way of life; whether you like it or not; without a doubt; waste of time-- Y -- you're welcome; you guys; you're the best; yay-- Z -- zoned out; zest for life; zig zag Honestly. Example 3: We are tickled pink! Happy as a clam: Our vacation was wonderful. i am happy to tell you that synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'happily',happen',hippy',happy-go-lucky', definition. “It’s a great day to make some more wonderful memories to add to your already blessed life! congratulations. I am delighted to inform you that I accept the offer with great enthusiasm. You always make me happy, so today I want to make you as happy as possible! Saying how happy you are. in seventh heaven. So it means, to be happy, okay or to feel pleasure because of a situation. We have put together 115 ways to say walk for you to use in your writing. And, the trait of being an expression makes it much easier to verbalize the thoughts or feelings. You’ve reached a goal (and you have more you want to accomplish). Anna Kendrick The word contented doesn’t have this meaning. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share … Over the moon: Our boss was over the moon all week after we won that contract. This is another formal phrase. I am very excited to begin working, learning more about the company and finding ways to contribute my skills to the team. 11 ways to say you agree with your client. As for the differences, cheerful, for example, can describe not only a happy and positive person but also a place or thing that is bright and pleasant, making you feel happy (e.g. The Lord is pleased with you. If you choose great verbs, you don’t have to use too many adverbs and adjectives to qualify them. jovial. Jane: 'Your guess is as good as mine'. Rebooting. One I like is actually an old George Carlin joke. We have a few more minutes, so I'd be happy to take some questions from the audience. The best part about happiness is that it can be expressed in countless ways. cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, lighthearted, pleased, contented, content, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous, beatific; thrilled, elated, exhilarated, ecstatic, blissful, euphoric, overjoyed, in good spirits, in a good mood, exultant, rapturous, in seventh heaven, on cloud nine, walking on air, jumping for joy, jubilant. This English lesson you will learn some different words that mean happy. This closing doesn’t insist on an answer, so use it only when you’d welcome a response but you don’t need one. Happy Birthday, Beautiful! congratulations liberal. Adele: Oh, no thank you, Jen! Sally is excited about a new job, Bill is thrilled to have won some ambiguous contest, Kevin was just accepted into a grad program and they are all happy to announce it. English books for SALE students learners and teachers, A to Z List of British words not used in the USA, Advantages and disadvantages of computers, Online English dictionary - English lesson, Learning basic grammar with exercises book 2. Every agreement you make is a concession to their point of view and, therefore, a smart way to get them to calm down. Jennifer: More potatoes? Here are just some of the ways to say happy: blessed - We are very very blessed - to have a safe place to live, so many people in the world don't have any place to live. The last part of the lesson is an A to Z of words that mean happy. It's why I'm profoundly jealous of their happiness. 1. You can use it in business and professional situations. If focusing … Greetings! If you’re really happy, chances are your feelings have been reinforced by obtaining goals you’ve set for yourself -- and you’re not stopping there. There’s no need to be disingenuous about this. If you feel less than happy with yourself, use these affirmations to boost your confidence and self-esteem. 9. Say the Right Thing: 8 Go-To Phrases to Raise Happy Kids These go-to phrases are pretty much all you need to keep in your pocket to have a happy, independent kid. There are many different ways to say " happy". “I just want to tell you that you make me happy and I think I can never thank you enough for it.” — Unknown. When I read some of these scripts I'm sent, and they describe the heroine as 'incredibly beautiful,' I wonder why they sent it to me. Like a dog with two tails. 3. Confirming details Sure, it’s nice to say something that tells your contact you’re happy to meet them, … Different words that mean happy. To help improve your writing skills it is important not to repeat words in your essays or stories. You can complete the list of synonyms of i am happy to tell you that given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. I am extremely passionate about the company’s mission/vision. On our Writers Write course, we encourage writers to use strong, precise verbs. “I’ll send you an update by [specific day or time].” If a customer sends Groove an email “checking in” … gōng xǐ – literal. I Love you! jocund (meaning lighthearted and cheerful). Just dive right in. I am absolutely on cloud nine, because I just found out I passed the TOEFL! There’s always something you can agree on. ocund (meaning lighthearted and cheerful). I wish you a happier birthday than anyone else has wished you! This one says “Hey, my inbox is always open!” It’s breezy and informal, and it works well for recipients you have an ongoing dialog with. Happy Friday.” 17. What a delicious meal! I am so glad you came into this world. Ex: Jill: 'How long should we bake this pie?' Say Thank You in English — Professional Situations. To be happy (pleased) with something, you would say, Estoy contento (a) con mi nuevo vestido, or “I am happy with my new dress.” Contentar is also a verb that means to please or satisfy. Spill your coffee? “I just want to tell you that you make me happy and I think I can never thank you enough for it.” — Unknown. An ultrasound just confirmed that we are expecting a baby in 7 months! I’m stuffed to the gills. Positive affirmations for self-esteem. He was like a dog with two tails. It can help you feel gratitude, share joy and kindness with others, and make other people smile and feel happy. Saying thank you has power. Use something like: "I'm excited about the position and look forward to speaking with you again." J. jocular. Instead of happy, you could say, I’m so pleased with my new look. To describe a state of feeling happy in the moment, you would use the term 高兴. You make my life special every day! I am happy and confident within myself. Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Have a lovely Friday, my dear friend.” 16. But now we have to focus and get to work. I am very excited to begin working, learning more about the company and finding ways to contribute my skills to the team. What are clever ways to say "I'm happy"? ... Now I am finishing a semester-long residency at the Collegeville Institute, ... 9 Keys To A Happy Retirement. 7. I am joyfully building a happy relationship. “You make me happy, you make me feel that I am perfectly fine the way I am, and I love it, truly.” — Unknown. happy; happy coincidence; hanging out; having second thoughts-- I -- in toto; in depth; in all; in entirety; in full; in conclusion; i love you; i look forward to; in a pinch; in order to; in other words; in addition; in my opinion; i believe; in a manner of speaking; in all seriousness; in every nook and cranny; in fact; in spite of-- … “You are very dear to me because you have made me smile countless times.” — Unknown. ... Answer. I am delighted to inform you that I accept the offer with great enthusiasm. What do you say in a Happy Birthday text? Your room looks so cheerful with this new wallpaper). I'd be happy to (do something). in a good mood. 3 Different ways to say "I am happy" in Arabic. I want you to know how ALL the different ways to say thank you in English so you can express your appreciation in any situation. May God give you a happy heart and his love all the time. Other Ways to Say HAPPY in English Synonym Words – Happy Cheerful Glad Joyful Over the moon Delighted Contented Thrilled Pleased Radiant Satisfied Beaming Blissful On the cloud nine In the good mood Jocular Elated Walking on air Jolly Jovial Ecstatic Amused Joyous Upbeat Merry Peaceful Jubilant Lively Overjoyed In seventh heaven On top of the world blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, cock-a-hoop, content, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, floating on air, glad, gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, merry, on cloud nine, pleased, rapt, sunny, thrilled, walking on air, advantageous, appropriate, apt, auspicious, befitting, convenient, enviable, favourable, felicitous, fortunate, lucky, opportune, promising, propitious, satisfactory, seasonable, successful, timely, well-timed, depressed, despondent, discontented, displeased, down in the dumps, forlorn, gloomy, joyless, low, melancholy, miserable, mournful, sad, sombre, sorrowful, sorry, unhappy, blithe, carefree, casual, devil-may-care, easy-going, heedless, improvident, insouciant, irresponsible, light-hearted, nonchalant, unconcerned, untroubled, careworn, cheerless, gloomy, melancholy, morose, sad, serious, unhappy, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. Tickled pink: My grandmother was tickled pink when we surprised her for her birthday. All rights reserved. You can be… – (absolutely) delighted – thrilled to bits – over the moon – really pleased – so happy “She was absolutely delighted with her present!” “Dave was thrilled to bits with his new computer.” “Jenny’s over the moon with her promotion.” Or you can say… – I couldn’t be happier. Sometimes they say, “I’m Re-fired!” (Or Retooling. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want onto a word document and then print onto some paper. I was as happy as a clam to just sit at the beach with a book and relax for several days. Now I am finishing a semester-long residency at the Collegeville Institute, ... 9 Keys To A Happy Retirement. Okay, I am happy with the way I look, but I have never, never, ever thought of myself as a 'pretty girl.' 4 Always happy to hear from you. May I offer you (something)? Happy Birthday to my friend, life wouldn’t be the same without! Confirming details jolly. go away idiot, fool ; leave me alone idiot, fool ; fuck, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. cheerful - You in a cheerful mood today. I deeply believe that I will attract my soul mate. and choose print. a satisfactory compromise between two opposed things ; a course of action or state, Ex: There were solid arguments for both sides and after hours of endless discussions, a happy medium that could satisfy each camp was still to be struck, Phrase used when someone has brought all the evidences, I can't understand it, I can't believe it, I can't accept it. I DO... : That's what people say at weddings. I'd be happy schedule a time to meet and talk with you about it. invigorated. “You make me happy, you make me feel that I am perfectly fine the way I am, and I love it, truly.” — Unknown. I am extremely passionate about the company’s mission/vision. in good spirits. Keep it positive, and give these variations a try: I agree with your concerns. 2 Say feliz to express contentment. This is a very formal way to make an offer. This is not to say that announcing life changes is inherently shallow or suspiciously motivated; at its best, social media is a way to keep up with friends. In Chinese, 恭 means "respectfully; … chirpy, over the moon, tickled pink, on a high, on top of the world, as happy as a clam. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. “You are very dear to me because you have made me … If you are writing an official business email or business letter, then it’s best to use professional, formal expressions to show your thanks or appreciation. I don't want it in any other language other than English. 10 images Understand i am happy to tell you that meaning and enrich your vocabulary delighted - We are delighted we are going to … Right click on a white space and choose print. It doesn’t matter. So instead of telling people, you’re happy, you can simply use the word, pleased. Or You don’t sweat the small stuff... Just miss the train? 3. Others are drawn to me because of my positive energy. A Better Way To Say 'I'm Retired' Next Avenue Contributor. 9. This phrase has been part of the British language for centuries, although its popularity grew over the last 30 years or so as it was adopted by English football managers and was heard a lot in their post-match interviews on TV … 7. 8. Example 4: The St. Louis Cardinals were on top of the world when they won the World Series in 2011. To be very pleased or delighted. Content, contented, pleased, glad, joyful, cheerful, blissful, exultant, ecstatic. Although it's just a preference, "I would be happy to" sounds a little passive to me. happy 1 blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, cheerful, cock-a-hoop, content, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, floating on air, glad, gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, merry, on cloud nine (informal) overjoyed, over the moon (informal) pleased, rapt, sunny, thrilled, walking on air (informal) Was he pleased? For example, you may be writing to thank someone … Example 5: I’m happy as a clam swinging in this hammock on the beach. I can’t wait to celebrate your Birthday with you! Search i am happy to tell you that and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. 6. 恭喜. joyful. Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson, If you are struggling with a lesson or an exercise post a question we will try and help you or post your answers and let others compare. Synonyms for very happy include ecstatic, elated, enraptured, euphoric, rapturous, entranced, joyful, joyous, rhapsodic and transported. To look and be very happy. 6. 3 Different ways to say "I am happy" in Arabic. “I am not sure why I feel compelled to say this, but you are a mighty woman of God. 8. 8. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want onto a word document and then print onto some paper. 高 (g āo) means high, while 兴 (xìng) has a variety of meanings depending on the … Researchers found that if a social contact is happy, it can increase the likelihood that you are happy by 15 percent. I showed my initiative when I became a group leader in class. I just want some cool, clever or funny phrases to say "I'm happy." It sounds really nice too. To print the lesson on learning the different ways to say that you are happy. Friend. ” 16 of God, joyful, joyous, rhapsodic and transported ( and you have made me countless. Easier to verbalize the thoughts or feelings details to describe a state of happy. S always something you can agree on doesn ’ t have to and... A time to meet and talk with you again.: Jill: 'How long should we bake this?... 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2020 ways to say i am happy