Chinchillas are nocturnal, rabbits and guinea pigs aren't. Do any of you have an idea of what he has? So it all depends on how commited you are. This cycle continues until the end of the mating season. But they can also use it when they feel threatened by predators, or by you. My chinchilla is laying down beside my laptop right now staring at me in a very relaxed sleepy way which makes me more happy then anything in the world. I advise and beg you to research a lot about the animal you are going to get as they do not deserve shitty living conditions and a sad life. YIKES!!). He really seems to hate the carrier, but he's tolerating it. She is basically saying gtfo, lol. Your chins may talk to each other, bark, run on their wheels or anything else to keep themselves entertained. Don't subscribe Is that weird? We've haven't heard of that problem before. Until he is large enough to NOT slip between the bars this is an ideal and cost effective solution. when I go in my sisters room and ignore him, its almost like he gets offended that i'm ignoring him and presses his face against the cage (to the point where he bent the bars so much that he can stick his nose through it) and he holds on to the bars and just sits with his face pressed against the cage until either i or my sister acknowledges him. This seems like a silly question but... Have you ever had a 'mute' chinchilla? Do chinchillas need to drink water—either from a bottle or a bowl? This means chinchillas are highly likely to reproduce each time they mate.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'lovemychinchilla_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',109,'0','0'])); Estrous begins and ends during mating season. That’s a pretty clear ‘no’ in anybody’s books! It is always useful to count 111 days after you have seen your Chinchillas mating, as this will be the date that is she due to litter. What should I do? My chinchilla made the defense sound several times last night. What would that mean? or is the little fur-baby just being a little weirdo. They're the best pets! They love jumping and chewing very much. they were three months when we got them. Most problems come about when you mix genders. I have 2 chinchillas for about 7 months and when I just got them, "they were babies" I use to put classic or very soft music to them to calm them down, that helped a lot! Chinchilla kits can be difficult to take care of, and if you make mistakes, they can pass away. I give her attention throughout the day and we have a lot of bonding time. In addition, chinchillas can raise and lower the tones of the calls they make. He does this only when he's sleeping, & when I say something like, "Ssshhhh, it's ok Sterling, Mama's right here," he stops. The female chinchilla has an estrous cycle of 38 days. So …, If you've run out of hay and pellets, and you need something to feed your chinchilla, you may want to …, Cuttlebones are common cage toys people give to their pets. PLEASE TRY TO RESCUE A CHIN OR KIT IN NEED OF A GOOD HOME FIRST. I too had to keep my chinchilla in my bedroom and needed sleep. This behavior is often referred to as the “swishy tail dance” and is used to get the attentions of the female. I just got my first chinchilla 3 weeks ago and he is 10 years old and he makes a noide like singen.mp3 sometimes during the middle of the night and when I sit up to look at him he is at the side of the cage looking at me. He's not really scared, because he returns to his spot up close, within 10 or so seconds. If their food dish is empty they let me know right away. I'm not an expert, but I have three Chinchillas. Is your chinchilla eating and drinking normal amounts? and he will even come and chill on your shoulder and bark at the guns on tv maybe =] There are many reasons why.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'lovemychinchilla_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',110,'0','0'])); The first is that wild chinchillas, and in fact all animals, tell when mating season begins by looking for environmental clues. Le chinchilla d’un de mes amis s’était même inventé son propre jeu de luge : il montait l’escalier avec une petite bassine, s’asseyait dedans, la poussait et dévalait avec ravissement les marches ! They live in colonies called "herds" at high elevations of up to 4,270 m (14,000 ft). Hello, thank you for all your advice! BESIDES, YOUR KIT IS LIKELY TO ONLY MAKE VERY LOW OR SOFT NOISES WHEN SLEEPING OR DURING AFFECTION UNLESS PROVOKED OR ANNOYED. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He makes, what you called the decoy sound, when i try to pet him or try to pick him up. What even are cuttlebones, and …, Everybody poops (including your chinchilla). All Every time he thinks were not looking he comes to the cage door then i try to put my hand to the cage and he just runs away? … He has already stopped trying to bite or nibble, but he still shies away when we try to touch him, we'll try it like you say, hopefully he will start trusting us. This typical warning call sounds like barking. Ours make such sounds sometimes when the TV is loud or when there's bad weather. Most likely he’s lonely and confused. Danielle Chasyah. If there is a bug in the room Clarity's cage is in she makes that noise. Pet chinchillas live in completely different conditions so can mate at any time of year. It is a little irritating because I cannot always tell what mood he is in. There are plenty of useful websites like LY chinchillas, you can check out online. i have a chinchilla and keeps barking (like a dog)in the middle of the night i don't know what it is doing and why? It was when I brought him home for first time. Then she answers through a loud rasping noise, that sounds like an angry grumble. Can chinchillas use hamster exercise wheels? She was alone in a cage when I got her and like I said, has a lot of attention and contact from me. I've read that exercise at night helps! There was more squealing from someone that night. This makes the days longer, the sun higher in the sky, and the temperature hotter. I only have 1 Chinchilla, and my Chinchilla does it to me :) Yours is probably trying to talk to you. Brands of hay: American pet diner, Oxbow, small pet select. If it doesn't happen again or regularly I wouldn't worry. I have divided the cage in 1/2 and tensions are easing. I sugest that you look them up and research more about their diets and needs and figure out for yourself what is best. We'll let you know about posts you might have missed, new quizzes or competitions we're running, and anything new and exciting we might be about to put out (like eBooks!) Sa taille se situe entre 25 et 30 cm, son poids est de 500 à 600 g, il possède une très bonne vue et une ouïe très fine. also, he keeps trying to get out of his cage. my friend had a bunny and it wasnt very active. Chinchillas breed early because they have a long gestation period. I hope that's at least a tiny bit helpful. I sometimes copy them and do them back to him and he does them again. I think Chinchillas are more crepuscular than nocturnal - but I agree, mine are in my room and they don't bother me at night (and I have a JUMPER!! Not even a soft grunt or anything. Thank you! But I figured before I continued this game I better be sure this is a happy sound and I'm not stressing them out. The gestation period is when the offspring are in the womb. I just got a chinchilla, he is 6 months old and I've had him for 3 days. The first time he made that nosie it scared me half to dealth! He is still a little skittish around me so I haven't tried to pick him up yet, but he's not interest in leaving his cage on his own. Occasionally, you can hear a chinchilla barking while it is sleeping. my chinchilla makes what sounds like a whimpering noise and im new with owning a chinchilla and i dont know what to do or what it means when he does that, can anyone give me some friendly and helpful advice? what is the problem with our chins? I know they like routine so everyday I’ve been doing the same routine as his previous owner. An if he gets up on two feet he might just be scared maybe that helps I’ve owned 4 chinchillas . Particularly the lower sounds at the end of the clip. AN OLDER CHIN MIGHT BE TRYING TO GET OUT FOR THE SAME REASON OR TO FIND SOMEWHERE SAFE TO HIDE. If an annoyed chinchilla becomes too pressed by the other one, it will react by strong defence-sounds or rage and anger. Which makes me think that he is hyper and wants to play. Also like human children, I agree with others that Chins definitely like a routine! That’s because it’s a good idea to have young at certain times, but not at others. It's very close to a ducks quacking and also the same sound the stuffed rabbit I bought when it is squezzed. When I would separate them in the middle of their fight they would make that sweet whimpering sound. NIKKI, As we're on the topic of noise, I was just wondering if they make alot of noise durig the night when we are asleep. mine sounds like a bird too. Rebecca, I've been bonding with one of my boyfriend's chinchillas, and over the weekend, for the first time, I felt the little guy vibrating under my hand/against my chest as I held and petted him. I appreciate your website and all your sounds and details, but your information seems biased, especially your sound description, which are simply logical guesses at your chinchilla's psyche. Yes mine does the same thing, she's a young 1 and a half year old. Because of a rich variation in melody and loudness, chinchillas thus have a distinct language. But they do have noises they make that specifically relate to being in heat/interested in reproducing, and certain behaviors you’ll notice when they are.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'lovemychinchilla_com-box-4','ezslot_3',105,'0','0'])); When a male or female is interested in mating, it will make a series of squeaks. Wild chinchillas can’t get pregnant any time they like. It sounds like you're just trying to be sweet to him and that's so great! They are making the connection sound with one another. There's no discharge of the eyes or nose either. Il est important de bien connaître son comportement pour nouer une relation équilibrée. In fact, they only have a few basic sounds. Megan, my chinchilla does that too i think sometimes they do that because they are scared or had a bad dream the best thing to do in that situation is to hold them and confort them hope i helped :). Last edited by Marios Alexandrou on December 4, 2020. Anyways they were kind of getting along tonight except my younger one keeps trying to establish his dominants but humping the other. Hi.. everytime she came close i repeated, in my loving my newborn baby high pitched-voice, "thats my roxie" or "roxie-rox". It is usually done when a chinchilla fears something and wishes to emit a warning to other chinchillas. Either I got used to the noise or they quietend down :) The only time they wake me now is if Pippin decides to see how many levels he can jump up in one go! She is not the friendliest and rarely likes being held, but she has definitely gotten used to me and my family. I have a chinchilla who does the warning bark quite a bit when I'm away. Mine are just as grumpy and stupid as me in the morning. Behav ., 1968,16,45-53 MATING BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHINCHILLA BY GIORGIO BIGNAMI* & FRANK A . When we acquire a couple of chinchillas or introduce several elements of different sexes in a colony, it is possible that mating situations will occur as well as the birth of new babies.. Do it in a soft loving tone (yes you will look funny and sound crazy an yeah it's perfectly normal). I live in a tropical climate and I have the A/C on all day long. I must mention that i have them for 3 days only. He has a big cage I only have 1 chinchilla I feed him correctly and give him dust baths and he has alot of chew toys. We took our store bought cage and applied chicken wire to the outside of the bars. They are very, very intelligent animals, which I'm sure you've seen yourself! A shy and nervous chinchilla also makes use of such urine spraying, if a human hand comes too close to it. I have one in my room right now, and she isnt making much sound at all im easy to wake up and she wasnt done that at all since ive gotten her. Is it a bad dream? Chins do die fast so watch carefully ask the (pet store/breeder) you got your chinchilla from they should tell you a good vet. Be sure to tuck your thumb or flatten it. Tonight he has been doing it for at least one time per hour and he's been waking me up! I’m pretty experienced with chinchillas and I know when they down like touch, but mushu often jumps into my arms at the worst moments! I have two males in separate cages now because they started fighting when I put them in the same cage and I panicked. if he was, another male could keep him company and so much joy but make sure he isn't one of those chins who can't stand others :) you can read how to introduce a chinchilla, just be carefull they can get violent, if they don't like other chins. PS Have you given him dust baths yet, that will make him very happy, Well chinchillas do have different personalities. I have them facing each other in hopes they'll get along well enough to mate at some point or to at least get along, but nothing for a year! My girl does this. She's my first chinnie. Espérance de vie : 10 à 12 ans. Chinchillas often make use of this sound when they are calm. I would also like to add that he has no cage mates. But anyway I get worried a lot cause of him making those noises is that normal??? After you've had yours for awhile, you may start to wonder if you've been training him, or if he's been training/manipulating you all along!! They're still very happy living together (two girls), but I had a question about a sound one of them (I assume) makes, usually at night. I have had my female Annabelle for about a week. (Of course, I'm not talking to him about cold-fusion ... don't think I'm crazy!!) I KNOW THAT THE OLDER ROXY GETS, THE EASIER IT IS FOR HER TO FOLLOW MY QUES. And if you take it again, it will come up with new questions each time! He is wicked cute and loveable. They're prey animals and pretty intelligent - they see being grabbed as losing control (not to mention being grabbed) and that will only stress them out more: Whatever was causing her to bark might be completely unrelated to the reason she bit. This is critical as they can die from heat stroke otherwise. My chin used to bark at night until we got her the light. But would either its raw form, or lavender essential oil, be …, Chinchillas love nuts and seeds, and they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Ce sont des animaux paisibles et peu agressifs. Take out books and google everything on them. Women have eggs in their ovaries that only become available for reproduction during the menstrual cycle. IT'S CRAZY. Try and see if he moves his tale from side to side to, then it can be because he want to mate a female. In January, the north pole points away from the sun. when she was eating the oats she hurt her paws on the side of the container. If this doesn't help, try changing to a different brand of dust. Need anymore help if I can answer I will do my best but remember I am no pro just an owner for a little over 6 months but I have looked up a few things :). THEY ARE NOCTURNAL SO WHILE YOUR ASLEEP THEY WILL BE RUNNING ON THE WHEEL, CHEWING ON TOYS, OR LITERALLY JUMPING ALL AROUND THE CAGE. I don’t know about chins at all I’ve read up something about them but if anyone could please help me out with what’s best for them and what’s not it would be highly appreciated. They can use their variety of calls to indicate many things, such as in mating, fighting, and alerting others about potential predators. 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