Hey Sally. However, in October of 2006, the Food and Drug Association (FDA) began identifying coconut as a tree nut. I have been doing some research into restrictive diets and they can cause a lot of problems. Join our subscribers who get content directly to their inbox. If you have a nut allergy, you need to talk to your doctor about what foods to avoid. Welcome and hope to see you around again! The United States Food and Drug Administration consider coconuts to be a tree nut. Coconut is not a botanical nut; it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. So while individuals obviously have strong feelings about it, most people understand–don’t take someone else’s advice if you have a serious food allergy–always check things out. And it didn’t stop there. No-Bake Coconut Cookies Anyway, keep up the terrific work. Hi Susan! Your doing a great job & i look forward to your emails & recipe. Caps right back at you :)! , both internally and topically. They are ubiquitous in coastal tropical regions, and are a cultural ico… Thanks for the understanding. The ACAAI is an organization that deals only with allergies. Is Coconut Safe For People With Tree Nut Allergies?. For example-I have friends who are allergic to peanuts (member of the legume family) and also legumes, but can safely enjoy chick peas. If you are like us, and you LOVE coconut (which I am figuring you are since you are reading this post), here are some delish healthy coconut recipes to add to your recipe box. Thanks for reading. I would think it’s most likely that your daughter does have an allergy to coconut, however, sometimes people develop allergies to foods that they have had before. (source). One can hope! Just a quicky from Thailand to let you know i love your recipe’s & blog. As you pointed out, everyone is different. I moderate all comments for this reason. In fact, if you think about it, if coconuts are related to tree nuts and those allergic to tree nuts should avoid coconuts, then shouldn’t they avoid eating blackberries and raspberries too since those are also drupes? Welcome! Allergies are unique to the person who has them–one person with an allergy to this or that can eat it once or twice a year–another cannot even smell it cooking or be in the same room without having to visit the ER or use an epipen. No spam here (ick!). Thanks, Lillian. This suggested substitution incited the ire of a reader who accused me of putting my readers’ health in danger for making such a suggestion because, she said that COCONUT IS A NUT. A drupe is a fruit with a hard covering enclosing the seed. Thus, coconut can be both a fruit and a nut. But scientifically, tomatoes are a fruit. Dont let the nasty few get you down. While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut. Coco-Drama. I definitely wouldn’t have thick enough skin to be a food blogger. She has a background in research, journalism, insurance, employee benefits, financial markets, frugal living, and nutrition. However, in October 2006, the FDA began identifying coconut as a tree nut. Not everyone will react to every “type” of fruit or nut in that family. A coconut belongs to a family of fruits called drupes. However, in October of 2006, the Food and Drug Association (FDA) began identifying coconut as a tree nut, adding it to the list of tree nut allergens. Thank you so much, Maribeth! While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut. The question of whether a coconut is a nut or not might seem like an odd question for me to be tackling–I mean, it’s not the typical topic that I address such as is stevia safe?, fragrance dangers, does xylitol cause tumors?, trisodium phosphate in cereal, how to know if essential oils are really pure, what shampoo ingredients to avoid, and so on. Got a delicious recipe to share? Nope! I so appreciate your kind words! Coconut, the seed of a drupaceous fruit, has typically not been restricted in the diets of people with a tree nut allergy. The coconut has a thick fibrous husk surrounding a single-seeded nut. Bless you and thank you!! Coconuts ( Cocos nucifera) are tree nuts and may be a concern for people who have allergies to other nuts. Thanks for all you do, including researching this issue. Keep up the good work! Technically speaking, a nut is defined as a one-seeded fruit. Actually, more than 50% of peanut-allergic individuals can have a positive allergy test to another legume, but typically 95% of them can tolerate and eat those cross-reactive legumes. She is very rare. Think Food Doesn’t Affect Behavior? Food blogs are not subject to the FDA food labeling rules, and neither are cookbook authors, since recipes aren’t food labels. As I have said to others, the past few months have not been easy and well, I won’t go into all of it but your comment in an answer to prayers. I’m hopeful that I will recover from mine! The coconut nut is a giant nut If you eat too much, you'll get very fat Now, the coconut nut is a big, big nut But its delicious nut is not a nut [Outro] It's the coco fruit (it's the coco fruit) Maybe you can heal from them? There are lots of new and exciting coconut products popping up right now, including ready-to-drink coconut water as well as a variety of coconut milk-based yogurts and ice creams. Are you nuts for coconuts? Now, I don’t know about you, but I never thought that coconuts and olives had anything in common. With that loose definition, a coconut can also be a nut. Please check your email for further instructions. I’m working on a new protocol–starting soon. WWWNMD? Corylus spp. Recently, for example, I found out Starbucks sells a coffee product which has TOMATOES in it. If that’s the case, please don’t do that any more. There are some questions that have common sense answers we learn over time. In fact, reactions to chocolate are usually related to a shellfish allergy or cross contamination with nuts, dairy, soy, etc. You are appreciated! Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgoaceae) Hickory nut. Thanks for subscribing! It’s important to do your best to figure out what is going on. Perhaps the connection with both has something to do with my allergy starting later in life. Thanks. Thank you so much. Botanists think one thing (and they don’t always agree), allergists think another thing, cooks think another, and the FDA thinks something else. The angry reader made the argument that if people are already allergic to nuts, then they are more likely to be allergic to coconuts. The main reason I am asking “Are Coconuts Nuts?” is that my oldest has tree nut allergies, so it’s important for me to keep on top of food allergy information, but there’s another reason that spurred me on to research this issue now. I’m so sorry you had that problem. Thanks for subscribing! As I mentioned to the angry reader, the ACAAI (American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology) says: Coconut is not a botanical nut; it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. Does that mean that coconut allergies don’t exist? Healthy Living doesn’t have to be so hard! (Betulaceae) Ginko nut. Thank you for the research you do! Thank you, Lena. Learn More Here, This post may contain affiliate links from which I will earn a commission. And if you are so inclined to help a blogger out who regularly deals with these and much more intense (and sometimes downright evil and nasty comments), please FEEL FREE to head on over to my Homemade Protein Bars post and make the bars and tell me how great they are–and don’t forget the 5-star review on that recipe and on any others if you think the recipe deserves it. Your email address will not be published. Palmae)) Filbert/hazelnut. I agree that it’s best actually not to eliminate the other foods that might be related unless a doctor tells you to do so. If you are allergic to tree nuts, talk to your allergist before adding coconut to your diet. Sounds great that you are having progress. coconut as a tree nut for food labeling purposes, but technically it’s not. No-Bake Almond Joy Bars Some other common foods that are mistaken for nuts are nutmeg, butternut squash, and water chestnuts. You can see some of it on this post (the first comments that came through) but I deal with all kinds….people cursing at me and calling me horrid names, and more. Please note: these comments do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of Whole New Mom. Pumpkin Pecan Cookies {gluten-free & vegan–keto option}, Easy Healthy Pumpkin Custard – low carb, keto, dairy-free, AIP, the exocarp (typically smooth and greenish outer layer), the endocarp (hard, woody layer that surrounds the seed), VERY few people who are allergic to tree nuts are allergic to coconuts, Talk to your doctor and be your own advocate. Anyhow, drama aside–was she right? Many people are allergic to oranges, but all other forms of citrus are fine. Botanically, the coconut is classified as a fruit--more specifically, it is a drupe. Drupes are more commonly called stone fruits. It has typically not been restricted in the diets of people with tree nut allergy. A hard shell encloses the insignificant embryo with its abundant endosperm, composed of both ‘meat’ and liquid. Good question–and it turns out that the answer is pretty interesting! Coconuts, and all drupes, have three layers: So coconuts in stores obviously aren’t greenish so what you are buying is the endocarp with the exocarp and the mesocarp removed. This act does require coconut to be listed specifically. Coconuts are large seeds adapted for water-born dispersal and remain viable … I just searched for that and didn’t find it and even called Starbucks to ask them if they had any tomato ingredients in any of their coffees. A drupe is a stone fruit with a hard covering enclosing the seed (similar to a peach or olive). My eyes are literally welling up with tears. Easy Homemade Coconut Milk Ultimately, allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, but most patients with a tree nut allergy are able to tolerate it. Our oldest was born with life-threatening food allergies and eczema, and due to that, as well as his autism and other health issues in our family including candida, I was eating and developing special diet-friendly recipes. ( no sugar, no soy, etc) I pick and choose as any one should for my own families needs. For example, years ago, it was common to recommend that people allergic to peanuts should avoid legumes since peanuts are a legume and not a nut. Got that :)? When a patient comes in and I am able to diagnose them with food allergies/sensitivities, your blog is the one to which they are sent. Struggling to Eat Healthy?Get My FREE EASIER Healthy Eating Tips! This is a solid oil at room temperature, so I just scoop some out of the jar and let the heat of the popper melt the oil before adding the popcorn. I looked at many and contacted our allergist’s office (a very well-respected office with lots of expertise in food allergies) and was told that indeed they do not consider coconut to be a nut when it comes to food allergies. Are you allergic to all nuts? Coconuts might be the tropical rage in the health community, but it’s a major source of confusion in the allergic community. But because nuts are defined as a “one-seeded fruit,” the coconut fits both descriptions. But a coconut is not a true tree nut and doesn’t contain nut proteins. The federal Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) requires that all packaged food products sold in the U.S. that contain tree nuts as an ingredient must list it on the label. Oh wow…..thank you! I haven’t had her tested for coconut but that experience validated it enough (there were no other ingredients in the muffin she hadn’t had before). I just started looking into that but perhaps you know the answer? In the post, I mentioned that if one wanted to make the recipe nut-free, one could substitute in either seeds or coconut for the nuts. My daughter has tested positive to an allergy to pine nuts and coconut, as well as a couple of other things. But I love coconut and can use it however Iike. Oh to clarify for other readers, the above commenter left his / her name as a company name which was an Essential Oils site, which is what tipped me off that this wasn’t an accurate comment. Most … Now, since our oldest has so many life-threatening food allergies, I know what it’s like to avoid certain foods. Your email address will not be published. Hi Laurie – thanks for the kind words! Glad she doesn’t react to it either!! Even coconut M&Ms have debuted. I am a fan. This was almost nothing (with the exception of threatening to report me…not sure to where, but still). Until I had a food allergy/sensitivity test, I had no idea I had a coconut allergy, so I agree that anyone who is having unexplained symptoms, like headaches, malaise/lethargy, intestinal upset, rashes, hives, etc. Hope to see you around again! I am so very happy that you do what you do so that others, like me, can enjoy eating again. After spending literally hours researching “Is Coconut a Nut,” I have come to the conclusion that different groups of people have different thoughts on this. Coconut is considered a drupe, or a fruit with a hard covering over the seed. Thank you for your insightful blogs, and all the research you do and sharing!! Most people who have tree nut … But the coconut is a member of the palm family and only distantly related to tree nuts. Thank you SO MUCH! The United States Food and Drug Administration consider coconuts to be a tree nut. While the ins and outs of coconut classifications may put us non-botanists in a daze, it’s a crucial decision for anyone with a tree nut allergy. So why are coconuts on the FDA’s tree-nut allergen list? I so wish you well on your battle! Seeking a better life for herself and her family, she uses research and consults with many physicians and other practitioners to find solutions to the variety of issues they have dealt with including life-threatening food allergies and thyroid and adrenal concerns. The term drupe comes from the word drupa meaning overripe olive. An unfair review of my Homemade Protein Bars recipe. If you are allergic to tree nuts, talk to your allergist before adding coconut to your diet. Well, we know the FDA is nuts, and so was that nasty lady! I have multiple food sensitivities (even to coconut and stevia-boo), and when I found your blog, almost leapt for joy. Thank you so much :). Hi! I enjoy your posts and recipes. Thank you SO much for your kind words! Why don’t you just start a blog and put the recipes there? About a month ago, I received a comment on my Homemade Protein Bars post. You basically save me time in that I feel like I can truly trust the work you have put into researching a topic, looking into multiple sides of the issue, asking relevant questions and finding those answers. Sadly, it’s been much much worse than this. Thank you for all you do!! And, by all rights, a food that grows on trees and contains the word “nut” as its third syllable feels appropriately named. Even though it has "nut" in it's English name, it's a drupe (aka stone fruit) [1]. LOL (What Would Whole New Mom Do). I gave her solid scientific info defending my decision, but she went on, continuing to attack me and even threatening to report me (to whom—the recipe rating police?). ), how to know if essential oils are really pure. If you have a tree nut allergy, you should discuss adding coconut to your diet with us first. Carya spp. If your comment was sincere, please do tell me which coffee drink has tomatoes in it so that I can call Starbucks and correct them. A nut can be defined as a one seeded fruit. Our former neighbor (diagonal) developed a shellfish allergy suddenly in her adult years and I developed allergies later in life. Posts are reviewed and verified by the Whole New Mom team. THANK YOU!! I read on – shaking my head and rolling my eyes along the way. The most common-sense explanation is that the FDA’s tree-nut allergen classification is a culinary one, a broad grouping of nuts and nut-like foods. Check your inbox for your guide! I had no clue how to do that, but I figured it out–and the rest is history. You can unsubscribe anytime (no hard feelings! Dear Adrienne, I just want you to know I LOVE your blog (sorry for the caps, they are for positive emphasis). How Do I Use My Inhaler / Spacer Correctly. I actually am one of the apparently few people who does have a food allergy (not a food sensitivity) to coconuts, but I do not have allergies to tree nuts (mild sensitivity to Hazelnuts), or thankfully to other foods classified as drupes. Caramelized Coconut Chips So the question is, does one w/ an allergy to tomatoes have an allergy to lycopene? I usually have the reverse issue of trying to find out how to substitute for coconut in recipes, as well as having to check food labels (especially granola, andprotein/granola bars), Usually I make things from scratch to avoid any issues. I’ve learned quite a bit from your blogs, and am able to answer questions when posed to me Keep up the good work Adrienne. Coconut allergies are uncommon. By loose definitions the coconut can be considered a fruit, nut, and seed. Thanks for your kind comment. It should be noted that peanuts are actually not a nut…they are a legume. by Adrienne 34 Comments Published March 20, 2018 Updated: Mar 20, 2020. PS – non coconut and stevia recipe coming soon :). So with that loose definition, a coconut can also be classified as a nut. So I lovingly made her coconut flour muffins made with coconut oil and she got an immediate rash all around her mouth. Thanks for the “interesting” comment. However, for cooking, tomatoes are considered to be vegetables. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils and it makes the best popcorn. My blog is not the place to do your company / website marketing. Even the Library of Congress tackled this hot topic and concluded that the coconut can be classified as a nut, a fruit or a seed according to their loose definitions. The term coconut can refer to the entire coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit. Coconut is considered a drupe, or a fruit with a hard covering over the seed. Coconuts are a delicious, versatile fruit enjoyed all over the world. If you are allergic to nuts, should you avoid eating coconuts? Feel free to email me at adrienne {at} wholenewmom {dot} com. Thank you for sharing the results of your research. Get this–the coconut is a fibrous, one-seeded drupe, which is also known as a dry drupe. I hope this has been helpful for you. So basically, anyone telling people who are allergic to peanuts that they need to avoid all legumes would have been limiting people’s diets unnecessarily. Or am I making a faulty assumption? This act does require coconut to be listed specifically. Thanks again!! According to botanists, a nut is a kind of fruit, consisting of a shell and seed. Botanically speaking, the coconut is a drupe (fruit), not a nut. https://www.nbcnews.com/businessmain/starbucks-drops-red-dye-made-crushed-bugs-724262. When asked by a mother of a peanut and tree nut allergic boy if coconut is a tree nut, this was his response; “Coconut is a member of the palm family, which is not related to nuts or peanuts. As I suspected, they said that they do not. I never knew coconut allergies were even possible!! It can be tough sometimes…..thanks for being an encouragement :). According to the FDA, coconut is a tree nut. Peanuts are for sure one of the most common allergens. While allergic reactions to coconut have been documented, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut. The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the palm tree family (Arecaceae) and the only living species of the genus Cocos. SO… I am the one-in-a-million that is indeed allergic to tree nuts AND coconut. I read your blog and news letters regularly and rarely comment–with this topic and the ire it raised, I wanted to let you know there are lot of very happy, but very silent, readers “out” in cyber world who appreciate you and your blogging efforts. I have been blown away by the ridiculous comments posted on food blogs (in response to banana ice cream – literally, frozen bananas are the ONLY ingredient – someone said they were allergic to bananas and asked if there were any subs). . (source) In fact, coconut allergies in general are extremely rare. I’ve been following you for about 4 years. It’s hard and though we can eat many nuts, I’m always trying to think about options for others. Food for thought (pun intended ?) It is one of the most important crops in the tropics. Point is, it’s definitely complicated, but possible. Nutmeg is not a nut either, it is a seed. Even though coconut has a hard shell and a seed, still, coconut cannot be considered as a real nut. I really can’t say enough how much comments like this have encouraged me this week. I would definitely advice anyone who has a nut allergy and is concerned about avoiding coconut to get tested for it and find out how their body responds so they can feel more confident either way. If you are allergic to tree nuts, talk to your allergist before adding coconut to your diet. Betcha didn’t think you’d be learning about exocarps and mesocarps on Whole New Mom today…..you’re welcome. All products linked here have been independently selected by our editors. I have a doctor that’s great and works via internet. Is Coconut a Nut? Egg-free Vegan Macaroons Cherry tomatoes don’t go in a fruit salad, right? Some doctors can do a food challenge in the office so you can try to see what is going on w/ medical supervision. It’s been a not so great couple of weeks (or more) here so your encouraging words mean the world to me! Is the coconut a nut, a seed or a fruit? (source). Botanically the coconut fruit is a drupe, not a true nut. You just can’t fix stupid. I have a sensitivity to cow’s milk and whey, but not to butter or hard cheeses. The name comes from the old Portuguese and Spanish word coco, meaning 'head' or 'skull' after the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features. After reading your blog, I probably should report this to her allergist… maybe there are others in similar situations and we don’t report it and just learn to live with it since we already have injection medicine. The situation here is that frankly, all of these things are related and it’s TOTALLY CONFUSING about what is what and what one should be concerned about. The beans grow in pods, and much like coconut, in different circles it is considered a tree nut, a seed, or a fruit. I do appreciate the kind words, however! Coconut, the seed of a drupaceous fruit, has typically not been restricted in the diets of people with tree nut allergy. It is rare–but it is possible. Thanks for the recipes, Whole New Mom. Tomatoes in coffee? My son did as well. Thank you so much! I’m so sorry about your coconut and stevia problem. One of the most common questions we are asked by patients with tree nut allergy is whether coconut is a fruit or a nut. Best wishes! Check your email for your Guide! Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae (alt. Contact me if you’re interested. While I cannot make exactly some of your recipes, I can usually adapt them for my uniqueness. Interestingly, blackberries and raspberries are drupes comprised of aggregates of drupelets. Read the full list here. So let’s keep in touch. Coconut is not a nut; it’s a part of the palm tree family, but according to recent studies performed by the FDA, people with tree nut allergies may have an allergic reaction to products that contain coconuts. The factor that discriminates … In more general terms, however, a coconut can be a fruit, a seed, and a nut (a nut is technically a type of fruit). …Unless you’re a botanist. Coconut is not a botanical nut; it is classified as a fruit, even though the Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut. The ACAAI is an organization that deals … Since coconut and coconut butter can be good substitutes for nuts and nut butter, I was trying to make the recipe helpful for those who either have allergies to nuts or are on the AIP (autoimmune paleo) diet. Even though coconut isn't a nut, some people who are allergic to tree nuts (like almonds, cashews, and walnuts) are also allergic to coconut. I started my blog to share recipes. Adrienne Urban is the Founder and Owner of Whole New Mom. What is really important is to look at cross reaction of foods, instead of definitions, and that you should just be as aware as possible about food allergies. Apparently there is quite the controversy surrounding the coconut. Other stone fruits include peaches and nectarines; blackberries and raspberries are drupes comprised of aggregates of drupelets. Thanks again. One cannot ever assume that a particular food allergy or sensitivity excludes all other foods of the same classification. (Juglandaceae) Lichee nut. I’m not perfect, and believe me, I’m struggling under the weight of researching more things and having a hard time with it, but I’m doing my best! The FDA has loads of functions, but regarding categorization of foods, their claim about coconut being a nut is about the labeling of packaged food. More and more people started asking for copies of them and so one day my husband said. You are so welcome! And FYI my daughter is allergic to coconuts, coconut oils,palmitate etc. But others are not. Now, I assure you, I never make coffee with tomatoes in at home, and I don’t frequent Starbucks, but THANKFULLY I didn’t order it either–because I’m allergic to tomatoes and that would do me in–where I wasn’t expecting it (tomatoes in coffee?!?!??!?!?!?!!) I always thought coconut was a nut just because the word 'nut' was part of the word. I’m so sorry–how terrible! Some scientists call a coconut a seed, as a baby plant (and its food source) is within and sprouts through one of the eyes or holes of the coconut to form a new tree. I truly believe it will help people (especially those who are older) understand better how to deal with the overwhelming diagnosis of food issues, and of course to help them with recipes. And stevia-boo ), not as a tree of the healthiest oils and it makes the best popcorn think options. Possible! do I use your site for some recipes in my battle on cancer oil... Fibrous, one-seeded drupe, or the fruit composed of both ‘ meat ’ and liquid the term can! Make exactly some of your recipes, I do safely enjoy raspberries blackberries... Endosperm, composed of both ‘ meat ’ and liquid question about what foods to avoid have encouraged this! Are reviewed and verified by the Whole New Mom do ) being an encouragement: ) fleshy part surrounds pit... 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