Before implementing the findings, sometimes you may need to have two or three further investigations to understand the behavior of visitors. A thematic analysis can be done in many different ways. This book is a basic guide to take the first step of UX analysis. With data, there is always more than meets the eye, hence the process of data analysis. Is the theme well supported by the data? When gathering data, let’s say during customer interviews, you will get the general idea or feeling of what your users and what your results may look like, but once you start drilling down the data during the analysis, you are bound to be surprised by how much more information is contained in the raw data. Once you have you have identified frequently used words and phrases, it’s now time to organize these findings into categories. 6 Post-Purchase Strategies that Improve Customer Experience (with Examples), Revenue Marketing: Strategies you can use to close small and large deals, Customer Retention: 5 Powerful Strategies That Guarantee Growth, Abandoned Cart Emails: Using Psychological Principles To Influence Customers’ Decisions, The Mighty Product Page: Rethinking Product Descriptions, Designing A Content Engine: How To Create & Distribute To Drive Results, 8 Ideas on How to Increase Conversions on 404 Error Pages, Using JTBD Framework to Write Welcome Emails, The Paradox of Human Behavior in Web Design: Novel vs. L'analyse de données UX Devenez un scientifique des données UX! In the coding step, highlighted sections need to be categorized so that the highlighted sections can be easily compared. The IIBA’s (International Institute of Business Analysis) Babok (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge) describes 6 Knowledge Areas for the Business Analysts, guiding their tasks from the beginning to the end of a project. You might not think of it as a necessity, but we believe that they are valuable contributions that provide guidance in regard to the insights obtained from the analysis process. 5 min read. These methods include: So regardless of the kind of method you will use, there are certain steps you should follow when analyzing your user research data and for this process to be successful, you have to make sure that all the fundamentals are being followed. Let’s look at an example. As Optimizers, we are obsessed with the idea of giving visitors a great user experience. As part of our data analysis process, we also like to give a general comment on the website data or user behavior. For a technology company to perform well, it has to focus relentlessly on both improving business metrics and delighting its users. Doing so sometimes helps you to see significant patterns in the data clearly and derive breakthrough insights. Returning to our cooking topic, when analyzing the text within each grouping and looking for relationships between the data, I noticed that two participants said that they liked ingredients that can be prepared in different ways and go well with other different ingredients. This practice reduces the potential for your interpretation to be colored by personal biases. Some marketers say it is, while others say it's a bad idea. Les UX entrent alors de plein pied dans le jardin de l’analyse de données et des data analysts. Let’s say you are analyzing session replay videos, you can avoid falling to the confirmation bias trap by having some team members watch the same set of videos separately and then you compare your notes afterward. Most people think that analysis in research is done when the data has been collected. Give them some context, show them the insights and get their reactions. Familiarize yourself with the data before you begin the analysis, even if you were the one to perform the research. She plans and executes independent research for NN/g and leads UX training courses. Analytics data comes from a larger group of users in uncontrolled, but real-life situations. Learn more: User Interviews, Advanced techniques to uncover values, motivations, and desires, a full-day course at the UX Conference. You can also add interpretive codes to the text at this stage. Ainsi, les infor… UX Data Can Be Collected Throughout the Design Process. 2019-09-29 Data-Driven UX: A Step-by-Step Approach To Take the Fear Out of Data Analysis. Transcripts were cut up, fixed to stickies, and moved around the board until they fell into natural topic groups. Data analysis is only as good as the questions you ask, but the primary question you should be looking to answer during the analysis process is: why. It can be hard to see which details are useful and which are superfluous. After grouping the highlighted clippings from my interviews by topic, I ended up with 3 broad descriptive codes and corresponding groupings: Look across all the codes and explore any causal relationships, similarities, differences, or contradictions to see if you can uncover underlying themes. The process encourages reflection through the writing of detailed notes. In early Fall 2021, we will receive the first full-program cohort for the MicroMasters in UX Design and Evaluation. UX data analysis is a fancy name for a process of transforming raw data into valuable information. The notes are known as memos (not to be confused with the office memo delivering news to employees). Discuss as a group what you noticed or found surprising. Your findings categories should be distinct or at least overlap as little as possible. Talk about why you think each category is important and how best can it help to optimize the user experience. We c. UX data analysis is a fancy name for a process of transforming raw data into valuable information. Definition: Thematic analysis is a systematic method of breaking down and organizing rich data from qualitative research by tagging individual observations and quotations with appropriate codes, to facilitate the discovery of significant themes. It’s helpful to keep a record of all the codes used and outline what they are, so you can refer to this list when coding further sections of the text (especially if multiple people are coding the text). Let’s say you are analyzing session replay videos, the software you are using can record thousands of videos. The UX Data Analysis course will be available year-round. The next two sections of this step describe how and when you may add the codes. Ultimately, analysis adds clarity and serves as a justification to make important decisions with confidence. Ask yourself these questions: If the answer to these questions is no, it might mean that you need to return to the analysis board. And that really helped me realize that there isn't anything to be afraid of, that our fears are really in our head most of the time and facing that made me realize I can handle these situations.”. We can then arrive at an understanding of the essential themes. user will open and skim multiple tabs, rather than devoting full attention to one page Definition: A code is a word or phrase that acts as a label for a segment of text. Data-Driven UX is defined as a data-based decision-making process rather than relying on guesswork of former experience. Based on relevant metrics, you can build a website with UX design capable of capturing visitors’ attention and prompting them to fill the form or make a purchase. There are infinite ways to interpret data, too many metrics to wade through and it’s easy to get caught up in some metrics and to ignore some important ones. Many UX designers are somewhat afraid of data, believing it requires deep knowledge of statistics and math. Cross tabulation is used to quantitatively analyze the relationship between multiple variables. Use thematic analysis as a helpful guide for efficiently wading through lots of qualitative data. Tell people to highlight anything they think is important. 6 Top eCommerce KPIs You Should Monitor For Better Conversions. If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to the Invesp Le numérique a donné une nouvelle tournure à cette acquisition des données qui permet aujourd’hui d’en tirer des analyses plus profondes et spécifiques. Her strength in various research methodologies enables Maria to derive in-depth insight and guide clients as they improve the UX of products and services. For instance, let’s assume you conducted the Jobs-to-be-done interviews so as to find out the stages that customers go through when making a purchase decision for your product. A while ago I wrote an article about why I decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in UX Design. He is passionate about marketing strategy, digital marketing, content marketing, and customer experience optimization. Run a workshop (or a series of workshops if your team is very large or you have a lot of data). A popular data analysis method is cross-tabulation. Combine Behavioral Data Analysis with UX and Usability Testing Analysis. Watch Thematic Analysis of Qualitative User Research Data, 3 minute video with Regardless of which tool you use (software, journaling, or affinity diagraming), the act of conducting a thematic analysis can be broken down into 6 steps. So, if you are analyzing your users’ statements — collected via online polls or customer interviews — it’s important not to alter or clean up the grammar they used. As the name implies, a thematic analysis involves finding themes. De l'analyse de données qualitatives à l'analyse du « Big Data », vous serez en mesure de dégager des « insights » des données afin de formuler des recommandations sur des bases empiriques. Large quantity of data: Qualitative research results in long transcripts and extensive field notes that can be time-consuming to read; you may have a hard time seeing patterns and remembering what’s important. With that said, it’s now time to take it to the next level and identify insights and core truths about your users from the patterns you have found. You can use the right research techniques and monitor the right KPIs, but if you fail to answer the why question in the analysis process, your research might just be a wasted effort. If Business Anlysis focuses strongly … Findings are not definitive: Analysis is not definitive because participant feedback is conflicting, or, worse, viewpoints that don't fit with the researcher's belief are ignored. Data – both quantitative and qualitative – tells a story about what is working for users, stakeholders, and businesses. Elicitation is one of the most crucial of them, as it is the moment when Business Analysts gather stakeholders needs, concerns and expectations, which will later lead to requirements. The workshop can solve that problem, since everyone will read all the session transcripts. Before your team members engage with the data, write your research questions on a whiteboard or piece of flipchart paper in order to make the questions easy to refer to while working. Visual, and supports an iterative-analysis process, Not as thorough as other methods as often segments of text aren’t coded multiple times, Hard to do when data is very varied, or there is a lot of data. You may also catch interesting statements you may have overlooked in the previous phase. But how do you summarize a collection of qualitative observations? There’s no one way to do a thematic analysis. Ils aident nos clients à réussir l’implémentation de leurs outils webanalytics et le déploiement de leur stratégie data. Take a closer look / Funky Howlers. Unites designers and stakeholders around a common understanding of who the user is. Is your site working at it’s full potential? Do others agree with the themes you have found in the data after analyzing the data separately. Your data has to be organized in a way that is easy to look at, and that allows you to go through the information to pick out concepts and recurring themes. Thematic analysis keeps researchers organized and focused and gives them a general process to follow when analyzing qualitative data. Because data drives insights that drive strategy that results in … With data, there is always more than meets the eye, hence the process of data analysis. You can use post-it notes to write down the insights. You also have to find meaning in the language that is being used by your users. Print your research questions out. Confirmation bias tends to get in the way of most Digital Marketers to the point that they forget to ask the primary question when analyzing data. In these interviews, participants talked about how they chose to cook certain things and not others. The most effective means of doing this is to identify key user segments and gain empathy with those users. For instance, suppose you are running an A/B test on the product page and you trigger an exit-intent poll that asks users to specify what they found beneficial about the page. Research analysis should start right before the ultimate research commences —the best starting point would be when you are designing your research objectives. When doing your research, you are more likely to capture unwanted data. An ineffective UX may lead to ineffective qualitative and quantitative analysis and thereby reduce the interest of the user. As opposed to making design decisions that don’t have evidence or justification could come across haphazard, UX Analysis provides the multidimensional perspective to take your design strategy from acceptable to exceptional. (See a video demonstrating affinity-diagramming.). It almost always is a good idea to take a break and come back and look at the data with a fresh pair of eyes. Writing thought processes and ideas you have about a text is common among researchers practicing grounded-theory methodology. Showcasing Data Without Context; Displaying data without context is sure to confuse BI users and affect the effectiveness of the application. The purpose of re-tackling a product’s user flow through a UX analysis is to quantifiably improve that product. 20% of users may tell you that they like the design of the page and 10% may tell you that they like the images. This approach avoids creating multiple codes (that will later need to be consolidated) for the same type of issue. Assuming you collected sound data, there is almost always something to be learned, so spending more time with your team repeating steps 4–6 will be worthwhile. Insights about how and why metrics are changing help the company build better products and grow their business value. Leave them and focus on another work just for a period of time or even for a day. If you have adequate time, you can involve your team in this initial coding step. In order to get the meaning of data more easily, there are different methods of analysis that have been used by researchers over the years. Pour exploiter les données massives recueillies, elles ont besoin d’un technicien hautement qualifié : le Data Analyst. Ignoring this question can result in misleading findings that can lead your whole team down the path of solving a wrong problem. The analysis objectives should be set with your business goal in mind; the reason why you are conducting analysis in the first place. So, I went in there and the instructor did something that I felt was horrible at the time, but I've since really come to appreciate it. Because this data is quantitative in nature, it is used to identify what behaviors are, or are not, occurring on your website. If by any chance you all concur with what you have written the first time, then it’s best not to change anything. The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers. Here are possible descriptive and interpretive codes for the text above: Descriptive code: how skills are acquired Analysis becomes a description of many details: The analysis simply becomes a regurgitation of what participants’ may have said or done, without any analytical thinking applied to it. Analysis objectives should be set at the very beginning of the analysis as they serve as a go-forward guardrail that will help you ensure that you gain useful and relevant insights. You may be seeking to understand the needs of your users because you want to give them a better experience and keep them engaged on your site. For data analysis, this might mean a period of time when you release a new tool, that the results are surprisingly positive. Definition: A theme: 1. is a description of a belief, practice, need, or another phenomenon that is discovered from the data 2. emerg… Simba Dube is the Growth Marketing Manager at Invesp. Savvy UX researchers start thinking about data analysis from the start, so they can design the project to deliver the most useful results, and also revisit their plan periodically as the project progresses. Maria Rosala: You must have javascript and cookies enabled in order to display videos. In all honesty, data analysis is tricky, even for the best and brightest of us. Contradicting data: Sometimes the data from different participants or even from the same participant contains contradictions that researchers have to make sense of. Identifying salient themes, patterns and recurring ideas is probably the most intellectually challenging part of the analysis —and one that can make or break the entire endeavor. Insights are penetrating, discerning understandings that unlock an opportunity. Maria Rosala is a User Experience Specialist with Nielsen Norman Group. The groupings are then given a code. Your primary analysis objective summarizes the main reason you are conducting the analysis —why are users behaving in a certain way. Not everything said by your users during your research process will be useful to you. But some of the videos captured can be irrelevant to the research objectives you have. La tâche de ce dernier consiste en effet à traiter les différentes données concernant les clients, les produits ou les performances de l’entreprise afin de dégager des indicateurs utiles aux décideurs. A code describes what the text is about and is a shorthand for more complicated information. But in such a scenario, it should be further investigated which page design they are referring to between the two variations, and what is it about the design that makes them like the page. This will reveal to you whether the insights resonate. Discuss all the categorized findings as a team. You cannot base your analysis conclusions on findings, you need insights. September 29, 2019. In every data analysis, the ultimate “actionable” takeaways are completely subjective. But they do not have the same meaning. Many UX researchers employ thematic analysis to start grouping data into meaningful categories. I mean, if your usability test findings show that your site is broken or has other forms of usability issues, you should fix it right away. Do people get them? This research often produces a lot of qualitative data, which can include: Qualitative attitudinal data, such as people’s thoughts, beliefs and self-reported needs obtained from user interviews, focus groups and even diary studies, Qualitative behavioral data, such as observations about people’s behavior collected through contextual inquiry and other ethnographic approaches. Thus, a new theme about the flexibility of ingredients emerged. Researchers have a record of how they arrived at their themes. Teri Slavik-Tsuyuki gives a sweet explanation of the difference between findings and insights: Findings are based on hard and fast observations, and things we observe, that help us put all the data in buckets, and people in categories. Nos coachs UX-Analytics sont des consultants Digital Analytics seniors reconnus pour leur excellence opérationnelle. Categorizing can take little or much time, but important because it will lead you on the path to focus, prioritize and take action. This information is critical to any … Consider what Slack did with their sign-in process. I mean, users have their own way of expressing themselves when giving feedback, but you should pick out frequently used expressions and look at the meaning as well as the underlying implications of those expressions. Do your insights speak to people as the truth? Rationale behind the code label: Participants were asked to describe how they came to possess certain skills. Quantitative UX research delivers insights about p… Fortunately, with session replays you can easily organize your data (thus videos) by filtering according to the type of device, browser, page visited or duration —again, this depends on the research questions you are trying to answer. If you’re doing the clustering digitally, you might pull coded sections into a new document or a visual collaboration platform. Once codes are assigned, it’s easy to identify and compare segments of text that are about the same thing. But that’s wrong. Qualitative Data Analysis Share Findings UX Research Repository Collaborative Analysis Automatic Transcription. Data analysis determines the success or failure of research projects. But remember, these can be changed when you are revisiting them. Follow these steps: While it’s best if your team observes all your research sessions, that may not be possible if you have a lot of sessions or a big team. 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