o Watch and learn exercises - Teachers can post a video lecture or a procedural video of a subject topic either Background: Throughout medical education, students are gradually incorporated into authentic clinical practice scenarios. References: Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence. Sit & talk with peers nearby Active learning: Create a teaching and learning environment primed for student participation, such as calling on students to answer a question, individual reflection, think pair share and group problem-solving. Utilizing active learning strategies can help. However, it is important to consider selecting appropriate methods that make training and learning more appealing and effective in your classroom. It is important to realize that in order to be successful in medical school, reviewing study material over and over again is a must. Students can listen to the podcasts and finally answer a self-assessment questionnaire or a rubric. Ask Questions. Objectives: This study aimed to gain an understanding of the perceptions of 4th-year medical students about a training course in communication skills with 'experiential learning' characteristics, completed over the past two years. Measuring medical students’ reflection on their learning: modification and validation of the motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) Diantha Soemantri1*, Geoff Mccoll2 and Agnes Dodds3 Abstract Background: Reflection on learning is an essential component of effective learning. Remind students to include diagramming, sketching, and creating graphic organizers when they study at home. Medical educators should consider strategies that foster more intrinsic drivers of student learning and more student-oriented learning resources and activities. Deliberate practice is characterised by attention, concentration, effort and repetition of skills; it is an important tool for developing and maintaining professional expertise. Deconstructing the 1. Furthermore, even students with learning strategies that were effective in secondary school and undergraduate coursework often experience excessive levels of stress from the typical first-year medical curriculum1. Online learning provides students with the time they need to actively reflect and organize their thoughts before answering a question or making a comment. 2012; 34: e58–e63 WEB PAPER Global health education for medical students: New learning opportunities and strategies BRIAN W. GOLDNER1 & ROBERT C. BOLLINGER2 1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA, 2Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Abstract Background: A new course was offered to introduce basic global health concepts to all first year Johns Hopkins medical students, The learning associated with preparing for and teaching medical students and residents has long been recognized as an appropriate learning activity for which AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ may be claimed.In contrast, the learning associated with preparing and teaching at a live certified CME activity has long been recognized as an activity that may be certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Two more pieces of advice on how to maximize these strategies for learning: Combine them. Student Strategies for Success: OMERAD Teaches Learning Strategies to Incoming Medical Students The OMERAD unit works to increase the quality of teaching and learning in the medical school. Do something that is a bit easier or more enjoyable for you (in terms of study The students who fail to implement proper study methods flunk out or barely pass. What may have worked yesterday may no longer be effective today. Problem: Educating medical students and residents in the office presents the challenges of providing quality medical care, maintaining efficiency, and incorporating meaningful educa-tion for learners. Although nursing students had a higher mean score for extrinsic goal orientation compared to medical students (p < 0.001), medical students had higher mean scores for the other four learning strategies measured: peer learning (p = 0.003), help seeking (p = 0.008), critical thinking (p = 0.058), and time and study environment management (p < 0.001).