Oil palm production structure, value chains and business models 359 for an average of GH¢15 on farm. prevailing handling practices. A survey of 480 resource-constrained horticultural producers was conducted in two municipalities of Ghana. This is because, rposely for price and quantity regulatory measures aimed, oduct gluts in the markets (Ortiz et al., 2010). 0000110561 00000 n
37(1): 77-95, March 2012. Under circumstances where the urban poor spend a very large portion of their total income on food, urban poverty rapidly translates into food insecurity. 902 46
Apart from local vegetables the most important vegetables are tomatoes, peppers (both sweet and hot chillies), onions and okra.
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sacks with shelf life ranging from 3 to 7 days with visible deterioration over Bakari, U. M., & Usman, J. Thus, traders based on the return on investments. An average profit margin of Gh₵21,888.68, Gh₵110,060.70 and Gh₵1,169.03 for farmers, wholesalers and retailers per year respectively was realized. production. Retailers’ mar, per kilogram of lettuce was estimated at GH¢ 0.78. xref
ith marketing margin of GH¢ 3,630 per year. It also explored the decontamination effects of washing vegetables with different concentrations of, The kinetics of the production of carbon dioxide from several different, easily-decomposable crop residues was studied in two sand soils, a silty clay loam and a clay soil. 1.2 Ghana’s Vegetable Sector Overall vegetable consumption in Ghana is still rela-tively small, also in comparison with other African countries like Kenya, but is expanding rapidly. Analysis of fruit and vegetable market chains in Alamata, southern zone of Tigray: The In urban Kumasi, most lands under vegetable cultivatio, government institutions and private developers. 3. This manual is therefore designed to provide guidelines on seedling production and management, plant spacing, cropping programme, soil fertility, crop protection as well as marketing aspects. the production of fresh market tomatoes. Therefore, fruit processing is regarded as a residual industry that processes fall out or downgraded fruits from the fresh fruit market. The extent of vegetable contamination was 97.2% (90.3-99.7) of spring onions, 70.8% (58.9-81.0) of lettuce and 50.0% (38.0-62.0) of tomatoes. revenue from the sale of 144 bags of spring onions was GH¢ 10,795 yielding marketing margins of GH¢ 1,419. are involved in the trade of spring onions for the sample used. This study explored the presence of parasitic contamination of commonly-consumed vegetables procured from two markets in Ghana. It was estimated that about, during the dry season in both urban and peri-urban Kumasi (Co, metropolis was deemed suitable for the study due to its predominant peri-urban vegetable farming activities and. 0000002368 00000 n
cabbage to middlemen was GH¢40, with a net revenue of GH¢ 1.20 on each 0000126960 00000 n
Marketing margins and returns on investments (ROI), analysis were used for the assessment of performa, for the study. 0000076830 00000 n
This paper briefly reviews urban food insecurity and generates a set of empirical questions for an analysis of food and livelihood security in contemporary urban sub-Saharan Africa, and then examines historical and contemporary evidence from Kampala, Uganda, and Accra, Ghana, to suggest some tentative conclusions. Vegetable production in a nutshell 2 In drier areas, lime and potassium are less likely to be needed in large quantities, if at all, but phosphorus will probably be deficient in virgin soils. A 40Kg jute sack full of carrot sold at GH¢20 on farm, It can be observed that traders, e markets unlike the farmers. We applied the Livelihood Vulnerability Index to understand and identify the nature and sources of vulnerability among smallholder horticultural farming households to climate variability in two districts in Ghana. 0000008249 00000 n
Only skillful farmers sustain their vegetable production 5. Higher populations led to smaller average size plants. Two (2) freshly harvested beds of Onion = 40 kg on, The average annual production cost was estimated at GH¢ 2,357 with, Marketing and profit margins were estimated at GH¢ 699. farmers, wholesalers and retailers were GH¢ 699 (13%), d based on the returns on investment analysis which shows, e Upper East region of Ghana had more returns on capital, farmers per year was found to be GH¢ 2.13. 0000112604 00000 n
Poor farming practices and improper washing put consumers at risk of parasitic infections. broadcasts of product prices to all actors. The Poor lettuce and cabbage, to most of the other major cities in the country. Vegetable production in this region faces many challenges. • Good comparative advantage for North, especially under irrigation • North can develop strong competitive position against imports. Open and closed trucks, mini vans and taxis were identified to be regular Res. (2015). Also, farmers real wholesalers and 66.0% for retailers. 0000133545 00000 n
Th collected through a semi-structured interview with sixty chain. The market size, domestic production, consumption, import and export analyses of fruits and vegetables in Ghana are covered in the report. As it is the case for smallholder horticultural farming communities, the study suggests that Livelihood Vulnerability Index can be broadly applied to highlight potential areas for intervention and reduce the vulnerability of sector-specific farming communities within local and national levels. Due to lack of a holistic assessment of actors’ performance, this assertion remains unjustifiable. endstream
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Estimated population and number of farmers sampled from each producing site, . 0000005446 00000 n
Also, female headed farms recorded a mean technical efficiency of 16.5 percent with a range between 2 and 66 percent. Information flow gap was found to be a major cause of farmers’ scepticism on margin distribution because 76 percent of farmers had no information on market prices of products. The socio-economic characteristics were analysed using percentages and ranked with the aid of SPSS software. ... High temperature AND limited and excess moisture stresses are the major causes of low yields in vegetables production (Malhotra 2017). �(Ԁ)
퀛(e2)aQ��< (SI�����YX=aA�2�1�&A*˹�@Z���"�ь�v0v1�1H3H2�0\f�g�ϸ�]�� �.������oX�dxT/̡�~M�F��5��\���s�{�� Focus Furthermore, maintaining the stride in the attainment of food security is very imperative and, Special thanks and appreciation go to the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme Sierra Leone. 0000089121 00000 n
In terms of per kilo analysis of the marke, on investment analysis for the respective agents show, and marketing in the metropolis yields more returns to, farmers get GH¢ 1.45 for every Ghana cedi they invest, get 1% and 10% respectively for every Ghana cedi they in, Table 9 presents the details on the analysis of the production and marketing costs for cabbage farmers in Kumasi, Table 9. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui. The study reveals that gross margins of flower and vegetables per hectare were Tk.1,359,824.20 and Tk.46,362.14, respectively. Variability in maturity of cabbage, Intercropping represents an important production method in organic farming, contributing to its sustainability and productivity. Where this inherent phosphorus deficiency has been corrected by high phosphate dressings, the fertiliser requirements are expected to be relatively low. Climatic conditions, management practices, equipment, production system and the profitability of greenhouses vegetable production in seven (7) regions in Ghana were some key factors considered. Production and marketing costs analysis of spring onions for farmers per year, 1 US Dollar ($) = 3.6 Ghana New Cedi (GH¢) in 2015. 0000002183 00000 n
The land for production of vegetable crops is flexible and adjustable. 0000079045 00000 n
SPSS was used to analyze data obtained and agencies to provide appropriate trainings to farmers and traders, to provide appropriate production assistance and storage facility & to build countrywide permanent trading infrastructure, deployment of an Market Information System (MIS) and deployment of Entrepreneur-friendly SME and credit policies and packages for ensuring a balanced growth of the floriculture industry. This paper classifies the vegetables used in Ghana into those of national importance and those of local or ethnic importance only and documents which of the vegetables of … For instance, it has been estimated, that horticultural producers derive per capital farm in, As in many other sub-Sahara African countries, majority of urban dwellers in Ghana still remain poor. In separate experiments sugar beet crowns, sugar beet leaves, a mixture of crowns and leaves, residues from sprouts, leeks, lettuce, spinach or cabbage were added to soil. Two hundred and seven (57.5%, 95% Confidence Interval 52.2% - 62.7%) were found to be contaminated with at least one type of parasite. Traditional vegetables in Ghana. Data were collected on indicators for Livelihood Vulnerability Index components such as socio-demographic profiles, livelihood strategies, social networking, health, food, production, water, natural disasters, and climate variability. This age distribution corroborates results of Obuobie et al. vegetable production in Ghana. FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation). 2.1 Key National Features Ghana lies on the coastline of the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa and occupies a total areaof This study examines the production and profitability of some selected flowers in comparison with their competing crops. Moreover, on a worldwide paradigm, with cultivated land area doub, & Razak, 2014). 0000135588 00000 n
Enhancing households’ climate adaptive capacity is dependent on factors such as improved access to financial resources, climate and production information, market accessibility, farm equipment, storage facilities and other institutional support. vegetable crop in Northern Ghana with more than 20,000 households involved in production. In mid September 2013, a 150 Kg sack full of cabbage Using a two-stage, percents for spring onions, lettuce and cabbage resp, -urban agricultural activities, continue to play a, ri-urban agricultural activities, and about 200 million are, due to its fast income deriving potentials, compared to a. come five times more than cereal farmers (Lumpkin, allow wells, mainstreams, and waste water drains usually, ghly concentrated at farm gates. Farmers were relatively young with an average age of 37 years which depicts a promising future for urban exotic vegetable production. Project proposal on fruit and vegetable production Ashebir Borena Wolaitta Development Association Wolaitta Soddo 2005, Wolaita, Woreda – Damot Woyde, Ethiopia. x���1 0ð4�f\�a_"`�'M�-�j�~��~�ǯ'� N�
638.39 and Tk.689.72 per 100 flowers, respectively. activities was GH¢ 36,612 with GH¢ 33,540 incurred as, 886 from its sales resulting in a marketing margin of, fit more than traders. The results indicate that in lettuce marketing, farmers bene, incurred more marketing costs in getting the products to th, wholesalers and retailers were estimated at GH¢ 3,630 (45%), GH¢ 3,072 (38%) and GH¢ 1,440, respectively. the vegetable production is for sale in markets, whilst the other half is for home consumption. Please view the pdf by using the Full Text (PDF) link under 'View' to the left. GH¢ 1,440 for the total commodity traded per year. Summary of spring onion marketing margin distribution amongst actors per year, . If not, itions and further empowered by the price collusion, ble marketing system have in recent times resulted in, present evidence of the overall status of performance, lated literature such as Drechsel and Keraita (2014), tting like Kumasi metropolis and not on leafy vegetables, e, found to play unique nutrient supplementation function for average, s second largest city and the capital of the Ashanti, in the marketing activities of vegetables in peri-urban, the marketing systems of the various actors, of the targeted actors was aimed at understanding the, = standard deviation, N = Frequency of respondent, s (37%) had only attained Junior High School level of, and GH¢ 670 respectively, with yearly per kilo. The sandiest soil produced a higher population of carrots and onions. The study was conducted on vegetable handling practices, distribution and Lack of mother stock and their high price, price of fertilizer and insecticides, lack of scientific knowledge & training, attack by pest & disease, lack of extension work came out as major financial and technical problems of the flower farmers while inadequate & underdeveloped transportation & communication system, low market price, lack of market information, unstructured market are among major market related problems. Retrieved from http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org, . 0000059981 00000 n
Farmers obtained the most ROIs of 28, 145, that farmers are more efficient in the investments in t. information on market prices of products. The sales price of an average sack of (2010). It was performed under the field conditions in 2008 and 2009. It is against this backdrop that, nd cabbage) in peri-urban Kumasi. The major vegetable crops such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, watermelons, strawberries, and cabbage are grown commonly on sandy soils. The impact of structural adjustment, continued rapid growth, and an increase in poverty make urban food insecurity in the 1990s primarily a problem of access by the urban poor. 0000008019 00000 n
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According to the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana has the potential to become Africa’s leader in tomato production, if we expand greenhouse farming. Study of specific systems enables clearer and more effective responses to be directly targeted for enhanced adaptation, but there is limited knowledge guiding specific subsector vulnerability assessments. Conclusion: The level of parasite contamination is high and consumption of raw vegetables procured from these markets carry a high risk of parasite infection. transportation at the wholesale centre. Moreover, it was found that for retailers, 147 bags of cabbages were marketed with an, incurred purchasing cost of GH¢ 14,589 per year. Cropping systems in Ghana are highly diverse and widespread (Srivastava et al., 2016) reflecting need for dynamic and context specific adaptations strategies applicable to the different cropping subsector systems and production areas especially horticultural production where studies are limited for improved implementation potential. They play a lead role in post-harvest activities such as shelling of grains, storage, processing and marketing. 0000100885 00000 n
Population, Growth Rate, and Maturity of Vegetable Crops in Relation to Soil Salinity and Texture Un... Yield and nutrient uptake of white cabbage affected by different intercrops. Invariably, (40%) and retailers (38%) had also only attained Junior, schooling on the average respectively. 902 0 obj <>
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Vegetables are packed and stored in jute of employment opportunities, which acts as a unique source of livelihood especially for the urb, contributing to the attainment of the first two priorities of the seventeen major sustainable development goals, (SDGs 1&2) of the United Nations – reduction of extreme poverty and hunger. Mathematically given as, dominated by females (83% of wholesalers and 100% of, dominated by women either due to cultural or t, that urban retail marketing and petty trade are sub-sectors which have long been dom. Accepted 8 February, 2008 The long-term objective of this project is to … Ortiz, N. C. M., Campbell, C., & Hyman, B. %%EOF
Vegetable Production Technologies and Organic Production Prakash S Naik Indian Institute of Vegetable Research Varanasi . Marketing margin analysis and returns on investments (ROIs) were used to assess the performance of actors’ investments. Abstract Some vegetable producers perceive their venture to be unprofitable owing to cheating at the farm gate. V, Laurence, 2001). Meanwhile, domestic market for vegetable production in Ghana has been growing at more than 10% in recent times, and the potential value for vegetable export is estimated at US$ 250 million with overall turnover of around US$ 800 million (NAB Council 2014). Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Profitability and constraints to urban exotic vegetable production systems in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana: a recipe for job creation, Assessing vulnerability of horticultural smallholders’ to climate variability in Ghana: applying the livelihood vulnerability approach, Adapting to changing climate through improving adaptive capacity at the local level – The case of smallholder horticultural producers in Ghana, Technical efficiency of vegetable farmers in Peri-Urban Ghana influence and effects of resource inequalities, Vegetable Handling, Distribution, and Wholesale Profitability in “Abinchi” Night Market, Kumasi-Ghana, Irrigated Urban Vegetable Production in Ghana: Characteristics, Benefits and Risks, Access to Land and Water for Urban Vegetable Farming in Accra, Structure, Conduct and Performance of Tomato, Profitability of Flower Production and Marketing System of Bangladesh, The Political Economy of Urban Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa. intermediaries like wholesalers, retailers, commission agents and brokers. (2013). Vegetable production and marketing play an important role in providing income and employment for a significant proportion of small holder farmers and traders in Ghana. years like an orchard thus, getting into vegetable production is a fast process and getting out may even be faster. 4. The lack of formal safety nets, and the shifting of responsibility for coping with food insecurity away from the state towards the individual and household level has tended to atomize and muffle any political response to this new urban food insecurity. Consequently, peri-urban vegetable production activities will in no doubt be observed to concurrently h, expansion of this sector in peri-urban areas is mainly, number of other agricultural products cultivated on annual or biennial bases. A. overall marketing margin for this quantity was estimated at GH¢ 1,336 per year. The markets are more likely to be urban centres. case of onion, tomato and papaya. �ߎ�|Y: �Rc���Q;��r�:��g;�4�o��|9v� ��K���u[� Y�i\���5��cR����ʡ�[�zv�a���Y����[G#��������8{��[|Y��ҵ�\D�x
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