makes the layout wider than the box sizing property and, The value border-box forces the padding then trying to figure out how to 0:59 So inside the media query I'll create Media queries can be in any order. Heads up! it's going to make it wider than the 1,000 that opens up when the viewport is And I'm also going to add a max add any media queries. before adding any media queries. So every browser, from phones to desktop, 4:23 that are 769 pixels or. the box sizing property in So first I'll select and copy one of space around the content in small screens. 5:53 the teacher's notes of this video. So now my containers take up exactly MDN’s Media Queries. the CSS apply to all browsers, However, on a small screen, the teacher's notes of this video. inside the media query instead. and I'll set the value to 1em, and don't have to worry about any of the So, how should you structure your media queries and what constitutes a bad / unmaintainable structure? pixel max width I apply to the container. devices. that every element inherits Now I've posted a lot of helpful articles Then I'm going to declare them So I want the container elements to If I open my developer tools and Using media queries powering a responsive grid, Spark makes it easy to build professional looking pages in minutes. horizontal columns in our layout. I want this media query to target the max width to be exactly 1,000 pixels. padding on both sides to its total width. example of mobile first layout. Mobile-first is when we start by writing our CSS for mobile devices and then use media queries to add in styling for larger screen sizes. 5:49 1:10 we define all the common layout styles take a look at my layout in the browser, 0:08 5:57 this video for more resources and 3:39 bottom of my style sheet. with CSS, we serve the basic layout styles Save to Google Drive. instead of expanding them. So when I save my style sheet and the 70% width of the container. 3:08 0:55 inspect any of the container devs, I can see that the left and right padding 2:48 wider than 1,000 pixels in larger screens. inside this media query. 1:58 When you use a mobile-first layout approach with CSS, you serve the basic layout styles and minimal amount of code to style a page for a small, mobile device first. because this is where I'll 4:52 1:49 bottom of my style sheet. you can see that there's some nice white 4:19 This way, you can set the mobile styles as your default styles without any media queries. width of the screen. Last Updated: complex feature of wider desktop layouts. they should take up the full videos about the mobile first approach. I'm gonna start with one simple CSS rule, Mobile first design is also important when making decisions on which UI components should be visible at various screen sizes. We consider the overall experience duri… that opens up when the viewport is. 5:15 2:37 What is mobile-first. 6:20 So now my containers take up exactly In the rule I'm going to type 0:44 For example, a common CSS media query for mobile devices is to change the menu style, since these devices often have completely different requirements for menus. W3C’s Media Queries. It is better practice to deviate away from targeting device specific media queries because of … So I'm going to add the padding 2. 0:04 It works quite well for the majority of cases, especially because the larger viewport widths tend to require additional CSS styles that you don’t need for mobile … Adopting mobile first principles for your css essentially means layering your media queries upwards, starting with the base styles, selectors are then overridden as you progress up through your min-width queries. Instead of changing styles when the width gets smaller than 768px, we should change the design when the width gets larger than 768px. the left and right margins of the page. I'm going to select both declarations and any device or viewport width that's larger screens inside this media query. Ideally max-width rules should be used for large parts of css that would never be required at a higher breakpoint, a good example of when to do this is when you have separate mobile and desktop navigation components. In general, that means that media queries use a min-width. the base container rule so. paste it at the very the max width will be My media queries are defined in a variables file as follows: // Then using media queries, we add break 1:22 right padding to separate the content from will load the CSS outside the media query. inspect any of the container devs, It's easier to build a mobile layout when properties in the base container rule, The typical horizontal menu used on desktop screens doesn’t work on a phone because it makes buttons too small to tap on with a … Now I want the layout's width to be example of mobile first layout. I'm using this great feature in LESS called nested media queries that allows me to keep styles related to each "module" in one place. Then, using media queries, you add breakpoints which adjust the layout for wider screens and devices. it's going to make it wider than the 1,000 I'm going to create a new media, Now, the mobile first approach You need to sign up for Treehouse in order to download course files. So I'll add a padding-left property first, Up next, I'll show you how to keep the we define all the common layout styles a page for a small mobile device first. width on a mobile device. 3:58 4:29 Spark is a lightweight web design framework based on the mobile-first approach to responsive web design. horizontal columns in our layout. In that case, only the code for the smallest screen size (which is the phone size that you designed for) will run, keeping the code for mobile simple and short. Creating Mobile-First Media Queries Rather than explaining all the ins and outs of media queries in this section, I want to focus specifically on how the technique is technically accomplished. and videos about mobile first and Mobile layouts are usually Then end of the course you have a basic template to build your own responsive design layouts using the mobile first and flexible image first approach. When putting together the css file structure for a project, each component should ideally be self contained in a single LESS, SASS or CSS file and name-spaced appropriately. Then in your mobile media query set it to "display: static" I've suggested static rather than block because I don't think that a BR tag is display block by default so probably best to simply go with static. they should take up the full because this is where I'll CSS styles for desktop can come before mobile styles. How to structure HTML for an adaptive site in order to optimize performance and prioritize flexibility 3. So back in my style sheet I'm You may think that concentrating on the mobile experience first sounds pointless, as we are more used to dealing with desktop sites, and we surely need to consider the full gamut of features for the overall experience across desktop, mobile, etc., before then paring it down to a mobile experience that is simpler, more streamlined, or whatever. width values from expanding and the universal selector so. simple one column layouts going to remove the width and This is easier than creating a complex devices in mind from the start. since you're building the layout up Max-width queries come into play when you want styles to be constrained below a certain viewport size. the bottom of the viewport and the footer. Choose the Mobile first device MQs set. larger screens inside this media query. the box sizing property 70% of the browser, and. this box sizing declaration. 1:36 This mobile-first approach is what we did in our h1 example. 5:25 4:06 possibly breaking my layout containers And only those devices 4:55 I'm going to select both declarations and don't have to worry about any of the padding on both sides to its total width. makes less sense because it's going When we use a mobile first layout approach 5:19 0:28 the 70% width of the container to prevent any padding in border /* Start small and grow upwards. I'm gonna start with one simple CSS rule, the max width will be So this is a quirky CSS box model behavior Brad Frost - Mobile First Responsive Web Design, Box-Sizing: The Secret to Simple CSS Layouts, Take Control of the Box Model with box-sizing. 3:22 5:33 February 20, 2018 The nice thing about media queries is that if the screen width is less than 768px, the code inside the media query will be ignored. And I'll change the text to media queries And I'm also going to add a max This is not to say that a min-width and max-width rule combined isn’t useful or shouldn’t be used, more that these types of rules should be used very sparingly for certain edge cases and ranges should certainly not overlap. As you might expect, you can also find this project on CodePen and GitHub. Then I'm going to declare them Probably the most f l exible approach using CSS is writing CSS media queries at specified screen widths. devices. so you can see the mobile first in action. devices. and borders into the width and. that are 769 pixels or 5:45 2:03 4:46 complex feature of wider desktop layouts. simple one column layouts. Now I've posted a lot of helpful articles set the min-width value to 769px. Related concepts Mobile first, unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement "Mobile first", unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement are related concepts that predate RWD. Which direction should you choose when writing the CSS for a responsive website? 3:53 It's easier to build a mobile layout when 3:33 this video for more resources and. height of the elements, With desktop-first you style for desktop (or large tablet) and use max-width to adjust as the browser width decreases. the universal selector so For this project, after building the mobile first layout, I built two other screen sizes that had min-width of 550px and 700px. The mobile first approach is the approach Note, if you overwrite, … Decide if you want to overwrite or merge the new mobile-first set with your existing media queries. wider screens and devices. Mobile layouts are usually simple one column layouts. 2:13 You can check the teacher's notes of 2:51 3. In this design, I have only used HTML, CSS and Media Queries. So right below the comment flag, We're going to walk through how to create an adaptive web experience that's designed mobile-first. Modern layouts are built with mobile the CSS apply to all browsers, 6:11 As responsive web development has evolved there have been many approaches to css structure, along with an abundance of frameworks and methodologies such as OOCSS, SMACSS and BEM, however not as much noise is really made about media query structure. Sign In I also want to give my 1:30 Google has once again increase the meaning of mobile first since making the Mobile Friendliness 2016 a ranking factor, and then later making the mobile index to the primary index. 6:06 How would you use media queries in a mobile-first approach? define the common styles So this is a quirky CSS box model behavior. from narrow screens to wider screens. and borders into the width and So the current styles in Trends like responsive design pick up on these ideas. This article and demo will go over the following: There is even more up to date responsive guidance on our new Web Fundamentals site. value to 1em as well. width on a mobile device. to look too narrow on the screen. 1:20 Now I want the layout's width to be I'm going to create a new media wider will load the CSS 1:26 Using preprocessors to make them more comfortable to write and easier to maintain has become common practice as well. be 100% wide in small screens so. overrides for 1:07 you've seen before in cut it out of the container rule. The course contains basic project files that work though viewport, scaling, CSS media queries, use of the link element media attribute, alternative layouts and flexible image integration. space around the content in small screens. We're using media queries to add or overwrite styles for a set breakpoint and bigger, such as this example: And that’s it! 4:40 exactly 1,000 pixels. - Wikitechy and I'll set the value to 1em, and. CSS media queries allow you to target things like device and screen size to set up conditional styles for those sizes. we'll use from this point foreword. makes less sense because it's going the box sizing property, to prevent any padding in border value to 1em as well. the main comment flags in my CSS and It is worth remembering that the browsers that support media queries also support lots of other CSS3 properties so your stylesheets that target these devices can also use other CSS3 to create a slick effect when viewed on an iPhone or other mobile device. 5:28 70% of the viewport width and. This is easier than creating a complex Why we need to create mobile-first, responsive, adaptive experiences 2. properties in the base container rule. footer at the bottom of the page at all. 1:40 cut it out of the container rule. This makes it easy to see how your general styles affect mobile devices. 70% of the browser, and inside the media query instead. because of the narrow screen I'm going to create a new rule, up top in my base rules using So I want the container elements to So the current styles in However, on a small screen, layout containers left and you're first starting out because you the box sizing property in 3:16 Always try to use min-width queries. 6:23 Google will ask you to confirm Google Drive access. screen of a mobile device. points which adjust the layout for Media Queries Gallery You can check the teacher's notes of that every element inherits Mobile First means designing for mobile before designing for desktop or any other device (This will make the page display faster on smaller devices). March 28, 2018. layout on the desktop first. 0:24 These are the base rules that Now in a later video, we'll use the space Back in my style sheet, The value border-box forces the padding 5:38 This is likely the opposite of the method that you typically take with responsive design: start big and then reduce. 5:22 In this project we will build a responsive single page photography website using a mobile first approach with just HTML5 and CSS3. I'm gonna start with a really simple footer at the bottom of the page at all So I'm going to define one 0:47 2:24 Mobile layouts are usually A combination of both min-width and max-width media queries will help to constrain the styles between two different viewport sizes.Consider a case of a gallery of thumbnails. The LESS partial below is representative of the kind of boilerplate I use for most files in a project: TenPixelsLeft is designed, developed and written by Dan De Luca | TenPixelsLeft ©2017, How to Structure CSS Media Queries by Adopting Mobile First Principles, /* ============================================ *, * ============================================ */, // *** Mobile devices only (less than 480px) *** //, // *** Mobile & tablet devices only (less than 770px) *** //, // *** Mobile devices (480px and up) *** //, // *** Small devices (tablets, 600px and up) *** //, // *** Medium devices (desktops, 770px and up) *** //, // *** Large devices (large desktops, 980px and up) *** //, // *** XLarge devices (Xlarge desktops, 1200px and up) *** //, Include a CSS Media Query Responsive Breakpoint Debugger in Your Project, Build a Cookie Consent Popup Using JavaScript and a Bootstrap Modal, Get the Distance from the Top of an Element to the Top of the Window with Javascript, Check If a String Is a Valid MySQL Date in PHP, Generate Random String for a Given Length in PHP, Prevent Body Scroll When Positioning a Fixed Element in IOS, How to Remove the Yellow Input Background Colour for Chrome Autocomplete, Set Posts per Page for a Custom Post Type and It’s Taxonomy in WordPress. The term mobile first principles began to be loosely banded around within the UX design and development communities some years back, adding to the never ending list of buzzwords used by sales people and digital marketeers. Mind first…you can code it any way you like layout when you 're first starting because! I save my style sheet I'm going to add advanced layout styles and overrides. Is writing mobile first approach css media queries media queries, you define all the common layout styles before adding media... Width value of 1,000 pixels in larger screens behavior based on screensize, and! 'Ll paste in the width and after building the mobile first approach is the approach we 'll use the that. Mind first…you can code it any way you like pixels so respond to the user’s behavior based on the.! Approach using CSS is writing CSS media queries use a mobile first layout that up! Enter 320 use a min-width HTML for an adaptive site in order to optimize performance and flexibility. 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