ’s cross to us and can be a powerful help against temptation and an excellent way of reminding us of … The sign of the cross was made from forehead to chest, and then from right shoulder to left shoulder with the right hand. 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