[14][15] An isolated and genetically distinct population is found in South Africa from the extreme northeastern part of Eastern Cape along the KwaZulu-Natal coastline and into southern Mozambique. It is found in Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, and Western Sahara. Asp, anglicized form of aspis, name used in classical antiquity for a venomous snake, probably the Egyptian cobra, Naja haje. The number and pattern of scales on a snake's body are a key element of identification to species level. A high phospholipase A2 content may cause cardiotoxicity and myotoxicity. This elusiveness is usually attributed to its green colouration, which blends with its environment, and its arboreal lifestyle. Another Kunitz-type protein present is calcicludine, which blocks high-voltage-activated calcium channels. Tiger Snake. It preys on birds, eggs, bats, and rodents such as mice, rats, and gerbils. The tail, which may have a black tip, is usually thin.[2][4]. [4] Studies of venom from both C. cerastes and C. vipera list a total of eight venom fractions, the most powerful of which has haemorrhagic activity. [9][10] The British biologist Arthur Loveridge augmented FitzSimons' work with material from outside South Africa, noting some overlap in scalation but supporting the separation. [32] Individually, most of these components do not exhibit potent toxicity in vitro,[31] but are thought to have a synergistic effect in nature. [31], Similarly to the venom of most other mambas, the eastern green mamba's contains predominantly three-finger toxin agents. I don't like that, so I am glad this one is non-venomous. I'm offering my 1.1 adult Eastern Diamondbacks for sale. Snakebite is a hidden health crisis. VENOMOUS VERSUS NONVENOMOUS SNAKES. She was one of the snakes featured in Nick Mutton's "Paradoxism" article for HerpNation magazine's 2.5 issue in 2012. [4] There is significant sexual dimorphism, with males having larger heads and larger eyes than females. [16] The incubation period is around three months. The venom of these snakes is a pure and potent postsynaptic neurotoxin. Algerian Reptiles. [29], Symptoms of envenomation by this species include pain and swelling of the bite site, which can progress to local necrosis or gangrene. Australia is known as the place with all the deadly animals. According to our sources in the literature, there are only 2 types of poisonous snakes in Tuscany and throughout central Italy. [2] Envenomation usually causes swelling, haemorrhage, necrosis, nausea, vomiting, and haematuria. There are fourteen species of venomous snakes found in the state of Texas in the US. Included with her is a normal albino male EDB from the same clutch. [33] Tetanus toxoid is sometimes administered, though the main treatment is the administration of the appropriate antivenom. Remember, however, that most venomous snakes have both neurotoxic and hemotoxic venom. Often, it is even possible to use these impressions to make ventral scale counts. Venomous snakes are represented by two families: Elapidae (1 species) and Viperidae (7 species). 2014. Cleopatra is said to have killed herself with an [11] A 2016 genetic analysis showed the eastern green and black mambas are each others' closest relatives,[12] their common ancestor diverging from a lineage that gave rise to Jameson's mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) and the western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis). E-9. The global distribution of venomous snakes and vulnerable populations remains inadequately characterised; ... Algeria, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Colombia, and Peru, the time taken to travel to a city in which we might expect to find available treatment could worsen mortality outcomes by … I see black snakes … Compared to C. gasperettii, the relative head size of C. cerastes is larger and there is a greater frequency of horned individuals (13% versus 48%, respectively). [2][5], The colour pattern consists of a yellowish, pale grey, pinkish, reddish or pale brown ground colour, which almost always matches the substrate colour where the animal is found. "Effects of, Labib RS, Azab ER, Farag NW. Cerastes cerastes, commonly known as the Saharan horned viper[2] or the horned desert viper,[3] is a venomous species of viper native to the deserts of northern Africa and parts of the Arabian Peninsula and Levant. Venom yields vary, with ranges of 19–27 mg to 100 mg of dried venom being reported. [2] Three subspecies have been described. Whether they have fur, fins, shells or scales, Australia has them. The abundance of bird species make the country a haven for bird watchers.For those who prefer other critters, snakes, monitor lizards and a variety of other reptiles can be found living along with an array of rodents throughout the semi-arid regions of Algeria. The eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) is a highly venomous snake species of the mamba genus Dendroaspis native to the coastal regions of southern East Africa. The eggs are laid under rocks and in abandoned rodent burrows. [30] Bites that produce severe envenomation can be rapidly fatal; fatal outcomes as quickly as 30 minutes have been recorded (although the period is likely slower for Dendroaspis angusticeps). [22], The eastern green mamba has the least toxic venom of the three green mamba species, but it is still highly venomous. Schnurrenburger H. 1959. [22], There is no evidence that the eastern green mamba migrates. This page was last edited on 2 December 2020, at 08:00. Although venomous snakes inject poison, pythons "end the life" of their prey by constriction: they coil their bodies around their prey, slowly suffocating them to death. There is quite a number of them in Iraq but they are also found in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Israel and it is also found in parts of North Africa like Libya and Egypt, Sudan as well. [17] In a 27-day study of the movement patterns of two adults found their activity area to be relatively small, comparable to other predators who ambush prey rather than hunt (in contrast to most elapid species, including other mambas, who tend to hunt and forage). [2], One of the most distinctive characteristics of this species is the presence of supraorbital "horns", one over each eye. 5 out of 5 stars (1,873) 1,873 reviews $ 10.00. "Fractionation of, Labib RS, Azab MH, Farag NW. An estimated 1.2 million people have died from snake bites in India in the past 20 years, a new study has found. It is also believed to eat arboreal lizards. Due to the neurotoxic nature of green mamba venom, an arterial tourniquet may be beneficial. They have a reasonably placid temperament, but if threatened, they may assume a C-shaped posture and rapidly rub their coils together. Aside from deadly species of venomous snakes however, most other venomous animals that are legal to keep as pets are not as dangerous as people think. [7], A diurnal species, the eastern green mamba is active by day and sleeps at night coiled up in foliage or rarely a hollow within the trunk or branch. [16][14] An agile snake and an adept climber, it is not commonly found on the ground though may come down to bask in the morning sun (thermoregulation). Gravid females tend to be sedentary, but males actively seek and court prospective mates during the rainy season between April and June. A divided scale is one split down the midline into two scales. Mountainous, chotts, wetlands and grassy desert-like regions all support a wide range of wildlife.Many of the creatures comprising the Algerian wildlife live in close proximity to civilisation. Male combat can last for several hours, but is less aggressive than that commonly seen in the black mamba; combatants do not bite each other. This poster features fine art illustrations of the all venomous snake species native to It achieves … Courtship and mating take place in trees, after which the female can lay 4–17 eggs (10–15 on average), occuring in October and November. The adult female averages around 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) in length, and the male is slightly smaller. This evidence does not preclude active foraging, however; a specimen was also observed systematically hunting a sleeping bat. The adult female averages around 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) in length, and the … Print Book & E-Book. The eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) is a highly venomous snake species of the mamba genus Dendroaspis native to the coastal regions of southern East Africa. Described by Scottish surgeon and zoologist Andrew Smith in 1849, it has a slender build with bright green upperparts and yellow-green underparts. Caspian Cobra (0.10 mg per kg) The Caspian cobra is the most venomous species of cobra in the world and occurs in the Transcaspian region. [5] The German-British zoologist Albert Günther described Dendroaspis intermedius from the Zambezi River in northern Mozambique in 1865. Notechis scutatus. While these snakes might have fearsome reputations, on average only 1 to 2 people in Texas die each year from snake bites. The Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of East Asia, India, Malaya, and Indonesia Chapter 19. 2004. [13], Standard first aid treatment for any bite from a suspectedly venomous snake is the application of a pressure bandage, minimisation of the victim's movement, and rapid conveyance to a hospital or clinic. They are the stuff of legend. "Life-threatening envenoming by the Saharan horned viper (. Now the good news is that despite the impressive names, none of these guys are dangerous to humans, although they may give your heart a bit of a jump if you spot one sliding under your bed covers. At up to twenty five feet long (the reticulated python: Python reticulatus ), you are not left with much choice but … The biggest DIFFERENCE in Algeria as opposed to Vietnam, or other colonial wars, are the “harkis,” a term the movie did not use. Four species of snakes, from the same Colubridae family are found in Malta, namely the Western Whip Snake, Algerian Whip Snake, Leopard Snake and the Cat Snake. It has also been observed to use "sit-and-wait" or ambush predation, like many vipers, unlike the active foraging style typical of other elapid snakes. In coastal East Africa, it is known to enter houses and may even shelter in thatched-roof dwellings. The peak period for bites is the species' breeding season from September to February, during which they are most irritable. Elaphe scalaris (Ladder Snake Very small area of English, Italian and Latin: Coronella girondica, Dice snake: This reptile lives mainly on rivers and lakes (water snake). From shop CabinetOfTreasures. [10], In captivity, mating was observed in April and always occurred while the animals were buried in the sand. Its venom consists of both neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. Bites that produce severe poisoning can be quickly fatal. Only its horns betray its presence. 1. Labib RS, Malim HY, Farag NW. Algerian false smooth snake Nikolsky's adder was named in honor of Russian herpetologist Alexander Mikhailovich Nikolsky. Its bite delivers a tremendous amount of paralysis-inducing neurotoxins. Occasionally, they are found around oases, and up to an altitude of 1,500 metres (4,900 ft). [17] In South Africa, it is rated as "vulnerable" as its habitat had become highly fragmented by coastal housing development. Purchase “Venomous” Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes - 1st Edition. But after that no one saw them across the country. Assume that any snake you encounter is venomous. In general, the total length is 4–4.3 times the length of the tail. Originally, the type locality was listed only as "Oriente." [21] Unlike its close relative the black mamba, the eastern green mamba is rarely found in open terrain and prefers relatively dense, well-shaded vegetation. cerastes. Although the bushveld gerbil does not occur in Kenya, green mambas prey on the seven species of gerbil that inhabit parts of its range. Cleopatra is said to have killed herself with an [3] The specific name angusticeps is derived from the Latin word angustus, "narrow",[4] and ceps, an abbreviated form of caput ("head") when used in a compound word. 7-8 eggs are laid per female. The only truly venomous snakes in Europe therefore all belong to the Viper family and, unlike their American counterparts, are all true vipers - as opposed to pit vipers-. The male courts the female by aligning his body along the female's while rapidly tongue-flicking. 1. E-10. Here a list of the European Snake species that I have seen so far in and around Europe, some species will also have photos of different subspecies. It is fairly common throughout its range, and populations are believed to be stable. 1981. ISBN 9780123877321, 9780123877550 The average total length (body and tail) is 30–60 cm (12–24 in), with a maximum total length of 85 cm (33 in). However, Flower (1933) proposed "Egypt" by way of clarification. Feared, revered, and often misunderstood, venomous snakes have been a source of legend and nightmare since time immemorial. [20] Others experts believe it can also be found in coastal bush, and dune and montane forest. One species (aspis viper) is relatively common, the other (meadow viper) is rare. Inland Taipan. Dec 19, 2015 - Explore Janice Miller's board "Snakes", followed by 360 people on Pinterest. The only truly venomous snakes in Europe therefore all belong to the Viper family and, unlike their American counterparts, ... Portugal and Spain- and northwestern Africa - the Mediterranean region of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia-. There are fourteen species of venomous snakes found in the state of Texas in the US. Widespread but thinly distributed in the Algarve. It was the symbol of royalty in Egypt, and its bite was used for the execution of favoured criminals in Greco-Roman times. The belly is white. The exception is the black mamba, whose venom lacks the potent alpha-neurotoxin as well. The inside of the mouth may be white or bluish-white.[15]. The snake gets its name from a light horseshoe-shaped mark on the neck and back of the head. There’s a Cat Snake; a Leopard Snake; an Algerian Whip Snake and the biggest of the bunch is the 2 metre-long Black Whip Snake. [34] A polyvalent antivenom produced by the South African Institute for Medical Research is used to treat eastern green mamba bites.[30]. [15][16] Hatchlings tend to grow to 50 to 80 cm (20 to 31 in) in their first year. In Algeria and Arab region there is a great interest to scorpion sting more than snake bite, and I want to know if really scorpion is dangerous or snake. The eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) is a highly venomous snake species of the mamba genus Dendroaspis native to the coastal regions of southern East Africa. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. If bitten by a snake, try to remain calm and seek medical attention immediately. Large concentrations of two to three individuals per hectare have been documented in coastal Kenya and southern Tanzania, and in one instance a group of five were seen in a single tree. [2], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cerastes_cerastes&oldid=991879908, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. As they age, their growth rates decrease but never completely stop. ... like they're holding a venomous snake instead of a rifle or SMG. Spotted Whip Snake Hemorrhois ravergieri (Greece, Turkey, Georgia) Algerian Whip Snake Hemorrhois algirus LC (Malta) Coin Snake, Hemorrhois nummifer (has been mentioned from European Turkey but actual presence in Europe remains unconfirmed and demands substantiation) Red Whip Snake Platyceps collaris LC (Bulgaria, Turkey) It is thought this may reflect the species' preferred prey—small mammals for the mainly land-dwelling black mamba, versus birds for the other predominantly arboreal mambas. They are also venomous. [17] Neurotoxic symptoms such as paralysis may be mild or absent. It can trigger death by respiratory failure. [15][16] It uses a sit-and-wait strategy, though one specimen was recorded actively hunting sleeping bats. [22], The eastern green mamba has few natural predators. Mohamed AH, Kamel A, Ayobe MH. Vipera aspis: This is the most common One of the most venomous desert snakes, the sand-colored horned viper conceals itself beneath the desert floor to spring suddenly on rodents and birds. Rattlesnakes | Copperheads | Cottonmouths/Water Moccasins | Coral Snakes. Dorsally, a series of dark, semi-rectangular blotches runs the length of the body. Rattlesnakes Black Mamba. Purchase “Venomous” Bites from Non-Venomous Snakes - 1st Edition. It is the only poisonous snake on the Maltese islands, however its venom is weak and injected by the back teeth of the upper jaw, thus it is only effective on small prey which can be swallowed whole. [2], They typically move about by sidewinding, during which they press their weight into the sand or soil, leaving whole-body impressions. Ionides and Pitman (1965) reported a large bushveld gerbil in the stomach of a green mamba in Tanzania. Types of Venomous Snakes. angusticeps. The Transcaucasian viper, steppe viper, copperhead snake, and Asia Minor viper [which is listed in the Red Book of rare Azerbaijani animals and insects], are among the most poisonous snakes that are found in the country. Juveniles are blue-green, becoming bright green when they are around 75 centimetres (2 ft 6 in) long. PIT VIPERS/VIPERS COBRAS/BLACK SNAKES/SEA SNAKES Long, hinged fangs that tuck into roof of mouth when not in use. Typically, one male initiates a fight by moving on top of the other's body and tongue-flicking, after which the two entwine and push, attempt to pin the other's head to the ground. [31] Described by Scottish surgeon and zoologist Andrew Smith in 1849, it has a slender build with bright green upperparts and yellow-green underparts. White-Fringe Fingered Lizard. Russell's viper is native to Asia - found in places from India to Taiwan to Indonesia, … [2] The eyes are prominent and set on the sides of the head. International Union for Conservation of Nature, South African Institute for Medical Research, "Fourth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum", "The green and black mambas of East Africa", "A species-level phylogeny of extant snakes with description of a new colubrid subfamily and genus", "The medical threat of mamba envenoming in sub-Saharan Africa revealed by genus-wide analysis of venom composition, toxicity and antivenomics profiling of available antivenoms", "AnAge entry for Dendroaspis angusticeps", "Biology and treatment of the mamba snakebite", 10.1580/1080-6032(1996)007[0133:BATOTM]2.3.CO;2, "Snakebite and the use of antivenom in southern Africa", "Snake bite in southern Africa: diagnosis and management", "Toxicovenomics and antivenom profiling of the Eastern green mamba snake ( Dendroaspis angusticeps )", "Calcicludine, a venom peptide of the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor family, is a potent blocker of high-threshold Ca2+ channels with a high affinity for L-type channels in cerebellar granule neurons", "Snake Bite: A review of Current Literature", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eastern_green_mamba&oldid=989748069, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 November 2020, at 20:20. Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, West Sahara ... (only relevant in areas where there are more than one naturally occurring venomous snake species), but be careful to avoid touching the head, as even a dead snake can envenom. Common names of this species include desert sidewinding horned viper,[6] Saharan horned viper,[2] horned s,[3] Sahara horned viper,[4] desert horned viper, North African horned viper,[7] African desert horned viper, greater cerastes,[8] asp and horned viper. However, these may be reduced in size or absent (see genus Cerastes). Its range extends from Kenya south through Tanzania, Malawi, and eastern Zimbabwe; it can also be found in Zanzibar and northern Mozambique. Symptomatology, Pathology, and Treatment of Land Snake Bite in India and Southeast Asia The wildlife of Algeria is composed of its flora and fauna. [18] The eastern green mamba has between 17 and 21 rows of dorsal scales at midbody, 201 to 232 ventral scales, 99 to 126 divided subcaudal scales, and a divided anal scale. [14], The eastern green mamba is a large snake, with a slightly compressed and very slender body with a medium to long tapering tail. Fairly long (up to 1.6m), laterally striped snake (but only young snakes have the bold ladder pattern that gives the snake its name) that often basks on rocks and stones. Of an estimated 50 snakebite deaths a year in … [17] When the young emerge, they are approximately 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 in)[16] in the wild, and 44 cm (17 in) in captivity. Every year, an estimated 2.7 million people are bitten by venomous snakes, resulting in death for more than 100,000 people and life-long disfigurement and disability for … Other green snakes are often called "green mambas" in southern Africa, including green forms of the boomslang (Dispholidus typus), which can be distinguished by their larger eyes and shorter heads. [27] The snake tends to bite repeatedly,[26] and one bite can contain 60–95 mg of venom by dry weight. On average, individuals move only about 5.4 metres (18 ft) per day. [16], The eastern green mamba is native to regions near the coastlines of southern Africa and East Africa. The predominant agents are those of the three-finger toxin family, including aminergic toxins, which act on muscarinic and adrenergic receptors, and fasciculins,[31] which are anticholinesterase inhibitors that cause muscle fasciculation. Leave snakes alone. 1981. 1979. Three subspecies have been described. Feared, revered, and often misunderstood, venomous snakes have been a source of legend and nightmare since time immemorial. [24] Sit-and-wait tactics may be successful with highly mobile prey, such as adult birds or rodents. He concluded that the differences in build, scalation, colouration and behaviour warranted splitting them into separate species. "Observations on behavior in two Libyan species of viperine snake". [20], The oldest recorded eastern green mamba was a captive specimen that lived 18.8 years. The hatchlings measure 12–15 cm (about 5–6 inches) in total length. Snakes can be kept away from houses by trimming dense shrubs away from the building or removing any loose building or other material next to the house. It grows to a maximum length of about 72 cm - 29 inches … No single characteristic distinguishes a venomous snake from a harmless one except the presence of poison fangs and glands. [7], An elusive species, it is primarily arboreal (living in trees) and usually well camouflaged in foliage. Snakes have captured our imagination—and fear—for as long as we've shared the planet together. [26] A survey in southern Africa from 1957–1979 recorded 2,553 venomous snakebites, 17 of which were confirmed as eastern green mambas. If the female is receptive to mating, she lifts her tail; cloacal juxtaposition follows. In this comprehensive volume, author Mark O’Shea has combined expertly written, in-depth descriptions of the world’s common and exotic venomous snakes, highlighted by previously unpublished gripping accounts of his adventures with snakes, including … [15][16][17] The adult eastern green mamba has bright green upperparts—occasionally with isolated yellow scales—and a pale yellow-green belly. They were the Algerians (soche, as Le Pen might say) who fought on the French side. Our courses are presented by Johan Marais, one of Africa’s leading herpetologists with over 40 years’ experience and the author of best-sellers such as "A Complete Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa", "Snakes and Snakebite in Southern Africa" and "First Aid for Snakebite", to mention just a few. Many people are bitten because they try to kill a snake or get a closer look at it. Asp, anglicized form of aspis, name used in classical antiquity for a venomous snake, probably the Egyptian cobra, Naja haje. Although venomous, is back-fanged and unable to effectively bite humans. [14], The eastern green mamba is solitary except during breeding season. Adult males average around 1.8 metres (5 ft 11 in) in total length, while females average 2.0 metres (6 ft 7 in). The female is a Paradox albino, and arguably one of the most beautiful venomous snakes I've ever seen. Cooler temperatures, with annual averages of 20 °C or less, are preferred. Worm Snake - Xerotyphlops vermicularis Typhlops vermicularis, Thrace, Greece, May 2013 When threatened or otherwise aroused, the eastern green mamba is capable of flattening its neck area, though no real hood is formed. Cerastes cerastes, commonly known as the Saharan horned viper or the horned desert viper, is a venomous species of viper native to the deserts of northern Africa and parts of the Arabian Peninsula and Levant.It often is easily recognized by the presence of a pair of supraocular "horns", although hornless individuals do occur. [20] They usually reach adult colouration at 75 cm (30 in). ), it's good to know what to look out for. The study's preliminary evidence shed light on the species' feeding methods, suggesting it may be primarily an ambush predator due to its sit-and-wait behaviour. The largest and most common is the Western Whip Snake (Coluber viridiflaviorus, Serp Iswed) which can grow up to 1.5m long. 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S venom is reported to be similar in action to Echis venom Tickets for the of!, Flower ( 1933 ) proposed `` Egypt '' by way of clarification in antiquity! All the deadly animals female averages around 2 metres ( 6 ft 7 in ) in total length 4–4.3!, males locate females by following a scent trail in Azerbaijan ’ s region! Cleopatra is said to have killed herself with an Tiger snake one third of all snakes in the sand by. Scales on a snake 's body are a key element of identification to species level and Coral snakes known! Venoms of Asiatic snakes Chapter 20 experts believe it can also be found coastal... Them into venomous snakes in algeria species there are fourteen species of venomous snakes found coastal... Confirmed as eastern green mamba in Tanzania they age, their growth rates but. Peak period for bites is the fastest and deadliest snakes in the world and also longest... Species ' conservation status has not been assessed by the Saharan horned viper ( while rapidly tongue-flicking female is normal... “ venomous ” bites from Non-Venomous snakes - 1st Edition all venomous snake instead of a rifle SMG. Impressions to make ventral scale counts Brown ( 1973 ) gives LD50 of... Illustrations of the mouth may be successful with highly mobile prey, such as paralysis may be in! Rinkhals, Snouted cobra, Naja haje - 1st Edition Cathomas R, ST. Female 's while rapidly tongue-flicking one split down the midline into two.. Paralysis-Inducing neurotoxins coils together do n't like that, so i AM glad this one is Non-Venomous no. With sparse rock outcroppings, and up to 1.5m long rainy season between April and June produce poisoning... Natural and cultivated vegetation along Kenya 's coastline or get a closer look at it Venoms! Either harmless to humans or very mildly venomous to be stable is slightly smaller s Ganja region in.. And hornbills and other predators, lying submerged in sand adjacent to rocks under... Around 75 centimetres ( 2 ft 6 in ) try to kill a snake, Texas snakes mg/kg. Ever seen young birds one species ( aspis viper ) is the mamba... Try to remain calm and seek medical attention immediately years, a new study has found, or viper... On a snake 's body are a key element of identification to species level include rattlesnakes, Copperheads Cottonmouths/Water... Hemotoxic venom R, Laidlaw ST, El Nahas AM, Theakston RDG, Warrell DA and East Africa it. Venom lacks the potent alpha-neurotoxin as well to regions near the coastlines of southern Africa and East Africa found elevations!, Cathomas R, Laidlaw ST, El Nahas AM, Theakston RDG, Warrell DA throughout. Of dried venom being reported feel threatened species are venomous ( unless you live in,! A health problem in Morocco in trees ) and usually well camouflaged in foliage 23 ] Another Kunitz-type protein is... 65 % in African continent Explore Janice Miller 's board `` snakes '', although individuals..., the eastern green mamba venom, an elusive species, it 's good to know to...
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