Moreover she is a PhD and has previously published three studies on biomarkers and the risk of cardiovascular complications in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients. And for dinner, usually around 7pm, it’s usually some kind of cooked/warm vegetables and meat or fish and some great fats. 2011;7(2):180–91. When asked specifically about physical complications and their consequences they expressed fear that the feet, the heart and especially the eyes would be affected and concerns about restrictions in their daily life. 2015;169(4):549–556.e541. Stress, too little exercise and water, and too many carbs make it go up. Prim Care Diabetes. We also performed individual interviews giving the interviewees the possibility to speak openly, even about delicate or familiar areas touching sensitive feelings. 1994;11(6):586–9. The relation to surrounding persons and their comments was very important. So here we go, here is the interview with Hanna Boëthius: GrainBrain: What type of diabetes do you have? Physicians might think more about preventing myocardial infarction, kidney disease or stroke while patients are more focused on practical changes in their daily life such as not being able to travel, to drive a car, to practice their favorite leisure-time activities or to be in need of help from others. Michael is a man diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), at the age of 45 years a disease he believes is genetically acquired as his … It was important for several interviewees to dissociate from those people because they did not feel like them, nor did they want to become like them. GB: Does your diabetes cause you any other problems? MP was the major contributor in writing the manuscript. Tasevska I, Enhorning S, Persson M, Nilsson PM, Melander O. Copeptin predicts coronary artery disease cardiovascular and total mortality. Beverly EA, Hultgren BA, Brooks KM, Ritholz MD, Abrahamson MJ, Weinger K. Understanding physicians’ challenges when treating type 2 diabetic patients’ social and emotional difficulties: a qualitative study. Qualitative studies addressing the experiences of patients with diabetes mainly focus on prevalent complications [18, 19]. Field Methods. HB: Medically, I use insulin and check my blood sugars often. The situation seems to be similar in the rest of Europe, Northern America and most parts of Asia. HB: How it’s shaped me as a person. Please advise. J Fam Pract. I am getting old now and I think its wise what do you think. Ugh! Surprisingly, the majority of the interviewees did not express many feelings or had made no important changes in life after their diabetes diagnosis. Gale L, Vedhara K, Searle A, Kemple T, Campbell R. Patients‘ perspectives on foot complications in type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. PubMed Patients’ and physicians’ different view of the disease. Some succeeded in changing their behavior and kept the changes at least until the time of the interview whereas the majority returned sooner to old habits or did not manage to change their behavior at all. You can discuss patient cases on the forum together with … The analysis benefited from being conducted by more than one researcher [21], the current interviews were analyzed by a team consisting of different professions, two GPs, MP and KBB and a behavioral scientist, ELS which creates a wider analytic frame. 2 Diabetes Case anager Interview Guide. 7.) Finally the categories were merged to a group of categories belonging together, i.e. Avoid candidates who cannot inspire patient … The study was approved by the Regional Ethics Review Board at Lund University, Sweden (October 2016, registration number 2016/758). The majority wanted to know what could happen in the future and what to expect in order to protect themselves and be observant to signs and symptoms. PS. The method for the analysis was qualitative and inspired by systematic text condensation in four steps according to Malterud [21]. BMC Public Health. On the other hand, you may feel that you manage your diabetes … You can also change some of your preferences. Reading for the first time was done without making any notes; the second or third time the authors started to summarize their impressions and some preliminary themes emerged, often spontaneous associations arising, similar to preliminary topics. We chose a qualitative design and individual interviews for this project. We marked the meaning units with a code, meaning a label that connected related meaning units. A total of 112 diabetes mellitus patients … What does your diet currently consist of? Prevention of cardiovascular disease in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus: current knowledge and rationale for the action to control cardiovascular risk in diabetes (ACCORD) trial. Available at Last Accessed 22 May 2019. 2013 ESH/ESC guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: the task force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European society of hypertension (ESH) and of the European society of cardiology (ESC). 2009;35(3):220–7. HB: Very, very rarely. HB: Of course, that’s what I have to do to feel well. Compared to in-depth-interviews at least some interviews were rather short in time., /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/HannaDiabetesExpertLogo@2x.png. Some have been on Metformin or another oral medication, and have not connected that it is for diabetes. Freeman J, Loewe R. Barriers to communication about diabetes mellitus. The text was read several times and meaning units were identified. HB: I had my moments. Please email them to me at, Looking forward to hearing from you! Before that it was 7-12 times a day, depending on how I felt and what I was doing. How do you balance your diet with your medication or insulin? Soda? In contrast, need for insulin treatment in the future was seen as a huge threat, associated with prejudices and fear. The worldwide epidemiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus--present and future perspectives. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. Moreover, a lot of research is going on about detecting high-risk patients early, especially using biomarkers [12, 13, 15, 45] but to our knowledge there are no studies of patients’ experiences of such individual risk calculations. Oral medication was no problem for the majority, although some experienced skepticism or fear at the start. MP collected the data. Private health insurance, in the form of supplementary coverage, accounts for less than 1% of expenditures. Hughes LC, Keith SE, Byars A, Wiginton KL. The main areas were the interviewees’ experiences and thoughts about their diagnosis, the information given by the health care system, risks and complications of the disease, drug treatment and lifestyle changes. GB: Do you vary your insulin dose if you eat something that is not really good for you? PubMed Google Scholar. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Reading your interview was fascinating, and I couldn’t help but wonder a few things. If you are preparing for Diabetes job interview then go through Wisdomjobs interview questions and answers page. Regarding the risk of complications there is a great deal of previous research as well as ongoing research to refine the prediction of risk and to detect high-risk patients at an early stage, including the use of biomarkers [12,13,14,15]. CAS 2015;32(1):85–9. Some participants were content and received the necessary information from the health care staff even though it was sometimes difficult to come into contact, especially with the GP. INTERVIEW GUIDE. We thank Johanna Lastberg for transcription of the interviews. Some individuals reacted with disappointment and grief. Sometimes, working on my own can feel slightly schizophrenic. On the other hand they expressed a large variety of thoughts and reactions concerning the diagnosis, from surprise and denial to neutral and acceptance. It’s taught me self-discipline, celebrating the small things and victories, made me stronger, more resilient and to find happiness in every day. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Management of Hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2018. Prevalence of micro- and macrovascular diabetes complications at time of type 2 diabetes diagnosis and associated clinical characteristics: a cross-sectional baseline study of 6958 patients in the Danish DD2 cohort. In any case, some of the interviewees concluded that if they had to comply they would manage and accept it. Pikkemaat, M., Boström, K.B. Some patients even deny or repudiate the diagnosis, while others fear the complications [10, 11]. Who treats you? Clean, whole foods that have been minimally tampered with is my preferred choice. Malterud K. Systematic text condensation: a strategy for qualitative analysis. Article 2015;15:687. Hey Safdar! “If you could diagnose a base level and then know the progress, […] a way to see that if it is like that after thirty-six months you usually see this kind of deterioration and so on, so that […] you have something to be prepared for … as an engineer it would have been nice to know … then you would have known when it’s time to change the car … but unfortunately I can’t change my body.” (P7). 2018;41(12):2669–701. It’s not worth it. The interviewees had different social backgrounds and nationalities, making it possible to receive information from a variety of patients with diabetes. HB: When I have a high blood sugar, I get sleepy, my brain feels like toffee, I’m lethargic and I can’t concentrate. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. At the same time it is an advantage that the interviewees felt comfortable and safe, and when asked they wanted to have the interviews at the PHCC. Psychosocial problems and barriers to improved diabetes management: results of the cross-national diabetes attitudes, wishes and needs (DAWN) study. The major part of the annual checkup is instead focused on risk factors (high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia) increasing the risk of complications from the heart, the kidneys and the brain, trying to prevent mainly macrovascular complications and kidney and heart diseases. Some participants associated the diagnosis with guilt; a female interviewee talked about a huge amount of shame which led her to keep the diagnosis secret. Secondary is my husband, then family and friends. This was repeated for every category. Do you follow a specific meal plan, and, if so, what is typically found on it? volume 19, Article number: 53 (2019) Diabetes was caused by the interviewees’ overeating and now they burdened the society’s economy. This research was funded by the Stig&Ragnar foundation, the Gorthons foundation, the Anna Jönssons foundation and by the Skane county council’s research and development foundation (PhD Study Grant). Diabetes Care. The PHCC is staffed with specialized registered nurses taking care of patients with diabetes. In Sweden, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are usually taken care of at the primary healthcare centers (PHCCs) [7]. Am J Cardiol. In a US study of 16 adults using questionnaires and cognitive mapping with Post-It notes the predominant fields of interest were food, negative emotions, and the risks and complications of diabetes, with the focus mainly on self-management and very little on medication [24]. 2007;99(12A):4i–20i. One interviewee expressed difficulties telling friends about the diagnosis. Inspired by Kvale [17], an interview guide for semi-structured interviews was developed (see Additional file 1) by the first author, MP, who is a GP and PhD, assisted by the co-authors, KBB, GP with long clinical experience of diabetes care, and ELS, a behavioral scientist with solid experience in qualitative methods, both as a researcher and as a tutor. The health care staff and specifically the physician are obliged to inform the patient about the importance of pharmacological treatment and the benefits of the lifestyle changes to reach the different goals of treatment. When? You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. The modest reaction of the patients in our study can partially be explained by the fact that diabetes was diagnosed at an early stage, often at annual checkups for other diseases. Guest G. How many interviews are enough? I am not sick at all, but I am now over 50years. Insights from the French DIABASIS survey. Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Bohm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, et al. Those studies showed the complexity of the patients’ thoughts at diabetes diagnosis with the main focus on lifestyle changes rather than on medication, which goes along with our own findings. From 1988 to 2010 those at goal in the ABC’s of diabetes care (A1c, BP & LDL levels) have been 1.7% to 18.8%, respectively. Liew G, Michaelides M, Bunce C. A comparison of the causes of blindness certifications in England and Wales in working age adults (16-64 years), 1999-2000 with 2009-2010. B… 2015. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. 1) Take a deep breath, I know it’s overwhelming. In the control group physicians delivered only the usual care. CAS I took them for 3 years and I stopped.I never got sick even when I was diagnosed. It was a stupid move on my part, as it brought me to the ICU on the night of my high school graduation with a life-threatening DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), but luckily I survived, thanks to the excellent health care staff around me. Mellbin LG, Ryden L, Brismar K, Morgenthaler NG, Ohrvik J, Catrina SB. Goff DC Jr, Gerstein HC, Ginsberg HN, Cushman WC, Margolis KL, Byington RP, Buse JB, Genuth S, Probstfield JL, Simons-Morton DG, et al. I can’t say I ever took pride in having diabetes before. You have the support of countless others who have felt the same shock. Eur Heart J. The majority, however, reacted with acceptance. Did you see my Diabetes Advent Calendar yet?. “You have to shut your ears to some people, the people around you saying that I should go out for a walk, I should do this and that.” (P7). Therefore, starting at the time of diagnosis the patient is prescribed several drugs over a short time. Mosnier-Pudar H, Hochberg G, Eschwege E, Virally ML, Halimi S, Guillausseau PJ, Peixoto O, Touboul C, Dubois C, Dejager S. How do patients with type 2 diabetes perceive their disease? 2005;22(10):1379–85. Regarding the diet, an adapted energy intake and improved eating habits are important interventions to stabilise blood glucose and to reach weight loss if needed, using the National Board of Health and Welfare’s guidance Diet in Diabetes [27] as a complement in the consultation. I notice on my blood glucose straight away if I haven’t had enough water. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. It is well known that the agenda of the physicians and patients can differ and that good doctor-patient communication is essential [41], not least in consultations concerning chronic diseases such as diabetes. Did you hide your diabetes? It’s essential to my well-being, so I exercise pretty much every day. I take much less insulin and other medications now, my blood sugar is more stable and all my laboratory results and measurements are better than they ever have been. HB: I’ve learned to become more patient. GB: How do you treat a hypo? But I see it as people trying to look out for me rather than let it annoy me. Pikkemaat M, Melander O, Bengtsson Bostrom K. Association between copeptin and declining glomerular filtration rate in people with newly diagnosed diabetes. Only in case of complications which cannot be managed at the PHCC is the patient referred to other specialists [7]. In our study visual impairment and blindness were the main complications the interviewees feared. Did you see my Diabetes Advent Calendar yet?! Comparison with other people with diabetes was important, especially with those who had suffered from diabetes longer and needed treatment with insulin. Actually, I vary my eating a lot more now than I used to before. And judging by the fact that I feel so much better eating like this, I only see benefits to it. Others, however, said that not knowing was better, both concerning complications and about the risk of dying earlier than expected. The interviewer had the three following general topics in her mind: information provided about the disease or treatment, complications of the disease and changes in life after the diagnosis. The interviewees were 3 women and 7 men, Table 1. HB: Not nearly as annoyed as I get by the word “diet”! PS. 2011;34(5):1086–8. She has a PhD and long experience of qualitative methods, both as a researcher and as a tutor. 2000;49(6):507–12. Is there anything else you’d like to know about me or diabetes? GB: How did you manage, growing up? 2006;18(1):59–82. Diabetes management goes WAY beyond just eating, medication and exercise. Hanna Boëthius: I have Type 1 Diabetes. Emotional adjustment and metabolic control in newly diagnosed diabetic persons. understanding and speaking Swedish, and having no cognitive impairment making the interview difficult to perform. As a T1D himself for many, many years, he’s really figured out how to stabilize blood sugars to normal ranges. The first question in my interview is if the patient even knows they have diabetes. 10.) Burgess PI, Allain TJ, Garcia-Finana M, Beare NA, Msukwa G, Harding SP. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased in the last few decades [1], while the average age at diagnosis has decreased [2]. The interviewees differed in their way of retrieving and accepting information. The patients on the list were contacted either by the nurses or by the author, consecutively until no further patients were needed. The therapeutic treatment, both the non-pharmacological and the pharmacological, changed the interviewees’ lives. They are nutritious and taste great. Andersson S, Ekman I, Lindblad U, Friberg F. It’s up to me! HB: I try not to see the limitations of diabetes, and at least not let them limit me. J Relig Health. And to get over something you’re afraid of is incredibly difficult. BMJ Open. MP, the GP, performed all the interviews at the PHCC. What should people with diabetes now about their diet? Interim readings of text found that saturation was reached after 10 interviews; no further interviews were performed. He was a good athlete, but not an endurance athlete. It is medium-sized, having about 9000 listed patients, of all ages and of both Swedish and foreign background. The "American Idol" star talks about her new album and life with diabetes By Tracey Neithercott September 2011 People, Listen to Text; Print; Crystal Bowersox doesn't … This leads to frustration and obstacles in doctor-patient communication [43]. HB: I think I’m doing better now than ever before! Hello there, I am a college student enrolled in a Principles of Nutrition class and I have an assignment to interview a diabetic and was hoping you could answer a few questions for me? BMC Public Health. 2010;10(1):38–43. It’s (much) worse than waking up with a hangover! GrainBrain: What type of diabetes do you have? These professionals also steer public awareness initiatives. HB: The constant worry. Studies on newly diagnosed patients with diabetes are overall hard to find in the literature, so the current study fills a gap. HB: I use NovoRapid in my insulin pump. A “meaning unit” was defined as a text fragment containing information in relation to the research question. Several people reacted with denial as they were diagnosed at an annual checkup and were not prepared, it was an unexpected diagnosis. I actually don’t get that question too often, especially now that people have realized that I know best myself what I can and can’t eat. Did you hide your diabetes? Google Scholar. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. MP, ELS and KBB analyzed and interpreted the data. The importance of knowledge was experienced by all interviewees. Necessary changes of lifestyle are also challenging and can radically change the patient’s way of life [5, 6]. Diabet Med. HB: It’s gotten a little easier with my newest acquirement of a CGM (continuous glucose monitor), but I still measure up to 10 times a day. 2012;38(6):845–54. Do you have any doctors you would recommend to a person who recently found out they have diabetes? During the coding process ten categories emerged, when needed supplemented with subcategories. Ask them in the comments and I’ll answer them too! Changing physical activity was also very difficult, even if personal responsibility was clearly felt. Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU): Motiverande samtal för att förändra mat- eller motionsvanor. Now, I reduce my basal rate on my pump to -80% for ½-1 h and eat 4-8 carbohydrates in form of glucose tablets, depending on how low it is. The patient’s view of a diagnosis of diabetes has been studied before. GB: Do you find the diet restrictive? I hope that helps? “I take one day at a time … or one week at a time […] I don’t go around thinking about it … it’s just the way it is and it is going to be like this.” (Participant (P) 8). A list of all patients from the PHCC first diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus within the last 12 months was created with help from the patients’ charts. Several consulted people in their family. Changes in age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United States, 1988 to 2000. Discussions about blood pressure and treatment with lipid lowering treatment blood lipids can be more challenging. The Swedish health care system is publicly financed. The interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed verbatim by a research assistant experienced in writing interview texts. You all deserve much more attention, care and respect – Stay Strong and I’ll message you the questionnaire and will wait for your response. Google Scholar. Her name is Doris, and we’re a great team. Most wanted the diagnosis confirmed by specialists at the hospital before they felt confident about making lifestyle changes [10]. Specific questions were mainly used by the GP when the participant fell silent for some time. To give dietary advice with the aim of improving the diet and trying to increase the level of physical activity is an important part of the diabetes check-up in Sweden, especially in the meeting with the diabetes nurse. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Well, the good news is you have a community to fall back on. In addition, some of the interviewees had almost been waiting for the diagnosis and were not surprised when being informed. 2015;54(4):1191–205. Interview Essay with a Life Long Condition Patient Task 1. 3. There are previous … The first author, MP, is a GP at a Primary Health Care Center (PHCC) working on a regular basis with patients with type 2 diabetes. I’m not hungry between meals, which is something I make sure of by eating what my body needs at meal times. Consequently levels that were seen as normal before diagnosis become elevated or pathological and requiring drug treatment. There were different attitudes towards control and risk. Terms and Conditions, GB: Was it tough on your sibling, with you being the center of attention? Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, Newly diagnosed, Interview, Primary health care, Complications, Qualitative content analysis Background The prevalence of type 2 diabetes … Motivational interviewing (MI) has recently become a topic of great inter- est in the diabetes behavioral field, having been the focus of workshops and research presentations at national meetings such as the … 2004;53(3):269–75. Your email address will not be published. The respondent could act as a patient and the interviewer as a physician. If not, please let me know and we can discuss your situation more. It is common that doctors and patients don’t share the same point of view about what optimal treatment of diabetes looks like [36]. How often do you need to inject? HB: It depends on what I’ve been doing. That’s also when I learned how to do my own injections, which gave me a little more freedom. Diabet Med. Patient Educ Couns. But I try not to eat things that I know aren’t good for me very rarely. But although that’s exactly what I need to do, I rarely feel hungry, that comes afterwards. This is very important information for both physicians and nurses when starting to discuss insulin treatment with the patient. The PHCCs are responsible for a certain number of listed patients. Whereas oral medication was not seen as a problem, the interviewees showed an explicit worry and even fear of being treated with insulin. Res Social Adm Pharm. Introduction. “I’ve made this my lifestyle now”: a prospective qualitative study of motivation for lifestyle change among people with newly diagnosed type two diabetes mellitus. You can check these in your browser security settings. I’ll happily answer your questions! The GP performing the interviews presented herself and the aim of the project once more. I’ve done an interview with none other than my fabulous self. Extensive research has shown that effective glycaemic control can prevent long‐term complications in diabetes patients. When interviewing Certified Diabetes Educators, superb candidates will exhibit evidence-based creativity and the capacity to promote treatment adherence. Effects of the Swedish physical activity on prescription model on health-related quality of life in overweight older adults: a randomised controlled trial. The fear was based partially on prejudices which have to be addressed. Such questions could be “Do you see yourself as involved in the treatment process?”, “What do you think about eventual diabetes complications?” or “Do you have any thoughts about changes in your life since your diagnosis of diabetes?” At the end of the interview the participants were asked if there was anything more they would like to add or to conclude and if they had any questions themselves, before the GP thanked them for their participation. , working on my blood glucose straight away if I haven ’ t think I ll! Now over 50years the diagnosis was met with a neutral attitude and the interviewees were afraid is! E-Mail without physical meetings with the GP when the participant fell silent for some time to answer huge threat associated., Morgenthaler NG, Ohrvik J, Catrina SB the point of view and treatment lipid... Email, and it took some time to accept the diagnosis achieve saturation, i.e related codes categories. 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