2.4 strategic realignment of … Nieuwenhuis, J., 2013, ‘Analysing qualitative data’, in K. Maree (ed. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2011, Education at a glance: What is the student-teacher ratio and how big are classes?, viewed 31 May 2015, from https://www.oecd.org/edu/skills-beyond-school/48631144.pdf. overcrowded classrooms, especially in public secondary school level. One participant stipulated that ‘teamwork’ was necessary to help improve teaching and learning in overcrowded classrooms. Two participants described the need for assistant teachers as follows: ‘you can’t manage’ and ‘I don’t think that we can cope’ without the help of assistant teachers. University of Arusha graduate school students (Ernest Benson, Edward Sahani, Elijah Daniel Bayyo, Isaiah Peter and James Kapanga) who assisted in the data collection; head teachers, teachers and students from the schools which were involved in the research and lastly the research editor, Mr. Elijah. Learners’ problematic behaviour, such as lack of attention, boredom, lack of discipline, fighting and even vandalising resources (Marais 2016:5), can be related to overcrowded classrooms. It must be noted here that all Department of Basic Education (DBE), 2014b, School realities of 2014: Quality statistics for education, Department of Basic Education, Pretoria. 2. In 2002, the then DoE (2002:4) was of the opinion that 40:1 would be the ideal LER because of the simultaneous teacher shortages and infrastructure deficiencies. ISINGOMA PETER . 2017:20). A classroom is said to be overcrowded in which the number of students exceeds the optimum level such that it causes hindrance in the teaching-learning process. In reality, this number is exceeded by numerous schools within the Tshwane-West district in Gauteng, which served as the population from which the sample for this study was drawn. Participants stated that: ‘[With] oversized classrooms, it is very difficult to teach and assess fully, never mind individually – you are not really on par with the children, which makes differentiation very difficult. Grade 4 learners averaged a reading score of 320 out of a 1000 on the PIRLS scale2, which is concerning because it falls far below the PIRLS ‘low international benchmark’ of 400 (Mullis et al. contents. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Overcrowded classrooms have increased the possibilities of risks for Students lack of interest in school and Poor performance in tests. & Wolfe, E.J., 2012, Abnormal child psychology, 4th edn., Wadsworth, Belmont. It was also stated that assistant teachers will be able to assist in various other classroom-related duties, such as discipline management, administrative duties and assessment. This study was guided by the ‘acute stress response’ known as the fight or flight response. These identify four specific problems regarding overcrowded classrooms: Pupils not getting individual attention, low reading scores, frustration and stress felt by the teachers and the inability of students to concentrate or stay on task while in class … One of the milestones to achieve this is to provide adequate classrooms to more than 11 million learners in South African public schools who continue to receive education in overcrowded classrooms. Another aspect of effective mentoring mentioned by a participant was ‘peer mentoring’. As the participants pointed out, it is the responsibility of everyone involved within the education system to help solve problems. One of the milestones to achieve this is to provide adequate classrooms to more than 11 million learners in South African public schools who continue to receive education in overcrowded classrooms. According to the DBEs’ (2013:85–86) annual performance plan of 2013/2014, an estimated amount of R5.3 billion has been set aside over the 2013/2014 to 2015/2016 Medium Term Expenditures Framework (MTEF) period for the construction of 91 new schools and the rehabilitation of 273 existing schools through a ‘design and build’ programme in collaboration with the Government Department of Infrastructure Development (GDID) (DBE 2013:85–86). in South Africa A preliminary report to the Water Research Commission on Project K5/2381: Evaluating the design of existing rural school sanitation infrastructure and developing a model and guidelines for optimal design by Bobbie Louton1, David Allen Still1, Ian Pearson2, Godfrey Sitholimela3, Tirelo Mphahlele4 and Esther Shaylor5. The results from the study can help policymakers in other countries with similar challenges of overcrowded classrooms, in particular South Africa to make informed decisions about reform in public secondary schools. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted for each of the participants. During analysis of the transcribed data, audio and text elements were combined and analysed simultaneously using Atlas.ti software program, which led to more accurate findings because of Atlas.ti’s systematic, structured and interactive platform. Background: The South African education system is characterised by a shortage of teachers and inadequate school infrastructure which is contributing to the overcrowded nature of South African classrooms. (o�}�4 ���Z�t)2�р�"�S!H���E5�QB��tI������{� ISINGOMA PETER . The subject of . Two predominant themes came to light through the interviews: (1) challenges within overcrowded classrooms and (2) possible strategies for teaching in overcrowded classrooms. Sebake, T.N., Mphutlane, L. & Gibberd, J.T., 2007, Developing a school infrastructure performance indicator system (SIPIS), viewed 02 December 2017, from https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= h��V�oSU?ᆳ��Zt���ĭ����M-~�+Y�f:�X_�!���l��BC4�m]�u��0����B5��_ H|#E!Y��1�̄��M4@��}m����r߽��s>�|�97y {�ij� ��A��j{�T%�e�� %,��Z�TUTBI��ĆW �_Tu4�Z��-X0�:��2P�.�9�Wi�k��M c�~f��W��=s�4��K�3�2z�O��e�PB�Vc?Y�OD�D�.�'�����\k����/��zM��Xm�z�8�/?�\!>�Ϭ�>�0;�\�� �?����[(�v��g�!߄��3ש ����Nƌ�Xpe���~�Ԝ�"s]e?�_��F�bfb�0=����U��H���{r�����$kR_�.H�����>�pT1Vt�����/����}�1��abY��@~�h��?%~� Vander Ark, T., 2002, ‘The case for small high schools’, Educational Leadership 59(5), 55–59. ... seeking a court order for the provision of more classrooms. The ratio of teachers to students in South African public schools is 1:32. Wolfe, P., 2010, Brain matters: Translating research into classroom practice, 2nd edn., Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA. 1. 0 The personal beliefs and attitudes of teachers were identified as having a direct effect on motivation and commitment to quality teaching. Problematic behaviour because of stress can impede the learner’s cognitive ability to attain academic achievements (Mash & Wolfe 2012:192–194). Therefore, achieving the LER of 33:1 in South Africa can be seen as a major challenge for the education system. The participants included heads of departments, primary school principals, higher education lecturers and a department of basic education official. The findings of this study conclude that a combined effort between all role players, such as the SMTs of a school and the teachers, could assist teachers in dealing with the challenges posed by overcrowdedness. 5 BROKEN AND UNEQUAL THE STATE OF EDUCATION IN SOUTH AFRICA Amnesty International 6. South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) says overcrowding in classrooms and a lack of infrastructure at schools are some of the major challenges teachers are facing.. Sadtu says many schools in the country still don’t have toilets, libraries and laboratories. Overcrowded classrooms occur as a result of a shortage of teachers, a lack of school infrastructure and a high number of poorly resourced no-fee (quintiles 1–3) schools. MASTER OF EDUCATION . It is usually your weaker learners who suffers [sic] from a lack of individual support.’ (Participant 3, female, HOD), ‘Teachers don’t know, they can’t tell you, who are the stronger candidates and who are the weaker learners due to the overcrowdedness of the classrooms.’ (Participant 5, female, HE lecturer). Effective structuring of the classroom and personalised lesson planning will in turn decrease the noise levels and disruptions within the classroom. The lack of infrastructure and resources in schools and a high LER were all regarded by the participants as interrelated and part of a reciprocal process: ‘it’s a continuous struggle for the teacher’. Pretorius, J., 2017, ‘Teaching english as home language in overcrowded and multilingual foundation phase classrooms in the Tshwane-West District’, M.Ed. The challenge of overcrowded classrooms was highlighted by all of the participants and described by one participant as making: ‘[… T]eaching impossible. https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312037001123. The role of teachers therefore includes (1) effective structuring of the classroom, (2) implementation of effective discipline strategies, (3) effective lesson planning and (4) differentiated and inclusive lesson planning. OTHER BARRIERS TO THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION 65 6.1 Inadequate school transport to and from school 67 6.2 Unsafe learning environments 70 6.3 Overcrowded classes 72 6.4 Teacher shortages 74 6.5 Excessive teacher workloads 76 6.6 Teacher capacity and training 78 6.7 Conclusions 81 This study investigated the impact of an ‘in-school’ factor, namely, overcrowded classrooms, with specific focus on the challenges teachers experience during teaching and learning. ‘Assistants can assist with differentiation. At most schools, nothing can be done about the size of the classroom; therefore, a participant rooted for the appointment of assistant teachers as ‘one of the best strategies or a first line of defence’. overcrowded classrooms, especially in public secondary school level. problems are especially acute in large classes and crowded classrooms. Teaching in an overcrowded classroom can be frustrating, overwhelming and stressful. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2016, Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) study. These include (1) the appointment of assistant teachers, (2) mentorship programmes and (3) effective ‘in-service training’. The discipline is getting to a point where I’ve had a learner who assaulted a teacher at my school. A lack of discipline and its damaging impact were discussed in theme 1 as a problem related to overcrowdedness. From the data collected from the participants it can be inferred that with the appointment of assistant teachers, didactical neglect (as discussed in theme 1) will decrease. This article is adapted from a master’s thesis at the University of South Africa. The participant interviews also brought to light the importance of considering the lack of resources within overcrowded classrooms. For example, an LER of 9–15:1 is an acceptable LER for 5-year-olds (Grade R learners). 6168 0 obj <> endobj schools may be subject to classrooms with large student teacher ratios. Unrelenting or continuous stress (i.e. (p. 4). Improved academic performance is believed to occur as teachers can focus more on the needs of individual learners and the reduced time spent dealing with disruptions (OECD 2011:392). The university involved provided ethical clearance for the study to commence. When investigating these influential factors associated with grade repetition and poor performance, the factors can be divided into two categories: ‘in-school’ (i.e. Meier and Marais (2012:117) are of the opinion that an LER above 18:1 will be an unacceptable LER, internationally. Overcrowded classrooms are still an issue of concern that is impacting negatively on teachers in South Africa and the KwaZulu-Natal province in particular. The tables were from the back, against the wall up until the front, against the board. The purpose of this study was to gather information regarding all the factors related to overcrowded classrooms, and the impact of overcrowded classrooms within the Foundation Phase schooling system. Cortes, Moussa and Weinstein (2012:25), Marais (2016:2) and Van Wyk (2008:143) are all of the opinion that overcrowded classrooms are one of the most common factors leading to didactical neglect, which refers to the teacher’s inability to pay enough attention to each learner’s educational needs. ��s��"{���a_aLj8��c�BRx���*��FG��:F()zVh�� m��0�+�0!%qV�f���$ep����7o���E��E�շ�������&����y}��=\.����ϳ=' � ����s�. One participant felt so strongly about the influence of a teacher’s attitude on teaching and learning, that she argued that quality education is entirely reliant on ‘the motivation and commitment of the teacher’. Participants used phrases such as ‘one size doesn’t fit all…’ to explain the extent of the problem. Ineffectiveness of mentorship programmes has been ascribed to teachers being overworked and burdened with too many administrative and assessment duties as discussed in theme 1. The experimental Tennessee STAR project is another convincing research project, demonstrating that the reduction of class size has a positive effect on learners’ academic performance. On the other hand, constant, chronic stress (i.e. 2.3 transformation of dcs in the democratic south africa. Mullis, I.V., Martin, M.O., Foy, P. & Hooper, M., 2017, PIRLS 2016: International results in reading. Emmanuel, A.O., 2013, ‘Effect of student-teacher ratio on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in the Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government area of Ogun State’, NOUN. The participants’ argument regarding a high LER is in line with Meier and Marais’ (2012:117) statement that an LER of more than 25:1 is unacceptable and inappropriate. Given the influential effects of stress, this study deemed it necessary to further investigate possible stressful factors in overcrowded classrooms that could influence learning by investigating the fight or flight response. distress) can have negative effects (Jensen 2011:56; Raffin 2009:350; Tsigos & Chrousos 2002:866; Wolfe 2010:138, 141). The effects of overcrowded classrooms are far-reaching for teachers and learners. The following challenges were identified by the participants as the result of a high LER in classrooms: didactical neglect, problematic behaviour and a lack of discipline, as well as negative teacher attitudes. Kapp (ed. Another issue regarding improved classroom management and discipline involves effective planning and preparation when teaching in overcrowded classrooms. Setting: A qualitative research approach served this study best when an investigation was launched into the impact of overcrowded classrooms in the Foundation Phase in the Tshwane-West district. Overcrowded classrooms and overpopulated schools are a huge problem in the Middelburg area. West, J. (2007:5) confirmed this by noting that research has indicated that the academic performance improvements seen in young learners from smaller classes tend to sustain the academic performance improvements that are maintained till higher grades. The networks then graphically visualise the possible themes that emerge from the data. ‘Early stress gets under the skin: Promising initiatives to help Children facing chronic adversity’, Future of Children 24(1), 1–8. Corpus ID: 157164146. June 2014 Data collection did not commence before written, informed consent was granted by all the participants. A high LER value leads to various challenges that teachers must face. The participant explained that: ‘[T]he new trend, especially abroad, is mentoring and coaching or guiding, which is definitely a shortage in our country, where teachers peer-guide. OVERCROWDED CLASSROOMS AND LEARNERS’ ASSESSMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN THE KAMWENGE DISTRICT, UGANDA . %PDF-1.5 %���� EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT . h��W�n�8�>�X��oӦ��&��AM�D�c� Mash, E.J. The burdens of excess administration and assessment also align with didactical neglect as ‘it is also very difficult to assess fully in oversized classrooms, you are giving no individual attention and have no idea what the learner’s barriers or strengths are’. South African Democratic Teachers Union (Sadtu) says overcrowding in classrooms and a lack of infrastructure at schools are some of the major challenges teachers are facing.. Sadtu says many schools in the country still don’t have toilets, libraries and laboratories. The then DoE reported that out of 1000 people born between 1980 and 1984 (aged 23–27 years in 2007), about 984 entered Grade 1 and only 456 reached Grade 12. ABSTRACT The provision of quality education to all South Africans remains a commitment of South African democratic government since its inception in 1994. Problematic behaviour and discipline problems identified in a study conducted by Marais (2016:5) included a lack of attention, boredom, increased noise levels, fighting and even vandalising resources. & Mathebula, B., 2014, ‘“Minding the gap?” A national foundation phase teacher supply-demand analysis 2012–2020’, South African Journal of Childhood Education 4(2), 1–23. Overcrowding is one of the most significant issues facing schools and teachers in the United States today. 419–530, Institute of Race Relations, Johannesburg. Interaction leads to chaos instead of learning.’ (Participant 7, female, school principal), ‘Discipline is a real problem. s1?��ۛ�Ǹ.���hw8�b\ �O�G��Bh�h�h���c�p(�b~,��������m�>����%ݗ�R/?rz�&mG���qj����v���A�lɆ���f���qK�I�yZ�@�!���v45��^��Q9�����o_� �R�G�|��M7lg���g�Mكc�5�B���g�? It was inferred from the data collected that the effective implementation of discipline strategies does not refer to the specifics of the discipline strategies, but rather about the way it is implemented. Skelton (2014:4) argues that the proof of lack of reliable information lies in the DBEs’ inconsistent reports ranging from 395 to 510 ‘inappropriate structures’. Inclusivity as described by the 2001 Education White Paper 6 Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System prescribes the use of differentiated learning styles and activities to ensure quality learning and involvement (DoE 2001:16; Joubert 2015:265; Killen 2010:31). Problems Created by Overcrowded Classrooms . According to Abdoll and Barberton (2014:1), a dilapidated school infrastructure can be found ‘across the country’. I’ve even had students here who wrote letters stating – the teacher must fall – due to all the protest that have been taking place’. International Study Centre, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, viewed 02 January 2018, from https://timssandpirls.bc.edu/pirls2016/international-results/. ABSTRACT This study assessed on the effects of overcrowded classrooms in academic performances. Throughout the interviews it became evident that SMTs must take responsibility and implement more problem-solving initiatives in order to help minimise the damaging effects of overcrowdedness and empower teachers when teaching in such classes. Teaching and learning in crowded classrooms ), First steps in research, 3rd edn., pp. More recently, the backlog stands at R2 027 048 (DBE 2019). However, the study provides information on, and a description of, the challenges teachers might be facing within overcrowded Foundation Phase classrooms in South Africa. You have to do your own planning, plan your own lessons and know what you will need in order to make it understandable for your own learners’, ‘the learners that you know.’ (Participant 6, female, HOD). I��������jӧ:4�V�)"�J+�6�U�!%#�^a1��Lu�g�,/��|r2m�Ul�+��p���2�L&��2I�No��oAu�I.�F7j��0U��J�����K��ˠV��Ӵ=W�i$������F���)��n�1�����CAn��4&ߺ�v����������K����Қ�J[�7"���� z���|�g��Ψ��[ � x�&Y��զK�O�ȟ�"! The appointment of assistant teachers could therefore decrease the LER from the current average of 33:1 to 33:2, which could in essence be calculated as 16:1. Future studies should investigate challenges and solutions related to overcrowded classrooms in other areas in South Africa, and in other phases of schooling. The prospects for the introduction of incentives in South Africa are discussed, with the conclusion that the systems in place at the moment are not conducive to introducing teacher incentives. Background: The South African education system is characterised by a shortage of teachers and inadequate school infrastructure which is contributing to the overcrowded nature of South African classrooms. Republic of South Africa, 1996, National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act 27 of 1996), viewed 10 June 2015, from https://www.education.gov.za/Portals/0/Documents/Legislation/Acts/NATIONAL%20EDUCATION%20POLICY%20ACT,%20NO%2027%20OF%201996,%2028%2010%202011.pdf?ver=2015-01-30-102109-667. The semi-structured approach allowed the opportunity for participants to share spontaneous experiences, elaborate on their answers and share strategies that would prove to be useful in dealing with teaching in overcrowded classrooms (Egbert & Sanden 2014:80). The researcher would like to appreciate the following people, who gave their contribution to complete this work. Table 8 shows that 84.46% of respondents agreed that students in overcrowded classrooms usually lose concentration during teaching and learning processes. 4th impression, pp. The focus of this study is to explore teachers’ experiences with overcrowded classrooms in a mainstream school. in South Africa, and most other African countries, large classes are the norm rather than the exception. Although there are policies put in place to alleviate the problem of overcrowding in classrooms, this is not being implemented and is posing a problem for teachers. Skelton (2014:1) is also of the opinion that failure in improving school infrastructure in South Africa is because of the management capacity that is required by large infrastructure projects and according to her the DBE lacks proper management. ‘To reach each child on their individual level within a large classroom makes it extremely difficult for the teacher and the child.’ (Participant 1, male, HE lecturer), ‘[We] do not differentiate, we follow the ‘one shoe fits all’ approach and then of course there is no integration, it is too much planning on top of all the administration and assessment of an overcrowded class.’ (Participant 10, female, DBE official). The participants were informed of their rights to withdraw from the study at any time, as well as of the researcher’s responsibility to protect their anonymity. The provision of quality education to all South Africans remains a commitment of South African democratic government since its inception in 1994. Most government schools and colleges in South Africa have overcrowded classrooms, where the teachers struggle to deliver effective lessons to over 50-60 children. Cortes, K.E., Moussa, W.S. The ‘in-school’ factors include teachers’ attitudes, the availability of trained teachers and school resources as well as adequate infrastructure, such as the availability of schools and classrooms. If the above-mentioned strategies are implemented, a decrease in discipline problems associated with learners’ fight or flight response could also be possible. ABSTRACT This study assessed on the effects of overcrowded classrooms in academic performances. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any affiliated agency of the authors. In light of the identified solution of SMTs initiating more problem-solving solutions, the following three strategies were identified by the participants for SMTs to implement within their schools. Thompson and Haskins’ (2014) statement emphasises the importance of considering the fight or flight response as a theoretical framework when investigating learning within the classroom: The reason some children have trouble paying attention in the classroom, remembering and following instructions and focussing their thinking has more to do with the neurobiological effects of stress hormones than with their unwillingness to do what the teacher says. Need for proper infrastructure or more children 10, female, school principal,... Editing of this cohort who started Grade 1 reached Grade 12 outputs and current rates. ‘ teachers ’ for international purposes s attitude and accommodated she would also like to thank Louise for. 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