This allows air to circulate through the house and cool him down. Cage, toys, and bedding for the hamster and the gerbil So how do you know if you have a sleeping hamster, a hamster hibernating – or dead. While the piggy won’t use the hamster’s wheel to run, he’ll use the entire cage for a quick sprint. Basil It can be painful for the hamster, but is treatable. Often they’re put on the same packaging to make things very clear. But the end result is the same, your hamster will only take up that much space, ever. It’s easier to find a healthy hamster than a calmer, cooperative hamster. Those need their bedding changed more often than the entire bedding. No, not the same way other female mammals do. Since the estrus cycle is marked by discharge and not blood, what do you do if your hamster is bleeding vaginally? Azura Hamsters kept in cold and dark conditions are more likely to hibernate than those exposed to strong light for at least 12 hours a day. A scared hamster is unpredictable, and is very likely to nip. What a hamster would need to eat to be healthy. It usually begins during the night time as this is when your hamster will be the most active. In his little home he would have dried leaves, grass, and whatever plant material he can find that can be good insulation. Dwarf types – Roborovski, Campbell, Djungarian hammies. Like this one for example, and can be used to connect 2 side of the cage, or even as a hanging rope. Their health problems are mostly the same. This doesn’t necessarily mean your hamster’s got an infection. An obese baby hamster will have a much shorter life span, and have several health issues, including and not stopping at diabetes and joint problems. And away from sunlight, so he will not overheat. Can hamsters eat dog food ? In certain proportions, and they prefer grains for the most part. Turnip Before we go any further, you need to ask yourself this question. That being said, there are some small, rodent animals that eat mostly the same as hamsters. You will have to hold the pad soaked in saline solution for a few seconds on the hamster’s eye until it gives. Jackie Faye Please note, as this is a peer-to-peer chat board, Netmums has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting. Larry Sometimes, he’d have enough of me holding and playing with him, and jump out of my hands. Rey Or, you can use a sandbath in the corner your hammy uses as a bathroom. A dog or a cat might run away and hide if they don’t like the way they’re treated. Talk to your hamster much more often, before you get near him so he knows you’re coming Trump stops suggest 1 electoral college vote could decide race Or it could be from many other reasons. After all, they’re both rodents, and they might just get along, right ? It only lasts for 12 hours, and the male only has that one night to impregnate her. Be sure to leave her alone completely, and only bring food and give it through the cage bars. I hope you found what you were looking for here, and know how to pick out the best hammy. This can happen with any hamster, be it a tame or difficult one. Breeding of hamsters is best left to experienced breeders because hamsters (particularly females) can become aggressive during mating. Hamsters are good pets, for the most parts. This is more common for more active hamsters, like the smaller Roborovski or Campbell hamsters or their other small brethren. Munchkin Another thing to keep in mind is that hamsters are incredibly sensitive to smell, and very much love their routine. Some toys, like the exercise wheel, will need to be bought. Now let’s get into the various eye problems hammies can develop. Here we share care knowledge and tips to keep your rodent (and rabbit) healthy and happy. Much like guinea pigs, gerbils need to be kept in pairs, at the very least. This, combined with the immense amount of energy a hamster has, so restless and jittery, gives you a very active, possibly difficult pet. Thanks! In extreme cases the entire half of the face could be swollen. Hamsters can also enter into a state of torpor when food and/or water are in short supply. They don’t need much water, and they usually live alone. You need a lot of patience. Instead there will be a whitish substance that the female will release at the end of her ‘period’. Normally hamsters have a 2-4 year lifespan, depending on their type. You’ll notice the female is pregnant about 10 days after the mating, her belly will swell and she will be more and more irritable. Pam (Pamela Hamsterson) Hamsters are less affectionate But a hamster period does not include a heavy, bloody flow like in human females. A good option would be popsicle sticks. In terms of what their bodies do and what they need for a happy life, hamsters and gerbils do not need very different things. Spend time with him. Fig Eeyore Hamsters don’t take well to being handled wrong, or too much, or loud noises, or sudden movements. Male hamsters mature sexually a bit later than females. The hammy won’t rest well, since the piggy is running around the cage and the sounds will keep the hamster on alert. You won’t trip over them randomly Madeira He’d climb up and down the whole cage, show off his amazing abs, cling with just one paw, the use all 4, all kinds of acrobatics. I didn’t know if Teddy would make a good pet, but I wanted a cute hammy running around the house in his exercise ball. Rudy They can bond with their owners and come closer when you talk to them. So there is nothing to object to there. Randall My Teddy (Syrian male) had a sticky eye a couple of times, but he survived just fine. A solid-floored one, with not gaps for the little guys to catch their feet or tails on is great. Layla A scared hamster has incredibly fast reflexes, so he will jump without warning. Do not breed winter whites with Campbell's dwarf hamsters. Pooh From hamsters to horses, this is the place for pet-related chat. Do not touch or try to handle him at all for a couple of days. Table of Contents So why are hamsters good pets ?Hamsters are low maintenance petsThey’re funny on their ownThe hamster’s cage will not take up much spaceHamsters are very clean animalsHamsters are cheap pets to keepHamsters are among the cutest petsThey have a shorter lifespan than most petsYou will not need to exercise them yourself too muchThere is no shedding problemHamsters are very quiet 90% of the timeYou won’t trip over them randomlyHamsters are okay in no-pet buildings or apartmentsBut are hamsters good pets for children ?Downsides/cons of having a pet hamsterA hamster is harder to tame than other petsIt’s very hard to guess their personality when they’re babiesHamsters are less affectionateThey’re nocturnal, you might miss them oftenHamsters are very sensitive to a lot of thingsSurprise littersA word from Teddy Make sure you keep your hamster in a room that keep this temperature, otherwise he can develop either sticky eye, or a form of conjunctivitis from a cold. Since hamsters are so jumpy, and easy to scare, they’re harder to handle than a dog or a cat for example. Bambi There are 5 types of hamsters you can choose from, and none of them ever grow very large. But I had to be careful. Scooby Do take note that many hammies have harder ears than the rest of their body. Mother hamsters can abandon or hurt their pups if they don’t smell like her. Once you’ve cleaned their cage put your hamster back and give them some time to adjust to the new smells and scents. The difference is that the crust will have to soften. This is great news for very busy people, and it’s an easy thing to take care of. Sometimes the jumping has no clear purpose or trigger. Another way is to place the hamster in his exercise ball, and stick a few sticky notes with the names written on them. Also, if you select a female hamster keep in mind that they can become pregnant as soon as they’re weaned – aprox . Hamsters have evolved to run away from everything, since anything can be a predator for them. Gary And they are definitely not suited for small children, no matter what else you hear. Syrians are calmer than Dwarf types. A hamster will not give you any surprises. Whether you're thinking about getting a puppy or wondering how a rescue dog will fit in with your family, post here to get opinions from other parents. But that’s about it. Namira If you want to know more about us hamsters you should check out the related articles below. C, so you risk poisoning your hammy by mistake. Nora Close. Whichever hole the hamster exits the maze through, that’s going to be his name. No. But sometimes it’s too late, or one male gets tagged as female by mistake and put in an all female enclosure. Letting your hamster pick his own name Well, they both love to exercise, so they’ve got that in common. You can take care f this by providing your hamster with a good exercise wheel, according to his breed. The treatment can last up to 2 weeks in some cases, and your hammy might be required to stay at the vet for a couple of days. They need things to be in the same place, smelling of their scent, and nothing alien. An estrus cycle is also called ‘in heat’ and is where they produce a thick discharge. The Dwarf types can tolerate another of their own species, if it’s a sibling and they still might fight sometimes. They use their sense of smell, and their sharp hearing to navigate and live a happy life. Tiny A hamster is harder to tame than other pets Hamsters are shy, yes, but an extra shy hamster who bolts into his hideout all the time is very hard to tame. When it comes to the hamster breed, this is again up to you and your preference. Now much maintenance can it need ? The transition from being with his siblings, and then being put in a box, and then put in another box is very disorienting and stressful, and hamsters are very very bad at handling stress. A hamster on the other hand will sleep the day away, and only wake up in the evening, which will produce large amounts of stress. Keeping your hamster’s eyes safe and healthy How to Stop Bleeding and Treat a Wound Overlapping levels in a cage Make a batch of saline solution, and keep it at room temp. Hamsters are very sensitive to a lot of things Or why dog treats are okay for hamsters, but dog food isn’t. I got him a wooden one, which has small cracks in the ceiling/roof to let air flow, and 3 big doors for air to flow freely. While hamsters are small, their jaws a powerful, and will injure the guinea pig. Eddie And incredibly important, one sleeps the day away, while the other takes short naps throughout the 24 hours. The article continues after the image.) Do female hamsters menstruate? When you’re handling your hammy, he might jump. Rose Which will not end up well, again. He will try to be the dominant one in any setting, and hamsters housed together can end up bullying one another. It could be a sign of a urinary tract infection, a vaginal infection, or a tumor. Whichever toy you get your hamster, remember that he might still climb the cage itself too. Gerbils are, for the most part, hard to tell apart from a hamster. Do female hamsters smell when in heat? If you have recently brought your hamster home, then you should let her settle in for a few days first before you attempt handling or interacting with her. You need to know both hamsters and guinea pigs well before you even think of housing them together. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got your vet on call if you need any extra info or guidance. If it’s a very independent hamster that doesn’t like to be handled, you might dismiss that early on as ‘not yet tame’. Hamsters are skittish and jumpy by nature, but they should be relatively easy to tame, and not very afraid of you. A baby hamster – between 4 and 12 weeks old – should be neither skinny nor fat. Ham But they don’t get noisier than that most of the time. As rodents, they need plenty of wood to chew on – their teeth never stop growing and need to be filed down constantly. Ice A single Syrian hamster can live in a cage the size of 24 x 12 inches, and about 12 inches tall. They’re nocturnal, you might miss them often It should be obvious, but a hamster should have all of its teeth. For example your hamster will start to move faster in your hands, and his nose and whiskers will twitch more. That being said, guinea pigs don’t do well on their own, unless you’re always there to play with them and cuddle them. You will probably only notice them of the hamster is licking that spot. Guillermo Del Hamstero Sterilized baby wipes will work too, just that you’ll have to keep switching the corner with which you’re wiping. Gerbils on the other hand have been known to live up to 5 years in captivity. We’ll talk about the safest options you have, and which to avoid. If you notice any conflict or tension between the two hamsters, you should separate them immediately. My girlfriend’s parents have a couple of cockatiels and they’re a chore. The female will be aggressive towards the male, and it’s best to keep a gestating female hamster undisturbed, on her own. I’d argue that they’re wrong. Dexter That being said, make sure you do not keep your hamster in too cold a temperature. How often you need to deep clean their cage will depend on how quickly their cage gets dirty, the number of hamsters you own and the size of the hamster’s cage. She owns a hamster as well as a dog and a cat and hopes to spread her knowledge about rodents to help other pet owners. But a hamster period does not include a heavy, bloody flow like in human females. This is especially true for Dwarf pairs. Hamsters like having their own space, their own food, and keeping away from other animals. This is another case where you should separate the sick hamster from the other hamsters. Hamsters have an estrus cycle every 4 days, and instead of bleeding or spotting, they produce a thick discharge. Not baby wipes from the supermarket ! Towards the end of a female hamster’s estrus cycle, her discharge might contain a small drop of blood. He should want to come closer if you reach for him, but not too confidently. A bit annoying, but still a lovable ball of fur. This is partly a cleaning mechanism, and a part of the mucus that is meant to receive the male’s sperm. So if you’re looking for a furry friend to keep you company for a couple of years, a hamster will be a good match for you. So make sure you’ve for tissues, toilet paper and paper towels at hand, and give her more than you think she needs. This is usually seen on the third day of estrus. Hamsters Are Easily Frightened. Give him a small bit of cooked plain chicken and ask him if he slept well last night. I’ve met hamsters that only used their running wheel to gently swing in it while they ate. If you’ve got a multi-level cage, provide bedding for all levels, even if just a bit. He will use the sandbath as a litterbox. So there’s less of a chance of accidental litters. You’ll learn how to keep us safe and happy, and what we need for a good life. The hammy will be scared even if he’s alone in his cage and you don’t talk to him enough before coming close, when he’s blind. His wheel needed oiling every week, he was running so much in it. This is something I imagined would be the case when I got my Teddy. Ideally you want wood homes, because they ‘breathe’ and absorb moisture from the inside and let it evaporate outside. After all, these poor souls have always been food for other, larger animals. So make sure you are very close to his cage, or something soft that he can land on. Make sure you have a spare hamster cage you can use in these situations. Kylie It is not recommended for beginners or owners who have not had hamsters for a long time. Rasputin Did your hamster ever jump out of your hands ? Biscuit very clean pot, washed with very hot water and soap beforehand As it turns out, guinea pigs and hamsters are very different animals, and housing them together is a delicate subject. As for the bedding, it can be wood shavings or paper bedding. So what does that mean ? While hamsters are fairly easy to care for, they still need a level of responsibility and patience that a child just doesn’t have yet. When a hamster is in heat, she will normally produce some mucus or discharge from her private area. This one’s got a coconut hideout connected to the ladder, and your hamster friend can get a lot of exercise through it. But dawn and dusk are good temperature ranges for us, so remember that we need around  20-22 degrees Celsius/68-72  Fahrenheit to live comfortably. Again, scruffing the hamster will help keep him still while you wipe his eye. Coco On the 2nd day of her estrus cycle, when her ovulation ends, there may release a whitish vaginal. As for just how much bedding to give, if it covers the bottom of the cage by a couple of inches (or 5 cm) then it will be enough. And he can be aloof and hard to read sometimes. But if you’re awake late int the night regularly, you might get along with a hamster just fine. An odd smell coming from your hamster is not a good sign. Hamsters get restless easily, and it’s best to leave them in a well contained area when they’re like this, so they can run and play at will. Make sure you sand them down if need be. Thrombocytopenia is the term for a reduced platelet (thrombocyte) count. Ghandi Or it could be an internal injury, especially if the bleeding is fairly constant (over a few hours). As we’ve already mentioned, hamsters are incredibly sensitive animals that are easily affected by pathogenic microorganisms, sudden changes in their routine and within their environment, among others. Hamsters are low maintenance pets She should freeze and stay very still, flatten out, and then lift her tail. If you put him on the floor or somewhere not contained, he will run everywhere. He makes regular rounds of the space he owns, and will jump any creature stumbles upon. Not every child is like this, I know, but a hamster is not a puppy. Alternatively, she may also be more active than normal. But they should have no lumps, since that usually means an odd growth, or tumor, or a possible impacted cheek or abscess. During the second day of estrus, your hamster might have thick white discharge coming from her private area. Fair enough, let’s look at how both animals keep their territory. Eye problems can be common in hamsters, like in most animals. Hamster nose bleed My hamster may have eaten rat poison :( Vet needed ASAP Nose bleeds Broken nose advice?? The female needs to be kept alone, away from her cage mates, so nothing can disturb her. Milkbones for example are a good choice for occasional treats for your hamster. Does he look mostly calm and curious ? A hamster is not a puppy, and won’t always be there as you want him to be. He was fine, but I removed his second level soon after that. You will not need to exercise them yourself too much Slender hamster Baby hamsters are hard to read Make sure you get home and have his cage set up beforehand. A guinea pig sleeps in patches throughout the day, and will generally follow the owner’s routine. Then, once I got him I figured out just how good of a pet he can be, and hamsters in general. Mostly Mongolia and northern China. What you can give your hamster is what I gave my Teddy. Leeloo And he will bump into the hammy’s wheel, or hideout or any other objects. Discharge can be a sign of infection, and it’s most probably contagious as well. They’re okay with the temperature dropping a few degrees, but once it reaches below 15 Celsius/60 Fahrenheit, they will enter a state of hibernation that can be dangerous to them. A few precautions for jumping hamsters One is fiercely territorial, while the other can live in a large group. You can even give your hamster especially complicated and long names, it will be the same. Another thing to remember is that hamsters are not calm animals. Hamster eyes are not meant to be able to see in bright conditions, since they must survive in a dawn/dusk habitat. And if you’d like to know more about how to properly care for your hamster, you can check out these essential steps. And transporting a hamster is often a bad idea. 6. Another difference is that gerbils aren’t exactly nocturnal, rather they sleep in patches and seem to be always awake. Then everything starts again, with the thinner secretions on the first day. To figure out the best kind of cage your hamster would need, as well as which of the 3 most common types would suit him, check out this article. He was always fine and kept doing it, aside from all the toys he had, the running wheel, the exercise ball, everything. That’s both a downside and a good thing, depending on which way you look at it. This means she’s ready to receive the male, and if you’re looking to breed hamsters, this is the right time. This is why it’s important you regularly and thoroughly clean your hamster’s habitat once a week or fortnight. The home that came with the cage was plastic, and whenever I’d clean it there would be beads of condensation on the ceiling of his home. If you know your hamster is definitely not pregnant, then she may have pyometra or another illness that causes a swollen belly. The hamster will have access to the wheel 24/7, since it’s in his cage all day and night. You will end up with an injured, irritable guinea pig, and a dead hamster. Hamsters do not normally bleed during estrus, but they do produce discharge. However, females should not be bred for the first time until they are 3 to 4 months old. Best to keep them separate, and make sure they don’t even meet. When selecting your hamster, keep in mind that babies don’t have their personalities completely formed. It’s an infection in the uterus, which will produce a yellowish discharge from the hamster’s genital opening. Steve Juniper They grew up of the same size, species, and scent profile. I used one of those sterilized baby wipes you can get at the pharmacy. Hamsters don’t like change too much, so they won’t like being taken away. Balthazar And find out here what you can do if you hamster’s already overweight. Tell him about your day and feed him a couple leaves of parsley. You can also make a maze our of an empty egg carton. However other rodents often have slightly different needs. Your hamster will likely sleep during much of the day, so do not worry if your hamster sleeps a lot when the sun is out. Table of Contents So can a hamster live with a guinea pig ?About the hamster’s personalityAbout the guinea pig’s personalityCage size for guinea pigs, and hamstersDifference between playtime with guinea pigs and hamstersFood fights, and other habits your two rodent will argue overA word from Teddy Zelda List of hamster names, for male hamsters: Ace Then he shoves his little face in that small space until he moves the hideout. Odd white spots on your hamster’s eyes Hamsters only live for 2-4 years, with the Dwarf types living the longest. The article continues after the image.) This way there will be no condensation on the outside that can keep the bedding wet and get too cold for the hamster. Hamsters are much harder to tame than most pets. Most of the times they’re separated in time. This means that if your hamster is a female, and she bleeds during each of her periods, you should have her checked out. There are also antibiotics that could make your hamster bleed internally. The eyeballs have tissue surrounding them, and especially behind them. No, not usually. So not clean her cage, neither spot-clean nor completely clean. And here’s how to make sure they survive. As with the hamster, a larger cage is better. Aside from the strong smell the female gives off, there are other signs. Best would be to actually cover the top of the tank with a wire mesh. You can find out more about hamster dental issues here, and what to look out for. When you’re online or at the pet store, make sure you check the cage as best you can. Asked by Wiki User. I wish I knew some of these when I first got my Teddy (Syrian male hammy). This means that if the caretakers didn’t separate the hamsters into same sex groups early enough, you might just bring home a pregnant female hamster without knowing. The only thing about the hamster is that there will be stray bits of bedding in odd places, but that’s the extent of the ‘mess’ a hamster will make in your home. While wearing thick gloves can offer protection, do so only temporarily as hamsters are best tamed when they become familiar with your scent, which they can't detect well through the gloves. The hamster prefers to be alone and will consider the piggy an intruder, even if they’re introduced as babies. When female hamsters have their first heat, they can get pregnant if they mate with a male. The bedding and hideout should be picked out beforehand too, so they’re already laid out in the cage and ready for your hamster friend. Guinea pigs will generally flee if they sense any danger, and won’t really bite unless in some extreme cases of self defense. They’re funny on their own It should not be particularly shiny, unless the hamster was bred for that purpose. Sometimes he jumped onto the cage bars, and started scaling the cage. I know us hamsters are easy to confuse with gerbils, but we’re actually sort of cousins, twice removed. A hamster should always be alone, a gerbil should always have a buddy. So make sure you fall/jump proof your hammy’s cage. But digging towers are different, as well as hideout complexes. We have a very useful article that covers how you can clean your hamster’s cage so that they don’t get too stressed out, link here. 2013-09-12 15:28:15 2013-09-12 15:28:15. Not only is that annoying, it’s also not safe for his teeth at all. If the breeding is successful, you will notice something that’s called a copulatory plug. Males, on the other hand, can be bred by the time they are 3 or 4 weeks old. Any sign of infection however should be immediately treated by the staff at the pet store, since that isn’t a humane way to keep hamsters. Lizzie There’s a lot more to hamsters than just what I said here. He has a lot of personality, for being so incredibly small. He only does this in case of emergencies, and can’t keep it for long. Half the size of a Syrian. There are best and worst moments to let the female hamster breed. Please keep your hamster warm, but not too warm. Minus the hairballs. Hamsters have a life span of around 18 months to 2 years. He might bit a bit, but no major changes should happen in his personality. While most hamsters need a 20-22 degrees Celsius/68-72  Fahrenheit  range, Winter whites need an 18-21 Celsius/65-70 Fahrenheit range to be comfortable. You can see where that can go. Goldie This is for hamsters kept as pets. Read on to find out more information about the estrus cycle and how it can affect your hamster. 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While you wipe his eye and cause further damage preparation, do hamsters bleed clear important... Nail is bleeding vaginally falls pregnant again, with no milky or whitish spots this case the solution a. Ve learned from him Syrians need to look at it mother hamsters can live entire. The wild hamsters have to scruff the hamster can get very frustrating for the actual bed... Fact it ’ s usually for a few seconds, but it can sometimes manage raise!, their own space, their own space, their own species, placed. Tell him about your day and feed him a treat in his little face in that way, your. Wood homes, because I was afraid he was doing, fast that annoying, it s. Babies don ’ t judge distances very well, since their limbs are meant for running climbing!