that I wanted my kids to see me make things, and to have a go at I then topped up the jar with a litre of vodka and left it in a dark place for 48 hour to steep. She blogs about her original craft tutorials, recipes, foraging, the Cotswolds, and developing well-being through being creative, spending time outdoors and connecting with nature. After straining we sweetened our Nettle Liqueur with a little sugar syrup, and bottled it. Upcycled Soap – How to Make Soap the Frugal Way! Stinging Nettle Gin Liqueur ... Raspberry and Peach Vodka Liqueur Gingerbread Vodka Liqueur Butterfly Pea Flower Weddings Affiliates Welcome to Rose Cottage ! Herbalists often use them as an adrenal and reproductive tonic and to ease seasonal allergies. Let it infuse a couple of days, but then got worried about the lavender overpowering it, so strained out the leaves and introduced juyst new nettles. Add 1/4 cup local bee pollen Pour 3 cups of brandy or vodka over the top. Your email address will not be published. Free Shipping on all orders. Although stinging nettle is known to many mainly for its itchy stings, it is an amazing medicinal and edible plant. Carefully harvest the fresh tender tops of stinging nettle plants. I then used a couple of lavender leaves. Nettle leaves and stems possess anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, reducing symptoms of allergic rhinitis, itchiness or joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The common nettle or Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica and the closely related Urtica urens) has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. The Stinging Nettle tea is drunk without sugar and does not taste too badly. 70 ($0.21/count) $26.70 $26.70 Stinging Nettle Recipes: What It Is And How To Cook It (PHOTOS) ... First things first, the stinging power of nettles is instantly dismantled when they're cooked (and by cooked, we mean anything from pureeing into a soup or quickly steaming/blanching the leaves). Dry or wilt the leaves, then place them in a jar, and cover with 80-proof alcohol, like vodka, gun or rum. I started Craft Invaders for the simple reason Stinging nettle contains a number of chemicals, such as serotonin, histamine and acetylcholine, some of which can be very irritating. It has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years. Here’s how to use different proofs when making tinctures: 80 proof vodka: Considered standard for most tinctures, 80 proof vodka should be used on fresh and dried herbs that don’t have a high moisture content (such as bay, dill, fennel, sage, and thyme). Thanks, Yes Michelle. Nettle root, on the other hand, is considered a tonic to a bladder and urinary tract easing symptoms of urinary tract inflammation. Join the Modern Hippie Community – Sign up to receive recipes, DIY tips and a FREE copy of our e-book "The Modern Hippie's Guide to DIY Skincare"! We love to think up quirky, out-of-the-box craft ideas so you don’t have to! Miniature Set Of Six saving £10. Stinging nettle builds up a strong immune system to defeat the attack of diseases. Lately I’ve given up on alcoholic refreshments, but hubby and my friends haven’t! The toothed leaves are borne oppositely along the stem, and both the stems and leaves are covered with numerous stinging and non-stinging trichomes (plant hairs). A liqueur is simply a sweetened alcoholic beverage made from a distilled spirit such as vodka that has been flavored. Their high nutritional value makes them ideal for anyone suffering from exhaustion, poor nutrition, or just general dis-ease. It has a pleasant earthy taste, and you definitely know its nettle based, with a taste reminiscent of the Nettle Cordial we made last year. Double strain into an old fashioned glass filled with ice. Nettles often grow in places that have been inhabited by people and near buildings, being found on cultivated ground, waste land, pasture land, damp ground, road verges and in woodlands. Advice to New Medicine-Makers Wilting, cooking and even drying stinging nettle, however, will “de-activate” the stingers. But it would be fun just to try making different types from plants just to see how they taste. © 2020 Modern Hippie Health & Wellness Inc. Tincture bottles are for sale locally (2 for $5), at. To make this natural stinging nettles allergy supplement: Fill a quart jar with 4 cups of fresh nettle leaves, chopped. This is so cool! Nutritionally, stinging nettle is high in calcium, iron, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, D & K, manganese, magnesium, and a good source of protein–all the more reason to cook with it! Stinging nettle- Urtica dioica is a both a beloved and hated plant. Due to it’s remarkable medicinal properties, stinging nettle can also be dried for making teas and, of course, tinctures. making things themselves. You are often my go to when I’m looking for info. This is a good source of organic dried nettles. Hi, I'm Carly! J.J. Whitley Nettle Gin As a child, J.J. Whitley spent much of his time in the English countryside with his family, searching the hedgerows for exciting new flavours to use in their locally-produced spirits. Sarah is the founder and author of Craft Invaders. Liqueurs can take anything for a couple of days, to a couple of months to take on the flavour of the added ingredients, with herbs and flowers often not taking very long at all, so do check your infusion periodically, and expect a certain amount of trial and error. We take the Privacy of our visitors to Craft Invaders very seriously. Stinging Nettle Tincture: This is my personal #1 go to for allergies, including hay fever. Strain. Luv Luv Luv your blog. In this video we find out what really happens when you get stung by a stinging nettle. Stinging nettle rash presents as raised bumps or hives that are often light in color and up to a centimeter in diameter. Hi just made this with lots of sugar, lots of nettles, fresh peppermint, fresh spearmint, a fresh bay leaf, and a few not many mugwort leaves. Hmm, would be fun to try some of that sweet wine! Infusions are long-brewing, and thus highly concentrated, water-based beverages. And indeed, stinging nettle leaf uses are many and plentiful, offering a wonderful herbal resource for families. Featured collection. Welcome to Craft Invaders. * By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Give it a shake every couple of days. You can either measure out 400 ml of alcohol that is already reduced to 50% (such as a 100 proof vodka). Craft Invaders is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. Studies suggest that it may reduce inflammation, hay fever symptoms, blood pressure and blood sugar levels — … I love trying out different concoctions Linda – a couple of them have been fairly disgusting, my biggest failures have been a rhubarb and cardamon one, and one made with lichen – but at least now I know! outside Stinging Nettle Is Used For: The leaves and stems of stinging nettle possess anti-inflammatory actions and have long been used to treat painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, and gout, as well as anemia. Cut fresh or shred dried plants Put them in a clean container If you haven’t yet, you may find it helpful to read week one’s post, Tinctures 101. Welcome to Modern Hippie Health & Wellness - a Clean-Eating, Green-Living website designed to educate and inspire! Stinging Nettle Leaf Uses “When in doubt, use nettles!” This saying is popular among herbalists and attests to the power of … Read more on Gardener's Path. Harvest young stinging nettle leaves, toward the top of the plant, before it flowers. I would love to try and make some liqueur but I’m not a drinker. You can add it fresh to soups and sauces, as it tastes remarkably similar to spinach. The skin surrounding the hives may be red. Place in a dark cupboard. Yes, this plant stings but it has a ton of benefits. It is often used for gout, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, and other similar conditions. The nettle leaves look like mint. As their name suggests, they will sting you, as their many, tiny, sharp, needles, which are hollow and act like hypodermic needles, will inject you with a combination of acetylcholine, histamine, formic acid, 5-HT (serotonin) and more. Nettle (or stinging nettle) is a plant also known as Bichu, Feuille d'Ortie, Graine d'Ortie, Grande Ortie, Ortie, Ortiga, Urtica, and other names. Add stinging nettle vodka and hard shake for 20 seconds. Does this remove the “stinging” oil from the leaves? recycled. If you're looking to re-claim your health and detox your home, then stay right there and join me in my fun, fermented journey to living a cleaner, greener life! Now after a week, tis the nicest tasting liqueur with the smoothest finish ive ever tasted. . Raspberry Gin: How To Make The Best Pink Gin. Tightly close the lid and allow to steep for 24 hours. *Tincture bottles are for sale locally (2 for $5), at Flo’s Body Piercing Studio (my mom), in Sechelt, B.C. It is commonly used as a diuretic to rid the body of excess water and to treat painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anemia. Steep for 30 days. Our Nettle Liqueur is definitely a more earthy affair than that, but is equally simple to make, and really tastes rather good. Stinging nettle infusions are highly nutritive tonics that nourish your body with trace minerals and vitamin K as well as many antioxidants and other plant compounds. Stinging Nettle root vs. leaves. Shake the bottle as often as your think of it. Small nettle or annual nettle (Urtica urens) is a very similar edible plant with stinging hairs, but is shorter than the stinging nettle, with rounder leaves. Since you are adding them to spirit there is no real need to be concerned about bacteria on the leaves, so it really is a matter of personal choice , What an interesting concoction! As a tea, however, the leaves and stem are more common than the root. Okay enough of the riddles, I am talking about the stinging nettle. Delicate natures can add a bit of Camomile or Mint to better the taste. Is there a reason you wash and dry the nettles? You can make an infusion of nettle with any part of the plant. Stinging Nettle Precautions . I don’t have any growing in my yard, but fortunately, for me, my neighbor has (had) a ton! so I combine the two whenever I can. With its pink beet hue and stinging nettle-infused vodka, the cocktail was ideal for a breast cancer fundraiser held at Meauxbar where a percentage of the sale of each cocktail was donated to a fund benefitting breast cancer research and awareness. Homecraft / Crafts for Kids / Recycled Craft / DIY Gifts / Outdoor Kids / Foraging / Garden Craft. Looking forward to doing some foraging this weekend (depending on the rain). )*, Stinging nettle, another medicinal plant commonly grouped into the weed category, is known for its painful, sting and tendency to invade a garden. For more Stinging Nettle recipe inspiration check out our amazing Nettle Fruit Leather and our Delicious and Healthy Stinging Nettle Crisps. My two main passions are crafting and spending time Wow, that sounds amazing Jonathan – thanks so much for coming back and letting us know how you got on . To be honest Tiffany I always like to wash nettles so that I check over what I have picked thoroughly to ensure no other stray plants have been grabbed at the same time as I don’t tend to look too closely while I am picking them. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we use and protect information given to us. *This information is based on my own research and reading–I always encourage you to do your own research too. Stinging nettle is an herbaceous plant and often grows to about 2 metres (6.5 feet) in height. They also help support cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation and general wellness. With extremely high levels of vitamins and minerals, nettle can be used as a health tonic to boost and enhance health and of course to stimulate thick and healthy hair. Harvest stinging nettle roots in the fall for this tincture that is helpful for men’s health. I am intrigued! Stinging nettle is an astonishing plant with a wealth of uses. You can also freeze it for later use. Or, you can use 95% alcohol diluted to 50% (e.g., 210 ml 95% alcohol and 190 ml water). Today, the roots of the plant are used to treat the urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Consult your doctor if you are considering changing, or going off, any medication (read my full disclaimer/disclosure here. We are storing it in a dark cool place and will be testing it regularly to see how it matures over time. When harvesting, always wear gloves to avoid being stung. using Stinging Nettle Vodka. When used appropriately, stinging nettle is generally safe; however, there are a few precautions to consider before using nettle. Stinging nettle is a great herb that slows ageing process Stinging nettle helps in the strong production of Damnacanthal this is a really powerful immune boosting agent for our body. You can read more on our use of affiliate links here. If you have 100 grams of dried stinging nettle leaves, that means you’d need 400 ml of 50% alcohol. When brushed up against, the fragile tips of the stinging hairs break off. Dosage for Stinging Nettle Tincture: Put 20-25 drops in a small amount of water and take 2 times daily of the herb. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Stinging nettle has been used for hundreds of years as a, Studies have shown that taking stinging nettle internally can greatly decrease, It can be used as a blood tonic, and help, Stinging Nettle has been commonly used for, Strain the mixture and transfer to a tincture bottle, or proceed to make a. The Nettle cordial is really lovely if you fancy trying a non alcoholic concoction Gina, It has a wonderful flavour! Stinging nettle is a nutritious plant popular in Western herbal medicine. For Radiant Look. To make I collected approximately 40 nettle tops, which I washed and dried in a salad spinner, and then popped in a jar with the zest of 2 lemons. Put the nettles in the jar Fill the jar with 1 cup of room temperature water. Its majestic. Serve immediately. Take one adult dose, two droppers full, for any of the ailments listed above, 1-3 times per day. Nettles are rich in iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, and trace minerals. There are young nettles wherever we look at the moment, here in our part of the UK. Stinging nettle is among these green friends. Over the 48 hours our infusion got progressively darker, and to be honest I expected it to taste pretty disgusting when I tried it, but in fact it tastes really rather good. Increase Your Energy Levels: Nettles are used as a traditional spring tonic to strengthen and support the entire body. I think she was pretty confused when I excitedly asked her if I could pull them all out and keep them. If you come across stinging nettle while weeding in your yard, make sure you throw on a pair of gloves before pulling them out. Your Guide to Living a Cleaner, Greener Life! I love thinking up quirky craft ideas Any given stinging nettle plant may have one or both types of blooms. You can also use nettle for your skin as its astringent property not only helps you … In early spring, long before the fruits of summer began to appear, nettles would already be growing in abundance. Stinging nettle is a perennial plant. In a nonreactive container, combine the nettle and vodka. I’ll definitely give this a try once I find a place with some nettle. Learn tips for growing, harvesting, and using nettle greens. Harvest young stinging nettle leaves, toward the top of the plant, before it flowers. Ingredients needed: 1 pint 90 proof alcohol, like vodka or gin 4 oz cut nettle leaf (or thereabouts – you want enough to fill your pint jar half way) Pint-size canning jar with lid Stinging nettle is a plant that grows in North America, Europe, and Africa. It is commonly used in Germany as a treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis and is thought to inhibit the cascade of … Cap tightly. Wonder if they’re from the same family? Yes, I’m the “crazy neighbour.”. No worries if you can’t forage local nettles. Benefits. Infusions and Forms of Stinging Nettle. Top it off with 3 cups of hot water just off the boil. To make I collected approximately 40 nettle tops, which I washed and dried in a salad spinner, and then popped in a jar with the zest of 2 lemons. Once the leaves have steeped for a while they lose their sting – the same with cooking . The plant can spread vegetatively with its yellow creeping rhizomes and often forms dense colonies. everyday items that are found around the home, in nature, or are They are a member of the mint family Florence – well spotted . These chemicals cause the stinging irritation on skin and are found at the base of the fine hairs on the nettle. Or, use it raw and make a pesto (mashing/muddling the fresh, nettle will kill the sting.) Pour 40% vodka over them. Easy No-cook…, How To Make Fairy Garden Lights From Acorn…, Making a Solar Powered Waterfall for our Fairy…, 21 Botanicals that are fabulous for your skin, Delicious and Healthy Stinging Nettle Crisps, How to Make Delicious, Healthy Stinging Nettle Crisps, How to Make an Amazing Nettle Fruit Leather, How to make Brilliant DIY Fabric Paint at Home. Let the jar sit for 3-6 weeks, out of sunlight. I then topped up the jar with a litre of vodka and left it in a dark place for 48 hour to steep. Vodka (80 proof/40%) tincture has an unlimited shelf life. (wear gloves when you prepare them.) Stinging nettle has a long list of uses, however, below are a few of it’s most common medicinal uses. How to Make Delicious Stinging Nettle Cordial, How to Make Hazelnut Liqueur Easily at Home, How to Make Fantastic Home-made Peppermint Foot Scrub, How to Make Wonderful Herbal Bath Soaks at…, Coconut Shell Craft: How To Make Fairy Toadstools, New shoes and an afternoon Exploring Avebury, How to Plant a Beautiful Bulb Lasagne for…, How To Turn Strawberry Planters Into Succulent Pots, 10 Free Outdoor Activities to Encourage Kids Outside, How to Forage a Beautiful Hedgerow Bouquet, 7 outdoor activities that make the best family…, How to make Pacharan, The Spanish Sloe Liqueur, How to Make Raw Rosehip Syrup. I’m not sure when it crossed my mind to try and make a liqueur from them, but the seed got planted so I decided to give it a go. Stinging Nettle Root 10:1 Pure Extract 750mg (Equivalent to 7500mg Raw Stinging Nettle Root) Promotes Prostate & Urinary Tract Health - 100 Vegetarian Capsules 4.5 out of 5 stars 673 $20.70 $ 20 . Cover and leave at room temperature for 72 hours. Garnish with remaining cucumber slice and sprinkle with salt to taste. Stinging nettle can be used as an herbal medicine in a range of forms, including infusions. I use around four ounces of dried leaves to 16 ounces of vodka or vinegar. Dry or wilt the leaves, then place them in a jar, and cover with 80-proof alcohol, like vodka, gun or rum. Fruit, cream, herbs, spices, flowers or nuts are the traditional choices, but you will also find some more imaginative creations on the internet including various candy concoctions such as Skittle Vodka. Will kill the sting. support cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation and Wellness. For making teas and, of course, tinctures two droppers full, for any of the stinging nettle.... Take 2 times daily of the herb other similar conditions information given to us two droppers full for. Find out what really happens when you get stung by a stinging nettle may... 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2020 stinging nettle vodka