Following Jesus is not about a list of laws, things to do or not do. Let it answer! Yet to live in a civil society, we must have some rules to follow. Like, next week. Get answers by asking now. I think that that morality is the law of our minds that we need to follow. Some laws don't justify good actions Law is not always a good thing to have. If I’m lower on the totem pole, the risks increase significantly. It is these laws that should be ignored/fought against. In fact, I think political obligations are a broader category of duties than strictly legal obligations. So the hard question is how we come to actually acquire political and legal obligations. There have always been groups of Christians who believe that in order to honor God’s authority in the Old Testament we must continue to obey the food laws and other ceremonial laws, lest we be found in disobedience. By cookies_80 Sep 23, 2012 732 Words. We will never sell or share your information without your consent. The 2019 Asshole of the Year is Mitch McConnell. April 29, 2019 Andy 0. A code that applies to some and not others, and that excuses even the most egregious behaviors of its elites, that isn’t law. They’ll ask: Is Crito such a cheapskate that he refused to part with a little money to save his friend’s life? Sometimes power goes to one's head. The old covenant is obsolete, so its laws are no longer required for anyone, and that is why Peter could live like a gentile (Gal. Genius make their own rules. The dumbest mistakes people ever make we put all the blame to our government – for providing insufficient funds to spend with road widening, infrastructure upgrades, better traffic system, and best walkie-talkie [1] or radar speed gun for law enforcement. nominate a Supreme Court justice who firmly believes that presidents are above the law. We can't just have a dictator. It is the same situation as a husband whose wife had died. As with all other legal principles, we have to look to the courts to ensure that the Rule of Law is enforced. This is "Should We Always Obey The Laws Of The Land (October 31, 2015)" by Mel Bond on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. So, while we can and should take for granted the important role that the Rule of Law plays in our society, we cannot and should not necessarily assume that the Rule of Law will always be followed by our law-makers. Ideas? Someone following the "spirit of the law" is essentially abiding by the law in question, even if he or she may not be completely following it with the utmost faithfulness. 2. Everyone else has to do so and so should leaders. The law may be unjust,immoral, or violative of basic human rights such as the segregation or Jim Crow laws of the South, the apartheid laws of South Africa, or many of the Taliban laws of Afghanistan. I personally agree that law is a good thing but putting an argument to counter all the other arguments make good food for debate. The teacher should stress that such actions should not be taken lightly because of the danger of undermining the rule of law, upon which stable democracies depend. ", my answer is simply: NO. Typically, the law tells us what we are prohibited from doing and what we are required to do. We live in a “society of laws” where the laws only apply to some people some of the time. The life of the criminal law begins with criminalization. Nichiren Daishonin states: “the Buddha wrote in his testament that we should follow the law and not the person, then no matter how good a person he is, if he does not preach in accordance with the sutra, then we must not follow him.” We must not follow any person who does not preach in accordance with the sutra even if he has a high position. At the end of the day, we all seem to interpret man’s law on our own terms, and in our own way (and really we do the same thing with God’s law). God has appointed authority over men to bring order to our society, and in bringing order, He has given each of us an opportunity to learn the lesson of how to submit to government. (44c) Socrates also has obligations to raise and educate his sons, who will be fatherless if Socrates is executed (45d). Aside from “I choose to,” I believe it’s the only answer. We should follow the natural law because it’s not nice to fool mother nature. 0. Many claim that if it is a crimeto ϕ then ϕing is legally wrongful—it is something that,in the eyes of the law, ought not to be done (Hart 1994, 27; Gardner2007, 239; Tadros 2016, 91). As is so often the case, Walter Williams has strong feelings and compelling analysis. From this, it is clear that as long as the law of the land does not contradict the law of God, we are bound to obey the law of the land. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. I understand that some laws are there to keep you safe but we need democracy and everyone's vote on what's right and what's wrong. "Follow the money" is a catchphrase popularized by the 1976 docudrama film All the President's Men, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties. Biney Koul , April 17, 2018 It is a shame that justice in our democracy is unaffordable, inaccessible and slow.The change will come only when we demand it. Some fear punishment. There is a good impulse in this and a profoundly bad impulse in this. Fanpop quiz: Diane : No. Morality is our own opinion and we don’t always agree with the law. ", we will examine some related questions concerning the Old Testament. But is there more to it? This is not so. Ethical behaviour is not always best defined within the confines of the law. It’s privilege. Then I went off to a conservative university where a set of ridiculously arcane rules were applied capriciously by a couple of sanctimonious, neo-Puritan deans with more arbitrary power than would have been healthy even for good human being. We became dead to the Old Law, so that we might be joined to a New Law (Romans 7:4-6). St. Thomas Aquinas, Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr., for example, all thought such laws should be challenged and disobeyed if necessary. Report Post. When Tricky Dick said it, even Republicans knew he was finished. The leadership lesson is simple, obey the law and follow the rules. If we follow Peter’s logic, we will see that Jewish believers do not have to keep the laws of Moses, either. This is a lesson we all must learn, for even Christ is subject to the Father (I Corinthians 15:23-28)! Fair play requires a ‘just constitution’, a ‘constitutional democracy’ and ‘rules’ of a ‘just institution’ [3] . For example, I might have a legal obligation to pay tax in a deeply corrupt state, but not necessarily a moral obligation to do so. Like Reply. However there are occasions when you should not follow the rules and the video should explain why. Occasionally, laws and rules are put in place that infringe on the rights of individuals. It changed me. Online dating tips and etiquette: is it rude not to reply? Ethics and the law are not identical. The way I understood Paul’s proclamation that we “should not” follow the Law is by understanding the purpose of the Law, prior to the coming of Christ. The rules that are made are for our benefit anyway so why disobey them? Some laws are pointless and completely unnecessary but others can be very important, The government can get away with a lot of stuff because they have power, We can't. Conforming to society does not necessarily mean that you are being the same as everyone else - our world is not the dystopian society we read in books. To have a political obligation is to have a moral duty to obey the laws and support the institutions of one’s political community. It has been variously described as a science and the art of justice. While noraml law as we know it is only for societies . It isn’t just, it isn’t moral, it isn’t consistent with the values of a modern, free society, and to put not too fine a point on it, it isn’t really a law at all. As far asthe law is concerned, criminal conduct … Most rules are put in place to control us. I think that we should not follow laws and rules because rules are just dumb and unnecessary ok and no I think that we should not have to follow laws and rules ok because laws and rules are dumb as f**k man ok so yeah my final answer is no. Law is a system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior, with its precise definition a matter of longstanding debate. But the question of whether or not we should be required to follow a law that one personally believes is unjust is very hard to answer. You think that Christians today still must follow what the Mosaic law commands about food. The purpose of the Old Testament law is to convict people of our inability to keep the law and point us to our need for Jesus Christ as Savior (Romans 7:7-9; Galatians 3:24). If you’re on the right team, you can be pardoned even after committing election fraud. If we are loving our neighbors, we will not be murdering them, lying to them, committing adultery against them, or coveting what belongs to them. Ethical people go beyond the laws. Rules are what keeps us safe and protects us from harm. Laws against violent crime and property crime fall into this category. Some governments are corrupt and put laws to enslave and keep people who haven't committed any crime in gaol. Decent people should not obey immoral laws. I think that we should follow laws and rules because laws and rules are more important than freedom ok and yes everyone all around the world should follow laws and rules ok ok ok ok so yeah my final answer is yes ok ok ok you hear me ok bye. So this is a normative argument, not a claim about the law. Yet to live in a civil society, we must have some rules to follow. I leave you to your own conscience. Socrates as well as Dr. Martin Luther King have done this. They are given wine and fancy foods to eat. Well everyone should however everyone does at least one small thing that is illegal in there life! Climate Science for Everyone: How much heat can the air and ocean store? 2020-10-16T05:53:01Z If we love God and love each other, this not only “fulfills” the original purpose and intent of the Mosaic Law, but also fits with all the teachings and actions of Jesus, and His early followers. 0 0. Notice the words of Moses in Exodus 19:3-6: anything more is overkill. I understand that some laws are there to keep you safe but we need democracy and everyone's vote on what's right and what's wrong. Where are ur rules now. :rotfl: MarcoPolo March 20, 2015, 2:11am #5. Without basic Harm Principle laws, a society ultimately degenerates into despotism -- the rule of the strong and violent over the weak and nonviolent.5. I think that the law is always right because all the Judges and all the courts around the world are always you should always follow the law and of course you should always follow the rules as well ok so yeah my final answer is yes ok ok good bye . We live in a “society of laws” where the laws only apply to some people some of the time. The first event happened in Canada. Since childhood, we obey rules. The first statement is plainly false. Rules are made by those of authority to maintain peace and order in a certain area, and so we have to follow them to be able to live happily and safely. Without prejudice of other reasons, you should follow the law because of the “social contract”. Nursing Laws and Ethics that are Imperative to Follow. 1 1. arewethereyet. Or sparking armed anti-government crimes. We live in a society where some are allowed to get rich for doing the same thing others are in jail for. But times have changed, and I think our laws need to change with it. If this is what the view means, then it is not what we usually mean by a claim that something is the law. 0. Provided these conditions are met, it logically follows that the duty to obey an ‘unjust law’ cannot be overridden by ‘illegal means’, so long as t… On the other hand, McManus surely doesn’t believe we can simply opt out of every law we disagree with. Suppose that your conscience condemns you for eating bacon. To what extent are we – as moral individuals – obliged to obey (or help enforce) bad law? We don’t always like these rules, since they often mean that someone is telling us what to do, or keeping us from doing what we want. The Old Testament law was given to the children of Israel only. The two can come apart. And because of that I think that morality is specific for a ceratain person and that’s why it can’t be outdated. The government creates some laws just to control us, For us to live the life they want us to live and it's not right. Civil disobedience is now mandatory – Progressive Culture | Scholars & Rogues. There is a good impulse in this and a profoundly bad impulse in this. Further, the reinforcement of our belief in the age-old panchayat system, the abolition of the abhorable practices of untouchability, child marriage, sati, dowry etc are typical illustrations of social change being brought about in the country trough laws. But always, always, follow the rules. Simply ignoring all laws and rules invokes anarchy, which goes against our human urges to work socially (humans are a social species). 19, 2020 For starters: She can own all the dolphins in the U.K. and you can't. Posted Jan 15, 2015 What should we do then? ... 33 Unwritten Rules Everyone Needs To Follow. If you occupy a certain place in the socio-economic hierarchy a law may not apply to you at all, whereas if you’re somewhere else on the ladder the same law may be used to deny you your freedom, your franchise, your ability to earn a living and perhaps even your life. 1 decade ago. We do see this in some “privileged” persons who think that rules do not apply to them because they are, in some way, special. Categories: American Culture, Crime/Corruption, Politics/Law/Government, United States. “In truth, laws are always useful to those with possessions and harmful to those who have nothing; from which it follows that the social state is advantageous to men only when all possess something and none has too much.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract. Instead, it is a normative argument that the law should be something. It can be a rich family, with the best resources of the world, or a poor family; you come to this worl. As a youth I was almost pathologically law-abiding. Lv 7. Civil society would quickly become very uncivil. We should always follow the rules because they are the structure of the system. Hey Andy, does the Bible teach that we should do what we can to enact the government’s laws, etc, based on what God approves of, or are we supposed to stay out of it? To take this position is to say one of two things: either every law that exists is a just law, or a greater wrong is always done by breaking the law. The theologically correct view is that bacon is victory food that Christians under the new covenant can enjoy to the glory of God. Paul proclaims that “the law was our custodian until Christ came, that we might be justified by faith. No. Fairness is my core value. the only "law" we need to follow is the one Christ gave us in the NT and that is to love God above all others and to love others as we love ourselves. I'm saying find things in it that we should keep, and find things in it that have been harmful to our society. On this view, we are not invited tocommit crimes—like murder, or driving uninsured—just aslong as we willingly take the prescribed legal consequences. The law We must always follow the law. S&R Nonfiction: "62 Questions to Ask a Ghost," by Leanna Lawrence. You and I are not part of their interests. In the United States, it seems like we have laws, rules, and regulations to oversee just about everything. If we put too much emphasis on rules and the disciplinary consequences of not following them, most of the time they will be followed. Certainly our governmental authorities are not perfect, nor do they always follow God's plans. The PM surely doesn’t believe we must always obey the state – he cut his teeth as a young lawyer challenging the British government’s attempt to ban Peter Wright’s Spycatcher in Australia. I may have read somewhere that the Church didn’t always emphasize/follow Natural Law. However, even in that instance, we are to accept the government’s authority over us. Like. We should follow just laws and rules. MarcoPolo April 7, 2015, 10:15pm #11. We follow the law, Alicia. tags: laws. This is the most important thing you'll read all day. Some laws are worth breaking to get our freedom back. Buy at Amazon. This is the principle we should always follow . Those who chose to be exempt from established law and rules are setting themselves up for failure. There’s nothing wrong with that. The only moral obligation, from where I sit, is to make sure any hypothetical crimes don’t hurt the innocent. Reply. These situations are rare and should be based on sound ethical reasons. Moreover, people will wonder why Socrates’ friends didn’t do more to save his life when they had the means to do so. ... Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Note The moral dilemma offered in this lesson is not unlike the famous “Heinz Dilemma” devised by Lawrence Kohlberg, the American psychologist, in the 1950s. in the act of not following, or breaking a law that they personally have deemed unjust throughout history, or taken part in civil disobedience . It is a more liberal interpretation of a law, and it is often used when certain laws have become somewhat dated. For example, someone might say, "The letter of the law says that he has to pay back the damages, but that … For the film, screenwriter William Goldman attributed the phrase to Deep Throat, the informant who took part in revealing the Watergate scandal. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Origin. They don't care about you. Dear Papa John’s: you need to rebrand. Yet as you’ll probably know people don’t always follow the rules. Phil Jackson . It sits at the heart of customer trust in Tesco. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Reply. If I’m well-positioned in society and have the right connections, there isn’t much risk. Tocriminalize an act-type—call it ϕing—is to make it acrime to commit tokens of that type. Finally, in passively accepting his unjust fate, Socrates will be giving his e… 7 years ago. Or overtly racist “law enforcement” policies. In the former, if I had no objection, I would probably do it because of the lack of severe penalties. As a law abiding citizen I try to follow the rules, even if I don’t agree with them, or if they don’t make sense. Why should I follow the Law? We live in a society where some can be gunned down in cold blood for no legal reason without their killers facing so much as a noise violation charge. It is said that the law sets minimum standards of behaviour while ethics sets maximum standards. How are they gonna help. Although ethical people always try to be law-abiding, there may be instances where their sense of ethics tells them it is best not to follow the law. There have always been groups of Christians who believe that in order to honor God’s authority in the Old Testament we must continue to obey the food laws and other ceremonial laws, lest we be found in disobedience. GSS respondents (N = 2,475) were asked, "In general, would you say that people should obey the law without exception, or are there exceptional occasions on which people should follow their consciences even if it means breaking the law?" Laws created under the Harm Principle are written to protect people from being harmed by others. Notice how people in power seem to be able to get away with crime *cough* Trump *cough* but if someone gets caught with weed where it's illegal they get sent to jail. Occasionally, laws and rules are put in place that infringe on the rights of individuals. The good impulse is the desire to obey God. To answer the question, "Old or New Testament, Which Should We Follow? I personally agree that law is a good thing but putting an argument to counter all the other arguments make good food for debate. We don’t always like these rules, since they often mean that someone is telling us what to do, or keeping us from doing what we want. What’s moral and immoral can be a contentious issue, but there are some broad guides for deciding what laws and government actions are immoral. It simply comes down to this: do I want to risk the consequences of possibly getting caught? I choose. Some things we think are absolutes, that is, we believe we should always obey those laws, and there are other laws we think it is okay to break once in a while, if not all the time. Does the Culture Index accurately describe me? 2 0. 0. Is it through birth, or through consent? Serious question. We can see that there are many examples of the law reflecting morality however there are many other laws/lack of laws that do/don't reflect moral opinions. There are rules that you should do whatever the president says to do but what if the president wants to ruin the lives of innocent citizens because they are bound to their bigoted beliefs? Why should we follow rules that don't make any sense and add no benefit to anyone? Anonymous. Or overtly racist “law enforcement” policies. In the latter example, I would probably follow the law even if I had no moral objection because the likelihood of getting caught and facing severe consequences is high. That is, my decision as to whether or not to behave “lawfully” is a practical one, not a social, civic, ethical or moral one. Before engaging with the substance of Rawls’ argument, the various ‘special features’ of the environment which fair play requires to operate can be attacked from a perspective of political anarchism, which does not necessarily presuppose the legitimacy of the state [2] . 3. For example, workplace treatment of others may not violate employer-employee laws but still be unethical, such as forms of cyber-bullying. People in power are control freaks, They're not protecting you. Meet the men of Really, guys, are you serious? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. To Whom Was The Old Testament Written? We can't just have a dictator. But what does the Bible Say? “Conforming” merely means to not be on the extreme in today’s society - liberalism and democracy allow for disagreements without being nonconformists. "I have always been following the law, and whatever the law said I will follow," Prayuth said in November. Some pay taxes and some don’t because tax codes are written by the wealthy for the wealthy. The ten commandments were given to the Israelites on Mt. It is also an indicator of the nature of societal complexity and its attendant problems of integration. 110 likes. Even though the law is something else, the Constitution’s original meaning should be the law. Or obstruction of justice. Who gets to make these rules? As soon as the law of the land contradicts God’s command, we are to disobey the law of the land and obey God’s law. Why Do We Obey the Law? If your father is the president not only do laws (and national security rules) not apply to you, trade policies are constructed so as to exempt your businesses. Q&A Should We Obey the Laws of Our Government? What is a liberal? To follow Jesus is to love what he loved, including the moral law. But we always follow the law. However, inasmuch as the authority is not contradicting God's explicit Word, we are to obey. Many people believe we should keep the ten commandments today. The governor general of Canada signed into law a bill adding sexual orientation as a protected category under Canada's hate-crimes laws. Or sparking armed anti-government crimes. Often, the laws of the land are set up so that we will have orderly and peaceful societies. There's an alternative to Facebook: 8 steps to make MeWe work. Be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal) be a rebal (get how i spelled that wrong cause im a rebal), Laws aren't always right so you gotta take that shit into ur own hands ya know. and do not subscribe to the monkey customs of our lesser cousins. Should people always obey the law? Our policies & blueprints These provide a protective layer of procedures, training, and support to ensure we don’t break the law. When asked why people obey the law, legal scholars and academics usually give two answers: To avoid legal consequences and sanctions. During my undergrad career I went out of my way to violate those rules I mention above several hundred times and I was even guilty of breaking a variety of actual laws (in many cases indirectly – but hey, accessory is still a crime). 8 British Laws Queen Elizabeth Doesn’t Have to Follow Juliana LaBianca Updated: Mar. Jesus completed the law, so we follow the 10 commandments (the other 600+ laws were really just for the Israelites, not us) and we do it with love .... law … So screw them, Break some of their rules, Be a rebel. For example, we are subjected to our government rules but we are not subjected to the rules from certain groups; because if we do not agree with those rules, we can always choose not to be part of those groups. But I’ve always been governed by a sense of fair play that says we can play by whatever rules you like, but rest assured, we’re going to play by the same rules. They are saved by grace through faith, just as the gentiles are. Sinai after they left Egypt (Deuteronomy 4:13, 9:9-10).Deuteronomy 5:2-3 says, “The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. follow the law or to violate the law to uphold their values. Email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email about! My conclusion: I don ’ t have to follow unethical, such as forms of cyber-bullying: need., laws and rules are what keeps us safe and protects us harm... 15:23-28 ) from doing and what we are not invited tocommit crimes—like murder, or you, or else. 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