With our powerful yet easy-to-use tools, it's never been easier to make an impact with email marketing. … 2. Now let’s move on and analyze which email design best practices should you follow to make your subscribers engage more with your content. Maybe only very few people will share your email using these icons or even less will follow you on Twitter for example. Important to note: be consistent with white space! An image is placed into the left column, while the main text and call to action go to to the right column which has only a single background color — something supported in all email clients. This blog provides general information and discussion about email marketing and related subjects. We went through headers, hero section, fonts, now let’s move on to call to action (CTA) design, and we’ll finish with footer design. Not really. Use the flexible drag-n-drop editor and export the code to your ESP. Our friends at Litmus always come up with beautiful and unique email newsletters so they can show off their email coding expertise. Instead of a static product image, they used an animated GIF which showed the product’s various uses in a glance. In order to create a good email design, we recommend you to use a professional email newsletter designer because of it’s flexible drag’n’drop editor. The bigger brand you have, the less information you have to involve in your header. So for example, send your newsletters at 10:07 am instead of 10 am. The best practice would be to avoid adding the hero image as a background image to your newsletter and instead add the hero image and the text into separate containers. There’s no uniform rule. Simple design, yet compelling to the eye. Digital newsletter designs don't have the same requirements as print ones—they can be more image-based, use different colors, even include scrolling effects. But there are fewer and fewer trendy-looking newsletters which would choose the safe way. There are certain elements that you must include in your email footer because of certain SPAM regulations, and others which should be there to meet the expectations of your audience. How to create a great email newsletter design, Keep your email width 600 px as it is recommended in most cases, Use the newsletter header design best practice, Use the newsletter navigation bar design best practice, Use animated GIFs in the hero section/unit, Use best recommended fonts for your email newsletter, Best practice font size and line height in email, Use the Call to action (CTA) best practices in your business newsletter. Look at this engaging email design from Bezar, which uses bold color blocks to highlight products and information: While most email newsletters will go to your entire list, your organization may have a different structure. Source: Reallygoodemails.com. Both improvements are significant especially if they result in increased conversion and email ROI, which was not measured in this A/B test, unfortunately. Download your copy of our new guide: How to Design the Perfect Email Newsletter. If you want to create really fashionable and innovative designs, you have to keep an eye on design trends for sure. Email frequency and timing can make or break an email campaign, so use A/B testing to find the best times to send your newsletters. Source: Nordvpn.com, Reallygoodemails.com. Source: Complex.com, Reallygoodemails.com. Designers argue that both fonts have “ambiguous” letter shapes — their b, d, p, and q are mirrored forms of each other, which makes them harder to read in longer texts. If you want to include a sitemap-like link collection in the footer, make sure that it’s not crowded and it’s easy to scan, like in the example below from Algolia.com. Pretty disappointed, since most of the images wouldn’t be visible at first. These eight email newsletter best practices are your guide to creating an email newsletter marketing plan that’ll impress your customers and improve your conversion rates. Videos created by your organization are the best to include in your email newsletters (like how-to videos, testimonials, or advice from executives or industry experts). You need to comply CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 to make sure your newsletter doesn’t end up in the spam folder. A targeted offer can do the trick as well: You can think outside the box and play with different responsive layouts and colors like Helix Sleep does. Believe me, it’s all about emotions. I’m curious to know what their open rate is for these newsletters, but I’m pretty sure that it’s well above 25%. This other one from Lyft features Gotham font with fallbacks to Montserrat (a Google Font), Proxima Nova, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, and sans-serif. We use cookies to serve personalized content and targeted advertisements to you, which gives you a better browsing experience and lets us analyze site traffic. This menu might work on desktop and webmail clients when viewed on a laptop or tablet, but such a long menu can’t work on smartphones. 2019 is expected to be the year of amalgamating technology with design. The use of navigation bar in email designs is derived from web design. It looks cool, isn’t it? When using animated GIFs in your email newsletter make sure that the first frame of your animation contains the main message for those who use email clients which block animations. Show that you care about them, like in the below example from The New York Times. Sine you need to include an email footer in your newsletter, you need to take a look at the email footer best practices. These features will allow email marketers to more effectively create experiences that speak to our customer’s interests, behaviors, intentions, motivations, and next-steps.”. There are many companies that experiment with various email widths, but 600 px seems to remain a quasi-standard for many designers and email coders. Adding a small navigation bar which points to your most important lead generation pages or selected discounts might be a smart decision to make in your newsletter designs. Besides the email copy, it’s useful to come up with an email design brief, even if you don’t work with an agency but instead use a DIY email builder to design your newsletter. It’s quite a long newsletter indeed, but it’s definitely attractive to the eye and easy to consume. What’s your guess how much CTR improvement did they get? The hero section/unit is the part of your business newsletter where you want to direct the most attention. Tookapic has a different approach to their footer. The study shows that blue is by far the most used call-to-action color in an email. In this guide, you’ll learn how to design an email newsletter … Before I jump into the different parts of email design, let me start with an all-time favorite question: It’s a long-debated question, but still worth mentioning, since the web is full of free responsive email newsletters that include Lorem ipsum only. You’re not limited to testing your email campaigns. What should an email newsletter look like? 10 B2B Email Marketing Best Practices for 2019 1. These sites live on not because of their design, but because of the community that they managed to cultivate during those years. Their design is definitely compelling to the eye. Creating a newsletter footer design is not easy as you may think. If you can make them smile and remember you for something, you’re already much better than most companies they receive emails from. So whether you’re in charge of the company newsletter, or you’re trying to convince your boss to include one, this article can help. Body font size should be in the range of 14 – 18 px. The same best practices we reference when creating images for the web apply to email, as well. Thankfully animated GIFs are supported by most email clients except for Outlook 2007-2013 and Windows Phone. I looked for A/B tests that can really prove how can animated GIFs improve email revenue, and found the below case study on Fueltravel.com. If you don’t believe me simply scroll up and check out the 40+ examples I listed in this article. You send it to human beings anyway, who are flood with boring stuff. Read on to discover the top email newsletter best practices to help with your strategy as well as how to implement them successfully. Those who are not interested anymore can easily opt out from your list. The three options could have easily fit into the mobile screen as text links if they wanted to, so I suppose there was a reason for hiding those elements on mobile. Nothing special right? There’s one more design piece I wanted to walk you through, and that’s the footer. With the advent of intelligent email designs, your subscribers can now take action right within the inbox. All of them will cause your subscribers to feel different emotions. Thankfully there are many websites where you can find free, high-quality images for your email designs. If you decide to use a navigation bar in your next newsletter design, I would advise you to: Let’s move on from newsletter headers to hero unit design, which is usually the most important part of any email. If you do so, please A/B test the effect of your changes and share the results with us in a comment. (I’ll ask them and update the article if they share this information with me). If you’re A/B testing, you’ll know what works and what doesn’t with your audience, so put together an A/B testing plan for employing these best practices. 21% was the biggest CTR improvement with unengaged users, who haven’t interacted with any of the emails in the past months, and 13% increase in case of engaged users, who regularly interact with their emails. Don’t worry if your button color is not blue. I hope the above inspirations will help you to create really nice newsletters even on your own using an email builder like Chamaileon.io. 3.1 Keep your email width 600 px as it is recommended in most cases; 3.2 Use the newsletter header design best practice; 3.3 Use the newsletter navigation bar design best practice; 3.4 Use the hero section/unit design; 3.5 Use animated GIFs in … Are the images clear and do they load properly? They A/B tested a static image vs. the animated GIF version that you can see in the newsletter above. How would you react if you open this email on your mobile while on the go with only a 3G connection? This one from Designernews is a nice looking newsletter that delivers the latest news from the community along with a bit of promoted content. 3 How to create a great email newsletter design. You should do the same in your footer designs since it helps your subscribers to identify the email and will also make it easier for them to recognize your brand when seen elsewhere. The image in most cases is in the background while the text and CTA are overlaid on top of it. Smart use of different colors, quality images, and layouts can make your newsletter content and footer design cause the WOW feeling. Here are a couple of makeovers for you: Nonprofit E-Newsletter Before and After: Cornerstone Prep. Here’s another example from GAP, a fashion brand which sells clothing online as well. Maybe those can work for older audiences, but believe me, people under the age of 50 will get goosebumps when they see irrationally happy faces around. It varies across different locations, industries, and audiences. According to Email on Acid and Return Path, you should aim for a 60/40 text to image ratio in your email newsletters. The same is true for emails, with an important caveat: namely that most of us don’t read an email at first, but rather we just scan the content to figure out what is it all about. Are they using emoji? Check out this newsletter header design from Starbucks: There’s no preheader in the email, but the logo and a simple navigation menu are present, just like in the Designernews newsletter above. Here are four ways to use our email newsletter best practices successfully: Each of these tips will help you put together a sustainable marketing plan beyond your email newsletter campaign. No matter if you stick to 60% or 80% make sure: Optimize for scanning and easy readability. I can’t remember any design either where brown would be used as a CTA color, online or offline. At least not yours! Three or four-column layouts are far less popular than two-column ones because it’s usually hard to fit in the considerable amount of written information into 200 px wide containers. Generally speaking, I would not advise you to go for such complex animations and huge email size, since instead of a boost in conversion or CTR, you might end up with lost subscribers. Since 2014 animations became more common in the email industry, so maybe an animated GIF won’t double your revenues right away, but I’m sure it will increase email engagement and conversions by 10% at least, in most cases. Georgia and Verdana seem to be the most popular fonts in email due to their readability and widespread support in email clients. If you can’t come up with the content, how do you imagine anybody to come up with the right design for your need? They simply break the flow of the email. The most important thing when you get ready to send your emails is to make sure your images look great. For example, you can experiment with adding social sharing in the header like Litmus does in the newsletter below. I haven’t included standard designs, only those which feature something extraordinary. If you find that red, yellow, or green fit your design better, go for it. Let’s see a couple of inspiring email newsletter call-to-action designs. So, here’s a list of 10 B2B email marketing best practices of 2019 that can make you a pro in it in no time. You might ask: “What???”. Don’t let newsletters shut you into a typical “Here are our company updates” box. You can create your email for free by accessing it here. To ensure your emails don’t end up unread or in the trash, try following these mobile-friendly best practices: Another reason for their disappearance is that the view online / view in browser options are less used in properly-coded responsive email newsletters. There is no one-size-fits-all formula for the best email newsletter design for your business. A simple, single column is best. The less CTAs (call to actions) you have, the higher your CTR (click through rates) will be. Apple is famous for their minimalist and clean designs, so they even dare to involve only a minor logo in the top left corner of their newsletter header sometimes, and that’s it. Now let’s analyze a couple of great email content block designs that you could use in your next newsletter. Now let’s move on to couple examples for creative font use in email newsletters. Action Rocket’s Email Weekly: A must-subscribe for anyone interested in staying up to date on the latest email design trends. Discover the best email newsletters for . This design guide will show you the email design best practices you need to quickly create emails that look great and deliver real results. Here are 25 winning content ideas for your next batch of newsletters. Subscribe for weekly emails with curated articles, guides, and videos to enhance your marketing tactics. If you can’t make them feel anything when they open your email… you lost. Best Email Design Practices: Wrap Up 1. Even though it’s just a newsletter, that doesn’t mean you have to forgo your CTA. Increasingly, email marketing best practices are leaning toward design that focuses on the user experience. Another test by Dell (2014) proved to be extremely successful since it increased email revenue by 109%! We know that email is one of the most effective online marketing channels, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to deal with other channels. Source: Evernote.com, Reallygoodemails.com. That includes design as well as email subject lines. Before we would dive into which trendy fonts should you use in your newsletter, let me clarify one thing: Only web-safe fonts work properly in all email clients! Your subject line and preheader text should work together. That’s why we would advise you to have a CTA which is taller than 44 px. Just make social sharing and follow options available at their fingertips, to maximize your chances of spreading the word or your following on other channels. Don’t be afraid to bring some fun into your newsletters. This email newsletter from Mitsubishi uses video to highlight the rugged features of one of their models: It’s not enough to know these best practices; you need to know how to use them effectively. Unfortunately, only some email marketers do it. When he opens your email, what he sees first is not the offer, but a thick navigation bar, which pushed down the content he was looking for based on the subject line. In the following sections, you can learn about the steps and stages of designing a successful newsletter design while at the end of the article you will find some examples for inspiration. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a newsletter design or a website. Empathetic language? No more boring stock photos and clipart icons, please! not on the top of the hour. Even a single line like this can add some value to your newsletter and can mean a lot to some of your audience. Bonus: Optimize your website to be mobile-friendly for higher Google rankings. Be careful with responsive email newsletters that you can purchase online. You can modify them using this free email designer, builder, and editor. They used an unusual CTA text, which doesn’t make too much sense at first sight, but combined with the animated GIF, it works. What stands out about the subject lines that you click on? If you read through this article till the very end, you learned a lot already. We have a very detailed 2,000+ word article about the limitations of email design width and size for you if you want to learn more about this topic. When you click on the icon, it’ll show what’s inside, just like when you would tear a hamburger apart into parts. When you have a newsletter outline, you can start on your brief. Email marketers are working to create unique and catered experiences for their audiences that stand out from their competition. CEO / Co-founder @ Chamaileon.io & EDMdesigner.com, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Line height should be around 1.4 – 1.5 times more than the font size, for best readability. Maybe a captivating storyline can make somebody read your email in its whole length, but it’s rarely the case with most newsletters. But of course, you can extend it with additional points if you think those are relevant to your audience. In a recent global survey, Mars Green was chosen as the World’s favorite color. The right use of colors can do some magic and make your whole email newsletter more memorable and easier to associate with your brand. Sending at the top of the hour increases the chance that your emails will be delayed and not reach your recipient when you originally intended. In 2019, this is no exception. What should an email design brief include? Looking for an email platform to create stunning newsletters? Email Design Nataly Birch • June 05, 2019 • 7 minutes READ . Or IFMA Central Ohio which left out the logo from the newsletters and focused on the invitation right away. Be brave and creative with your newsletter designs! Here’s a simple design which plays with fonts in a clever way. Otherwise, your email campaigns will fall flat. Due to these facts, we need to make sure our emails comply with the email accessibility best practices. Source: Theblacktux.com, Reallygoodemails.com. There are specific types of disclaimers, for contracts, security, confidentiality, etc. It’s a block at the end of your newsletter where you need to include certain information. Can everyone read your email? Not that tricky, right? Follow these seven email design best practices to ensure your newsletter gains an audience. All of these videos can entice your readers. Use the same spacings in text and between your email content blocks as well, so people won’t be frustrated by different spacings when they scroll through your email newsletter. So this is pretty much the main content you should include in your email footer. Well, here’s a great example from flower retailer Interflora: There are so many good things going on here. Make sure you spread the button across the width of the email if possible, and set it apart from the rest of the email content so it’s conveniently tappable. If you fail to include an understandable and visually appealing footer design in your email newsletter, you might mess up the whole user experience for users who get to the end of your message. Their email design team must be full of smart people, since they went this route instead of exactly replicating their website’s look and feel (which includes huge background images and overlaid texts). These seemingly small tips will reap huge rewards for your organization and marketing campaign. Here’s an example from Evernote including Caecilia LT Std Light, with fallbacks to Helvetica and Arial. Unfortunately, there’s no email case study online which would compare how different font sizes influence email conversions. And a more complex one with custom-made animation from Harry’s. And Tuesday is no longer the best day to send your email newsletters. Email accessibility will remain one of the hottest and most valuable email marketing design trends for the next decade until we all get used to building our emails in accordance with the accessibility requirements. Buttons with rounded edges seem to be the most favored (54%), square buttons are in the second position (28%) and pill-shaped are the last (18% and trending upwards). It will look good no matter what device it’s read on. The above example from Flywheel reuses the primary colors of their brand in the footer. Check out the following newsletter from Litmus. They instead used the old approach: add it as an image. According to a report by Bloomberg both Arial and Helvetica are bad for email, even if for many years Arial seemed to be the standard web font on the web. Campaign Monitor has a powerful drag-and-drop editor—complete with templates—to create the perfect emails. BUT when you use Google Fonts or other web fonts in your email, you have to accept that instead of the font that you chose, a fallback option — a web-safe font — will be displayed in many email clients. Downloading an email like this might take 10+ seconds on a mobile connection I’m sure. Don’t forget about the email content block design best practices, Newsletter footer best practices (+ examples). You don’t have to stick to the rules always. If you are not clear enough and they can’t remember you, your email can be easily marked as SPAM. Improve animation in emails with Animated PNGs Appealing to the eye. To be honest, a newsletter design doesn’t feel like an interesting project, since in most cases the goal of a newsletter is quite simple: tell subscribers about the latest news, offers or articles of a website. That’s the reason why most of these designs include very short text, a compelling image and a small, to the point call-to-action. How to make your email newsletter footer compelling for the eye? Call to action copy is at least as important, and of course previous parts of your email newsletter — including email header, hero image, headline — matter as well. Have you been considering email newsletters but aren’t sure where to start? Maybe you have customers in three key states? Use this space to help your customer know why the email is useful to them. There are only a couple sites like reddit or craigslist which managed to live on with a superb old design. Can people read what your email says? The whole hero image concept comes again from web design, just like navigation bars, and it became fashionable in the last couple of years. Not as a background image with overlaid image. Let’s take a look at the following newsletter navigation bar from REI, an e-commerce site selling outdoor equipment. AI and machine learning is our third biggest email design trend of 2019, but first let’s talk about…. Jason Rodriguez’s Newsletter : If you’re trying to up your email design game, subscribing to Litmus product manager Jason Rodriguez’s newsletter is a good start. In these email clients, the animations don’t play and only the first frame of the GIF is displayed. The content provided in this blog ("Content”), should not be construed as and is not intended to constitute financial, legal or tax advice. Make sure the two fonts you pick don’t clash with each other. Emails should be in the footer very clean and simple design style has been given a wide enough to! Product photos by Huckberry.com to say to get jobs done quickly a minimal hamburger day is a great for! Email and when they open your email… you lost still not optimized for your own sake call! Fonts in email is largely an individual thing can modify them using this free email designer, builder, editor! 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